by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The poster above is an ad for a children’s camp in the Virgin Islands. The “fruits” reference is to the New Testament, Galatians 5:22 –
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Cherilyn is a missionary there, bringing God’s love, and supervising a summer camp. I learned about her when reading a book by Andrew Wakefield, MD, entitled Waging War on the Autistic Child. Believe it or not, it is the story of how her parents’ five younger children were grabbed by the state on the basis that both parents had “Munchausen syndrome by Proxy.”
No seriously I mean it. The children had major medical problems, such as gastroenterological symptoms connected to their autism, but someone succeeded in demonstrating that it was really the parents who were the problem!
I would not be surprised if this was an all-time first: both the Mom and the Dad being “diagnosed” with Munchausen, which means they have such an urge for medical attention themselves that they sort of project it onto their child. In this case not one child but 5.
Among the guilty (in my opinion) were a court, a CPS agency, and some doctors whom I can only think of as vicious. Cherilyn says at her blogspot:
On July 15, 2010, I got a phone call from my parents telling me that the government had taken my 5 autistic siblings away. They had been taken without any notice or warning and been placed into three different foster home. That call tore my heart into shreds. I have never had such a physical reaction to any words the way I did when my mom told me they had taken the kids.
I felt like I had been stabbed through the heart, I couldn’t breathe, and I was shaking …All of the charges are 10,000% false. My parents have never done anything but love and follow God, and teach their children to do the same.
They have invested their lives into their children so this was insane and has thrown my family into Chaos.
Wakefield’s Books
Andrew Wakefield’s earlier book, Callous Disregard, had to do with his losing his medical license in the UK. He was accused of having “callous disregard” for his obligations as a pediatric gastroenterologist. Whew! The case against him was largely in the hands of a journalist named Brian Deer.
This book, Waging War against the Autistic Child, is different. About 80% of it is medical information, readable by a layperson. The dedication page says:
“To fellow travelers, including John Walker-Smith, Arthur Krigsman, Lenny Gonzales, Federico Balzola, and all those who have come to realize that the bowel bone’s connected to the brain bone. You were right.”
He researched the gut problems of the 5 children in this family to prove that the parents were not “making it up.” He writes:
“Following an analysis of the family’s prospect for reunification by the Foster Care Review Board, part of the Judicial Branch of the Arizona Supreme Court, on May 23, 2011, the findings were prepared or submission to the new judge – Judge Brutinel’s successor – Judge Ethan Wolfinger.
“The board’s clear view was that the children’s biological parents should forfeit all right and that the children should be placed in permanent foster care…. The biological parents had not shown meaningful progress, which included a signed confession of their guilt…. guilt of medical, emotional and psychological abuse of their children.
Judge Wolfinger, showing wisdom…ordered that the children be returned home to their parents. The mother likened the scene to the wining players’ Superbowl celebration seconds after the final whistle.
“The children asked for and were granted permission to bounce on their beds. At this stage the beds were just mattresses and box springs on the floor. To have erected the children’s beds before this day would have been tempting fate.”
You may recall my review of Keith Harmon Snow’s book, “In the Worst Interests of the Child.” It is about a mother in Connecticut who lost her child to a pedo father – with her being blamed as the baddy. The author, Keith Snow uncovered a nest of vipers, oops sorry I mean a group of doctors, who were responsible for much of the damage.
Andrew Wakefield also pins the blame on four female doctors whom he labels The Sorority.
It’s all too sad. I don’t want to talk about it.
Back to Cherilyn, the older girl, who also had been grabbed by CPS, 20 years ago, and suffered for it, and still does. She finds peace in her work at St Croix. You may wish to visit her website which is full of prayer.
She writes:
Please God, You are the only one that can make this nightmare end. You can take it and turn it into a “Happily ever after.” Please God, let your mercy reign over them and your justice fall on their accusers. Bring truth to the situation and peace over their hearts. ~Cherilyn Derusha
What is really sad is that some people believe their physical protection can be provided only by a god. These are lost souls indeed.
The only thing that will ever save people, are The People… all of the people, acting for the people.
As long as we place power in the hands of elites we will harvest corruption and destruction. It matters not if we PR brand these elites as doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, scientists, padres, or academics; people power in the hand of one, corrupts. Paine, Acton and Lincoln could not have put is more clearly and still we do not listen.
“Trust in God But Tie Your Camel”
Arab proverb
“speak softly and carry a big stick”
Theodore Roosevelt.
Tony -First we need to know the history and the truth: of people “Missionaries;” place ‘Virgin Islands” and time – 2019.
Mary-“The “fruits” reference is to the New Testament, Galatians 5:22 –
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Cherilyn is a missionary there, bringing God’s love, and supervising a summer camp.”
Ah — Sounds like Morrison’s mantra re Hillsong version of love and chanting [brain washing] and jobs for growth.
Today when I read this article I note written on a scrap of paper next to my computer- a recent msm message–abc– “promoting people /youth with “autism” they are an attribute- for the workforce of the future.” Ah Mary I know you know of the first case of autism–UK I believe.Part of the plan.
By the wayI know of the real attributes those with autism bring, a Knowing Wisdom from another dimension.
The autists at 4Chan would be happy with you, Diane 😉
YWAM, like Hillsong, is an AOG organisation and like every registered church and charity they are both tax-exempt businesses. Which of course means they are both government proxies. That doesn’t mean that every individual member is up to no good but it certainly puts a strict limitation on what can be achieved and, as everyone knows, such establishments are a hot bed for a whole range of abuses.
I was involved with AOG between 1980 – ‘82. Even in that brief period I saw things that really didn’t sit right.
What really gets up my nose re every denomination is that they all claim to be apolitical. In my view everybody is political by virtue of being human. Those who deny it are just plain irresponsible and dishonest
“As long as we place power in the hands of elites we will harvest corruption and destruction.”
Tony I think it is uavoidabole to place power in those we think can do the job. I would rephrase your comment:
As long as we place power in the hands of elites we will harvest corruption and destruction unless we be good monitors and whoop their sorry arse if they stray from their obligaitons.
Dealing with government officers is like dealing with certain farm animals: If you don’t want to get attacked you have to let them let them know whose boss. They really don’t understand any other language.
After my 1st “negative” encounter with a particular Education Department minion I contacted a support person who, like you, had a law degree. After a fairly long discussion she wound up saying “What you’ve got to remember is that these people are not your friends” . Those words still resonate.
I started to take a good hard look at who was and wasn’t getting bashed and I started noticing all sorts of things that had hitherto escaped my attention.
Perhaps we need to learn the history, the background, the source of everything we speak of– that is putting it in the current context of the times we live in–yes challenging- because so much has been hidden- yet the web has exposed so much–too much information.
Would love to see everyone look to their own story.” What’s your name? Who is your family? Where is your country? What is your story?” A circuit breaker???
For me, The Balfour Declaration is the smoking gun for me. I consider it the ‘enslavement’ of the british peoples for the creation of the state of Israel. The deal was that the Zionists would steer the USA into war alongside Britain, who was losing the war against Germany. Now imagine that: a foreign state manipulating the US into war.
On the Youtube channel ‘And We Know’ one of their videos touched upon this: decoding one of Trumps tweets as saying that the Balfour Declaration was forced onto the British.
Woodrow Wilson also stated that ‘they’ had been in control since at least the time of Andrew Jackson.
Dear Justin, and Everybody, with humble apologies for my ongoing stubbornness. I don’t think the “they” is Israel, no matter how much it may look like it.
Couldn’t it be “the Globalists,” more or less sans nationality?
King Ed 7th (I mean Bertie) was very much in cahoots with the push for WWI. Does he have a hidden love for Israel over the Brits?
Granted, Woodrow Cowardly Wilson was pressured, but think back to his election. The way was paved for him when Teddy Roos acted as a 3rd party candidate (Bull Moose) to split the vote. Was Teddy in love with the not-yet-existing Israel? Or the conept of Zion?
Isn’t it Albert Pike’s plan to get the Arab states wiped out and then wipe out Israel?
Does this have anything to do with autism? Sure does!
Have you heard of The Kalergi Plan?
Once you see that whites are being targetted for genocide, all the government’s policies make sense.
Immigration (especially, and tied in with antiracism), feminism (reduce our birthrates), encourage homosexuality (reduce birthrates, increase disease),environmentalism (have less babies because global warming), offshoring our industries…
You see strange laws that don’t make sense in our democracies, like prison for questioning the holocaust, and now you see more and more laws protecting (((them))), like congress voting
something like 429 to 3 to condemn anti-semitism around the world, how now there are 29 states in the US that their governments will not do business with you if you support BDS. You cannot even suggest that they may be more loyal to Israel than the US (for those that live there). Nevermind that Judea declared economic war against Germany in 1933 (this effectively stopped german goods being able to be purchased virtually everywhere in the world). A bit of hypocrisy?
When you see how many Jews are in the corridors of power in the US (even in western countries in general), wouldnt you wonder if the US was really under occupation? Maybe reciprocal representation should be a thing. (Cont)
Watch how many Jews say that we should embrace things like immigration when they would not accept such things for Israel (and pretending to be white whilst doing so)
Now certainly I would not say ‘All Jews’ but Israel does seem to be an effective haven for the criminals to flee to, or operate from, without fear of accountability. This does not mean every jew living there is complicit. Brainwashing happens to jews about as much as westerners are brainwashed here. The Pareto ratio apllies, and shows how the majority doesn’t matter in things like state policy, for example. Can Israel be ‘under occupation’ like the US? (Khazarian Jews? Bolshevic Jews?) It certainly must be considered a possibility.
The real danger in all this is that if all white people are being targetted (don’t worry, other nations like China will come next) regardless of whether they are ‘white supremacist’ or not, how can we be surprised if some people say all Jews are responsible? This is not a path we want to go down.
people place time –connecting some dots
Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire V.I. Island Owner, Arrested For Sex Trafficking Children
By Source staff – July 8, 2019
Truth Lying -the Big Lie- Deception -Fraud
Lying does work: Just ask any Liberal Prime Minister
I am here to disagree with Diane (maybe 15%) about missionaries.
First, here is my rant about nuns. The life of the Catholic nun pre-1980, was not easy. She gets up at 5.30am, dons a crazy, uncomfortable set of garments including irritating headgear, and prays, on knees, for ‘arf-an-hour. Blah blah I won’t go thru the rest of the day.
She has forfeited: flirting, sports, travel, fashion, days off, sex, and starting a family.
There is no way she would, as an individual, do that in order to hurt people. Hence I can only guess that the vicious nuns exposed by Kevin Annett in Canada and by others in Ireland, operated under mind control, cultism or whatever. Personally, the nuns I met in my US life showed no sign of immorality or cruelty. (My piano teacher, Sister Angela, hit the back of my hands with a ruler but really she should have done a lot more than that under the circumstances.)
Still, I have read “Thy Will Be Done” about Nelson Rockefeller’s control of Latin America which included the use of Evangelical missionaries. I doubt the persons who were missionizing even knew of the existence of Nelson. I assume most were in it for God. Yet I agree with the author, Gerald Colby, that Nelson’s motives were evil. Natch.
I could swear that the Cherilyn mentioned in my article is in it for God. Maybe y’all don’t like the word “God,” but substitute “Ideals” or “kindness” and that is what drives such people. I think the symbol of “God” is a metaphor for such things as the beauty of the universe and the emotion of love.
If Cherilyn does anything positive in the Caribbean that counteracts the negativity brought by Mrs Lockherup to a neighboring island, thanks are due to Cherilyn, bigtime. (Her organization explains itself at YWAM.org.) Go, Cherilyn!
According to today’s Wall Stret Journal, the UAE has decided to stop backing the Saudi’s against Yemen. This is excellent news.
A court-scathed Mum was driving her first-grader to school in Brisbane. I was in the front seat.
From the back seat came “If you are a watermelon, you can’t be a fruit of the spirit, cuz the fruits of the spirit are love, fauifulness, gentleness and self contro-o-ol.” [sung with emphasis on the self-conto-o-ol]
Now three years later. I have just posted an article on kidnap, November 3, 2022. Go see!