Introduction by DM
Max Igan is a researcher, truth seeker, radio host, and film-maker. His latest films are “Transformation”, “The Calling”, His real given name remains anonymous and his second name is Maxwell. His last name also remains anonymous. He lived in Queensland, Australia and at the time of June 2012 he was 54 years old. The pen-name Max Igan that he has become known by is a combination of his middle name and his sons’ middle name. This is his documentary THE CALLING. Most readers are fully up to speed with the material, but maybe they can pass it on to others who are not.
This from Redacted:
Steve Kirsch interviews Geert Vanden Bossche with an ominous warning to populations of highly vaccinated countries re the currently circulating more virulent COVID variant.
The unvaxxed and healthy generally have little to fear but highly vaxxed(especially those with up to date boosters)would be advised to use prophylactic antivirals(IVM or HCQ).
The link:
Somewhere in there I think Geert mentioned a figure of 30-40% drop-off in highly boostered places, not to worry the crooked Elbow government is bringing in New Australians as fast as it can, it’s part of their communist plan to get us on global parity $2/hour equivalent
Attention: The Honourable Minister for Australia’s Communications [Michelle Rowland MP] and the rest of our Australian politicians …….. CENSOR HIM NOW, IT ‘MUST’ BE ‘deemed’ misinformation, by YOUR DEPARTMENT.
Hey, ABC, SBS, MSM and puppet shock jokes do your USUAL jobs, classify this fellow as a tin foiled hatter mad conspiracy theorist and vilify him with loads of shame……TO KEEP US SAFE. (Otherwise big pharma will not finance your media and lifestyles and continue with your placebo batches)
Seems the revenue for councils from fines is drying up. I assisted my youngest boy put together a brief to present in his defence against a fine issued by a council ranger, for parking his vehicle (no where else in the street to park) on the so called nature strip, outside his home, the road being a very narrow residential road without kerb and guttering.
So the road merges into a very limited width ‘nature strip’.
I attended court with him this morning and expected the magistrate to dismiss the fine based on my son’s well prepared brief of evidence that truly shows the council up for the money grubbers that they have become.
Instead, the council had a representative in court to contest his plea of not guilty.
So a hearing has been scheduled.
Smacks of desperation by the council.
And over a $289.00 fine?
Not guilty?
Do not like his chances⚖️
Sometimes one has to know when to ‘fold them’ for possible financial relief, considering the circumstances.
I recall an episode in the local, local court when all of the half dozen dog owner recalcitrants were summoned for not being on their ‘dog’s leash’, were brought up by the local regulator informant.
They were all called and lined up together before the Magistrate and he said:
“Right, I propose to fine each of you $x.oo, anyone not happy”.
Silence – with a few nods.
“Right , each of you is convicted and fined $x.00”.
“Next matter Sergeant”.
Terry, surely you should know. ⚖️💁🏼
A smart Alic barrister used to park his bike off the pavement across from our chambers on the small space belonging to a high rise building. He ended up as the idiot he is…. Despite a appeal.
He never played poker…. It would not be a surprise.
They’ve all become little Hilters – time their over reach was ended.
Indeed, they live in our legislatures voted in by us, controlled by bureaucratic misery egotistical control freaks with big boots. Know any?
A little story: I was stationed at Cessnock police station during the early 2000’s. A cousin was the local roads manager – cannot remember his legal title – I attended an early morning (pitch black night) single vehicle accident out at a place called, Quarrobalong – who could forget a name like that – the vehicle had run through a T intersection – not marked as per legislation due to an earlier accident at the same intersection, some months previously, that I had also attended, during daylight hours. – driver at fault.
A report of the first accident and the destroyed warning signs was issued to cousin Dale, the roads manager.
During the interim, the council had failed to re-erect all the warning signs to indicate a T intersection. So for anyone travelling from Quarrobalong not familiar with the area, and especially at night, would be onto the intersection before realizing it, overshoot the intersection and end up front end first into the irrigation ditch that was there – which is exactly what happened, and why I was there a second time.
I found that driver to not be at fault as he was not a local, not travelling at excessive speed due to not being familiar with the area, so, blame had to be found against the council who was at fault for not re-erecting in a timely manner all due T intersection warning signs, at that location.
So, I sent off a report via email, a hard copy followed, to cousin Dale, the roads manager, to emphasize that the council was now at fault for the accident I had just attended, and therefore open to be sued by the driver of the vehicle who had ended up in the irrigation ditch.
During my next shift, which I believe was some days later, I drove out to that location and all the signage was up!
The purpose of the story? – bureaucrats are like automatons who never think outside the parameters of the box that they are paid quite well to remain in.
T.0. – Take a look at the regulation/statute (whatever he is being prosecuted under). It may be a statutory provision that he can’t avoid (because it is the legal theory of legal positivism). If so, that is why Ned said you have to know when to ‘hold them, when to fold them and when to walk away’.
The magistrates/judges will also ‘fiddle’ with their interpretations to come to their desired result. You wouldn’t believe some of the sophistry I’ve heard. Then, there is also the times the judges will LIE about the evidence presented to them or the law itself. – Hell, just look at Martin Bryant!
Here is an article I wrote some 5 years ago.
Maritime Law or Admiralty Law – that has been placed above our original Constitution and beyond what every judge or magistrate once chose to abide by – common law decisions.
They’ve made it an exclusive legal Club, and We the People ain’t in it!
Terry – thanks for the tip – I know only too well how they play their little games, and how the system is rigged in their favor.
The Council will be receiving a request to provide their legal definition of what exactly a ‘nature strip’ is, and what exceptions apply, if any, and how council ‘maintains’ its nature strips in residential areas where there exists no kerb or guttering, and how that fits into their ‘blanket’ legal definition.
Where there’s a will there is always a way.
Thanks Ned – I will pass on your thoughts. My son knows only too well that if he loses this contest it will be open slather from the council rangers as to his parking restrictions.
My youngest boy has my blood and determination and shares a strong sense of justice.
This will be a good test for him and his ability in fighting against adversity and bureaucratic bullshit.
Yes, the request from council could be a good play.
I had two recalcitrants charged for not leaving licensed premises.
On the 9.30 mention before a full local court, the LEARNED MAGISTRATE O’Shane (sp.) heard our plea of ‘not guilty’ and asked ‘what is your defence’?
I replied ‘not guilty your Worship’ (as they then were)
Well how impertent, was I as she glared at me.
Right, the court stated, I will start your matter at 11.45.
In short, after another day she had to dismiss the charges against each.
⚖️🤣 I subpoenaed the boundaries of the licensed premises, the boundary marked plan….. did not include the footpath and patrons tables on the footpath.🙀⚖️🤷🤣
Go for it.
Pat O’Shane, now there was a work of chaos. Definitely a ‘diversity’ hire.
Thanks for the encouragement Ned.
Yes, encouragement ……not advice.🙀🤣
Where do we send our invoices?💰💰
Alright, just tell your son to accept my best wishes; for a prosperous New year and Merry Christmas.
I cannot speak for Terry. …. Maybe he needs a bag chicken droppings for his spuds?
They will defend the petty fine at all costs, especially relative to black and white legislation. Any outcome which sets a precedent could be detrimental to them as revenue having to be paid back to past cases for the same prosecution. Others here are giving you sound advice, know when to call it a loss. Your only comeback are the rules themselves, potholes in the road, footpaths that are trip hazards, trees that are not trimmed at 4.3mts in line with the kerb or one that I used – they cut the driveway to my home to install utilities only to patch with bitumen. I pulled up their standard for a driveway layback which I had to comply with when renovating and used that to make them restore the layback to their standard.
Thanks Frankly – I’ve had some experience with their bullshit ‘legal construct’, both as a cop and as a civilian.
When building our present home (third house) I actually had to point out several inconsistencies to the council building inspector and as we were on a septic system, the water ways inspector.
They wanted to impose some ‘legislative’ aspects that they had no real authority in pushing upon me.
They think we are all stupid.
Just want to add:
Thats the normal protocol to wash a vehicle after a shift. It does indicate to me, this is likely a genuine outreach, by a operator(officer).
Plausible deniability to the operator(note cams face forward, was this defaced(this can be a heavy thing) transport the last in line).
Either way, the heat is heating the heat and somebody might want to retrain as a sign-writer
I don’t do # tags, only the gums, but I welcome any feed back on ~ myspace should anyone be sus about stuff
crazy year but in hindsight
“A GAY old time”!
Those were the days, I had a university friend named Gay-briel.
what goes on at band camp stays on band camp prisoner x – winkwink
at least the current divide is still giving some humour possibilities
And she nearly married a fellow called Mr. Lay.
You think this year was crazy? Buckle up! The craziness is about to hit over-drive.
Government trying to sneak through Digital Identity Bill….
Yes, the work of Senator Gallagher (ACT) I understand…..from where else?
There are some senators exposing this underhanded activity from the ACT for foreign globalist anti-Australian agendas.
Wonder if the ABC and/or SBS inform the public and let us know who are the members who will honour the sacrifices of our soldiers for AUSTRALIA and keep us sovereign and free.
Politicians who do not put Australia first should be banned from all ANZAC services…… they should not just turn up as hypocrites and spit on our veteran’s graves.
I suspect tomorrow many at GS will be awakened furher.
Bloody hell, Mike Rivero at has jumped our gun with the Brigden section in the UK petition hearing.
Maybe I should not have brought him up to date💁🏼🤣🙀
6.40 20/12
Not to worry, I have sent Dee the Hansard record with All the speakers commencing with Chope.
Terry O.
We must be one of the only few who are having fun here these days.
Episode 3239 at
Trafficking and pedos,
Epstein lists.
Q posts foreshadowed, cited and understood.
Bloody late, have now heard this episode, those normies who do not understand; policing, investigations, advancing within the law and prosecuting have no friggin clue. All fun movie.
Bloody hell, a repeat?
Terry O.
Episode 3239
Note first ten minutes,
Child trafficking, pedos, Epstein list and more.
We must be just a few who understand; foreshadowed Q posts, a sting operation, investigations, evidence, policing and prosecutions within the law.
Great movie.💁🏼⚖️⛓️👻
No matter how many bombs are dropped, no matter how many innocent children are sacrificed and shot like game, no matter the cost we support them and send our youth in military to ‘defend’ their overseas wars of acquisitions since 1914. Same as it ever was, now enhanced with AI gospel, people no longer necessary to build the walls, with the not so great replacement that is AI.
“Same as it ever was…..”