Home Corona Another Great Meltdown

Another Great Meltdown


J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor

The Chinese Communist Party is building quarantine facilities for 250,000 persons in Guangzhou, the hinterland of Hong Kong. The entire population of Hong Kong is just over 7 million, so the new facilities could ultimately detain about one in 30 recalcitrant Hong Kong citizens.

Reuters Guangzhou to build 250,000 quarantine link.



Forecasts of a global economic meltdown are increasing but there is no substantial difference between this and any other landscape. Just because the fiat currency is being created faster than before, means little, it has very little effect on the real price of assets. A house is still a house, and equal to a bar of gold of a particular size, which is equal to a certain amount of labour, while the printed money (or worse, e-money) devalues on a daily basis, as it is created daily by banks, central and private, for their clients.

The actual concerns mostly involve debt, notably ten-year bonds, and some individuals are mired so deeply in debt that things can only ever end badly for them, this condition is natural.

Debt is a product of money creation and doesn’t affect the viability or existence of assets very much. Their viability, or lack of viability, is inherent, it doesn’t relate to financial engineering. A new owner can always take over any worthwhile project. The finance is like a ruler which measures things relative to a scale we call dollars. The act of measuring has no effect on the actual intrinsic value of the asset. The cumulative effect of all this measuring combined with prospects of fast money does have an effect on the collective psyche but this would not much influence the sober minds at the top of the pyramid.

Talk of the BRICS gold-based currency is just talk, the BRICS will revert to excessive money creation as soon as they possibly can, and will have to go back to the old way of occasionally devaluing their money when they are forced to confront reality. Before the floating of the Australian dollar (1983), in line with international moves, dollars were regularly devalued by government proclamation. It’s not possible to have a fiat currency without it being corrupted in various ways. For this exercise in legitimising excess money printing, the politician Paul Keating was lauded as the “World’s Greatest Treasurer” by a magazine.

So what is an economic collapse all about, really? The answer is, it is simply organised theft, arranged to suit a particular set of conditions. Those in the know, those with the power, choose a time and place to seize assets from the weak and unwitting. Every economic meltdown is the same, and every economic boom is the same, the worker keeps working and the rich get richer. It’s the same under communism, capitalism, feudalism. Democracy is an illusion designed to conceal the powerful.

The boom is created by new technology or acquisition of some asset, such as a gold rush, then the eventual bust is enhanced by the manipulations of the finance industry, which sets out to over-leverage and prey on any optimism they can find in the host population.

We can see any great manipulation of any society is done for the same reason, we can see the quarantines in China are for the purpose of halting the consumer economy which was running hot and now instead the government is plundering the masses. The current, escalated war with Russia is to attempt to defend all-important US dollar (Western) hegemony, and in the interim, to transfer money from the gullible masses to the proprietors of the Military Industrial Complexes. Both sides profit via the latter, while diplomats languish at the sidelines, on full pay.

In every case, with all these events, if the outcome is that the masses are damaged and impoverished and put back to work, while the powerful are enriched, the outcome was no accident, this is what was planned and intended. There is a saying that bankers funded both sides of every war and this arrangement has never had any reason to end.

In Australia this week the superficial face-masks are being re-introduced (notably not in Victoria where there is an election underway), and in Labor Party-governed states, hospital workers are being blackmailed to accept the experimental injections, unions are being told to shut down their Facebook comments and that striking for higher wages is not allowed for six months. This is a combination of assault, slavery, cancelling of free speech and ongoing theft by stealth (inflation), and the shift is happening in lockstep, organisation apparently coming via the advisory office of the Chief Medical Officer. The individual in charge was previously involved with a project to track Flu-Vaxxed influenza victims so presumably has an ongoing career-developmental interest in this, perhaps aiming for a job in Geneva.

Everyone by now is capable of understanding that the pandemic was a ruse, catering to certain vested interests, and extending it permanently is a fraud. The government’s measures are pointless and mostly don’t work. There was no pandemic in countries which ignored it, places where people couldn’t afford face masks, where they had no choice but to keep going with their subsistence lifestyles.

Incredibly, the fully infiltrated Australian Labor Party, the political party originally created by the Trade Unions, is busily engaged in stealing freedom and money from the workers. Incredibly, very few of those affected seem to fully understand what is going on. Their property, money and rights are being pilfered from them, and it’s being done right in front of their blank and uncomprehending faces.

Addition by DM: Talking about Chinese social credit scores…



      • Chinese socialism is the anti-thesis of Karl Marx Jewish Communist Manifesto

        Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era

        ——By Acting Consul General Tang Chang’an, published on Cape Times, November 16.


        THE 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) kicked off in Beijing on October 16 , marking a key milestone in the CPC’s history .

        The theme of the congress is hold ing high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics , fully implementing the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era , carrying forward the great founding spirit of the party , stay ing confident and building strength , upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground , forging ahead with enterprise and fortitude , and striving in unity to build a modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts .

        The congress elected a new CPC central committee , with President Xi Jinping as the general secretary .

        Xi said : ” We shall keep in mind the party’s nature and purpose and our mission and responsibility , and work diligently in the performance of our duty , to prove worthy of the great trust of the party and our people .”

        ” We will always ride out the storm with our people and stay heart to heart with them . Taking their priorities as ours and acting on their wishes , we will continue working hard to turn their aspiration for a better life into a living reality . ”

        He continued : ” On the journey ahead , we shall always champion the common values of humanity .”

        ” The world is grappling with unprecedented challenges . We have consistently called on the people of the world to grasp and shape the future and destiny of humanity . When all countries pursue the cause of the com mon good , we can live in harmony , engage in co-operation for mutual benefit and join hands to create a brighter future .

        ” Just as China cannot develop in isolation from the world , the world needs China for its development . China will open its door ever wider . We will be steadfast in deepening reform and opening up across the board and in pursuing high – quality development . A prosperous China will create many more opportunities for the world . ”

        His vision and thought show a commitment to friendship and soli-darity with the people of the world and open a new and historic chapter in China – South Africa relations .

        The 20th National Congress is a meeting of great importance that takes place at a critical time as the entire party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups embark on a new journey to build China into a modern socialist country and advance toward the second centenary goal .

        We have witnessed numerous remarkable achievements . A total of 832 impoverished counties and close to 100 million poor rural residents have been lifted out of poverty , and , among them , more than 9.6 million poverty-stricken people have been relocated from inhospitable areas .

        In the past decade , China’s GDP has grown from 54 trillion yuan to 114 trillion yuan to account for 18.5 % of the world economy , up 7.2 percent age points . China has remained the world’s second – largest economy .

        China and South Africa established diplomatic relations in 1998 and have since further developed a strategic partnership with shared insights and perspectives . In 2021 , total trade between South Africa and China reached $ 54.35 billion , with China investing more than $ 25bn in South Africa . To date , there are 200 Chinese companies operating in South Africa .

        We firmly believe that our two parties and two countries will grasp opportunities and meet challenges .

        We have been working to foster the China – Africa community with a shared future in the new era , which is a new practice for building the human community with a shared future .

        We will choose peaceful development and win-win co-operation and move forward hand in hand with all progressive forces , including South Africa , and will continue to promote the building of a China-South Africa , China-Africa community with a shared future !

  1. Chinese city of Guangzhou to build giant Covid-19 quarantine facility with 5,000 spaces for international travellers

    Leading respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan says local hotels are not equipped to stop the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant

    Zhong says Guangdong province has been made China’s main portal to receive and quarantine those entering the country.................."


  2. Bill Gates has worked out there is big money in drainage and it’s true, if you pay less than $1000 per year in Australia you must be in a one bedroom flat. Well it’s a change from injecting kids and killing 15% of the world’s population anyway and that’s probably more important to Gates right now.

  3. re: economy, must be crumbling under interest rates in Melbourne, wouldn’t it be fun to have Dicktator Dan running a minority government, everyone should vote the minor parties to try to ensure this happens, 4 years on political death row would be a good start, wake up Victoria, you’ve been had

  4. In Kapitalism, mum and dad had hardware stores. Under Komunism there is only one store Bunnings. Instead of the sickle, it’s a hammer smashing all mums dads and children. Social credit luciferace digital ID to buy and sell is here now. To think China and Australia are any different is stupidity beyond understanding.

  5. It looks like Ita has told everyone at our crooked ABC TV to get heavily into the chortles, now they are even out-chortling Karl at channel 9. Afflicted by serious chortles was the “Planet America” team, I caught the last couple of minutes of their US mid-terms special edition and the two phonies ( one of whom was actually a Fact Checker before crumpling under the pressure ) were discussing the “red wave” turning into a puddle and being defeated by blue drips. They said “how unusual” it was that 3/4 of Americans were unhappy with the direction the USA was taking so they all voted for incumbent senators which has never happened for a century.
    Well well.
    Perhaps these muppets were trying to tell us something between chortles. It must be so hard to keep your job at crooked ABC TV under Ita the Merciless’s regime.

  6. It seems that the two greatest countries in the World (their idea) U.S. and China still have not worked out that there was never a Covid-19 virus and therefore no test for such a virus. Dearie me!

    • I have no doubt that viruses do exist but I also have no doubt that all the politically actuated control mechanisms are no more effective than trying to incarcerate a ghost. In as much as demonstrating that the entire world system is held together by vapour the Covid saga has actually been more beneficial than otherwise

  7. The corruption boggles the mind: “Hobbs was allowed to run her own election”
    She didn’t even bother to turn up to debate anyone … this one is a sitting duck.
    “Won” AZ governorship by about half a percent with no effort put in, despite Democrats being totally on the nose.
    “Watch the Water” gets more interesting
    Meanwhile over at CNN it looks like Mike Pence is trying to tell us he is the best in town since Charlton Heston.

  8. INDONESIA pushing va666ine passports for travel during the NEXT scamdemic
    Queensland traffic light system reflects these mobilised Globalist initiatives
    Social Credit system, CBDCs and systemic collapse of dollars …
    12 banks start pilot program for digital currency
    ( Henry Kissinger gets all the credit for everything, but wait, wasn’t HK also on the board of the blood tester lady who just got 11 years for fraud ??? Maybe don’t shoot the messenger, even if it is HK )
    Everyone is joining BRICS New Development Bank NDB in Shanghai including Saudis
    Rishi Sunak (?) new UK PM father-in-law developed the software

    Maria Zeee

  9. It’s all a Communist plot!

    The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried
    By Jeffrey A. TuckerJeffrey A. Tucker November 18, 2022

    “…………Among them included the pandemic-planning racket. That’s right: there were deep connections between FTX and Covid that have been cultivated for two years. Let’s have a look. 

    Earlier this year, the New York Times trumpeted a study that showed no benefit at all to the use of Ivermectin. It was supposed to be definitive. The study was funded by FTX. Why? Why was a crypto exchange so interested in the debunking of repurposed drugs in order to drive governments and people into the use of patented pharmaceuticals, even those like Remdesivir that didn’t actually work? Inquiring minds would like to know………………” 


    • Surprising just how bad the corruption gets. We see the FTX seems to have been created, probably along with a bunch of crypto currencies, in order to take them all down at a suitable time. A few days ago bitcoin itself was pronounced dead, but all the FTX impact could do was temporarily knock 14% off the price. Looking at the USD / BTC chart it seems to have had no impact at all.
      It seems all sorts of Alt-coins were developed to rip off the speculators and no doubt that is the greatest success of this particular enterprise.
      But it’s role in introducing the new CBDCs can hardly be ignored, another step on the way, as is “COP21” the climate hoax confection we have just endured, which seems to be a way to force SDRs (IMF style credit) on everyone. We need to be up to the gills with this “credit” in order to make us welcome the communist solution, the takedown of everything, all our money, all our assets, all our privacy, all our independence, the entire lot to be STOLEN by FRAUD.
      Thanks to the traitors in our midst, Health Dept and Treasury Dept along with their collaborators, all ALP and most of LNP, they are 3rd-world in their naiivete, greed and outright stoopidity.

  10. All told, all there is to go on re China is hearsay and it’s not as though we haven’t got enough on our own plates:

    The Hon. J.R. Quigley
    Attorney General YOUR REFERENCE: 67-026112/2


    I refer to my unacknowledged proposal of 26 February 2020 and the fact that the respective issues remain outstanding

    As you know, each and every one of them was engendered by departmental chauvinism the effect of which was cumulative and the onus of reparation remains on your office as elucidated in the following brief memory prompt

    1) On 12 September 2003 an Albany Magistrates Court clerk allowed a local law firm to file an un-served originating claim against me based on the purported costs of a Supreme Court withdrawal and a related Supreme Court representation issue.

    2)As I wasn’t given the opportunity of submitting a defence an encumbrance was registered against the property of the above address

    2) After that was served I managed to get it stayed by virtue of alerting the Court to the fact that a Magistrate couldn’t determine a Supreme Court issue. Due to the firm’s non-compliance with an order to file further and better particulars within 21 days, it was then removed

    3) Notwithstanding, the same registry continued to insist that the claim could still proceed and my application to have it struck out was dismissed by the same magistrate who had commandeered the entire travesty. I was therefore left with no choice but to file a counterclaim.

    4)Twelve months went by and no defence was lodged so I filed an application for default judgment. By way of response the registry then allowed the firm to file an out of time and otherwise out of bounds Notice of Objection and the case was consequently railroaded into the District Court

    5) At the onset of the respective 3 March 2008 “trial” the firm’s representative owned up to (1), thereby fessing up to the fact that the case had no legal standing whatsoever.

    6) On 10 June 2010 the firm managed to obtain court permission to register a second encumbrance against the same real property but apparently ran into difficulties due to the issue elucidated in (2)

    (7) In response to my oldest son’s repeated inquiries re the retrieval of two guns licensed in his name,a bailiff entered the respective property on 1 September 2010 and informed me otherwise When I asked for a copy of the paperwork he said “that’s not necessary” He was accompanied by the same police officer who was directly responsible for the disappearance of the two guns

    Your response to these and other issues is frankly risible. This is nasty dirty stuff and it’s not just going to evaporate by virtue of being ubiquitous, in fact rather the reverse

    There really is no getting round the fact that you remain directly accountable for said thuggery, that you have never raised any dispute re the impact, and that the situation has been exponentially compounded by your absurdly stiff-necked stance

    Elspeth Berry 20/11/22

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