by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Karen Brewer is a New Zealand-born Australian who has been leading a fight via YouTube [then Rumble and Telegram] for about a year, based on the Australian government’s refusal to bring pedophiles to book. One of her claims is that most politicians in Canberra attended certain schools where they were guided into the club that either practices or supports pedophilia.
Of particular interest to Karen Brewer is the fact that the now-retired senator Bill Heffernan stood up in Parliament in 2015 and demanded release of the 28 names of government people (“including a former prime minister”) which had been handed over by police during the Wood Royal Commission.
Additional persons were accused by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. That RC ran from 2014 through 2017; it occasioned an October 2015 press conference by Fiona Barnett that led to her fame and eventually to her book Eyes Wide Open which is a free download.
On Tuesday, 31 August 2021, in both NZ and Oz, citizens will take a stand to demand the release of the unwarrantedly sealed Wood Commission Report. Will children’s privacy be an issue? Don’t worry about it. The names of the children can be disguised. It is the names of the politicians we are after.
The plan that has been called for by Karen Brewer is for persons (anyone who cares) to stand silently in groups outside the Governors’ mansions at each capital city and also at any location where decisions are made, including at one’s local council office, and of course our seven Parliament Houses in Australia and the one in Auckland.
“Don’t do anything physical to protest other than stand, and don’t make any noise.” On her video below, Karen says anyone who speaks should be shushed by the others, please. If arrests occur (and why would they?), the citizens should surround that arrestee in a big circle, using scarfs which everyone should bring to the event. The starting time is 9am and the finishing time is 12 noon. The group has issued a deadline of Noon, 31 August, for the Governor-General to release the 28 names.
Purpose of This Article
For the rest of this article, I will attempt to bring legal justification to the planned event. Three limitations to my effort must be mentioned now:
- I will not go into the problem of the protestors breaking Covid restrictions by traveling to the event or by standing close to each other. That is a whole other topic, though indeed it may be used as an excuse to make arrests.
I do not know the law of New Zealand. I immigrated to Australia from the US in 1980 and graduated from Adelaide Law School, so of course, I passed an exam on the Australian Constitution. (NZ does not have a written Constitution.) I confess to being more up-to-date on US jurisprudence but will refer to England here. Although Karen Brewer is breaking new ground, the background for her August 31 event has been present in English law for centuries.
I will not discuss the actual matter of the basic complaint, which is “pedophilia in high places.” I think it goes without saying that such activity is criminal. But let me mention ways in which others have tried a Brewer-like intervention. In Belgium, thousands of people took to the streets over the government’s refusal to deal with DuTroux?, who had gotten away with sexual abuse and torture of children. Also in Belgium, parliamentarian Laurent Louis spoke from the Chamber about pedos, including referring to the then PM as “Mr Pedophile.” Louis was arrested and also lost his seat. In Australia, journo Shane Dowling has fought pedophile judges (and gone to prison for contempt of court). Franca Arena, MP, spoke from the floor of the Australian Parliament and immediately suffered a committee of investigation against her. Retired barrister Wilfred Wong has been in prison in the UK for the last ten months for exposing satanic ritual abuse — etc.
But none of those has gone for the jugular of the government, its very right to exist. The arising of the ANZACS will be a first, at least a first in regard to the crime of pedophilia.
The English Monarch’s Right To Reign or To Govern
England had a hereditary monarch for almost two centuries before the Norman Conquest of 1066. When William entered, with his French-speaking court, he agreed to follow the laws of England. Kings and their palaces and courtiers are impressive; most people will gladly bow to them. But uneasy lies the head that wears a crown — as someone once said — as it’s just not possible for one man to exert his will over a whole society. (Did Mao Zedong do so in the 1960s? Yes, but at immense cost to the people.)
In 1215, the barons of England socked it to King John at Runnymede. They made him submit to a treaty to stay in office, the Magna Carta. It contained this humiliating passage:
“If we, or in our absence abroad the chief justice, make no redress [of a grievance] within forty days, reckoning from the day on which the offence was declared to us or to him, the four barons shall refer the matter to the rest of the twenty-five barons, who may distrain upon and assail us in every way possible, with the support of the whole community of the land, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, or anything else saving only our own person and those of the queen and our children, until they have secured such redress as they have determined upon.”
Holy cow.
Fast forward to the Interregnum [Karen Brewer might bring on an Interregnum; she asks the GG to dissolve the Australian Parliament, but the GG himself may get dissolved, see below.] In 1649, a group of unidentified Englishmen (well, since they were unidentified I guess we can’t be sure they were Englishmen) had the temerity to behead the king, Charles I.
In 1653 Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Rump Parliament, declared himself Lord Protector and took over. He was succeeded in 1658 by his son Richard Cromwell, who, as suggested by his nickname, Tumbledown Dick, could not hold the thing together. So, in 1660 Parliament invited Charles II to the throne. Charles II was followed by James II and then Mary. Don’t ask me how but Mary co-reigned with William, a grandson of the ill-fated Charles I, and son of William of Orange!
The Bill of Rights
It would not be correct to think of the British Bill of Rights of 1689 as similar to the one in the US first sketched by John Adams in 1780. The one that Parliament passed in 1689 was a message to William and Mary to not take thronishness too seriously. It was a warning that James II and his Catholic ilk would not be welcome. [Mary was the daughter of James.] I quote — very selectively:
… Whereas the late King James the Second, by the assistance of divers evil counsellors, judges and ministers employed by him, did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom;
By issuing and causing to be executed a commission under the great seal for erecting a court called the Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes [why am I thinking of the NCVI?]
By raising and keeping a standing army within this kingdom in time of peace without consent of Parliament … [mercenaries? Boston Marathon, anyone?]
And excessive bail hath been required of persons committed in criminal cases to elude the benefit of the laws made for the liberty of the subjects; [Julian Assange?] …
All which are utterly and directly contrary to the known laws and statutes and freedom of this realm; … [no mask, no pub]
And that the oaths hereafter mentioned be taken [will include] “I, A.B., do swear that I do from my heart abhor, detest and abjure as impious and heretical this damnable doctrine and position, that princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any authority of the see of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their subjects….” [Gosh, was that allowed?!]
What Is the Reality of Australia’s Being a Monarchy?
I introduced the above topic, “The English King’s Right To Reign or To Govern,” in order to note that there are two separate things — the monarch’s right to reign (e.g., William and Mary got the throne by a parliamentary invitation), and the monarch’s right to govern (Parliament reminded the royal couple that Parliament was the law-maker, just as the barons hinted ).
Consider the Australian Constitution of 1901 which brought about the federation of the 6 states. (New Zealand was invited to join but declined.) It establishes the Queen of Britain, Victoria at that time, as Australia’s head of state. It also establishes that the queen “sits in Parliament.”
I often hear that that arrangement is but a joke, or a piety, but of course it is not. The royal assent (via the GG) is required before any law gets enacted. So Queen Victoria and her successors are not just reigning but governing. And, as Shane Dowling and Dee McLachlan will be displeased to note: dislodging an Australian judge requires royal interposition. Thus (if I may say), the British Queen is the judge of our Australian judiciary.
Does the phrase “No man can serve two masters” come to mind?
I have argued elsewhere that Australia’s head of state should not be a foreigner. I can’t bring that in here other than to say that if the GG fails the ultimatum (noon on August 31 to hand over the Wood Commission report), he will be advertising his foreignness as never before.
From gg.gov.au, retrieved today:
“David Hurley was born in Wollongong, New South Wales on 26 August 1953, the son of Norma and James Hurley. His father was an Illawarra steelworker and his mother worked in a grocery store. He grew up in Port Kembla and attended Port Kembla High School where he completed his Higher School Certificate in 1971. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the Royal Military College, Duntroon in 1975 and with a Graduate Diploma in Defence Studies from Deakin University in 1991”.
So how can I say His Excellency is foreign? Clearly he passes the Vegemite test, but I take all GGs to be foreign. He is answerable to the British monarch. He can, at her pleasure, dismiss the Aussie Prime Minister, as we saw in 1975 when Sir John Kerr, as GG, dismissed the Whitlam government.
How To Judge the Legality of the Karen Brewer Event
In order to comment on the legality of the Karen Brewer Event, we need to think about its purpose — which is to stop pedophilia (or, more precisely. child sexual abuse), as well as the tactics she has planned.
Karen, and many others — Rachel Vaughan comes to mind — have been pointing out for a long time that children get stolen, abused, tortured, and even killed. This is connected in various ways to pedophilia. I frankly don’t know what the real basis of this is. We hear that stolen kids are used for prostitution, organ transplants, blackmailing of politicians. Maybe it’s overdetermined, as Sigmund Freud would say.
We also hear that satanism is involved. Child sacrifice has definitely been committed In Australia. Fiona Barnett says she witnessed it in the great Hall of Sydney University with a big audience applauding. (I am referring to murder, OK?)
Of course, the word “sacrifice” does not really belong. One sacrifices one’s own farm animal to God. Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac at God’s command. But when you have stolen a child, by outright kidnap, or by some scheme operating under the CPS (Child PROTECTION Service) you are hardly making a sacrifice.
In any case, Karen Brewer says “That’s it! Enough!” The government has to reveal the names that were on the paper Senator Heffernan flaunted in Parliament. There is no basis in law for it to be sealed. Sure, there is some black-letter-law about the sealing of documents that should not, for some good reason, see the light of day. But here the only reason can be the protecting of 28 criminals.
Rachel Vaughan can tell you that this not only means the crim walks free, but commits more of that same type of crime. So the suppressors of the names are not only obstructing the judicial process, they are — I say — aiding and abetting murder. (Personally I could really have a field day with this concept if someone would appoint me DPP of South Australia.)
Now to Tuesday’s tactics. I have not seen any text of the ANZAC plan. (By the way, the acronym officially stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps, but I think Karen does not mean the AC part to have significance. She means “mateship across the ditch.”
I don’t see how anyone could get arrested for that kind of behavior, do you?
On Beyond the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights
I said above that the king was constrained by the barons and also by the Parliament. But that does not tell us much about criminal justice. It tells us about various contenders for power. The barons in 1215 wanted to do what they wanted to do, and not be bothered by the occupant of the palace. The peers in 1689 said they did not want the Pope to have any say in England — but possibly they were protecting other, hidden bosses.
Even if we could show Karen and the ANZACS the right phrase in the Australian Constitution to make her endeavor legitimate, that is not enough. (And lack of the right phrase would not be enough to make her wrong.) Legitimacy is something we give to those above us. A small tribal society gives legitimacy to its natural leader. It is for us to decide which authorities are legitimate.
An “authority” that covers up the crimes of child abuse has no legitimacy, on the face of it. Full stop.
I quote from a paper read to the Law Society of New South Wales on 3 September 2019, by Dominique Hogan Doran, SC:
Recently, former shadow Victorian Attorney-General John Pesutto argued that “if the massive and growing apparatus of government cannot identify potential system failures” before they materialise with catastrophic consequences for innocent people, then “we have to wrestle honestly with vexed questions about how we change those institutions.” Former justice of the High Court of Australia, the Hon. Kenneth Hayne AC QC (himself a recent Royal Commissioner) has despairingly remarked that “reasoned debates about issues of policy are now rare” and “[t]rust in all sorts of institutions, governmental and private, has been damaged or destroyed”.
Well, there you go, then. The time for change is upon us.
A Word from the United States
Note that the title of this article is “ANZACS, Arise. Your Governments Will Dissolve Themselves on 31 August 2021.” I am serious about the governments of Scott Morrison and Jacinda Ardern dissolving themselves outright. Serendipitously, I had just been reading a story in Professor Zephyr Teachout’s 2014 book Corruption in America. It has to do with a corrupt state, Georgia, cheating on the land titles.
Long story short, when the people found out, they cleaned out the legislature at the next election, in 1810, and the new pollies repealed the bad law. But a court case was pending, about the resale of the wrongly titled land. Thoughtful persons were canvassed. Scottish critic Francis Hutcheson held that when the governors act corruptly, “the trust they have been given is violated” – so the first land grant was void.
Now for the opinion of Richard Price — I hope you’re sitting down. Price said:
“Governments possess no power beyond the limits of the trust for the execution of which they were formed. Government dissolves itself when it exercises power not been given by its constituents.”
Dear ANZACS, set your alarm clocks to be sure that you can show up at the appointed place, starting at 9am this Tuesday. DO NOT CARRY SIGNS. Be respectable and shutta you mouf. I predict that by 2pm, “after a large steak,” the list of 28 names will have been handed over.
If not, we plan the next phase of this transfer of power.
Please make comments only on today’s topic. It’s historic. Thank you.
Here is Dutroux, per the Los Angeles times, in October 1996:
BRUSSELS — Capping an extraordinary week of public demonstrations, about 300,000 people marched through the streets of the Belgian capital Sunday to protest the authorities’ handling of a highly charged pedophile scandal and to draw attention to the unknown fate of about 10 missing children.
Excellent address.
Key remark( 9:58 min):
“The Commissioner said ‘we’ve decided not to revisit that issue because the public would lose confidence in the judiciary’”
proof positive that the justice system has never been geared towards anything more than the few maintaining control over the many via a semblance of law & order – as encapsulated by the very word “court”
But don’t get me wrong, taking anything to “court” is the best way of calling down fire:
Becoming “ a lamb to the slaughter” is actually the only way of being victorious:
Thank You from deep in my Heart.
Major laurel wreath to you, our dear Diane.
And here is another honouree: Emeritus Professor Horst Leuke of Adelaide Law.
In 1972, when law lecturer George Duncan was drowned in the Torrens River (apparently by cops and apparently for the crime of being gay), no one spoke up.
Until Horst held their feet to the fire.
Another honoree is scared to death at this very moment for her anti-pedophile activism, so I can’t mention her name. She lives near … um … never mind.
ThanQ soooo much🙏🙏🙏🙏I would love to know how this went…..💜💚sending love and solidarity👍🏽👊🏽👊🏻👊🏿💜
Ms Brewer on Zoom, on Rumble:
” Charles II was followed by James II and then Mary. Don’t ask me how but Mary co-reigned with William, a grandson of the ill-fated Charles I, and son of William of Orange!”
This Day in Jewish History | 1710: The Banker Who Helped William of Orange Conquer England Dies
Elegantly, Francisco Suasso declined collateral for the loan: ‘If thou art victorious, I know thou wilt return them to me; art thou not victorious, I agree to having lost them’
Other Dutch Jews similarly assisted William and hoped for his success, even holding a special service at the Portuguese Synagogue the day after he sailed. They not only expected his conquest to lead to an improvement of conditions for their Jewish brethren in England, but also, according to historian Jonathan Israel, expected it to be beneficial to their own ties with the Sephardi communities …
Francisco Lopes Suasso – known within the Jewish community of Amsterdam as Abraham Israel Suasso – was born in that city in or around 1657. He was the oldest son of Antonio Lopes Suasso (1614–1685) and Violenta de Pinto. Both parents were descendants of Converso families that left Spain after the Inquisition and eventually made their way to the Netherlands, where they were able to resume living openly as Jews. Antonio had apparently been born in Bordeaux, and Violenta in Antwerp…………………
Is it accurate that NZ declined to join the AUS federation or did NZ break away from AUS federation, to form its own government, without a referendum?
Also, did AUS inherit the UK Bill of Rights?
Not important to tomorrow’s stand perhaps, but important to truth.
Yes, Aus inherited the UK Bill of Rights. Here is a previous article on the English legal heritage in Oz. – https://gumshoenews.com/2018/06/19/review-of-australian-law-and-its-decline/
The Australia Act 1986 annulled the Constitution and gave us a queen of Australia. Does anyone know who she is?
Thank you Terry.
With no Monarchy in existence, I guess the GG and all State Governors no longer have power?
If Bob CIA Hawke’s Act had that impact, it would have been noted in Chresby’s book, which was last edited in 1988.
There is no queen of Australia mentioned in the CofA Constitution passed by the British parliament.
If you confront one of them with any issue that’s exactly what they’ll say.
In 2015 I put my name to a joint letter to WA’s governor that stated “Due to X, Y & Z we are no longer under the jurisdiction of the State justice system” and the response was “I don’t have any power to do anything about that”
Greetings fellow subjects.
Aug 31 truck drivers blockade, presumably this is on topic.
We overhear from MSM ( commercial TV channels ) there were “dozens” of truck drivers blockading this morning and two got fines from the cops. That must be the warm-up.
I caught these messages on a forum, hopefully tomorrow (31 Aug) will be better.
Flash Mob:
We are blockading the M1 hwy at Robina this morning at 5.45am. 35 trucks to start with. Standing with us will be two senators, 8 federal police and a whole bunch of nurses and medical staff. We will also have sky news and One Nation’s news crew with us as well. This will make national/international news and once word gets out this action has started we believe thousands around the country will stand up with us. The media will of course hack us to pieces and call us terrorists or w/e and claim we are breaking the law but we don’t care. We believe we are standing more IN law than anything the Australian Government is doing. This action will hopefully cause all truckies around the country to blockade and the intention is to keep the blockade in place until we get our country back. No backing down, no quarter given, it stops now. The line has been drawn and the blockade will remain until our demands are met. We will be blockading at The Caltex service station at Reedy Creek, where its only two lanes. And this is just the beginning. Please come and support us and everyone involved.
Well, Today was a flop. I took the day off ready to go. Got the notification, watching the live stream as I was getting ready. Lasted for an hour. What a disappointment.
If Brewer’s campaign hits paydirt, this issue of Constitutionality will arise, so can I strongly recommend Gumshoers read “Your will be done” by Arthur A Chresby, who was an acknowledged expert on Australian Constitutional Law and he was an MHR, so he had practical experience. There are quotes and appendix proformas of direct relevance to this current narrative.
If anyone cares, and there is no reason why they should, I tend to accept Chresby’s interpretation over all others, except his definition of democracy which, in my opinion, undermines the entire premise of constitutional validity.
Readers, please send a link to today’s article to other Oz websites such as Cairns News or Kangaroocourt. I fear the word has not gotten around. And I did not know the truckie thing would conflict with it?
Also, re “rights,” see Tony Ryan’s and Berry’s comments under this pre-Covid article:
Karen Brewer, if u r reading this, please give more details about where to stand.
The truck drivers don’t want “mandatory” injections to cross the border.
Now our Corporate Health Officer apparently can’t yet make actual laws they can only initiate “mandatory” under the bogus “state of emergency” response to the fake Plandemic or Scamdemic for which there is no cure except HCQ, Ivermctin etc which has been banned by the crooked W.H.O.
We have had it too good for too long and we will all get “enhanced natural attrition” and our places will be slowly and steadily filled by compliant monetarised slaves ($2/hr) from selected locations around the globalised globe.
Unfortunately, every time I see the NZ flag, I see Ardern’s face.
Jacinta Adrain your single source of truth
Justin Turdeau getting booed wherever he goes
Anasty Palaceattache wants to lock the “blackbirds” up
All communist party if I’m not mistaken
Not that I’d suggest it, but I’d love to see the heads of Gladys, Ardern, Dan and POS stuck up on a pole. – Then watch to see who takes their place, and then maybe repeat the process. I expect that eventually the word would get out that being a traitor was not a viable life choice.
Sorry, don’t forget that total clown of a worthless piece of flotsam, Trudeau, I had blocked him from my consciousness and didn’t visualize him as I wrote. Oh yeah, throw in Macron too! Gawd damn, now there is a polished turd if I ever saw one.
Learn how to pronounce ANNASTACIA Palaszczuk
Listen ANNASTACIA Palaszczuk pronunciation
In Polish her name translates as a line from a famous folk story about a hag with delusions of grandeur, who lived in a hovel, but who vainly believed it to be a royal abode. The local Steinmeister told her: “Anna! stay in your palace-shack”.
Uh-oh now the Tasmanian rushed to hospital mystery illness
May I suggest a case of Covid-19 “vaccine” being the problem?
Let’s hope so
Remember that many places of government have atm’s nearby, just get some banking services,
The Government/Emperor is naked and as suspected even uglier than imagined.
STAND DOWN YOU HAVE NO STANDING as you perpetuate and cover for each others unacceptable practices and perverse atrocities.
You as well GG. “Clearly he passes the Vegemite test”- is that a Duntroon hazing ritual? urrg don’t answer
Want a revolution?
Start with the facts. So T stuffed up…………… right, listen to one of his medical advisers and understand how.
Australian politicians and medical running dogs.
EXPLAIN THIS and wonder what your futures are. You there Dr.s Chant and Young?
You there politicians, if they stuffed Trump, just imagine what will happen to you lot…. SO LEARN. Wake up, use common sense just realise how you are being suckered by the globalists and the mass media to DESTROY AUSTRALIA and AUSTRALIANS. So who is your DADDY?
I think we are learning whom.
Monday, March 23, 2020
VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST: The Virus Hoax created by the Pharma Cartel
(This page will be updated as I come across more material.)
Can I tell you a story about a doctor. and I will fill in the passed hearsay report with a bit of speculation, but the essence is correct………… I heard it and now have to live with it..
So you are here to get the Astrazaneka injection.
Yes, but there is a question, re professor Borody and hydroxychlorquine and invermectim opined upon and reported by PROFESSOR Borody!
Well he has …….. (a ego etc..)
So (I do not follow his recommendation?)
NO! Just get this injection.
(But you appear to have a personal opinion on Professor Borody…. why is that? I AM inquiring not as to his personality, but considering his PROFFESSIONAL advice and/or opinion.
Zap… see you for the next one…………… you will be safe now!
If I was the patient I would have walked out: Commenting; “You can hardly call yourself a doctor (who I have consulted for many years) giving me medical advice because of and BASED upon your dislike of Borody and ignoring alternative treatment/s”.
I would have explained: ‘GET F….D DOCTOR’ and walked out.
Is there a message here to the AMA who DIRECT and run these REGISTERED doctor’s survival?
Is there a message here to Dr. Chant?
Is there a message her to Premiers Berserk, Pallychook and dammed Dan?
Is there a message here to all the controlled mass media joke shonkeys AND THEIR STAFF? (do you staffers not have a free future, children and relatives?)
Is there a message here to the likes of Claus SHRUAB and his running dogs like Kissinger et. al., who want us DEAD.
So we have been told that they want us dead/’demised’ at the age of 75 year of age, just go to the NWO plans as set out in 1969. and bloody well wake up and read it.
Also reported here at GS some years ago by Mary Maxwell)
Well, one consoling message is that all the globlaists, politicians and mass media spivs, NOW over the age of 75 years are well passed their ‘used by date’, so go lead………… PISS OFF and let the rest of us enjoy our grand children.
Now how old are you Mr Murdock, Howard and Co and globalists ……. Pusey’s: Just ‘demise’ yourselves and let us continue to be free and in God’s hands in peace.
Do you get the message?
Well, we are starting to, except for those freak psycho controllers and those who have not a clue, as to what they do.
Hard to fix stupid.
Mary, you are now being outdone…. no music….. now a man’s friend’s pastime.
Just relax for a minute or two. Watch the idiot miss the middle pocket pot.
The idiot (probably a Biden) who put up the title description apparently cannot distinguish between a game of billiards with what is more likely; part of a game of snooker.
Seems that the dog is actually Trumps.
Ok Mary,
sorry for taking away your usual pleasure, you might understand this message; so much more than a dog’s devilish talents in a snooker endeavor that you would never have experienced.
Ned, this one says Video Not Available.
Was it porn-ish? Oh wait, don’t tell me. We are supposed to be on topic. How I fear the Minotaur.
this was meant to be posted, much shorter than the 60 minutes report above over on u-tube above.
seems that the injectors (little devils) do not want people to know about want G5 sent me.
I will try to get Dee to assist.
Now showing, so keep trying if having trouble. it is a bit over 2 minutes.
Interpret the text!!
Took me a second hearing.
“little devils” = a arm PRICK. (my censorship avoidance)
It’s a nice video, the Greeks are more switched on, the Romans have been totally corrupted and their customers know it too
The real agenda is to hide the satanic pedophile empire. With internet addiction, plandemic is to accept pedophilia as normal, and the abolition of everything traditional. Under lockdowns, more children are on the net, with more being abused daily by freaks profiting on the dark web. Here pedophiles roam free, as whistleblowers are prosecuted.
Maxims of Law
Richard Anthony
When Jesus spoke the Truth to his accusers, he would justify himself by quoting Law. First, he would quote God’s Law, and after quoting God’s Law He would often quote the accuser’s law and use that against them as well. For example, Jesus would say, “Did ye never read in the scriptures…” and then quote God’s Law. Then he would turn around and say, “Is it not written in your law…” and quote their own law! His accusers would have no answer, they could not overcome Him. How could anyone overcome somebody who is obeying both God’s Law and man’s law!? If a man made law is just, it will be in harmony with God’s Law. …………..
It is important to distinguish between commercial law and maxims of law, when quoting from their law. We should never, ever quote their codes, rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes, common law, merchant law, public policies, constitutions, etc., because these are commercial in nature, and if we use their commercial law, they can presume we are engaged in commerce (which means we are of the world), which will nullify our witness (because we are not of the world). Maxims of law are not commercial law, but are mostly based upon scripture and truth.
Here is a court case which demonstrates a typical example of the fruitlessness of describing oneself in the terms of the world, as distinguished from who and what our Heavenly Father has already told us we are.
It was rendered by JOHN V. PARKER, Chief Judge:
"Petitioner's shield of the "Common Law" as an "Unenfranchised Sovereign Individual of the United States of America, a Republic," provides him with the same degreee of protection from federal income taxation as did the Ghost Dance of the Sioux warrior from the repeating rifles of the federal Calvary - ZERO." 599 F.Supp. 126, George E. McKinney, Sr. v. Donald Regan, Secretary of the Treasury, et al., Civ. A. No. 84-470-A., United States District Court, M.D. Louisiana, November 19, 1984.
Many insist on using the “common law” to defend themselves. The reason we should not is because, first and foremost, you do not see the term “common law” in scripture. Bondservants of Christ are only to use God’s Law. Secondly, the common law is a commerical law today, created by merchants, influenced by Roman Law, and used for commercial purposes. The following definitions are taken from “A Dictionary of Law, by William C. Anderson, 1893.”…………
“de jure sanguinis coronae” – by the blood of crowns.
An angry Ozzie video, I expect more videos will surface similar to this.
At 1:34 min “the messages are obviously anti-government or anti-covid”
A Freudian slip re the fact that the latter naught but a creation of the former ?
I wouldn’t describe it as angry but it is an excellent piece.
Just had a quick look at channel 9 and it seems our lying MSM may be turning against our lying state governments as a survival tactic. A sign their viewing audience is finally waking up. Anasty Palaceattache seems less smug today having just let in a cricket team from India but not letting local citizens back in. The communist takeover not going to schedule, but being communists, they will keep trying until they are hanged I guess. Hopefully their passports will be confiscated soon.
And there was some suggestion today’s truck drivers’ blockade will be big. Probably big censorship to go along with it. Meanwhile here’s a 2 minute video of yesterday’s little warm up, which conveys the sense of purpose of these citizens.
Is our Corporate Governor General (channel 9) getting ready to throw all our state governments under the bus ? Maybe, I am listening closely ( it’s on in the other room ). Let’s not forget switching from red to blue and vice versa has often not achieved much in the past. Definitely however, I think the ALP has proven, over the last year and also over the decades since the “Lime Declaration”, the ALP has proven they are wholly unfit to represent the people of Australia and the entire bunch of them needs to go under that bus and be replaced by grass-roots organisations. ALP, communist traitors, wreckers of the economy and lives, have run out of excuses, the whole horrible organisation needs to go.
( Speaking as someone who previously voted ALP on several occasions ).
Let’s get rid of the ALP first and after that the conservatives are on short notice.
I don’t know why I wrote “Lime Declaration” when I meant “Lima Declaration”, maybe it was the sour taste in my mouth
I’ll drink to that!
Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. If men would “obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29), this world would be a much better place.
There is only One Lawgiver
Richard Anthony
Craig Kelly – Introduction of Bill : No Requirement for Medical Treatment (Including Vaccination) Without Consent (Implementing Article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) Bill 2021
Excellent speech from national hero, one of the few actually doing their job
Australia: the surveillance Gulag. (linked from whatreallyhappened.com30/8 at 9.04 timeline)-
Am I joking?
Of course, we are just a test case by the globalist freak controllers to determine how stupid our politicians are in putting Australians in the guinea pig cage to see how much sillier ozzies are at being SUBserviant to the globalists.
Well we have this report on legislation awaiting the Governor General’s assent.
Nice to know that Mr, Ozzie Surveillance can impersonate a citizen’s account and send a message or two.
Be Ok. if Mr Ozzie paid a few bills on behalf of the ‘account holder’. Fat chance.
Seems that both major parties supported the legislation.
Oops sorry typo in message above re the link………… last couple of letters in the link.
Try this one.
WOW the entire red / blue crime gang in the senate approved it against the advice of the committee, looks like they all need to be locked up before they can take up their new corporate job offers.
I had a similar “agreement” put on me when I was forced to use a dropbox type of service so I changed my email address. ( They wanted to be allowed to copy, delete, insert etc emails into my email account – bizarre ).
There are a number of alternative social media outfits that may be better, look up x22 report and there is a list of them on the home page which he is using.
Meanwhile let’s not forget the “Australian Citizens’ Party” formerly CEC or “Citizens’ Electoral Council” ( still on spewtube ) which has been warning for a long time about bank bail-in laws also passed by our red / blue mafia, allowing banks to rob your savings from the account.
The last figure I think was sums over $250k can be confiscated but this could be easily lowered so all those old people living off cash in the bank, probably better switch to gold or something that can’t be robbed.
A job vacancy has now become available for applications restricted to the honourable members who passed the surveillance legislation referred to above …………….. clearly the competition will be fierce, considering their natural talents.
M, Hazzard, (Minister for Health NSW) may we have the details of the treatment provided in our hospitals by our health officials to those who are reported as succumbing to covid?
Were any treated with invermectim?
If not, how about contacting the Tokyo Medical Association ………… seems that they may have a more informed, caring and smarter collection of advisors…………….. Just a phone call Minister; might save some lives.
AND A F’N lot cheaper,…………. Ya think?
What about you AMA lot…………… just a phone call!?
30/8 at
[ whatreallyhappened.com 8,59 ]
BTW: all those staffers and bureaucrats we pay for, perhaps you lot might do some research and brighten up your minister’s day with some good news to save lives and increase your chances of being maintained in a job after the next election. ……….be much better than a trip to Nuremberg?
For some basic research as you travel in on the masked train or bus, just scroll down through the headlines at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com and be informed and ready to brief your minister competently as is your job that we pay you to do.
After all, do you want your Minister to appear as a idiot every morning?
While you are on the job Mr Hazzard, also note this from the Japanese.
Perhaps you should bring some Japanese to Australia on some 457 visas to educate you and our Premier.
Scoty could borrow a few to improve Canberra.
Seems that they have a supply of more competent bureaucrats and with some 457 vizas you might get them cheaper, than we have to pay the present bureaucratic efforts.
Yes: bit old news but WRH has caught up.
I can see Bill Gates in court, “We wanted to see what would happen if we injected people with graphene & mRNA in different combinations”
This is a bit old BUT:
Did someone say Genocide?
Note the last paragraph or so of the report which poses the question.
Want a job without being coerced against your will?
Opportunities now, who would ever have thought, there:
Well at least they have someone in charge who has a brain.
Yes, found at whatreallyhappened.com.
Well if channel 9 viewers are waking up then all of Trumpdom must be nearly there and we can hope for some action besides the Arizona audit, Twitter lawsuit and multiple Biden debacles which are the sparks which will be starting the fire. Biden is dead meat in so many ways.
Indeed, DEAD?
As Charlie Ward opines: ‘It is all a pantomime’ !!!!!
Best show in town.
Whilst this is sad and we must feel desperately sorry for her family, but being dated news, it is linked to inform those who only listen to the msm, that it appears from the Coroner’s report that ‘the clots killed her’ with some astrazanica consequences.
Guys, Terry gave us a link to an “angry video”
It is worth watching. “Aussie Cossack” is the narrator. See the comments. One from England agrees it is a false flag. Let us call it a Bella Vista.
… x22 is saying the jail Epstein didn’t kill himself in has been (temporarily?) shut down and the guy who was investigating Epstein is now up on specific charges of being a pedo …
… spewtube removes TEN MILLION videos every quarter …
Cases NSW today, 1,164 = 12 = 3.
That’s third day running same number.
Tomorrow, 6, 9 or 3 ?
If I was a punter, would bet 100% that other numbers won’t appear. These numbers are spiritual, enabling the tranceformation 2.0 cyber humanoid insanity.
Waiting for some video of the truck drivers on the NSW / QLD border but suspect extremely heavy co-ordinated censorship. It was already said elsewhere in the MSM that a lot of army was being re-positioned to the border though they are not part of law enforcement, they are just there to scare people.
ABC libtards attempting a hatchet job on Trump on “4 corners”, the chief libtard I have heard some time ago gets $350k per year pus travel and allowances I would say, and the husband is also in on it with a similar deal, these celebrity libtards lie to our faces and are heroes to the shrinking crowd of true believers who exist on about a tenth of their lying journalist heroes’ income.
I commend this week’s “4 corners” on Australian ABCTV as evidence that the organisation has become totally corrupt and broken and now serves primarily to push the globalist agenda ( Rockerfellas’ communist “LockStep” ). It has been the single most hideous experience I have ever had over decades of viewing &/or listening to the ABC which admittedly doesn’t include the Vietnam War era. The propagandising never stops and the entirety is gift-wrapped in an anti-Murdoch piece of single-use packaging. Murdoch backs whomever he thinks is the winner and he has been backing Trump while the other networks it would appear are all controlled by the globalist cartel.
As always the choice between the local super-rich guy and the globalist is not an easy one for everyone but it is a clear one. The local guy does at least have a personal interest in the local community, the globalist sees everyone as a financialised slave.
W3… correct me if I’m wrong, but it is my understanding that Rupert runs News Corp to further the Zionist agenda but his kids run Fox, to further the profit and market penetration agendas.
As Fox/Sky has embarassed the Zionists, it is my understanding that Fergusen and her ABC lackies are trying to smear Fox to discredt them.
Have I got this all wrong?
8;55 am – Arrive Mullumbimby Council Chambers aka mini me(NZ Parliment aka beehive mind) and agenda 21 and 2030 signatory without authorization.
Council administration doors closed with one officer posted. He calls in support as the crowd grows. Support soon arrives.
9;20 – 6 officers orders the crowd of approx 800 to disperse re something. Crowd laugh’s
9;50 – More back up and commander arrives, crowd larger and starting to swell onto the road, some across the road. Hippies disciplined but some Buddhist humming and a bowl bell, 60% know the rules 30ish% with scarves.
10.45- crowd numbers peak at I guess 1500
11;30 – Crowd breaks silience a bit a little drumming and chanting.
1145 – coppers onboard now and are helping for safety of those on the road and I even saw an angry anti protestor motorist moved on after repeately “flipping the bird at the group”. Crowd smaller but over 500 sits and is silent for 10 minutes.
12;05pm – I leave, some 200 still there
I thought maybe a handful of peeps, decided to stay shoulder to shoulder unmased and socially close anyways
In the 2016 Census, there were 3,596 people in Mullumbimby(of course other hillbillies closeby)
Simon… is there still a fiesty old lady by the name of Peggy in Mullumbimby? She used to terrify politicians.
Simon… yoo hoo… her name is Peggy Balfour. She was Australia’s first female airline pilot.
With her angle of attack flight preference. I know a Peggy, looks like a knitting Nana, I’ll ask. Alot live to a ripe age in these parts, except the chem farmers.Ever down this way Tony, I’ll billet you for sure
Hi Simon. Thanks. That’d be her.
She was my first researcher in the early years of the Resistance. Our only bone of contention was that she was a Green, but when I emailed her the identical declarations about saving the planet from AGW, presented simultaneously by David Rockefeller and Rupert Murdoch, I heard nothing for three weeks, and then she came back with a vengence, nailing every pseudo-conservationist to the trees.
A mind like a steel trap.
If you see her, say “Hi from Tony Ryan. She ain’t been forgotten”.
And thanks for the offer of billet, Simon. In the current climate, you might want to swap the word ‘billet’ for ‘safehouse’ LOL.
Still no sign of our government being dissolved.
Plenty of signs that they are going to continue unhindered with their campaign of torture, suffering and death.
Lying filth MSM playing it all down but they know they are losing audience fast and that = losing $$$. Channel 7 did briefly run some carefully selected crowd footage showing the sparsest crowds they could find and not showing the stormtroopers SS gestapo horse thugs etc. Followed by Fox and other overseas news (incl Brexit guy Nigel Farage) saying Australia was a basket case.
Lying filth ABC reluctantly ran a little bit of crowd scenes looked like phone video which is a drop in the ocean compared to the shills they have constantly pushing their injectable junk. A couple of old ladies died of flu probably froze to death, scared of the power bill, it is essential to keep warm if you have winter flu. They are pushing hard to inject aboriginies with their bizarre serum mixtures of random unspecified substances some of which we understand are lethal. Why not write “Death to Aboriginies” on the syringe, this could amount to “informed consent”.
Thanks to everyone who showed up. Thanks to coppers for holding back. Thanks Mullumbimby for being gorgeous. Thanks Simon.
Well begun is 20% done. And what’s anoher 80% among friends?
At the website of Kelso Lawyers, it says Bob Montgomery is sentenced to 4 yrs for child abuse, but even more startling it says Frank Houston’s son is on charges of not reporting Dad. I quote:
The founder of Hillsong Church, an Australian-based, global “Christian megachurch”, has been charged with concealing information about child sexual abuse within the church.
Brian Houston is accused of failing to report the historic abuse of a young male perpetrated by his late father, Frank Houston.
It is alleged that Frank Houston, a Pentecostal Christian pastor, abused the boy in both Australia and New Zealand in the 1970s. Brian told the Royal Commission his father admitted to sexually abusing the boy in 1999 but Brian did not alert the police.
Dee, the end of your horse movie seems to imply that you were arrested for masklessness. That is not true, is it?
The spin is wordless, wow, nothing to see here.
The comment timeline in appearance on GS seems odd at times
Does anybody here know what happened to Brewer’s attempt to get the 28 pedo names or dissolve govt?
Has the media hidden it by calling the people standing at govt buildings, an anti-lockdown protest?
Has govt ignored brewer’s request for the names?
I can’t find any info.
And what happened with the truck blockade? No news on that either.
JO. The attempt to get the documents referred to in Senator Heffernan’s speech (there were many more than just the one containing the 28 names) got nowhere, as I expected. Neither did the attempt to force the Australian and NZ Governors-General to dissolve Parliament and issue writs for new elections. Nowhere near. The protests were very poorly attended in New Zealand, and reportedly no-one showed up at the ‘Beehive’ Parliament House in Wellington. Thirty-five protestors were arrested at various locations across New Zealand, including Karen Brewer herself at Kaikohe council building in Northland. She was arrested for defying lockdown orders and taken into custody, but there is no news yet on whether she has been charged or released. The story in Australia is similar as far as protest sizes and arrests go. I have not yet seen any report on whether anyone turned up at the Australian House of Parliament in Canberra. So apparently the ‘millions’ Karen was apparently expecting to attend did not materialise, and her ‘mass protest’ has achieved none of what was intended, except maybe some dubious publicity for Karen and her movement.
The result has been similar to Karen’s campaign before the last (I think) Australian Federal election, when she attempted to persuade people to intentionally vote informally, in the belief that if enough people did so, a new election would have to be called. I think this would only have happened if 100% of electors in 100% of electoral districts had voted informally, which was not even remotely likely. Karen’s aims usually extend far beyond her capabilities, and are often not based on realty. But some of her more recent videos I have seen have contained more or less veiled threats of physical harm against various named and unnamed politicians. If she continues any further along this dangerous vein, she may find herself being arrested and charged with something much more serious than defying lockdown.
Michael B. Thanks for your reply. Very much appreciated.
JO. You’re welcome. I have since found a later report on Newshub (NZ) which says that Karen has been charged and released on bail on condition that she remains at home in compliance with current lockdown orders.
I misquoted the number of people arrested in New Zealand as a result of the protest. Apparently it was 19, not 35.
Thanks for your dubious nothing burger. Dangeous Karen on the loose you say
Simon. I never said or meant that Karen was dangerous. I said she has been saying things which may be interpreted by the ‘authorities’ as making threats (an indictable offence), and this may be dangerous to HER.