Home World Politics Apple Taking A Bite Out Of China and Chewing Up Free Speech

Apple Taking A Bite Out Of China and Chewing Up Free Speech


Intro by DM. It seems most of the media are not talking about the stranglehold of free speech, and how China seems to be the example of how to control humanity.

Await to be “locked down” folks!

Please add to this debite in comments.

Today, videos from Tucker Carlson and China Uncensored.



  1. or Satan is taking the piss. Tucker is part of a parcel selling water sportz. Who’s his daddy.

    await the lockdown but remember sharpen, prep, ponder

  2. Simon ponders:
    the control of the media available content is absolute whether msn or alt.
    i noticed this quite some time ago but more recent things like the Vegas mega shooter and hundreds(tens of thousands) of phone/cam festival participants and the lack of “video evidence”. Uke, China we see now too, but i’m taking the land of the free

  3. A NZ baby (4 month old) vs Jacinda Adern. Pl. forgive my off topic-again.
    (This story may leave you teary eyed.)
    The parents have organised non-vaxxed pediatric blood donors ready to go!

    Health Authorities in New Zealand are trying to take custody of a 4-month-old baby that needs open heart surgery, because the parents don’t want the baby to receive blood from someone who has been vaccinated against COVID-19. (I did comment on this growing problem on GSNews a month or two ago.)

    The title of the video is appropriately titled: Freedom to Choose Clean Blood.

    These kinds of β€œblood wars” over vaccinated and unvaccinated blood are just going to get worse, as are medical kidnappings from parents who choose not to vaccinate their children.

    Please share this video (23 mins) with as many people as you can and help stand with these parents against medical tyranny.

    The whole story:

    • Polysorbate 80 in vaccines is known to cause infertility… and so on –

      Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

      Article 6

      For the purpose of this Statute, β€œgenocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

      (a) Killing members of the group;

      (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

      (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction
      in whole or in part;

      (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

      (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


    • Doctor: “I don’t believe what they believe” – So what dip shit, you’re allegedly a forking doctor, just do your job. What’s the matter, did the ‘jab’ cause you cognitive difficulties?

      The blood is available and you Covidians will block the surgery because of your beliefs? What about the PARENTS beliefs? There is no downside for you brain dead fools. If you believe the vaxxed blood is the same as pure blood, then why put a baby’s life at risk over a non-issue? Just line up the volunteer donors and get on with it.

      • Obviously they’re oblivious to the fact that a groundless belief, by definition, is one that demands societal support.
        The fact they managed to get so much as high-school accreditation speaks volumes

      • TS: β€œIf you believe the vaxxed blood is the same as pure blood, then why put a baby’s life at risk over a non-issue? Just line up the volunteer donors and get on with it”.


        Apparently a Swiss naturopath has already started a type of blood bank for this purpose.

        β€œSafeBlood Donation has members in at least 16 countries where the goal is to establish blood banks that provide unvaccinated plasma for their members. The plan is also to pressure more hospitals and health authorities into allowing β€œdirected donations” of specifically unvaccinated blood at traditional blood donation centers”.


  4. Nearly on topic – bravo foffa!
    I wonder if E. Musk already has a β€œTesla” phone ready to go? If so, would he be able to ignore Apple’s threats to deplatform Twitter??

    The joke is that they took away our weapons in1996.
    Pity the government did not take away the shotguns from the above referred fake and lying media, THE MASS GLOBALIST MEDIA WHORES HAVE BLOWN OFF THEIR own feet. Really ironic.!
    Not be long till they look down and realise that they have no feet and standing.
    OK no more debate, just listen to:
    X22Report.com episode 2937.
    Hey β€˜normie’ suckers: LOOK IN TO YOUR MIRROR.
    What I find disgusting is β€˜Hardly’ anyone who is on to the pedophile activities and THEY whom correctly want severity in punishment, BUT ignores the real evidence regarding SERIOUS EVIL BEING CARRIED ON BY THEIR ESTABLISHMENT MASTERS AND LAUNDER ADVERTISEMENTS.
    Poor distracting SELF-RIGHTEOUS reports are not worth the function of a chocolate kettle.
    The modus must be obvious. Vilify low hanging paedophile psycho peasants and protect their masters with the distractions by abusing the judiciary.
    The β€˜ Normies’ will eventually awaken that some are pretending a fake persona, which are just distractions from their sick masters.
    NORMIES, wake up, the mass media that you trust, is facing exposure and justice.
    The military have been watching and know all.
    As an aside, has the Australian mass media actually sought exposure of the exposures by Senator HEFFERNAN in our Australian parliament committee meeting in about 2015-16.
    Why was the Wood Royal commission/inquiry closed down at morning tea?

    • Lying grubs of the ABC TV parliament doorstep unit always used to ridicule Heffernen, even lying grubs have careers they need to protect. Joh in Queensland had one thing right in his entire regime, when he went out to see them he called it “feeding the chooks”.

  6. Relates to previous topic. Seems Stew Peters has had his credibility dented somewhat re: poor vetting of information included in his “Died Suddenly” documentary. Apparently, the included video of the heart surgery was pre-covid 2019; reference to the declining birth rates, particularly in OZ, was due to timing of official statistics releases; plus other matters – Daily Skeptic.

    • I heard they were sending the army tanks in last night.
      It seems CCP army soldiers have lost the ability to think for themselves

      • This morning we see they have a loosening of controls in some areas, so the entire lockdowns program could be seen as an experiment to work out the breaking point of the citizenry and identify areas of flare-ups in order to suppress those particular individuals.
        Here we see sheeple’s herd survival instincts coming fully into play, “let someone else protest and suffer the consequences while I will do nothing and get the benefit”.
        We see that doing nothing is clearly a form of collaborating with the public enemy and passive can be just as effective as active in assisting the enemy. Sheeple have a very weakened, diluted sense of morality and so they get what they deserve, increased communo-fascism.

          • Communo-fascism covers the range of disguise used for central control, which traditionally was called Feudalism. CF is at the extreme end of control whereas Feudalism’s disguise of ParliamentaryDemocracy is closer to the moderate end. Under CF the government has no accountability at all and can lie as much as they want. Under PD the government is still accountable for lies and uses a complex system of responsibility / blame shifting as well as limited media controls and bribery, to work towards a system of full-blown Communo-fascism.

          • Was Mussolini a Communist or a Fascist?

            It was the Italian Communists who hung Mussolini up by his feet.


            How Mussolini dealt with the Commo’s


            “In their war against Bolshevism the Crusaders of the Black Shirt used many weapons. One of the most effective was castor oil.

            As one youthful leader explained to me, it was not so much a weapon as a remedy. The Fascisti were constantly encountering acts of disloyalty which deserved punishment on the lower scale,

            and Signor Italo Balbo, who looks like a millitant poet, but is nevertheless one of the veterans of Fascismo despite his 27 years, conceived the idea of purging society in this simple way.

            He had to deal with the case o a man of nearly 60, who was guilty of propaganda against the State. The culprit was too old to be beaten. Signor Balbo had him forcibly fortified with a pint of castor oil, administered in two large tumblers by simply stopping his breath unt he had to swallow or die. He was kept under restraint until the remedy had taken a firm hold on him and then sent back to his family.

            Thereafter castor oil became a sovereign remedy for ‘* Red madness.” It was given to all breeds of Bolsheviks, from desperadoes recruited from the criminal classes to schoolmasters and “intellectuals” higher up in the movement to overthrow the kingdom.

            The effect was unfailing. I am told that a ” patient ” never rendered himself liable to a second dose. When he emerged from his retirement, pale and haggard, he found himself an object of ridicule instead of a martyr. He was never quite the same man again. Fascisti would pass him by with an ironic inquirj.^ as to the state of his health, and Communist accomplices had difficulty in expressing sympathy which did not betray a suggestion of amusement.

            Ridicule thus became a powerful ally of the Crusaders of the Black Shirt. The psychologists at the head of the movement gauged exactly the mentality of their opponents, and where less subtle
            leaders might have relied mistakenly on brute force alone, they waged war with fine discrimination.


          • Communism ends in dictatorship but the proponents of communism are usually too dumb to see it coming

    • “…………..The city of Bejing announced on Monday that it would β€œno longer set up gates to block access to apartment compound where infections are found,” PBS reported. But the announcement made no mention of the protests, the deadly apartment fire last week, or the demands from protesters calling on President Xi Jinping to resign.

      β€œPassages must remain clear for medical transportation, emergency escapes and rescues,” said a city official in charge of epidemic control according to China News Service, via PBS.

      Guangzhou, one of the biggest COVID hotspots in the country also announced that it will no longer be requiring mass testing for some residents, citing a need to conserve resources.

      Urumqui, where the fire occurred, and another city announced that markets and businesses with low infection risk would be allowed to reopen this week. The LA Times comments that the move may have been an attempt to ease anger among protesters, but analysts don’t expect the country to diminish its zero-COVID approach.


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