Introduction by Dee McLachlan
At the moment, the world is caught in a parallel universe. The mainstream media and the government narrative is that vaccines are the only option to get to a new normal. And in the other reality, there is talk of the vaccinated having to quarantine over the winter months or risk getting sick.
In Australia, they are doing everything to denigrate the unvaccinated. Threats of job loss and isolation have dominated the media for months. But suddenly today, good news: from Wednesday 1 December 2021, the following settings will apply to all NSW Citizens, regardless of their vaccination status. The unvaccinated will be released into society in two months’ time.
It is sickening how obvious this all is.
However, the vaccinated narrative seems to be slowly imploding. My guess is the real impact of the vaccines is not fully known as it is most likely a large percentage of the vaccines are placebos. Today, a selection of videos.
Winter Quarantine — Really?
An article that keeps surfacing is from an article the Front-line doctors posted in mid-August entitled, “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others“…
“World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.
“Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.
“Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”
“He went on to say: ‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also’…”
(Professor Perronne, an infectious disease specialist, advised the government on public health policy and vaccination policy, where he wrote France’s vaccination policy for many years. He was (naturally) fired for his stance on Covid. He also wrote a book on Lyme disease, In The truth about Lyme disease (2017), suggested that a Nazi veterinarian, Erich Traub, was behind a secret US military experiment on ticks to use as biological weapons.)
Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated”.
This article has now morphed to… “All Vaxxinated People Must Quarantine Over the Winter Months or Risk Serious Illness!”
Project Veritas
A courageous whistleblower releases footage of doctors talking. US Health and Human Services [HHS] insider, Jodi O’Malley, works as a Registered Nurse at the local Indian Medical Center.
Deadly Bioweapons
Judy Mikovits interviewed by Mike Adams
The Testimonies Project
The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard since they are not heard in the Israeli media.
Testimonies Project video:
Judy Mikovits is part of my story.
This is as well.
and more importantly this—
ReUpload EYES WIDE OPEN by Fiona Barnett 1
Jan 7, 2021
Diane thankyou,
tragically Pedophelia is the only ticket to success in Oz.
All institutions should be committed to Serco camps prepared, at taxpayers expense.
The stupid narratives will keep getting pushed as long as some people keep swallowing them.
Last week the riot pigs presented like a bunch of nazis and the videos went around everywhere.
Since then I have noticed a theme across all our lying MSM channels of “good cops, cops solving crimes, cops protecting us”, this can’t be a coincidence, they are flooding us with this theme now.
The MSM will never tell the truth. The truth just slips out here and there, if you blink you miss it.
Here the average income, if one is ‘lucky’ to be working, is $80,000 gross (less 60% in taxes), average spendings $170,000 per year per average income. The banksters lockdown.
“riot pigs like a bunch of Nazis”
What else could you reasonably expect?
I mean the nature of the Vic Po was sealed by the Battle of the Eureka Stockade & the torment of the Kelly gang and there was no substantial difference anywhere else.
As memorialised by this contemporary ditty put together by a German Jew-dog:
“We’re public guardians bold yet wary And of ourselves we take good care
To risk our precious lives we’re chary
When danger looms we’re never there
But when we see a helpless woman
Or little boys that do no harm…
We run them in, we run them in We run them in, we run them in We show them we’re the bold gendarmes We run them in, we run them in We run them in, we run them in We show them we’re the bold gendarmes”
JACQUES OFFENBACH (b. 1819 d. 1880)
Would be interesting to know if Bismark was funded by Swissy ( seems a foregone conclusion ) since the federation of Germany would have dis-empowered a bunch of minor kings, dukes, earls, barons etc. The power struggle was made clear when the old German royalty infiltrated the National Socialists and turned it fascist. So there would have been lots of private armies (cops) floating around I guess. Next I would like to find out if the supposed “rebel” DeutscheBank was instigated by the royalty or Swissy, or was it some type of hybrid. Bloodlines everywhere, follow the money, follow the blood.
[New post] Huge Expose – Australian Politicians Are Committing Genocide While Benefiting From Pharmaceutical Corruption
All the evidence for those with eyes that need to see. Shame most are watching Koshie and Karl and refuse to believe anything that is not broadcast on idiot boxes. We live in hope and faith for better days. Smile at gagged nappy faces, for them to realise insanity in BS (beast system). Decades of tv has rendered our mass incapable of individual thought, monkey see monkey do. We are probably the most indebted nation in the world to the money lenders, this being end game result, they’ll pull the rug under our feet and we may wake up?
Just pray it’s not too late for our children, now been handed to CCP the new yanks, on the road to 2030 in twenty two.
Koshy’s new nickname for people, “the 20% Narky Non-Vaxxers”.
Talking to his friend Gladys about how to keep them out of the restaurant.
We “are all used to the new reality”, “best to accept”, “we all know what we have to do to live with Covid”, “now we’re getting back to Covid-normal™”.
Cut to chainstore ads.
w3 , watch this classic attempt by Allison and Karl on The Today Show , trying to discredit Craig Kelly. He holds his line , much to their disgust.
No way would that pair of chortling orators take real experimental injections, they know what’s going on, the producers put them up to it, we will never find out what the bonus was. One morning TV star had an apparently genuine conscientious objection and that was Samantha of Koshy & Sam fame, as soon as the word went around what was happening she got the hell out, made her excuses ( “time with family” ) and left about a year ago.
A good performance by Craig Kelly and a fairly stupid time-wasting effort by Alison from one of those nepotistic TV families I forget which.
Nothing for CK to do but keep repeating as to a really dull student who thinks the google top searches are innocently unsponsored and unfiltered … such dazzling naiivete … if taken at face value …
And Bangladeshis are apparently unable to be trusted do surgery, maybe she could look up google and find out how many actually are doing it in Australian hospitals.
Is Alberta (Canada) where that guy took on the police fines for not wearing dust-mask etc and got them all nullified by saying Covid-19™ was not a legally defined entity ?
So now the Alberta Corporate Health Officer has made Covid-19™ the default for anyone staying home and feeling a bit ill. That should get those pesky numbers up.
Perhaps it’s time we were all told the mechanism by which our crooked, sold out, blackmailed politicians installed these Corporate Health Officers as part of the Corporatisation of the Anglosphere. Do our crooked, sold out, blackmailed politicians really intend for all their kids and extended tribespeople to “own nothing and be happy” courtesy of hand-wringing Gulag Gladys and the insane minion Dicktator Dan and not least Anasty Palaceattache of Track’n’trace Inc. You crooked politicians will get no better treatment from “Swissy” than anyone else. Look what the Vatican did to the priests, told them they all had to be celibate, to cut off anyone coming up from the ranks. You crooked lying politicians will get no protection apart from sheer fantasy. You better quit while you’re not so far behind. You’re slipping every day. Your lies won’t save you from anything. You should all just get the hell out of town. I’m just giving you an objective view. You’re nuts.
We are now seeing “weary, burned out” Mental Health Hazzard and “nice, humble” Gulag Gladys, while Toad-Face Skerrit keeps his ugly head down, since Clive Palmer got him in his sights.
Nobody should be fooled by this gang of phonies. The jig is up for you lot. You have gone way beyond the bounds of credibility. Australia needs a big enema to shift the whole bunch of you.
They are bullshitting about deaths, some possibly caused by failure to administer the correct treatments, HCQ & IVM thanks to bullshit emergency.
Natural death rate is about 1% per year, of any population.
That is about 27 per day per million of population, or, nearly 700 per day for all of Australia. Repeat: 700 deaths per day is about normal for Australia. They are bullshitting about a few old people dying and also as we are becoming aware, a few injected younger people on a random basis.
Following the lying politicians they have the Corporate Health Officer with some “rules on the run” stemming from their FAKE EMERGENCY and today they are trying to inject muslims in Darebin which is north of Melbourne, I think that used to be the seat of the ALP lady Latham called “as useless as a pocket on underpants”.
ps. Mental Health Hazzard, you needn’t feel lonely, we want to see all of you locked up.
w3 – Right on! see the document which states …This document, Australia’s National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS), represents a
commitment to take action to strengthen our defences against acute public health threats. It was
developed in response to the recommendations from Australia’s Joint External Evaluation (JEE)
of the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) conducted from 24
November to 1 December 2017.
The WHO-led international team of experts that assessed our country’s capabilities took a great
amount of time and careful consideration to supply us with suitable recommendations to further
strengthen our already strong capacities. – 2017 this whole BS started. It’s a game and the players need to be locked up and starved to death.
The tests are inaccurate anyway. Lol. It’s all a big scam. And covid hasn’t been proven to exist. Read Jon Rappoport’s articles, he’s been reporting the truth for years.
Sasha Stone calls this whole thing playing out as Covid Theatrical Performance. I laugh every time I think of this. Keeps it in perspective for me at least.
Just keeping you all up-to-date… In the NT, Aborignes are being paid $500 to get the jab.
Sounds like it’s probably the experimental serums up there, globalist mining places (BHP, Rio etc) probably getting placebo, eugenicists will be fascinated to do their experimentation on a large sample of aboriginies.
Anyone can get on spewtube and look up mad scientists if they want to see the disgusting stuff these types of people get up to.
Spewtube is running very smoothly at the moment and places like bitchute and x22 and various embedded videos seem to be slowed down, dragging, interrupted, at least where I am. Spewtube already has all the data harvesting stuff built into it, so don’t worry, you have a file already. If they ask for a phone number, you could give them Gates’ Costco number.
Thank you, for writing and presenting facts as they are, always.
German Television Station Gives National Election Results Two Days Before the Election.
In NewYork they are sacking all unva666inated health workers from the hospital and installing national guard to do their jobs because of the self-imposed staff shortage the sackings will create. But they are getting their lies mixed up as they do, saying that the injected need protection from the uninjected. So the injection offers no protection, unless someone else takes it. Now I guess if you are a girl you’ll have to get your boyfriend to take the pill as well or it won’t protect you. We have heard this many times before but now the Governor of New York is ACTING on it sacking everyone.
Remember this governor is the one who very recently replaced mass-death Cuomo, prize winning liar and spiritual twin of Fauci. Cuomo was taken down on groping charges, this new one is a lady so probably has MSM groping immunity.
The Corona Committee findings are out.
Have a look at this, supplied by a couple of readers yesterday, I recommend download the pdf
According to my vague recollection of a quick read and also a video on “conspiracy cafe” from another reader they are now saying Covid-19™ is not a lung disease but gets into the capillaries and wrecks the lung tissue that way, and, the quaxxine also does the same thing …
Also today’s news here they are all getting Covid-19™ despite the useless quaxxine, unless they all got placebo at Harvard
So now you have 3 ways to get the flu, take the injection, don’t tale the injection, or take the fake injection. But if you want to avoid getting sick I think a few things are a certainty, you need to take Vit D, eat lots of green leaves, keep warm, and temporarily stop taking blood pressure and diabetes pills which have “flu-like” side effects, presumably initiating a flu BY WEAKENING CELL MEMBRANES
I heard a rumor today, that police fronting demonstrators in Melbourne are being paid over $5000, per week, on top of their normal salary.
If true, this could explain why they are so keen.
Disgusting, what’s their usual pay, something in pesos maybe ?
A bunch of videos
From South China Morning Post:
Taiwan parliament brawl (video 1 min) it seems these types of thing are quite common but this one appears to be about fear of the government opening up to pilots etc., it appears the opposition is exploiting fear
and another story about how 3 pet cats were killed because they tested positive for virus
And the biggest news of all, the CCP has messed up its sums, and looks like can’t pay any more for OneBeltRoad
[…] od Dee McLachlan (Gumshoe News, úvod v tom zmysle, že hlavnou časťou sú videá, tie si treba pozrieť na originálnom […]