Introduction by DM
It was only about two weeks ago, I posted an article on how members of the public (and maybe not members of the public) were calling on Joe to “Take him out.”
It went from hoax (Russian propaganda), the Lie-fare … to Law-fare … to War-fare on Trump.
Shooting at Trump Rally in Pennsylvania
- “Former President Donald Trump was escorted off the stage from his rally in western Pennsylvania today after shots were fired shortly after he started speaking. Trump had blood on the side of his head and one of his ears and pumped his fist as Secret Service took him to a nearby vehicle.
- The Secret Service confirmed in a post on X that Trump is “safe,” and his campaign said he is “fine” and “being checked out at a local medical facility.”
- One spectator from the rally is dead, and a second is in serious condition. The shooter is dead.
- President Joe Biden spoke about the shooting, calling it “sick,” and condemned political violence He said he hopes to speak with Trump tonight. When asked by a reporter if it was an assassination attempt, Biden said, “I have an opinion, but I don’t have all the facts”.” (NBC)
And now a report from our woke and failing-to-report-truth ABC:
Email from G5:
“Two CIA ops. taking head shots. He wears a vest. First hit. Not first attempt. Shot on side of head. He’s fine.
“He is now guaranteed a landslide in Nov. and a billion dollars in donations. If killed: it doesn’t matter who The GOP nominate, the landslide will be confirmed.
“A public attempt will bring a public hearing and a military tribunal. The long overdue executions to follow. US and West will now recover. On the doorsteps of Brennan, Clapper Hayden, HRC, Jill Biden, Barry Soetoro, Wray, Bill Burns et al.
“Lucky if US sees Nov. 5, without a hot civil war. It’s starting.”
The Anti-war President
The Anti-war President.
Tucker interviewed Viktor Orbán, PM of Hungary, about 8 months ago. Orbán. The PM knows Russia and Putin well, and explained back then why we need Trump. Maybe 500,000 Ukraniansw would be alive if the election had not been rigged.
Viktor Orbán, “Trump is the man who can save the Western World.”
well it is the 15th Tomorrow
Greg Smith video
Yes Dianne, it fits with Clif High’s internet public consciousness ‘algorithm’ of a buildup of pressure or whatever followed by RELEASE.
He estimated about 15-17 July. Two day window. The 13th- 25th is also a two day window.
So he may have been in the paddock💁
The release is in the public consciousness….. thank God the shot missed, whether it was T or a double is irrelevant…. All relax and Trump’s security and election result is enhanced… she’l be right mate.
The other psychological release is that the crazy leftie msm et.al T haters will be vilified and lose any significance.
Furthe, the set up for the illegals brought into vote Democrat will be told: piss off, you do not get a vote. You are not one of us.
All in all, a beneficial MAGA day but sad for the victims….. what are the lefties going to say/feel/explain about them………?
The next event is the 17th, T endorsed and VP to be announced.
We await💁🙏
BUT, I think more deep state panic will not result in a surrender. So will there be an election and what is teacher Dr Jill and Barack going to think up… per remote viewers?
Plus mad NATO and UK PM v Putin.
Yep, it is a movie within a five ring circus.🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
What are the odds that it was ‘lone’ Mad ‘Oswald’ scenario with the cherry on top in his hateful musings in his notes to be found at his residence on his laptop.💁?
Bet on it and not to be disclosed.
The REDACTED video gives one some idea how US citizens (MAGA) look at this assassination attempt
I think this is now sinking in.
Fiery PODCAST debate — announcing the 47th President of the USA
1/2 inch away from civil war?
I don’t know why Mr Plodgers picks on me when you’re the biggest skeptic in town
Well nothing to see here, back to work
Joe – being a skeptic is one thing, but refusing to even look at what you may actually learn from, is quite another aspect to your displayed inability to control your personal biases, so that you may realize, that is what prevents you from looking too deep.
Don’t be silly, you are a shallow chauvinist
I think you’re running out of names to tag me with, Joe.
It’s just what you are:
“The story goes that Nicholas Chauvin was a soldier in Napoleon’s army and was mad-crazy enthusiastic about fighting for his country and his leader. He sustained war wounds on 17 different occasions, lost fingers, had his face disfigured and still kept up his rah-rah attitude. Napoleon was so happy to have such a keen supporter that Nicholas Chauvin was given a ceremonial sword and a cash prize.
But eventually Napoleon himself fell out of favor and Nicholas Chauvin’s excessive enthusiasm began to earn him only ridicule”.
You love the military and your fictional hangings, you love commander in chief, marching around with your medal and all that stuff, I just call it how I see it.
The term chauvinist was misappropriated by Rockerfellas (?) sponsored “women’s liberation movement” which was rolled into the anti- Vietnam war movement. Chauvinist is nothing to do with gender wars but try telling that to people these days who cannot even understand the difference between “me” and “I” or between “she” and “her”, it’s pathetic and thanks to the telephones will only get worse, until even lawyers cannot understand what is written and we end up with legal anarchy. Mr. Plodgers is one of these happily divorced from simple facts and in denial, a serial disinformation specialist who never offers proofs of any of his wild claims and suffers from a delusion that he is some sort of authority
Obviously, to bother yourself to put together the above ‘narrative’ concerning someone, you have never met in person, and have no real basis in fact concerning their background and life experience, to present such a ‘narrative’ could only come from the mind of someone who has become a little paranoid about the person you have taken time to ‘illustrate’ from the wild imaginings that uncontrolled paranoia can produce.
Try again, Joe! 🙂
And Joe, and your continual slandering of Trump as promoting the jab when all his did was to uphold that it was everyone’s choice, whether to take the jab or not.
Tune into WTPN and listen to the opening advice given by a very intelligent young lady who repeats the mantra – it was freedom of choice and allowing fear to rule ones judgement that got them jabbed. So stop blaming anyone for one’s own inability to discern what they should have stayed away from.
I can’t be bothered to read your stuff, every golden dawn must have a fart so you have appointed yourself
Is it under SEVEN MINUTES ?
I think we escaped a 1963 moment. A close call re: civil war.
I heard a BBC(?) report from a alleged witness who observed a person with a gun for about 2-3 minutes crawling on a roof and he contacted security pointing to the roof where the person was.
Then he soon saw ‘security’ “…. Blow his head off..”
I did not hear any report that the fellow fired his gun … but I suppose that is assumed ?
Interesting puzzle is Fulford’s past allegation that the T ‘double’ can be identified with the open white shirt and cap pulled down low!
Sorry Joe, I did not pick up on your Greg Smith report up a bit on the ‘roofer’ fellow. Strange that security were not up there having a barbie and beer.💁🤷🏻🙀
Then there are the collateral victim/s🙏🏻
Uvalde 2.0
all going to plan — ie TAVISTOCK 2012-2020-2030 AGENDA
Think there will be a more significant “light show” emf type of event yet to come
Supply shortages
All systems down
There has been at least 12 attempts at Trumps life, and that of his family members.
Melania was almost taken out, but for the intervention of a secret service agent, who lost his life defending her, during a trip to Europe back in, I believe, 2018 – the year may be wrong, but the actual event is recorded as fact.
Where was the hullabaloo after all those previous attempts, as compared to now?
What has changed within the collective awareness about Trump, since then?
Would it be that many are now awakening to the real evils of this world because the perception of Trump, has given them a stark contrast as to the reality of the world we currently live in?
The latest assassination attempt on Trump’s life managed to draw blood this time, but really, what does this latest attempt on his life truly signify?
Would it be, that the drawing of blood against Trump, has set another marker, as to the coming Black Swan event?
Think about it – who now will be blamed for the attempt on Trump’s life?
Individuals, or the entire Deep State?
Problem Reaction Solution
In the past, the Secret Service had stated that previous presidents received approximately six to eight threats per day, which all had to be mitigated. Surely, amid the heightened threat dynamic and with a president that many are calling on to drop out of the race and a former president who is running again — with felony convictions — the number of threats could potentially increase.
How the Secret Service will mitigate threats at the 2024 presidential conventions: ANALYSIS
The presidential election is in full swing and so are potential threats.
ByDonald J. Mihalek
July 6, 2024, 7:16 PM
This year has seen an increase in “Nation-state and non-state actors” who may “view these events as an opportunity to influence or disrupt the U.S. political process using hostile or violent disruption tactics on a national media stage,” according to the DHS bulletin, titled “Threats to National Political Party Conventions.” The director of National Intelligence also reported that several nation state actors are looking to undermine the 2024 election due to the multiple international crises, including the conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza and Iran.
The DNI went on to say that Russia, China and Iran specifically are all looking to impact the 2024 election with “Malign Influence Operations”, so that they can set up the election to support their goals.
The conventions, once announced, begin a security planning process that is designated a National Special Security Event (NSSE) by the Department of Homeland Security.
That NSSE designation does a few things. It places the U.S. Secret Service as the primary federal security coordinator for the event; it mandates certain federal agencies, like the FBI, to support the NSSE; and it forces the coordination of every stakeholder involved with the NSSE, under Secret Service direction.
Trump shooting: campaign events are ‘going to change their protocol’ says former police commander
By Nicole Krasean
Updated July 13, 2024 10:27pm MST
Donald J. Trump
FOX 10 Phoenix
Six to eight threats a day do not equate into more than 12 actual thwarted attempts from late 2015 onward, against Trump and his family.
And that is a number of attempted assassinations that some would dispute as being not reflective of the actual number of recorded failed attempts.
How many previous president’s family members were also targeted for assassination that you are aware of?
Lincoln, Garfied, McKinnley, and Kennedy were the target – never their family members.
But come to the Trump family – all have been declared open season. Especially by the lying media.
And I just love your reference to Trump running with ‘felony convictions’ as if the charges against him really held any water.
Your reference to ‘national intelligence’ as being an agency of some repute, belies your own willingness to accept at face value, information that you should be at least, suspicious of belonging to whatever the Deep State choose to muddy the waters with.
FYI, Iran, China, Russia and India, are all working with Trump to bring down what you continually rail against, but don’t take my word for it.
Look at the footage a few times, and only an idiot can’t see that it is as Phake as Phuck.
Another commenter has said
“We deserve better psyops FFS! “
Unless you were there to witness first hand that event, then, If I were you, I would reserve my opinion until you have further more reliable info.
‘Gary’ is the same clown that said the Christchurch Massacre was CGI and that nobody died.
Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do
Zero legitimate explanation for how a man with a rifle got onto a roof only 150 meters away from Trump with a clear line of sight.
JUL 14, 2024
According to the article the Secret Service sniper spotted and shot at the perp but missed just before he started firing and by all accounts with the AR-15 semi automatic with clear sight even a middling marksman should have succeeded.
I note the video report at wrh showing security having to bring his eyes down to his scope.to shoot. Strange if it indicates he did not do that until shooter started first.
Surely he should have noticed and watched shooter earlier and just act if he saw the shooter!s weapon prior.
I suppose it is possible that he had braced his weapon on target and then his head/eyes to get a general view and upon shooter’s first shot acted immediately ( he was bloody quick) with little or no sight adjustment?
Then again there are still questions.
Welcome to gumshoenews.com all; the ABloodyC, SBloodyS, naysayers and globalist controlled MSM misfits; lend me your ears for a moment.
For the first time I attempted a search of ‘Q’ posts and gave up after a few minutes looking for the one I have had in mind for a long time, particularly relevant TODAY.. PERHAPS?
It was a Q post in part from a long memory:
Anyone want to argue that today we did not hear a ‘shot’ that has been reported around the world.
No! Good💁
Next, note that the Q post did not say more than that. It did not refer to the a killing etc, work on it.
Next; the reference is to; ‘ the shot’… SINGULAR and what was hit; A EAR, of all the parts of a body… and there care normally TWO.
Next is the reference to ‘….HEARD AROUND THE WORLD..”
Anyone ‘HEAR’ at gumshoe ready to See?
‘..friends Romans and countrymen.” ( I have not read any Shakespeare since the LC in 1962….. so if it was not Julius Caesar, no doubt our MM CAN SKIP THE PIRATES AND REMIND ME/us🤷🏻)
Now for the next scenario🍿🙀🙀🤪 the curtain is not down YET.
Had to go for a ‘pre break’ and had a mental memory flash.
“…… I came here ( before you?) NOT TO BURY CAESAR BUT TO PRAISE HIM..’ HIM.
Cannot remember the sequence of both quotes.. but Joe you can get on to it💁🤷🏻
There could be enough ‘praise’ flowing as a consequence, that there will be too much for any Spring electoral salad.
Oops ‘Spring’ in Oz, the world is up the wrong way.
Well done Ned! I had forgotten that Q quote, but now see just how prescient and relevant it applies to today’s another failed assassination attempt.
A PsyWar Assassination Attempt
Only Mid-July, but Fifth Gen Warfare Battle Lines are Hardening
Lots of reports on the shooting at:
Some lefties are crying hoax.
There are heaps of other questions to examine.
Am I being censored? A e-mail sent to many on the aspect attempted here at gs is not recorded on my machine as being sent.
Just see at wrh the head/sighting of the security sniper in the roof
Kate Middleton present at Wimbledon Mens’ Singles Final to present trophy.
Gripping stuff
THOMAS MATHEW CROOK — another assassin with 3 names
Sunday Strip: Security State
It’s all a stage
Interesting comment by Joe Hockey.
The attempt will cause Biden to (want) continue as to pull out of the race would not be wise.
Interesting decision for Obama and crew to handle.
Joe reported that the Congress people very concerned with the security.
Radio explains security lapse… shooter was outside the perimeter handled by security. ( never the less the defence done by fellow on roof above trump.
The local police handled security outside the venue perimeter with their team.
Really appears to be poor planning ….. two teams, one excuse for T team delay was to decide who the fellow was on the outside roof.
Hockey opined that T’s prospects improved.
🤪🍿🤪🤪🤪 then T went and played golf and managed a long put,,,”I don’t miss”.. or something similar💁
Charlie and Camilla to pop down in October.
Secret Service given orders to stand down before assassination . One Sniper claimed to have the shooter in his sights for 3 minutes and was not allowed to shoot .
Media given orders to play down everything .
“Witness says he saw gunman on roof near Trump rally”
” it’s not the shooter people are going to be thinking about for the next five months in the lead up to the presidential election. It’s the man who stood up, undefeated, after being shot on a stage in Pennsylvania, with blood on his cheek and a fist raised to the heavens.”