Home World Politics Attempting To Make Perfume From a Dung Heap

Attempting To Make Perfume From a Dung Heap


Editor’s note: Another harsh and sarcastic view of the world

by G5

Biden cancelled the debates because Trump insisted on drug tests.

Even if the Dems sack Biden, they have no one.

Pelosi frauded a herd of ignorant women into Congress in 2018. 

Foreign interests bought more fools to authority and cemented the fate of the Dem party and its accoutrements.

Obama’s third and attempted fourth terms as disastrous as his first two frauds.

From 2015, DC has focussed on attacking Trump to remove him as unacceptable to the DC elite.

Trump has created the royal family of America. GHWB rightly failed. The only thing De Zero ever got right was: Trump is there forever. Some of DC have had an epiphany of reality in that they are playing with their suicide.

Hunter Biden is in court. Mayorkas is acting on the border. Garland refuses to deliver the communications with the fake court cases. Baggage carrying conduit Psaki is in hiding. The bus is in DC for the many the Dems are preparing to throw. Too little: Too late.

Only one legal fraud has proceeded to its delusional end. The other disengaged Trump empowerments have been halted.

Smith, Bragg, James, Willis, Wade, Engoron, and Merchon, have destroyed the legal system of America.

Engoron attempting a sentencing four days before the GOP convention, will only deliver Jesus carrying the cross for all. As a Convicted Felon: Trump cannot vote, but can be President.

As a brain dead, paedophile, and drug addict; B does not have enough sanity to stand trial, but he can be president, with the denied Constitution.

Being a Convicted Felon, infers you are capable of being President.

Epstein and Old FBI Tricks

The FBI collected the tapes and is using them to blackmail the monkeys involved. A continuation of J. Edgar Hoover. Nothing ever changed.

Ghislaine is not in prison. Report that Epstein sighted which I advised. But can’t confirm with intel in Caribbean. Suggest it probable that he would be dead. So I accept that the Italian cop I named strangled him; and the correct autopsy.

10 Downing Street

The UK theatre is as predictable as its owned America and other Commonwealth vassals.

Starmer de Corbynized Labour in preparation of not having garbage appear at the despatch box.

A well stocked inclusive back bench. As conservatives can claim of no.10.

When the conservatives took daddy-in-law’s coin for token Riski, it was well known that following the disasters of; Heath, Thatcher, Major, the insane interregnum of Blair and Brown, and the disastrous continuum of; Truss, Johnson, May, and Cameron: a further interregnum was required.

Buck House has taken the Vatican ethic to heart by despatching its own. From centuries passed to the contemporary. Apart from: what happens in fiddledom, remains in fiddledom.

Middle East

The Anti-Jew actors were arrested and arse dragged off campus. Their camp site orchestrators were pressuring the university for better food and conditions, at the time, otherwise this will happen.

The fools who were actually students, were expelled, with the majority of them being blood sucking foreign guests, deported.

As I had advised: most of the garbage were paid agitators and not students. 

The alleged recent destruction by US-Hezbollah-Hamas, of an Israeli missile launch facility, did not occur.

As there have been no incursions onto Iran since the US Shah was thrown out. After the US failed Operation Ajax.

As I have advised: any air strikes would be hit; including the source; by The Russian Caspian Sea Fleet. A land invasion; which will never occur; would require the control of The Persisn Gulf and a landing force of over 500,000. Which would be halted by logistics and the mountain range.



Heard of any new wars recently. American terrorist fronts as; Hamas and Hezbollah are being managed to extinction. As was Ukraine.

America needs to focus on its wetback invasion and the hidden civil turf war it predictably caused.

America has greened, screeched, lied, threatened, and thieved its way to Third World bankruptcy extinction. Its administration, legislature, and judiciary are failed beyond salvation.


Sidney Poitier reiterated this; from MLK; at a horrified Democrat Party soiroir. Attempting to make perfume from a dung heap.



  1. “Its administration, legislature, and judiciary are failed beyond salvation.” – Sounds like Australia.

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