By Dee McLachlan
In my recently published book, THE CHILD PROTECTION RACKET, I attempted to be temperate in my accusations and claims that Australia was a child stealing and child trafficking nation. But the latest case that a few of us have tried to assist on confirms our worst fears. Australia is no longer the land of the Green and Gold; it is the land of the Yellow — a nation of cowards. And along with the taipan, the copperhead, and the tiger snake, I will add this species — Homo sapiens Austraffikanis — to the list of the 10 most poisonous and dangerous snakes in the land Down Under.
This is about a mother I call PJ. I briefly covered her story in the book, but as the case progressed, it became more and more obvious that this is an example of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four unfolding in 2024.
Nineteen Eighty-Four became an instant classic when published in 1949 and with memories of a Nazi dictatorship, people could see then that this could become a reality. One of Orwell’s innovations was “Newspeak” where “Thoughtcrime” was punishable — i.e., it would be illegal to have thoughts that are in opposition to the ‘Party’—yes, good old thoughtcrime. Now in Australia, if you believe the government is corrupt your child can be removed from your care. Permanently. Yes, please reread that again.
Pastor Paul, myself, and a few others are across about 200+ cases — but rarely have we seen such a level of court obfuscation, department malice, and medical malpractice play out as in this case.
I’ve met her many times over several months. I’ve seen videos of her and her 4-year-old son having a happy time traveling the country; then she made a report on government corruption in early May 2023 (from South Australia). A call comes through from some Victorian government office. “We warned you (in 2019) not to do this again… we want to sight your son.”
Well, I’m sure you know what happened next. A police unit located her, and in what was described to me as a very violent and forceful detainment, her son was ripped from her care. It took three officers to prize the screaming kid from his mother. She has not seen him since (for over nine months)
PJ was taken to a psych hospital where a doctor(?) claimed she had disordered thinking for believing the government is corrupt and stealing children. (I have listened to the recording of the conversation.) One has to note that she was also briefly taken when she was a child, so is her hypothesis not correct? Firstly, the existence of many state and federal anti-corruption agencies proves that there is corruption within the government. Plus, millions of Australians have a similar thinking. Yesterday, a professional in the field of psychotherapy said to me, “You would have disordered thinking if you believed the government was not corrupt in some way.”
PJ was very vocal in court — so a magistrate passed judgment that she required a Litigant guardian. This is denying the mother the natural right to voice a defense, as the Litigant guardian is going along with the wishes of the state government — i.e., to remove the child permanently into state care until he’s an adult.
I reported the case to CARL (Child Abuse Report Line) — stating that the government had psychologically abused the child through a forced and violent removal. The science is clear on this — it changes the brain when a child is removed from a loving parent. And, I said to the woman, if the department claims the child is now happy — this could very well indicate that the child’s brain has dissociated from the trauma — and that he is already mentally harmed. We know that this drastically affects life’s outcomes. We spoke for close to 40 minutes, and she became very empathetic to the plight of the child.
But it seems that in the business of removals there is a NO RETURN POLICY. We are at a loss as to how to challenge this within the youth court star chambers — now hearing the case on 20 February.
I ask readers to come up with possible solutions. We are looking for a legal team that is not fearful of the system to review her case and take it on.
This was a headline in The Australian today…
Not so… sadly. Many have been chosen for the Aussie Hunger Games — which is part of the child protection racket (to facilitate the growth of the child service industries).
A reminder that it’s now more than 5 years since Russell Pridgeon was arrested and that the case against him still hasn’t been tried
The question needs be asked just prior to Australia Day, is there any area of government or judiciary that follows the real laws of this country? The realistic answer seems to be NO. Nowhere can justice be found.
Is it because we were founded as a penal settlement? That is, all these original citizens were considered criminal by the great “British Judicial System” just as Julian Assange is being treated nowadays. This “British Judicial System” has always been served to us on a plate as though it is a system for the rest of the world to be envious of.
Remember some of our “recent” history. Prime Minister Harold Holt done away with, the Port Arthur Massacre in which Martin Bryant was knowingly falsely accused, the Lindt Cafe affair where it appears a Muslin person was imported into Australia to take part in an atrocity, the Train Family were massacred because the State Government wanted their land and last but not least the Federal and State Governments coerced or forced the population into taking a “vaccine” which was known to be deadly or would create massive health problems.
Has our judicial system been of any benefit in any of the above cases? No!
The judicial system on the whole is subject to the material, evidence etc brought before the court.
The problem is mainly with those responsible for THE INVESTIGATIONS AND COLLECTING OF EVIDENCE.
That is where the corruption commences, with corrupt government, the court is separate and has no power of investigation.
A Royal commission is the government’s usual whitewash.
Lore versus Lore with Grandmother Yulara
correction Lore versus Law. with Grandmother Yulara.
Very important to listen to– much to learn here- could be good to join forces with these brave women and there are many
“it is the land of the Yellow — a nation of cowards”
Need to learn about history. IMHO rather a matter of arrogance ignorance and greed.
Listen to Lurnpa
Grandmother Mulara
Well well QV1 never signed off on the 1901 Constitution, that’s an interesting statement if ever I heard one. It would have had quite a long trip by boat back and forth in that time.
Maybe you should be getting ready to attend the Constitutional Conventions that will be launched soon from Australia One party?
There can only ever be one law and one flag, if we are to regain this country as our nation.
I had not ever heard of Hunger Games
I don’t have an interface with the world of child abduction so virtually nothing to contribute but I just thought I would mention something about the backwoods in SEAsia where I am reliably informed that after a successful pig-hunt the hunters all sit down and drink the warm pig’s blood, so this would have been going on for a long, long time. I should make some more enquiries.
sure you remember Thai cave rescue, so strange. The heart of the golden triangle. Think Elon drew any alt media pedo flak with his submarine story
‘Long pig’ or real pig? Are you able to glean that info? Cannibals refer to Human meat as ‘long pig’ – Lieutenant Cook got to know all about that in his travels.
Asking for a friend.
Mary – broaden your horizon and get to know what ‘hunting party’s’ at exclusive elite forested estates used to get up to. Hollywood simply telegraphed what they were doing to prevent karma.
You have much to learn about this world.
who are these divers
Cain’t hep ya thar, DD.
But I do congratulate Agent 77 on today’s article. Wow. How can we not find a way out of this ridiculous system that has turned morality upside down?
At face value the members might look like a consolidated force but they naturally have no more respect for, or allegiance to, each other than they demonstrate toward the balance of the population.
Everyone needs to take hold of the fact that they’re operating with a milieu of total distrust and disrespect and that setting them at each others throats isn’t actually particularly hard
Q – The biggest sting operation the world has ever seen – and you ask that question?
l have witnessed this with my own eyes where the family court said the father of my grandchildren and his mother were told they were never to have them again l repeat never to have them. my daughter had an avo against him she has suffered domestic violence lost her unborn child through domestic violence he was even jailed for breaking the avo. he then tried to kidnap my grandson he turned up at my daughters property his mother a schizophrenic alcoholic who had even put a knife to my daughter in front of my grandson when they were together but left because of the domestic violence his mother parked down the road he bashed my daughter took her son but she got up and she ran and got him back there was one brave witness who was not afraid to testify against him as most have been too afraid cos of him turning up to other peoples properties and intimidating and threatening them. To cut a long story short there is a loop hole Sa child protection uses and they take young children to the youth court. l have no criminal record and use to babysit my grandchildren when she worked part time they refuse even to give my grandchildren to me they gave my grandchildren to the very people the family children court said was never to have. l wish l had recorded ever security person who said are you at the right court. l had the ex premier of SA attend the first hearing well known man l won’t mention him to protect him because what he is going through at the moment yes he is fighting the same people. A police person l know left the police force after 4 years because of death threats because of what she had witnessed in different departments and what she even told me is exactly what Dee is talking about something needs to be done against this corruption. But l know of other people this has happened too and the lies fabrications against these innocent people majority of them victims of crime is utterly appalling it is time for this to be investigated and looked into as it has been going on for years l mean years l am too upset to say anymore but l give thanks to Dee and Pastor Paul for speaking up and bringing this to the Australian people
I try, but most will not bother.
Well if you do not bother you will not realise.
That is done all over the world, but surely not in Australia???!
Surely, there are not any people or entities that offer money/position/s in Australia and if there were, we would surely know who they are or represent…… we have politicians to make sure we have no such corruption in Australia …. Haven’t we. After all they keep us nice and safe……🙀🙈🤷don’t they?
Then we have all our nosy HONEST journalists reporting on them …. If we had any?
Why would anyone try to bribe Kari Lake, she is a true believer
Well blame your question on that branch high up that snapped with you on it.
You injured, OK?
I listen to a few things on Before It’s News .com but it’s very unsatisfying, the intros go on so long then people just take some event and extrapolate from it, or go over old stuff, or in the worst case just start making whacky stuff up, when a whole hour of it could be condensed to one useful paragraph. This format, where I am supposed to endure multiple hour-long rambles every day with mail order dry food and vitamins thrown in, is a problem, not whatever you are teasing us about, the problem is their format.
Thanks for expressing what I put up with.
Most is fluff with BS and hard to find the pearls.
But I gain a lot that others do not find. It is patience and discernment.
Go to your tv and time the ads in a hour or go through pages of newspaper ads for some real news
That is where time is really wasted.
How many hours do you think I spend trying to fathom things out and then waste my effort trying to pass on material to readers who could not be bothered to appreciate? Then they ridicule in ignorance.
Try 6-8 hours a day and night. What time is it now.
The afternoons session was from about 4pm look up the log in times, if you could be bothered.
So whinge on you poor sad victim.
I am researching other shit, why should I research what you already researched, then I would just write the same stuff as you
Well clearly I am wasting my time if I ‘research’ stuff and only refer about 5% -10% of it in time that no one wants.
I will let T.0. do the job, he seems to be in the current relevant paddock.
Bit of a relief actually, because as I have said, it happens without us.
Mr Plodgers is not a critical thinker, he operates under belief systems, preconceptions, wishful thinking and so forth, it’s a simple matter to scroll past all of it and save a lot of time.
You project onto me what you choose to do yourself!
They read and take in what they wish to believe – Ned. They cannot open their minds to the possibility that what they choose to believe is maybe, leading them off from the right path.
But, we’ll keep slogging on. 🙂
Well, if you could give a stuff, listen to the conversation from about 11 mins….. if you can spare the effort.
Ok, I have listened and watched All of it.
I am going to crow.
From 49 minutes is all as I suspected.
After that, some gathered lizards, I will leave that to you….. thankfully we only have little lizards in our garden.
Buggered if I will again tell the normies to contact their GP and get an urgent appointment for a counsellor to learn how to cope with their world and their lives turned upside down.
Some of us can handle it, because we know, we were awakened years ago.
For your own health, listen up to reality…. Then you will be warned, appraised and be able to handle yourself and comfort others….. and survive with them.
All you see is mirages ….. bloody brilliant operation …. Check out the Hollywood players.🙀🤷⚖️💀
As for the usual naysayers …… get a very early appointment with your psychiatrist …..🤣💰💰💰🤷🤷 be it a useless waste of time…you will be offered a booster….Take it, we can do without you.
Seems that Australia has adopted the Norwegian model:
The words, ‘Child Protection Agency’ should send chills down every caring parent.
At 6:12 Veteran Campaigner for the Rights of Families: “he (a C.E.O. of child abduction” admitted downloading pornographic picture of young boys 10 – 14 but there were also very small babies
There was young boys having oral sex on each other and on all grown up men there was rape, there was disabled children; every bad fantasy you can think of”
At 20:27 “Independent Expert witness” in defence of the same C. E. O: “only a little part of those who are down loading pictures of children are really offending children”
The culture of the Age in a nutshell: there’s no acknowledgment that meditating on anything is commensurate to glorification/sanctification;
an obvious outcome of biblical illiteracy if ever there was
Less grandstanding,holier than thou attitude and more compassion for the so called stoopids/normies would go a long way to help us all deal with what is coming.
That is a pertinent comment, Sandra, but how else do we get the message across in a reasonable manner, other than putting the evidence in front for all to make their own mind up on?
How is such an horrific part of life in this world to be exposed except by the evidence as presented?
You don’t think that I, and no doubt Ned, have suffered too?
My principal definition of stoopids are the ones who keep going back for more boosters but I guess it extends to voting patterns
Absolutely agree Sandra. Everyone is born with innate strengths and weaknesses & everyone runs into different opportunities and obstacles from the get-go.
There’s a world of difference between proclaiming the truth as one knows it and dissing everyone who doesn’t automatically jump on board
There’s no such creature as a “stupid person”, conflating foolhardy decisions/choices/behaviour with anyone’s character actually makes one party to the crime; “hate the sin. love the sinner”
This cataclysm is due.Perhaps in the late 2030’s early 2040’s.
Evidence of past occurrences every 12,000 years.
I note that some are now saying that Australia used to be the land up over, and not the land down under as it is now?
Then I read, that the continents are actually sliding all over the place because of the water table under all the land mass?
But keep me posted on the latest fear porn.
Sorry this “fear porn” lacks any credibility having not been sourced from BIN,RRN,X22 Report or SGAnon.
I don’t view any of those sources as ‘credible’ but informative – there is a difference.
Take it all in, sometimes a nugget of Truth will drop in your lap, and sometimes its just all hot air.
The truth of anything, will always be a personal journey.
Skepticism serves a purpose, but should always be used without any in built bias toward the subject being studied.
An always open mind is the best assistant in learning.
Bible-based hypothesis on woolly mammoths here:
Complementary geological overview:
As the mother mentioned in this article I would like to thank Dee for her encouragement and fight in sharing what the plague of political rats are doing by using bogus binding legislation that are like the chains around the necks of natives. Their children stolen and institutionalised to be slaves (with unseen chains) separating families by clever coercion or by using circus courts, curriculums or casting scripted spells using tv to create new normals craftily for complacency and constant consumers to be just like the simpsons!
It’s time to wake up Australia because it’s not Tassie floating away it is our right to parent as our children are then exchanged for job creation that is justified by jurisdictions that has people acting like junkies for their next hit!
If anyone is on telegram a team have put it upon themselves to empower the people (because the government take it and make it the crowns and its servants who take a bribe) with this channel.
There are links to websites with successful returns and templates with people helping in regular zoom meetings to teach us all how to stand in superior jurisdiction!
There is a chat available also with a table of contents to keep things in proper order!
It is something and it’s a start. We have some real homework! Teach your children don’t let the government do it! They are not the crowns commodity commoners or wealth!
The ‘Lucky Country”? Oh how well I can remember those words as a teenager growing up in 1960s Australia.
Football, kangaroos, meat pies and Holden cars!
But, what a load of bullshit those words have turned out to be!
The Globalist mafia did their biggest number on the unsuspecting millions of Australians, and many are now awakening to just how controlled they have allowed themselves to become.
I wrote a piece for a minor political party back in 2009. What I wrote got a full page spread in the local rag, The Maitland Mercury. It was all about the creeping communism that was gradually taking control over everything. A photographer and a reporter turned up on my doorstep to do an interview that led to the story being printed the next day.
I have to add, that they gave me a fair shot in their story. Nothing was added or subtracted from what I had vented my spleen at them with.
Later, I was even recognized and congratulated while shopping in a local supermarket for expressing my concerns.
I became a local hero for about five minutes!
Some time later, I came to realize that the minor political party I was a member of, had other more important interests than in promoting national and local politics or concerns.
So it became my only venture into politicking – and good riddance to it.
If you are not a Freemason – then you will never gain any high office in this land. They have infiltrated every aspect of government and the institutions. There is not one facet to life in this country that is not still controlled by the Freemasons.
They swear fealty to Satan – and this is all you should need to know about how this country has been controlled for so long.
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia. Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world.
“Know your enemy -it is not what you or I believe it is what they believe”
Thanks Diane – who do you believe controls the Khazarian mafia?
My own research has uncovered a more sinister control system that has been in place for thousands of years – some say – 26,,000 years or longer.
Are you familiar with the Caracas Skulls?
Globalists are liars who’ve found their nirvana, cashing in on BS. Turning our world into a prison for most, so that they with corporate and military stooges in crime rape and plunder suffering innocents, mainly children.
With all sources in lockdown they control msm, programming us to accept genocide.
Job number one here in Oz is to protect the empire of usury, their gigantic criminal enterprise.
The iPhone is a tool for snoops goons and freaks in power to control most not in their cult. We have government by and for powerful corporates, using agents paid under table for service to the kartel. Satanism, the foundation of communism pure evol.
Only saving grace is to trust Jesus Christ 100% and 🙏 for guidance.
Your summaries are always excellent, dirt on Gore Hill and csiro especially. They are saying Ita is in asio now, along with bolt and various others, always good to know about second jobs, hidden agendas etc. Seems to be a lot of it going around.
This place is truly beautiful with people gathered from all tribes and creeds making it better. Shame about the oil on top, with power corrupting absolutely. Fair go restoration a must for youth nationwide living in peace.
Happy Oz day to all Aussies.
Pick your true blue scumbag,
Drum rooool, Bill Henson,
For opponents of child sexual abuse, the key injustice was abuse of children, including photography without proper consent and encouragement for paedophiles and pornographers.
Guessing we are the opponents of child sexual abuse and AO holders are proponents of child sexual abuse.
get a goanna up ya, struth
Epstein’s “Orgy Island” goes totally mainstream ( with cameos )
Lots more similar on spewtube now. Who’s the guy at 11:30 ?
A little bit of background in the middle from 14:00 is interesting
Dominos Pizza’s share price just went off a cliff
The M$M has a story but I’ll suspend judgement
Click on 5 day graph
Maybe the “white hats” got into their auxiliary services !!! Or not.
The populous appeal of the purported Epstein expose is that it diverts attention away from what the most ordinary & respectable looking people are up to in one’s own neck of the woods
Much to learn “about the interface with the world of child abduction” here Joe
Yes thanks that background at 14 minutes very relevant—I have been trying to post Adrians -full statement–blocked
however if someone can get it through it is important
links to my previous post re Roger Rogerson
just alerting to –
Monday 29 January at 8:00pm on ABC TV and ABC iview
The riveting three-part ABC NEWS docuseries will take you inside nine years of Coalition government under Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison in a revealing tale of politics, ambition and power. Key players tell all in candid no holds barred interviews that capture this tumultuous period and the personalities behind it, showing how the three Prime Ministers gained, wielded and ultimately lost power.
I listened to a few of your Gabbi Choongs, they are pretty good. I think if people went back to using gold and silver the government would lose a lot of its powers to hire minions in the cops and other agencies, what would government priorities be if their revenues went down by 80% I wonder. ( Getting them up again would be #1 )
bingo — post and remove xxxx
l wrote earlier re what happened to my daughter but was too upset to say anymore how the family and childrens court said the father of my grandchildren were never to have them instead child protection took it to the youth court. After my daughter lost her children who had been beaten by the father of my grandchildren broken the AVO several times killed her unborn baby son l contacted a local member of parliament explaining the situation and also not wanting it to happen to another mother. Well 2 days later maybe 3 days 3000 files were wiped from SA Child Protection database made big news l then received a letter back from that MP saying that the Family Children court had agreed with what the youth court had done. Not only was l upset and shocked by the letter but the fact after my first phone call to the local MP 3000 files were wiped from SA Child Protection database if that is not dirty tactics corruption what do you call it. It made the news here in South Australia but my friend said in another state made bigger news. l wanted to say this in my last comment but l was upset
Today was an epic day outside Xavier Church in Adelaide where Grant Stevens the police commissioner was showing his face in front of this when it states as a proverb twice that mother is the law. I did not get to voice this as he was too busy running away and with the shock element of surprise he ran off whilst his team of insiders to this corruption tried to silence me. The fact this man lost his son to a hit and run was probably the child sacrifices that they do considering he showed no compassion to a murdered child as proof in a grave of my nephew I stated in front of the media. Let me be clear as Crystal I am not suicidal I never suffered post natal depression but rather I spoke out and these people attempted to not only write me off using the pen but also in the middle of no where to make it appear to look like an accident. This has been forwarded to Charles McGavin also who like myself as Kyans mother is too aware of their tactics.
The divine timing considering I had just gone in and witnessed what was the prophecy of Daniel and the worshipping of statues and bowing to I walked down the isle not up reminding the people inside to stop doing this. It is very telling to which the person they call father promotes this. As I stated to this delusional actor dressing up also that is the very definition of psychosis as to which is what Grant Stevens and everyone else represents. I was extremely angry and it came across as this without script or to stage this like they do but rather an very upset mother who seeks justice not only for myself and my son but my sister and everyone who has suffered at the slight of hand and miss leadership of this land and many over. I hope this is published and we can restore and retreat in this waged war of paying people off. You do not put a price on my head or my sons or anyone’s whilst profiting and calling it justice.
As it was I went to their registry earlier that day and asked for paperwork so I could be heard and they would not help me instead I was escorted out asking what have I done wrong? No one would give me and answer to which I stated just doing your job doesn’t cut it how much do you need to be paid to actually care. I then went to the magistrates court and reminded everyone in there that these people have no authority and profit off its poor leadership that banks on the suffering of the leadership and our birth right not rite!! I told the media off out the front for waiting to take a photograph to sell a story and that this is a shameful act. Witnessing this reminded me of when I reported a joke of judge taking case files to the herald sun to sell stories. This is unacceptable. I am writing this as reference to todays happenings and will visit this cop SHOP tomorrow so be aware that this really is happening. Further to this divine timing I had just walked across the road prior as stated earlier warning the people to stop doing this and remember Daniel whereby I saw a man with a government lanyard named Jim only after asking him if he was a plain clothed investigator to which he said no and told me his name and have I guess. I scanned him over and I said you work in administration and he confirmed this and asked me where I think and I looked around and he said your close and I’m glad I’m not a police officer by the sounds of it after telling him of profiting off poor leadership and he said you would love the book written by Fyodor Dostoevsky about the brothers karamazos how they push people to murder after informing what they tried to make me do and I said I can’t do that. They have done the lost horrid of acts and I have still remained honourable. The fact these people pay others to do their dirty work is disgusting yes you can almost pay anyone to anything including murder and that is telling when they murder 90000 children a year on this land and hide their faces and names too. Damn I wish I could of spoken this as I write now but I was is shock of finally having a window opportunity to be heard but dis not like cameras in my face and knew that’s look at my look rather then my live and that’s why I am here. They lack it and law considering it’s in the first part of proverbs that MOTHER IS THE LAW. I would of also mentioned Georgie Purcel who admitted to murdering two of her children to get into politics whilst stating blow jobs are job. Get out. This is an abomination not because of religion but the objectifying of females from many species to steal our children to milk is for money. You are not a cow or golden calf so stop acting insanely like you are due to the demonic democracy that isn’t even United.
Kyan is the name of ‘the child’ in this article of evidence. If you read this article please leave the name ‘Kyan’ with a green heart 💚
And comment further if you desire. Thank you 🙏🏼
Kyan Isaiah Nathaniel Grant you are more precious than cash and I will chase after you not their king! I love you son! Your patriarch, your PATER (father in Latin) your mother, Patricia. You can call me mum and I will treat you as my son! It’s my favourite word in the whole world.