by Dee McLachlan
In The Defender article entitled “8-Year-Old Boy Dies of MIS 7 Days After Pfizer Vaccine, VAERS Report Shows” Megan Redshaw provide statistics from VAERS.
“U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Feb. 18, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:
- 8,564 adverse events, including 188 rated as serious and 4 reported deaths.
“The most recent death involves an 8-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 2109625) from Mississippi who died 7 days after his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine when he was found blue and lifeless at home. He was taken to the hospital with a full code in process. A pulse was detected several times, but the boy ultimately died in the ICU. It was reported to the doctor who filed the report that the boy died from multisystem inflammatory syndrome. He did not have COVID.
- 16 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation).
- 30 reports of blood clotting disorders.”
But in Australia … “no worries”.
The campaign to jab kids is relentless. Channel 7 provides an example.
Incentives — BOOST Your SHOT to WIN
Linkt is a company that manages the payment for toll roads in Melbourne. But now…
“If you’re a Linkt customer who’s fully vaccinated for COVID-19*, Transurban wants to thank you with another shot to share in over $80,000 worth of prizes. You could win an electric Hyundai Kona Elite, a year’s worth of toll travel* or a $100 toll credit.
“If you entered the last competition round, you’ll need to enter again to go into the draw to win. Entries are now open until Sunday, 20 March 2022. [and]
“Get your booster and you get an extra entry.”
Who is paying for, and incentivizing this “get your shot and win” campaign?
The cull of the stoopids…
It is called Pfizer because the P is an l and a u stuck together
Pfizer > Pzifer > luzifer
Covid-19™ is known to work in two stages, it seems to me stage 1 is the normal flu where the virus proliferates into a susceptible person, stage 2 is a week later when the “gain-of-function” is that the spike proteins drop off, filling the bloodstream with molecule sized spikes.
These spikes get anywhere randomly, causing the blood clots, in heart, brain, lungs, skin, appendix, gall bladder etc. The amount of spikes relates to the amount of viruses in the system. Therefore, since kids don’t catch flu, they will not build up a huge amount of viruses and they will not be overwhelmed by these spikes. However, the va666ine is all about spikes. The new “novova666” is spikes injected straight in. If kids don’t get a bad flu they will not have a problem with spikes, so the injections are without purpose. If kids did catch flu and if masks did work, then why are the kids mask exempt and “mandate rules” exempt. Why are they injected for spikes when they require no protection from flu.
Clearly our governments are oblivious to logic let alone science, they are happy to be lied to and to keep pushing the lies on behalf of the liars.
A guy interviewed about 1/2 hour about how the hospital killed his brother
When is Reiner Full-o-shit going to get the guts to make a case in a REAL court ?.Poyekhali! That means “let’s go!”. Spoken by the enigmatic young Russian lad as he took off for outer space for the first time. How scary was that? How BRAVE. Is this point in history going to go unchallenged by the people? How many more people must die Reiner? How many more wars must we have to oppress these out of control megalomaniacs all over the world? Can someone please coach this wimp on how to get rid of his angry name calling and calm down enough to make clear his case so it’s not kick out of court as insane. He HAS the evidence. He needs some people skills. Again I say “POYEKHALI”!
Go for it, Metc, show us how it’s done.
P’raps you could go and arrest a few of our known public criminals to lead the way.
Nothing new about selling one’s birthright for a bowl of stew
Or selling kids for that matter
But the manoeuvre is a fair indication that everyman is being put to the test
We nned to chase this down for future’s sake. This is unbelievable.
It’s principally no different to the no-jab-no-pay tactic re so-called “FamilyTax Benefit”
Not hard to see that the very nature of said “Benefit” heralded everything we’re now witnessing
I look at advertisements like this as a reflection on the society. What kind of human could even remotely believe the credibility of the pitch? The fact that it is a genuine advertisement indicates that the research has been done and the Kabal has commissioned it for the masses. Much of those masses are the low-level gamblers (scratchy cards, etc.) that believe another purchase of a scratchy card is an ‘investment’. You can’t convince them it is just gambling, explaining something like the planting of a fruit tree is an investment in the future does not register with them.
I don’t have much respect anymore for the Australian society, whether it is the media, the legal system, the medical profession, politicians, builders, etc. – it seems the entire society has been gutted by ‘stupid/she’ll be right’.
On the other hand, I regret that some very nice people have been poisoned and are now in the process of dying. I just found out my next door neighbor’s grandfather is succumbing to the vax. It is unlikely he will make it out of the hospital.
I’m just an observer at this point…
If a lottery ticket is not an investment, then why do they call the winnings “dividends”.
Gambling is fun anyway, that’s why they call it “gaming” as in government department of lotteries and gaming.
In the 70’s, when asked about money, Alice Cooper said, “I own every red cent in the world and I’m just trying to get it back”.
The intent is clear enough, everything is to be clawed away from everyone. A decade is a short time but that seems to be the projection.
“Distressed assets” combined with finance sector and government rip-offs. If I was you I’d probably move to Texas or Georgia.
Interesting that the Perth casino remained open over the Christmas holiday when every other licensed facility was compelled to shut it’s doors
Not much attention is given to the fact that licensing in any shape or form is, of itself, a slippery slope
A license to print money, if you’re thinking of doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, electricians, plumbers etc
Which goes to the core “everything-is-prohibited-unless-specifically-allowed” tenet
Which is convoluted with the fact that there’s an implied exemption from liability re the practices you mention, the antithesis of any assurance of competence
Exactly right, Mme Berry:
“Which goes to the core “everything-is-prohibited-unless-specifically-allowed” tenet”.
Which is why a “Bill of Rights” is repudiated by astute philosophers and theologians as being a first step toward a totalitarian enslavement. Even as far back in the RECORDED deliberations of wise thinkers as Aristotle, “rights” are inherent in the duties and obligations according to the nature and purpose of the being… what is often called “Natural Law”. The notion is somewhat refined in Christianity with Christ’s admonition “Love God above all things and love your neighbour as yourself”.
I have to say again; the old Latins had a saying “What Caesar giveth, Caesar can taketh”.
It’s still the country I want to live in, but avoiding the stoopids is getting very hard. The grandfather I referred to above is in the hospital and not expected to live (heart issues). The neighbors are Seven Day Adventists and don’t believe in ‘vaccinations’, as such, they are forbidden from visiting the old man in the hospital as they are not ‘vaxed’. – Nobody can convince me that this is a rational society with a functioning medical system.
I’ll live out the rest of my life, whatever that may be, and then be done with it.
I came down with something a couple of nights ago. When I get sick, I usually get a strong headache across my brow and cold chills up my spine. I took some pain medication and meditated on my illness (I allow myself to get sick to stimulate my immune system). It took about 3 hours and the headache and chills subsided. However, I had also developed a very dry cough – I figured it was the Covid.
Rather than take any chances, I decided to take some of my Ivermectin today. I’ll continue with the Ivermectin for another 3 days and see how I’m going. One thing for sure, I won’t be going to a hospital.
I got from a reliable source, IVM as preventative:
0.3 mg/kg taken twice, 72 hours apart, take on an empty stomach.
Thereafter another dose monthly is enough to keep your levels up.
Maybe we should all become 7th day adventists.
The value of sickness doesn’t stop at stimulating the immune system
There’s no substitute for the associated fasting & resting re general rejuvenation
This is sage advice, you have hit the Iv that is said to work fast. Be careful the overcounter for the same reason.
We all had a cold round home a month ago, 3 days for most, a ten day linger for one other.The dogs, never a sniffle
The rejuvenation isn’t just physical because a break from routine activity presents a perfect opportunity to reassess one’s general direction; it’s all too easy to get so caught up in the daily grind as to loose sight of the bigger picture.
But as we all know, that’s exactly what You-Know-Who wants.
Irony being that his henchmen have, by divers means, unwittingly created exactly what was supposed to be avoided at all costs
Well. if it is/was covid, I’ll now have natural immunity. That still won’t entitle me to a worthless ‘covid pass’, but at least I haven’t been vaxxed.
Gargle with Listerine (or similar) the moment u suspect.
Fasting with charcoal to remove poisons from system.
Regarding “and then be done with it” find Christ whatever else u do mate.
Another possible treatment??
No risk, spray some colloidal silver up your nostrils and have a few sips as well.
Consider, why has the Canadian government banned colloidal silver? ( last I heard!)
Another non pharma thing to try.
Try copper for arthritis.
A copper wrist band has been good for me the last ten years.
Strange: not one GP in ten years has asked why I wear one and does it help.
Clearly they have another agenda.
But, they observe that I am not a idiot and are wary of me, they realise that I know their BS.
In addition, twice the bastards wanted to slice open my vertebrae, but the GPS never ask how I avoided the scalpel.
Try a good osteopath. But the bastards never ask.
Bloody obvious, the medical fakes are criminals.
For reflux.
Try raw untreated apple cider. I use Braggs.
I have Zantac tablets moulding away in my cabinet for the last ten years. The packets remind me of criminals.
Oh and now the doctors want to flog capsulated tumeric powder.I told the idiot doctor that I have been taking it for ten years and it tastes dreadful. Complete silence ……. Poor bugger realised that some are way ahead of his pharma greedy mates.
We have to wake up to these medical spivs.
The other trick, they are up to. Just GO TO THE OTHER OFFICE AND fill in a survey if you over 75, they suggest. IT IS FREE!
Do not co-operate, they just want to pry for the government. I walked out after four questions and demanded that the record be deleted. Of course, was the Chinese reply, smiling and hidden by a stupid mask.
I thought I’d try the colloidal silver too, I got a bottle before Xmas, it’s mysterious stuff, seems to be popular at the moment, for infections and whatever
Silver wound dressings have been used in public hospitals for a fair while now; the anti-bacterial properties are acknowledged as being considerably more effective than other substances. Which of course reduces both the need to redress and the healing time, thereby reducing nurse workload.
But that’s apparently where it ends.
Interesting info here:
But there’s nothing about it being an anti-viral agent
[…] Source […]
The REAL aggressors attacking humanity are the vaccine pushers and covid propagandists
I don’t see Putin demanding Americans and Canadians be injected with spike protein bioweapons that have already killed nearly one million Americans right here at home, either. Those demands came from our own corrupt governments, media propagandists, fraudulent science institutions and pharma-infiltrated Big Tech giants.
Similarly, when the fake Biden president decries Putin’s violation of Ukraine’s “sovereign borders,” the corporate media is utterly silent about America’s invasions, attacks and military violence committed against Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria and dozens of other countries.
Missiles and bombs aren’t the only forms of violence that kill people. Vaccine violence is another concept that’s become crystal clear these days as literally millions of people are now dead from the covid vaccines that were pushed onto innocent people by pharma-controlled governments and complicit corporate media giants over the last 18 months or so.
Get the full details in today’s feature here.
Good one, Crossy,
“Those demands came from our own corrupt governments, media propagandists, fraudulent science institutions and pharma-infiltrated Big Tech giants.”
Which I describe as the undefinable, non-responsible, “new Caesar” known as “democracy” that I prefer to call “demo-latry”; from the Greek demo, as in the people, and latria as in the honour of worship.
I suggest that the Genesis snake proposed that you (plural) “will be as gods (plural) knowing (as in deciding what is) good and evil” if you disregard the primordial prohibition.
As the French saying goes: “The more things change the more they are the same”.
A demolatrine if you will,
Mon ami
I am continually flabergasted to the continuing pushing of these Jabs, and the Herd failing to really examine the claims made in support of them. We were told TWO YEARS ago, you needed to get the jab to protect you from Covid. Folks accepted the story and lined up. Then something funny happened, the folks who were jabbed, caught Covid, despite being jabbed. OOPS, there goes the claims. No, nothing wrong with the jab, you just need a booster, line up and get it as quick as you can, to keep the full protection up to speed to protect you. Later, funnily enough, folks started turning up at hospital heavily infected with Covid DESPITE having been injected twice, and also having a booster shot on top of it. Yet, here they were being admitted to hospital, still NONE of these idiots, dared ask the question, why is this happening, if I’ve done everything demanded and taken all these jabs ? Instead, they now bring their kids to me murdered too. W.T.F. is wrong with people today ????
“It’s Fraud.” | Former BlackRock Exec Edward Dowd Exposes Covid With Alex Jones
“Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd is exposing the Pfizer fraud” and the shite is hitting the fan: Moderna stocks down over 70%.
“the storm is coming”
Eddy, I think the answer is “too well educated”. Educated to 5 year high, myself. My own observation during this Covid hoax is that those having gone through university are those that will not listen to common sense. Have this problem in my extended family.
A seventy nine year old survivor of the German work camps was a witness for Reiner Fuellmich’s Grand Jury. She was of the same opinion as myself in regard to your last question. She is the second person in recent times that I have heard with that opinion.
Look at those that go through university to qualify for their profession, school teachers, doctors, dentists, lawyers (sorry Terry), the judiciary, politicians, journalists, pharmacists, psychiatrists, psychologists, bankers and many in corporate management. Recognise any in that group who believe the Covid crap and that the “killer vaccine” is good for us?
How about those in the above group who will not speak out to protect the public because of conflict of interests.
We wailed and called from the rooftops,
I’m sad more did not hear.
We did that, I know we will continue to do that.
Come on channel 7 and the other running dogs.
See you in Nuremberg⚖️⚖️⚖️
Look up Mr Renz and his class actions.
CEOs of 7, you covered by public liability insurance or has the Morrison lot provided some back handed indemnity?
The mind-bending power of the masters of the media
The media-power in Great Britain and elsewhere
The Mind-Benders is an analysis of the media power in Great Britain. Written in 1997, it details how (and why) the information we receive via the media is censored and distorted. If we are to avoid insidious totalitarianism we must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and – in any democratic society under such powerful influences – who are the real manipulators of political power.
Reuters and Associated Press 100% Owned By Zionist Rothschild: History Of The House Of The Rothschild
The House of Zionist Rothschild bought Reuters news service in the 1800’s. Within the last 20 years, Reuters bought the Associated Press. Now the Elite own the two largest wire services in the world, where most newspapers get their news. The Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry according to research by Eustice Mullins in his book ‘Who Owns the TV Networks’.
“Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.” – Protocol 12:4 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
“In 1913 Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States. This organisation is FORMED TO SLANDER ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS OR CHALLENGES THE ZIONIST ROTHSCHILD GLOBAL CONSPIRACY AS BEING ANTI-SEMITIC.”
Around 34 min
[…] reality is that these so-called “vaccines” are killing tens of thousands of people, and maiming hundreds of thousands more, though if one’s only source of news comes from establishment media channels, then such […]
[…] is that these so-called “vaccines” are killing tens of thousands of people, and maiming hundreds of thousands more, though if one’s only source of news comes from establishment media channels, then such […]