By James O’Neill*
Since the Sydney Morning Herald and its related newspapers were taken over by the Nine group of companies, editorial standards have continued to decline. The most recent illustration was the editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald on 16 January 2020.
It is often said that the greatest lies are not what is actually said, but what is not said. The Sydney Morning Herald does both — printing manifestly false statements and ignoring the actual evidence that has emerged. Let me illustrate that point by reference to the editorial of 16 January 2020.
In 2014 an American backed coup d’état was mounted in Ukraine. It was no secret at the time, and the United States representative even boasted about the “bargain” the United States government had for the expenditure of only $5 billion.
Rather more than half of Ukraine’s population are native Russian speakers, the proportion increasing the further east one goes in the country. Those native Russian speakers were unsurprisingly alarmed by the installation of an anti Russia and frankly fascist inclined regime in Kiev.
Two regions in the East declared their unhappiness with the changes and sought autonomy. This was met with armed assault by the Kiev forces and a civil war continues to this day. Thousands of people have been killed. The former Kiev regime simply ignored the agreement reached to cease fighting and negotiate a settlement. The new President seems prepared to negotiate.
The territory of Crimea went further. They held a referendum on departing Ukraine. More than 90% of the eligible adults voted, and more than 90% of those voted to leave Ukraine.
Almost completely absent from the western media reporting was the fact that Crimea had for centuries been part of Russia until it was gifted to Ukraine by then Premier Khrushchev in 1954. The gift was made without reference to either the Crimean people, or the Russian parliament. As Crimea and Ukraine were all part of the USSR at the time, not too much attention was paid to what had happened. The people of Crimea never forgot however, and after the 2014 coup who took the opportunity to return to Russia.
The history and the actual sequence of events have been ignored by the western media, who persist in presenting the issue as a Russian coup. They ignore not only the facts but their own support for the independence move of Kosovo from Serbia, which had much shakier historical and factual arguments.
It was in this context that the shooting down of MH 17 over eastern Ukraine occurred, with the loss of 298 passengers and crew, including more than 30 Australian citizens and residents. Since that tragedy, there has been a constant stream of allegations and misinformation, mostly directed against Russia.
The manifestly fake journalistic body known as Bellingcat was quick to publish a film alleging a Russian missile system en route back to Russia, having fired the fatal missile. This version has been repeated ad nauseam in describing Bellingcat as a reliable source, when its biases and links to United Kingdom and United States intelligence have been well documented.
The western media have never bothered to raise some rather obvious questions. For example, what possible motive could the Russians have to shoot down the civilian aircraft of a friendly nation? Why would the Russians use a missile that had not been part of the arsenal for many years? The missile in question was however, part of the Ukrainian armoury.
The Dutch, whose citizens constituted the majority of the victims, immediately established an inquiry. The other members of the inquiry group were Australia, Ukraine and Belgium. Specifically excluded from the inquiry group were the Malaysians, who were not only the owners and operators of the airline, but who also lost a number of their citizens.
The composition of the inquiry group should have raised some questions, but the Australian media completely ignored that. Why, for example, was Belgium included in the inquiry? The only obvious answer is that Belgium is where the headquarters of NATO is located.
The Australian public were also not told about the existence of an agreement drawn up by the four members of the investigating group of countries. This agreement had a provision that no report on the tragedy would be published unless all four countries agreed. This gave Ukraine, which on any objective assessment had to be at least a possible suspect, an effective veto on the publication of any report adverse to its interests. To say this is astonishing would be an understatement.
Equally astonishing was the nonparticipation of Malaysia, the owners and operators of the aircraft. It took months before they were finally admitted to the investigation group. The reasons have only recently become apparent.
We now know, thanks to the Malaysian Prime Minister Mr Mohamed, that Malaysia sent a team to the crash site immediately after the shoot down. The anti-Kiev forces safeguarded the site, prevented the Dutch lead team from recovering the plane’s black boxes. Those boxes were in fact handed over to the Malaysian team, who took them back to Malaysia for analysis. None of this sequence of events was reported in the Australian media at the time.
Instead, as the editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald of 16 January 2020 makes clear, the Australian policy is still to blame the Russians. The Russian government, according to the editorial, “remained in a state of denial.” That government is accused of an “ongoing refusal to accept any responsibility for, or cooperate with the investigation.”
Those are in fact two separate concepts. The reason that the Russian government does not accept “responsibility” is that it says that it was not responsible. In fact, the Russian government has gone considerably further than a blanket denial. It has provided a wealth of information that establishes without doubt that the plane was shot down by Ukrainian forces.
The Sydney Morning Herald, and other western media, cannot refuse to accept Russian information and use that refusal to deny the existence of the Russian evidence. That is precisely what they have done. It is dishonest on a number of levels.
The dishonesty is compounded by the failure of the Australian media to report the evidence established by the Malaysian inquiry. That confirmed the eyewitness accounts (also unreported in the Australian media) that the plane was both fired upon by Ukrainian fighters, and fatally struck by a missile.
The Sydney Morning Herald also refers to the meticulously documented findings of the Dutch-led investigation. They are no such thing, as multiple investigations have demonstrated. One such investigation was produced in a documentary in mid 2019 by Yana Yerlashova and Max van der Werff.
That documentary is a devastating expose of the malfeasance that characterised the investigation. It has never been shown in Australia to my knowledge. An excellent summary can be read on John Helmer’s website Dances With Bears, July 2019.
The blatant falsehoods in the Sydney Morning Herald editorial raise the obvious question. Why smear Russia and ignore the actual evidence adduced by independent investigators?
The most obvious answer is that the shooting down of MH 17 and the subsequent fake investigation led by the Dutch was from the outset an anti-Russia exercise. Its purpose was to recover Crimea for the Ukrainian government, defeat the eastern Ukrainians who wanted no part of the coup-installed government in Kiev, and smear Russia.
With those lofty goals, the killing of nearly 300 innocent victims was a price they were prepared to pay. The complicity of the Australian government and mainstream media in this process is beyond contempt.
*Barrister at Law and geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at joneill@qldbar.asn.au.
“The complicity of the Australian government and mainstream media” re cold-blooded murder has, of course, been in our faces since the Port Arthur massacre. No wonder both entities are in their death throes
I’m so over the lying media. If you have ever dealt with a psychopath you know that they just keep lying. Catch them out on a lie, and they will create another lie to try and keep the spin going. Catch them out again, and again another lie. It is a negative sum game, you spend all your time chasing up facts and discerning the truth, only to have the psychopath easily create another lie for you to chase.
Like Berry said, “cold-blooded murder has, of course, been in our faces since the Port Arthur massacre”. The media not only refuses to truthfully report such events, it ACTIVELY PARTICIPATES in such events.
The old saying, “If a man will lie to you once, he will lie to you twice.” – that saying applies to the media. Why any one would pay any attention to what the media says is beyond me.
Murder has no statute of limitations. Terry, I presume that includes aiding and abetting and coverup, eh?
So it’s good old jail time for many media folk and government folk re Pot Arthur AND NOW RE MH17 as well. Go, James O’Neill! Thank you!!!
So far as I’m concerned “psychopath” is just Newspeak for “demon-possessed”, but either way the overarching issue is a general lack of will, knowledge or both re dealing with said condition. One certainty: taking offence/getting all fizzed up has never been known to do anything other than feed it.
Excuse me.
Same, same:
https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=mh17 https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-part-bellingcourt-organisation-had.html
Thanks for the update James.
The lies of the MSM are infinite it seems.
And here another plane FALSE FLAG. — the miraculous ‘shoe bomber’
CNN — https://edition.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/12/25/richard.reid.shoe.bomber/index.html
RENSE — https://rense.com/general89/raw.htm
Why do people still buy newspapers and watch TV, to be lied to on a daily basis? I have not done either, since I realised the official story of Port Arthur was a complete lie. A Conspiracy carried out by the Federal Government, the Tasmanian Government, ASIO, Tasmania’s police hierarchy and the MSM.
The Dutch investigators very conveniently never mention the corpses that fell out of the broken up fuselage and those remains that lie amongst the debris of the crash. This information was provided some time ago is in video footage. Cannot be denied!
The BIG giveaway of a hoax, is the agreement between the investigating countries, not to reveal ANY information unless all consent.
A visit to “veaterecosan” site is well worthwhile. A lot of reading. Much of the information I have seen on other sites over the years, but it is good to have confirmation.
Just like the Obama-orchestrated disarmament precursor, the event & the respective cover-up are both living proof that the show aint exactly being run by some sort of super-intelligentsia
The people that run these ‘events’ don’t need to be some sort of super-intelligentsia, they have the media to run cover for them. Crikey, just look at the JFK assassination, the media are still spinning the ‘lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald’ BS when virtually EVERYONE knows it is BS.
Take any of these psy-ops, because they leave such a big footprint, there are heaps of things that go wrong with the story. No problem, the media just ignores the issue or saturates the media with BS.
Most people don’t have the ability of discernment anymore, they can’t tell the difference between shoe polish and sh!t – and it is getting worse.
I think the SMH retails at about $3.70 a copy M-F.
$3.90 on Sunday. Who has time on Saturdays?
52x 3.90 ………..=202.80
962+202=1164.00 per annum.
Bloody expensive bird cage poo collector.
Multiply all that by those purchasing rubbish and it appears that a large fraud is suspected.
Add the on line subscription collections.
1164÷365=about 3.00 plus per day.
Best put 3.00 in lose change into the piggy jar to pay for the smh sponsored climate CO2 tax and increase in power bills, then ban the smh and the rest of the msm spivs.
Oh, did I forget the one BILLION per year, with interest to keep the ABC?
Sell the ABC and SBS.
I’m fine with ABC/SBS continuing – just without govt funding. Let them sell subscriptions. It would be fun to see how long they lasted.
At $3.oo a day?
Not long.
Those darn murder accessory’s, they are above the law if the fullback AG says so. One option would be to give them a good ol’, jolly shirtfronting.
I understood there was a concept in law that if you prove that a witness is lying once, the court/jury can be directed to disregard the entirety of their evidence, on grounds that they are unreliable and/or incredible.
On that basis, absolutely everything the MSM says should be disregarded.
I haven’t read or watched MSM for 15 years.
It’s absolutely sickening that they run interference for the psychpathic NWO.
P.S. Great article – very informative.
What a beautiful nation we lived in before nine eleven. Sure, it was never easy to bring food on table, but most managed. These days without connections, no matter how skilled, one starves. Here, the beast system has sucked dry the living blood of most, since that event.
This situation is the same worldwide. The devolutionists do as they please, cause all power is absolutely corrupted to enforce their agenda.
Ukraine or Oz the dictatorship is entrenched – cold blooded murderers, killing everywhere for no reason at all.
‘Devolutionists’ are people who are anti-elitist and anti-centrist. They wish to devolve power from the apex of the power pyramid, down to The People… all of the people… as in Lincoln’s “government of the people, by the people and for the people”.
Ergo, I am a devolutionist and I seek the destruction of the power pyramid. Which is another way of saying I wish to restore democracy.
I hope that is not too pedantic 56 and, anyway, I enthusiastically support your position.
So the Malaysians were able to get the black boxes out before the Globalist team arrived. I didn’t know. This is very good news.
As to the media, (((media))) is the best description. They are all part of it. They’ve hated Russia with a passion since Putin put a stop to their oligarch larceny.
Hating Russia as a passion!
Of course, that is the msm role, to create perceptions of distrust and fear so they can keep controlling us by fear and distrust.
How many citizens of the world want to go kill their neighbour, their children, burn down their house and steal their assets?
Not many, but politicians love it, dissension and hate keep the psycho control freaks in power…..’we are the government and we are here to protect you’.
Bastards with the msm controllers, they expect the people to pay for their services. They are primitive animals.
Competing like kids in a sandpit to have a wankley shoved up their egotistc hypocritic nose.
No animals do what they do.
“They’ve hated Russia with a passion since Putin put a stop to their oligarch larceny.”
Inessa S posted this just a few days ago – worth sharing.
Oligarchs are taking over the US – [28 mins]
Fascinating! Interesting that investigative journalism may still be alive in places other than the west, where journalism no longer exists, the media here being commandeered as mouthpieces of the Deep state in the Information War.
Also interesting below that the purported “citizen journalism” of Bellingcat is celebrated while people like James O’Keefe at Project Veritas are slandered and suppressed while they uncloak the pure evil on this planet.
These two excellent articles help us understand the atrocity propaganda instrument ‘Bellingcat’.
The Art of Doublespeak: Bellingcat and Mind Control – Edward Curtin (Unz Review)
War Propaganda Firm Bellingcat Continues Lying About Syria – Caitlin Johnstone
From Edward Curtin’s article IUnz Review)
There is a notorious propaganda outfit called **Bellingcat**, started by an unemployed Englishman named **Eliot Higgins**, that has been funded by The Atlantic Council, a think-tank with deep ties to the U.S. government, NATO, war manufacturers, and their allies, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), another infamous U.S. front organization heavily involved in so-called color revolution regime change operations all around the world, that has just won the International Emmy Award for best documentary. The film with the Orwellian title, *Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World*, received its Emmy at a recent ceremony in New York City. Bellingcat is an alleged group of amateur on-line researchers who have spent years shilling for the U.S. instigated war against the Syrian government, blaming the Douma chemical attack and others on the Assad government, and for the anti-Russian propaganda connected to, among other things, the Skripal poisoning case in England, and the downing of flight MH17 plane in Ukraine. It has been lauded by the corporate mainstream media in the west. Its support for the equally fraudulent White Helmets (also funded by the US and the UK) in Syria has also been praised by the western corporate media while being dissected as propaganda by many excellent independent journalists such as Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley, Catte Black, among others. It’s had its work skewered by the likes of Seymour Hersh and MIT professor Theodore Postol, and its US government connections pointed out by many others, including Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal at The Gray Zone. And now we have the mainstream media’s wall of silence on the leaks from the Organization for the Prohibition on Chemical Weapons (OPCW) concerning the Douma chemical attack and the doctoring of their report that led to the illegal U.S. bombing of Syria in the spring of 2018. Bellingcat was at the forefront of providing justification for such bombing, and now the journalists Peter Hitchens, Tareq Harrad (who recently resigned from Newsweek after accusing the publication of suppressing his revelations about the OPCW scandal) and others are fighting an uphill battle to get the truth out.
Yet *Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World* won the Emmy, fulfilling Bernays’ point about films being the greatest unconscious carriers of propaganda in the world today.
Thanks Julius. The Curtin article is worth reading in full. The criticism about the media he describes applies with equal validity to Australia. It is not a recent phenomena. My politically active memory goes back at least to the JFK assassination. The msm still peddle the “lone nut L. H. Oswald” myth, as well as identical lies about nearly all the major political events before and since. Apart from the weather and the sports results, the msm cannot be relied upon in almost every sphere.
That is one reason I support Gumshoe News even when I do not agree with any given author’s arguments. It is the growing support for the alternative media that represents a huge threat to not only traditional media, but the political classes that have relied on them for decades. Hence recent attacks that have increased in their tempo and the blatant censorship applied by various electronic outlets, mainly American, whose monopoly on the control of what we can read is severely threatened. Such attacks will increase, as well as demands that governments do more to restrict the operation of independent sites.
The current Morrison government is but the current exemplar of this dangerous and fundamentally undemocratic process. I am sure that the attacks will continue and accelerate.
Soon we will not be able to discuss our problems with the barmaid, speak frankley in club and restrict dinner party discussions to the weather. Oops, no, the “weather’ will have to be banned as well. …….. unless Greta is believed.
James… in my opinion, your best yet article and, following that, your best letter of reply. Well done, mate.
Breaking …
UKC Special Edition: MH17 Revelations
Thank goodness for the UK Column and people like [James and] Patrick Henningsen of https://21stcenturywire.com/
Woops !!!
but watch the other topical video from Vanessa Beeley anyway (it was in my clipboard)