Home Australia Australian Chickens and the Global Experiment?

Australian Chickens and the Global Experiment?


Australian egg producers say no shortages as consumers share photos of empty supermarket shelves

Introduction by DM

Food is the foundation of a civilized society, so when food supplies are threatened society is threatened. It seems Gates’ bug and anti-meat agenda is getting traction. Hunger is a weapon.

And Diane de Vere keeps warning us Australia is the global beta-test.

On 22 May 2024, the Chief Health Officer of Victoria issued a health advisory on their website, informing of a recently reported human case of avian influenza in Victoria. WHO states: “This is the first human infection with an avian influenza A(H5N1) virus reported by Australia. Most human cases of infection with avian influenza viruses reported to date have been due to exposure to infected poultry or contaminated environments. Currently, the likely source of exposure to the virus in the case remains unknown but likely occurred in India where the patient travelled before onset of illness.”

But where do all these strains come from — H5N1, H7N3, H7N9, H7N7?

Bird flu spreads to seventh Australian poultry farm” (reuters)

“CANBERRA, June 17 (Reuters) – Highly pathogenic avian influenza has spread to a seventh poultry farm near Melbourne, the government of Australia’s Victoria state said on Monday. ‘Six of the properties have an H7N3 flu strain and a seventh has an H7N9 strain, it said. Neither is the H5N1 type of avian flu that has infected billions of wild and farmed animals globally andΒ raised fears of human transmission. Restricted and control areas are in place surrounding all infected premises,’ Victoria’s agriculture department said in a statement.

“Around 1 million chickens, roughly 5% of Australia’s egg-laying flock, have been or will be killed at affected farms to contain the virus, the government said last week.”

H7N7 outbreak video.

Video – Planning the chicken “campaign” in Canada. Is this a conversation that happened in Australia? Amazing how in sync these actions are?

This was posted in 2019 — in science.org

Controversial lab studies that modify bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans will soon resume after being on hold for more than 4 years.Β ScienceInsider has learned that last year, a U.S. government review panel quietly approved experiments proposed by two labs that were previously considered so dangerous that federal officials had imposed an unusual top-down moratorium on such research.

“One of the projects has already received funding from the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in Bethesda, Maryland, and will start in a few weeks; the other is awaiting funding.”

Extract from a piece in The Conversation:

“An affordable daily diet has edged too far away for many Australians. Food prices have risen sharply sinceΒ 2021, fuelling cost of living pressures and food insecurity. SomeΒ 3.7 million Australian householdsΒ experienced food insecurity in 2023 – 10% more than in 2022. … This is especially true for people on low incomes, refugees, people living in rural areas, single mothers, and people with disability. A basic healthy diet can cost city-dwelling families who are doing it toughest roughlyΒ one-thirdΒ of their income. So what is the Australian government doing to ease the cost of a supermarket shop?”

The People’s Voice video:



  1. Idaho water shut off


    β€œHidden in the Ukraine Bill was funding for cobalt mining in America. Over 200 politicians invested in this company mining cobalt. The Department of Defense gave that company $15 million out of the Ukraine bill to mine in IDAHO What are the odds?!? β€œ

    “I think it was 6.5 million chickens were put to death in Idaho real recent because of the bird flu. And it just seems like if there’s a land grab, if the plan is, hey, we wanna take a million acres of Idaho and dig a big giant crater in the ground and mine lithium…

  2. I haves noted the destruction and sabotaging of food resources in a large number of western countries.
    Clearly it is a concerted program for obvious reasons..
    Normies are too dumb to be widely informed and wake up.

  3. I have three questions 1) Have any birds actually died and not been killed?
    2) Are the tested live birds tested using (the non test) PCR technology?
    3) Have all birds been inoculated with anything previous to the supposed outbreak?

    Interesting that supposed bird flu is striking in both hemispheres at same time. Summer and winter–extraordinary is it not? Similar to Covid-19 in humans, continuously for three years, we now don’t need summer or winter for a flu epidemic. Strange is it not?

    • They feed so much hormone to the chickens and pigs that many young people are probably more than 20% taller and 50% heavier than the grandparents and women are having more and more problems getting the babies out because they are oversized. Too bad what is taken as standard industry practice should really be classified as experimentation.

  4. It’s a good opportunity to end battery chicken farming (“cage eggs”) and see what happens, maybe eventually people will realise they are being battery farmed too, and fed almost exclusively on white bread type of processed grains which are making them sick like the chickens. Will we ever run out of white bread ? I doubt it

    • Will the shelves ever be bereft of over-processed nutrient free “half-priced” spak ?
      supplementary “half-priced”vitamin gummies ?

      toxic household cleaners?

      I doubt it:

      What interests me is that, whilst the price of all unprocessed rice has virtually doubled in the last two years, there’s been no hike re prepackaged rice products. Go figure

      • The critters won’t eat the white rice whereas the brown rice always gets infested, good old shelf life

  5. If I was a chicken farmer and had a visit from the goons dressed up in their pandemic gear, I would be following them all around the farm, just to witness what they actually get up to.

  6. It is becoming apparent that the DOD (U S military) that many people have been brainwashed into believing are going to be the World’s saviour, are actually a huge criminal organisation (bigger than the Mafia). For example, involvement in 9/11, financing manufactured disease, taking down foreign governments, now it seems involvement of mining endeavours and just killing peoples worldwide for political purposes, ( on behalf of the CIA).

  7. Making sure certain food selves are empty is an easy exercise in scalping prices, in other words deliberately increasing the cost of living.

    On that note have this last week have received two notifications from Telstra ( you know one of those companies that were privatised to make it better for us). First one was that there will be a price increase because nbn, (another division of privatised Telstra) has upped its price to Telstra. Second one informed me that I may need to upgrade equipment to be able to receive 4g AND 5g services. Why would I want to receive 5g services? (Maybe to kill myself with the help of the “vaccine” ?) I think it is called suicide.) And 5g will make it easier for Government to spy on EVERYTHING that I do.

    I can think of no useful purpose to humanity of 5G, so why has it been pushed so hard by those in power?

  8. 21:56 on 17/6 at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
    Listen to Russell Brand explaining what they are doing to the farmers up there.
    Readers should have already noted what the climate suckers are trying to do in the Netherlands. Anyone seen reports in the farmer’s revolution there?
    Anyone who just watches the mass media and not realise that they are just part of the globalist freak controllers club is a simpleton.
    Go get a covid/flu booster or wait for their plan B to starve you to death.

  9. Latest.
    Seems the Gumshoe is over the target.
    Flack is heavy. Dee in a bunker?
    Keep digging your arse hole chaps.
    We are billions and you are a pimple on your elephant’s arse.

    • The police investigate themselves and find nothing wrong
      The lawyers investigate themselves and find nothing wrong
      The doctors investigate themselves and find nothing wrong
      It was all “Long Covid”
      What is Long Covid ?
      We don’t know
      Stay off the celery juice just in case

      • Interesting to see and hear Bill Gates’ fans and minions ducking and weaving and given the chance, promoting the government ( WHO ) position.
        After one hour Canavan is quite penetrating ( not to diminish Rennick, Roberts et al ), Canavan is interestingly subtle.
        Around 1:30:00, after their break, some filibustering from ALP senators starts ( the tried and true, fundamental class war ), jump to 1:44 for the admission, remembering this is Babet’s inquiry.
        Norman Swann of the crooked ABC-TV gets a plug about 1:58 amongst accolades for the late TV-doctor Mosely who apparently was praising the mRNA originally, before allegedly flipping on it.
        The ALP is really getting their hooks into it trying to switch it around, I have another 3 hours to endure.
        As far as usefulness, the statisticians do not have all the data ready yet due to delays of 18 months and the like, this is obviously the Canberra version of Warp Speed, so this session may be regarded as preliminary.

        • After 2:00:00 the begging bowl brigade is flat out promoting their product and claiming to be the source of truth etc. having got it from the Dept of Health ( WHO ). Youtube celebrity Dr Berg says vitamin D for asthma, interestingly nobody broadcasts recommendations vitamin D for flu, covid, asthma, to this day, the major retailers only peddle injections which by the nature of the viruses are all experimental.
          @2:30:00 the smear starts, @2:42:00 Rennick gets it back on track
          @3:00:00 ( after lunch break ) AMPS appears with some tough talk and a group called coverse https://coverse.org.au/ which is a huge mob of va666ine injured, the shills are wilting during this. @3:30:00 Rennick asks why would you make a vaxxine stronger than the disease and why would you make it so it can enter any organs

      • Joseph,
        I tolerated the first hour or so of the statistic charade, so thanks for your patience.
        However, this will all be reported by our ABC, SBS and the globalist mass media.
        No doubt the ABC will have one of its Q and A Truth forums and entertain and inform the public of relevant issues, like ivermectin and other treatments as for example, the Dr Zelenko protocols.
        Trust The A B. C TO KNOW THE REST OF THE ALPHABET. We pay a billion with interest to at least be able to get Z.
        Let the mass media lead: JUST GO FIRST AND DISAPPEAR with 95% of our traitor politicians.

        • Yes lots of deflections and “I know nuffink” but some great cameos mostly by Senators Babet Rennick & Roberts who are very switched on, the next session with all the info on notice should be a bit more probing until finally we get to the real issue, why the doctors are all lying, who is organising their concert of lies and what is to be done about it, apart from a public walkout. Gates needs to supply a refund and PAY COMPENSATION.

  10. thirty six minute about to the end.
    Want your world belief system turned upside down?
    Well at least go for 7 mins from about 36.
    After that to the end, see your likely end if you do not WAKE UP.
    Mary at situationupdate – people powered news.
    Ps Dee ok.

  11. β€˜Kerry Cassidy shares never before Intel ….’
    At beforeitsnews.com – people powered newsFROM ONE HOUR.
    Joseph, recall our % assessment on J J?
    I am upping to 95%. Clue? The burialπŸ’πŸ™
    Now for Ts VPπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸ’πŸ€ͺ

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