Home Fam-Court Australian “Child Marketing” and Exploitation Business is Flourishing

Australian “Child Marketing” and Exploitation Business is Flourishing


[A note: Many reference the wrongful removal of children from parents as “child trafficking,” but this gives the average Westerner the idea that children are being shuttled off in the back of trucks to some cacao plantation. So in this article, I make reference to “child marketing.” That could include a range of intolerable acts benefitting from the deliberate removal and exploitation of children, i.e., from earning big $ from a deplorable psychiatric report to torture videos.]

by Dee McLachlan

I write this article with a sad and heavy heart.

I’ve lived on four continents and have some understanding of racism, national pride, and why a tribe or nation might attack or defend itself from another. But I was not prepared to uncover a society that was prepared to attack itself — and prey on its most vulnerable (children). And like a cancer, erode every part of humanity, empathy, and decency to destroy itself — from within.

The New Normal

It’s been over a year since we started to receive desperate accounts from protective parents embroiled in Family Court and child protection departments. We have over 90 articles on the topic now.

There’s one common factor that spears through the maze of despair, and that is: it has become “normal” business to remove a child from a loving protective parent (and a parent who is trying to protect a child from abuse). In many cases, the children are removed from the protective parent and ordered either to foster care — or back to the very person that the child claimed abused them.

And it matters not that this protective parent might have, for example, 6 or more affidavits from persons who have known her collectively for, say, 160 years — saying she’s a great mum (for example). A child department, with the court’s assistance, can and will remove a child on the hearsay evidence and a report from a 25-year-old social worker that has known that mother for maybe a few hours — even less. And all this decided in a 15 – 30-minute hearing.

Worse Than a Handmaid Tale

My article of 17 January 2019 compared this situation to Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, which ran as an Emmy-award winning TV series last year.  Atwood showed a totalitarian state that created a class of women (handmaids) to become breeders for the privileged class in the “Republic of Gilead.” The story explores themes of subjugating the rights of the mother, and unmasks the horror of separating children from their mothers.

I recently spoke to a well-versed Neuroscientist on the subject about “what happens when you remove a child from his or her mother.” He said the studies demonstrated potentially catastrophic psychological trauma as a result — and changes to the brain. He cited a study where a child would choose to be with their mother and starve, rather than have food and be separated.

Giving birth and the mother-bond is so deeply ingrained in our DNA — but now it has become normal to sever that unique, natural and crucial bond with a whim and an order. The system, instead of focusing on helping families, is designed to make money by disrupting family.

My mind can reason the logic of racism or slavery — that one group, or race is taking advantage of their power, and subjecting the other humans to terrible degradations and humiliations — depriving them of a normal and decent life.

But a society removing its own children — against their will — from the person that gave birth to them — without just cause — is breaking a sacred bond of nature. It is disrupting the fabric of society. It is breaking codes and pathways in our brains. It is destroying the essence of family and the structures of society. It is at WAR with itself.

Maybe that’s the intention?

Brutality Normalised

Three systems — financial, governmental, and judicial — are all profiting from breaking family and parenting. It is possibly all designed, and we have become so numbed by authority that it has become “normal” to remove children from the mothers or dads they love — with many teachers, relatives, social workers, and politicians all thinking that’s just fine.

How are ordinary people participating in this?

I watched Derren Brown’s “Bell Test” video (HERE). He places three actors in a waiting room. They are filling in a questionnaire and each time a bell goes they sit… or stand. Then Brown sends in ordinary people in the waiting room to fill in questionnaires. Almost all — follow what the actors are doing, without question. They do so just to fit in. The actors leave — but the participants still obey the bell, dutifully sitting or standing each time it goes off. They don’t even need to be given an instruction.

Is this what has happened with the removal of children? Social workers advocate it because someone before them did so?

There might be pedophiles in the equation, but there is an army of women across Australia who have an equal status of enabling the abuse, and psychological harm on children. Why are they just robotically obeying the “bells”? It honestly seems that those many persons facilitating this extreme form of alienation and abuse on children seem to be hypnotized into thinking that this is okay.

And in most of the cases I’ve researched, the kids are never taken into account. I recently wrote about how kids tried to escape from the police in an attempt to get back home to their protective mother. They were desperate, and their pleas fell on deaf ears.

This brutality has been normalized. Who in the world thinks it right to keep a child from the very person they love?

What have we become?

Mahatma Gandhi was alleged to have said,

The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.”

Society is collapsing and family unity has been systematically undermined. But I believe the most egregious abuse of all is removing a child unwillingly from a loving and perfectly good parent on some hearsay-hack-emotional abuse claim. I’ve seen too much evidence of this.

As Gumshoe commenter Tony Ryan recently remarked:

“…the Family Law Act was promoted by the Rockefellers and Tavistock Institute (representing Fabian Socialism); powerful lobbies, both of which seek to destroy the family unit and family as a social influence.

“I was a welfare officer when the Family Law legislation proposal was floated and then enacted. From the outset, it replaced parents with feminists, social workers, psychologists, lawyers, the lesbian lobby, and judges. It was a disaster and destroyed tens of thousands of families…”

We are broken, and it seems Western society has totally imploded — and it will take a miracle to recover.

I was just thinking the other day: is it just me? Am I just caught up in a few extreme cases? I’ve heard these terrible accounts from Rachel Vaughan, and matched these with contemporary accounts. Is my reality skewed?

It seems NOT.

A recent headline, sourced from a Western Australian article by Mark Schliebs:

Australian Pedophiles Fuelling Market for Child Torture, Murder Videos

A summary of the report is on Sky News and News:

Australians pedophiles are fueling the market for footage of children being tortured and murdered, police have revealed in an article published in the Weekend Australian.

Daily Telegraph reporter Clare Armstrong told the Front Page program that it is “horrific” to consider such things are going on in Australia. “[It says] in the story it’s got to a point where crackdowns and arrests aren’t going to work,” Ms Armstrong said. “It’s probably going to get to a point where we have to start talking about what the causes of this kind of behaviour are and what is driving this and how we deal with that.” “Otherwise there is little hope for these children.”

The story comes shortly after revelations that Westpac Bank were found to have failed to do due diligence on transactions with possible links to child exploitation

Front Page Video — Explosion of Abuse

The Front Page video on Sky News is shocking. It is worth three and a half minutes of your time to understand that Australian society is in crisis.

This a story that is “compelling and horrific” and talks about the marketing of children for torture videos and child murder videos — according to Debbie Platz from the Australian Federal Police. The AFP believes they are unable to eradicate the problem, and the market is about to “grow.”



  1. Great article Dee, seems your trademark with the quell.
    How come Westpac cop all the “flack and super reduction” .
    Are the big telcos like Telstra, Vodafone etc just is cupible as the bank, enabling these transactions to then run the movie side of the business. They employ deep packet surveillance as policy and should not be protected as a carriage any longer as they can see the contraband.
    The Silicon Valley type cloud providers like Oracle, Microsoft and Amazon, also know the grotesque filth that they house and deseminate resides on their hardware. These companies services are not a carriage, but a product that needs banking services etc. ie… Wait for it.. Cartel, thought I was going to say conspiracy.

  2. Dee – I am witness to much of the heartache you have gone through over the past year learning these horrific stories. I frequently worried about the toll it would take on you. Yet, for some inexplicable reason – when all others would have (and have!) turned their backs and returned to their comfortable ‘reality’ – you have stuck by us. You’ve held our hands. You’ve given us all a voice.

    Your sacrifice has not been in vain.

    Whilst I was born into the nightmare of child trafficking and sexual abuse, most of my horror lived in the past. But I found the past 17 months that my wounds have been reopened as I too have heard from a plethora of Australian parents whose children have been ripped from them by the government. I too have heard how vulnerable children have been forced to return for further abuse by their perpetrators.

    This is a hideous nightmare which all of Australia must now awaken from.

    Dee – the light which yourself and Mary at Gumshoe have shone on this injustice is the brightest light I have seen in my lifetime. I truly believe that light is contagious, and is about to reach the deepest crevices of corruption in Australia.

    In my experience, it is darkest before the dawn.

    Our Dawn is imminent.

    • Thank you dear Rachel. I too believe this has to end. We have been driving down a cul-de-sac for a while now. But there is no way that authorities can keep brushing this under the rug. There is no road left for the can-kicking. What now? Ministerial inquiry? Royal Commission? Maybe a couple of jailings. The nature of this brutality is beyond anything that I could have imagined.

        • Helen, I had spoke to an Age reporter for some time (over many months). Fed him much info. I knew he was astonished at the material. The case is damning. A doctor said it was worthy of a ministerial inquiry. I finally arranged an interview with a mum. She flew to Melbourne. The reporter cancelled on the day — saying that a South Australian case would not garner much interest in Victoria. I wrote to him, the editor and the investigative editor, saying I could give them 5 equally horrendous stories from Melbourne. Nary a reply.

          I’m afraid, we’re on our own. I would so love to handball it over — and have a week-end off.

          • Dee, you are encountering a shivering msm not even looking for a spine to climb.
            There is a answer, a shiver of truth cannot locate a msm spine.
            Send this note to them with my compliments…spineless frauds and aiders and abettors.to child murders.

  3. Readers please note: I am being EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE in these articles. I have published only a small portion of the wrongdoing of persons in authority,

  4. It’s a great question, how long can they keep a lid on this.
    Once the lid lifts and we can see into cabinet deliberations, bit of frymo anyone, plenty to go around, a little aged johneytherodant.
    I am concerned to the strain on Dee over the last 18 odd months, then I see an article like this. Must be made for this, thanks Dee.

    • You think a half truth here though Terry,
      I guess big opportunity from time to time _Clinton Foundation meet Haitian.
      On the face of it you would not spend money and graft points, then wastefully dispose. I’m into the adronochrome(other protein) is real side of of this, so can logically reason this as part n parcel yet undisclosed.
      J W Howard told us these crazy people have travelled half the world by foot, truck and boat just to throw there kids in the water in our face. Outraged they looked away from home.

    • I can’t see that any of Ross Kemp reports amount to anything more than “aren’t you glad you’re not living in Asia, Afghanistan, etc”: in other words distraction

      I’d also have to say that the Reina Michaelson account linked by Dianne below is a fair indication of what happens to anyone involved in government-supported entertainment for any length of time and Kemp certainly fits that bill

    • Could not find it in the link but the allegations are all over the msm.
      Affidavit/s filed in the current family estate matter, by young hawkes refer to the allegations that one of Bob’s daughters reported to him that she was raped by a fellow called Landeryou (deceased), a political supporter of Bob’s. …… such support needed for good Bob’s political ambitions.
      Strangely, the good dad, Bob, allegedly discouraged her from reporting her allegation.
      So for the recent Royal Commission into Institutional Child Abuse being restricted to institutions and not doing a complete task. Then again it did catch a few not reporting on matters in some ‘institutions’.
      We were suckered into thinking that Gillard was serious.

  5. who holds the power –controls the money–who controls the money


    Rothschild & Co is a multinational investment bank and financial services company, and the flagship of the Rothschild banking group controlled by the French and British branches of the Rothschild family.
    The banking business of the firm covers the areas of investment banking, restructuring, corporate banking, private equity, asset management, and private banking. It is also known to serve as the advisor and lender to governments and major corporations.[4] In addition, the firm has its own investment account in private equity.
    Rothschild’s financial advisory division is known to serve British nobility, including the British Royal Family. Past chairman Sir Evelyn Rothschild is the personal financial advisor of Queen Elizabeth II, and she knighted him in 1989 for his services to banking and finance.[5]

    Victor Rothschild part of my story–along with Churchill –Psychological warfare Dept-Tavistock cadre of psychiatrists

    so I add this

  6. Do not give up hope people.

    I could explain but just listen to the first 15 minutes of the following X22 report.


    If we think:
    There are decent members of the intelligence community who have daughters. They knew/know,
    Now how would they plan to deal with this evil?
    They know that a Royal Commission would have been a waste ………… just consider our latest charade.

    So HAVE HOPE and WATCH. fits 15 minutes.

    • Just watch the whole report and hope that the conditioning under way to fight evil is going to awaken the idiots.
      Will the bell ring for you? (Re: first comment by Dee on the ‘Bell test’)
      Are you going to comply and sit or stand? OR THINK for yourself?

        Relating to illegal laundered contributions to the demos. Plus in regard to one, alleged child abuse. Has prior conviction.
        Cannot link with this gadget, but details have been sent to Dee.
        My info is that what has appeared has worse to come.
        So. Are things slowly coming to fruition?
        Keep hopes up.

  7. Two persons, a lawyer and a journo have formed an “NGO” re the family court, internationally. I don’t wish to endorse them yet, especially as they plan to report to the UN… However here is the journo:

    “Parents are often afraid to go public, for fear of reprisals” says freelance journalist Marianne Azizi. “Initially they could be right, with threats of punishment from public officials. Especially as most cases are done behind closed doors. Parents are paralysed. In any other circumstances, such as saving a child from drowning in a lake, or if they are in danger – a parent doesn’t think twice. They don’t need any court order to save the life of their children. Yet, strangers in the public sector will criminalise a parent for something as insignificant as posting a picture of their child on social media.

    “In normal circumstances, parents share pictures of birthdays, or picnics etc with no repercussions. Suddenly their child is no longer theirs to be proud of. This is why CFI came into existence. To provide testimonies, articles and reporting for individuals to the UN; setting up civil societies in various countries and making these abuses a world issue. The next generation will not know what a real family is at this rate of removals from home.”

  8. Thanks, Commenters, for helping out. I have recommended to Dee that she leave this article posted for another 24 hours as we have not had a chance to offer solutions.

    Problem: the failure of anyone in authority to do the right thing.

    Solution: _____________________.

  9. We laugh at them, show disrespect for their false honour. Make a mockery of the absurd position of the claim that the tail should wag the dog.

    Reinforce the idea that they have the inalienable right to be fools, as we enjoy a good laugh.

    The one thing we can NOT laugh at is how good they look in those suits, Nazi’s need to look good, as Madam Albright once said “what’s the point of all these Jack boots if we are not stomping on innocent faces”.

    • This is non violence, consistent with Jesus’s stance against the money changes(forex).
      Jesus must have known when he kicked the tables over, that mayhem would not ensue because of Roman Centurions controlling to top of the walls.
      I’m at a loss for any other action that does not defile us. I am of course unrefined so well may join a militia should shoes fail.

    • The best people, then, to laugh at and mock is the Political Correctness mob. They have no sense of humour.

      Therefore I propose that December 26th to be the Inaugural International Anti-Political Correctness Day.

      To partake, everyone should travel to their capital cities’ main address, where they can shout out “waycist!”
      Wear t-shirts sayingg “Multiculturalism is Transitory!”
      Wave the rainbow flags emblazoned with the slogan “An Ethnic Space For Every Race!”
      Make signs with “Down with Social Justice Mercenaries!”
      I’m sure we can think of more….

  10. Thank you, Dee and Mary for continuing to expose this horror happening everywhere on the globe. Yet it makes sense to take a stand where you live, and it is a domino effect when things get exposed, as it is a global system of abuse, which is a lot more pronounced in any war torn region. As Rachel says, Thank you for not just going back to your comfortable lives and sticking your heads in the sand. For all victims and families this is something we can’t do. Often our own traumas are so painful that it destroys our ability to do anything for years or perhaps never.
    Yes you would think that in this day and age with computers able to monitor a lot of activity on the internet it would not be so difficult to make a filter which picks up on any images of child rape and torture, and the sick jargon they use. Just like if all of us posted, lets overthrow the government I am making a bomb, join me, we would be flagged and searched quite quickly, but obviously this is not a priority for any of the elected leaders around the world, as they are all part of the web and the abuse system.
    When you say Dee, !! I was not prepared to uncover a society that was prepared to attack itself — and prey on its most vulnerable (children). And like a cancer, erode every part of humanity, empathy, and decency to destroy itself — from within.!!, I would say that this happens in many parts of the world, and in some places it is seen as culture, and that through our histories humans have been exploiting and enslaving each others and animals for a very long time.
    It is evil, and those of us who are not blind are not prepared to sit in our comfortable lives. So what are the solutions, as obviously there are many ways that we can fight back and exposed.
    Surveillance, we must all become private detectives and computer hackers, so we can expose the rott, and then hope that others will believe us and not just sit there and do nothing,

    • Mia, your comment “For all victims and families this is something we can’t do. Often our own traumas are so painful that it destroys our ability to do anything for years or perhaps never.”

      How true.

      I have seen how the “system” is designed to destroy any opposition or challenge. It is probably well-known how to literally knock a person down. If they stand up in court to defend their kids — the tactic is to defame them, debase them, degrade them, demean them, debilitate them, diminish them in any way. e.g. destroy them as best as possible so that they provide no opposition. From the MANY accounts I have heard it sounds like GANG-TORMENT where crown prosecutors etc attempt to destroy the protective parent — based on hearsay evidence.

  11. Mary Dee maybe it is time investigative journalists join forces exposing police corruption and establish a whistleblowers united party

    I was researching the history of policing in Victoria and came across


    On Friday 6 August 1999 Victoria Police visited the Printers of two newly published books at Maryborough in Victoria in an apparent attempt to seize the entire print run. Report Page 5.


    Victoria Police Corruption. In June 1995, The Hoser Files – The Fight Against Entrenched Official Corruption

    “Former Victorian Policeman Andrew Macgregor who wrote the foreword to the first book has called for a Royal Commission into the force in relation to material within both books, in particular a number of supposedly unsolved murders. He has been joined by a number of other serving and former Police officers. Another former NSW Policeman Mick Cottier, has described the two books as ‘Investigative journalism at it’s best’. There are too many things to summarise for a media release, however the books have been described as ‘The Bible on Police and political corruption in Victoria’. Among the allegations is the case of the woman (here we’ll call her KX-8 – here full name and details are in the book) who was under protection by the Victorian Police after she’d given evidence at the Wood Royal Commission (as witness KX-7). Instead of protecting her as promised, Police officers tried to rape her. Her complaints on the matter were upheld by the Ethical Standards Section (ESD), but they then failed to sack the offending Police.”

    Further Information: Kotabi Publishing: 03 9857-4664
    Author Raymond Hoser on 0412-777-211 (all hours)
    Or go to: http://www.smuggled.com/vrb2.htm for covers and other information.
    PO BOX 599,
    MOBILE PHONE: +61 412 777 211
    FAX: +61 3 9857 4664
    E-MAIL: adder@smuggled.com

    Mary an aside–who is Fred Fictitious?

  12. The reason I was looking up Victorian Police Corruption was due to-Nicola Gobbo-

    Lawyer X royal commission blog: Nicola Gobbo says her ‘greatest fear’ is Victoria Police
    Lawyer X Nicola Gobbo has broken her silence and spoken to the ABC’s 7.30 program, saying she fears Victoria Police will kill her or leak information that could lead to her death.

    I can also see the link to Dr Reina Michaelson’s story– particularly re Mornington Peninsular-Royal Melbourne Hospital links to the video industry–impersonating police-




    “Zoccoli’s involvement with Police began in about 1982. He met Frank Green in February 1983 at least three times during the Costigan Royal Commission. Green was representing Victoria Police interests while Zoccoli was approached to give evidence to the commission about organized crime links in the video industry. The first two meetings were at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, while the third was at a private house on the Mornington Peninsula. It appears that through Green or other Police, Zoccoli, then known as ‘Stuart Paul Gill’ got contacts in the Police Bureau of Criminal Intelligence (BCI). Gill worked for the NCA, IID and ISU on various computer related matters and although he signed a secrecy agreement with the NCA, the Victoria Police never sought any such undertaking.

    Other allegations that appeared to remain uninvestigated were that Police had uncovered a $3 billion dollar asset stripping and money laundering scam. Another was that three past and present (then 1992) members of the Cain/Kirner government had accepted a $250,000 bribe to arrange the dropping of charges against a prominent businessman.

    Gill also got paid by Police for work he did unscrambling illegal gaming machines. In 1982 he had a brush with Police on a ‘theft’ matter, while in 1985 he was charged with impersonating Police. It is understood that Frank Green gave Gill character evidence in a matter at the County Court. When Gill and Green fell out isn’t exactly known, but it is thought to have been about the time Gill’s home at Mount Martha was raided by Police in 1991. Green had refused to intervene.”

    • Child Protection Services running around with false ID, freeing legit ID (as exposed by one Dee McLachlan) to run all over backing up fake/or not on the shift payroll “enforcement services”.
      How Gobbo is alive is amazing, the multi million dollar payout must be very run down by now. Only the kids(who is the father) can I be concerned though. I be quiet on this thread now.

    • Dr Reina Michaelson’s Story–

      “The following is a summary of events that detail the infiltration of a high-profile, powerful group of child sex offenders into my child abuse prevention organisation. What was uncovered as a result of this infiltration was the existence of an Illuminati-based child pornography and pedophile ring that is operating in Australia, under the protection of senior-ranking members of Victoria Police. The members of the network include senior management and executives from a major television network, media celebrities, high-ranking politicians, police officers in charge of pedophile and child pornography investigations, senior management representatives from the Department of Education, directors of “child-focused” service clubs, wealthy businessmen, and others. I have tried to keep the account as brief as possible while trying to include all relevant information. The description covers events from 1995 until present.”

      • Senior management representatives from the Department of Education?
        AC/DC had a solution:

        “If you’re havin’ trouble with the high school head
        He’s givin’ you the blues
        You wanna graduate but not in his bed
        Here’s what you gotta do
        Pick up the phone, I’m always home
        Call me any time
        Just ring 362 436 oh
        I lead a life of crime

        Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
        Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
        Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
        (Dirty deeds and they’re done dirt cheap)
        (Dirty deeds and they’re done dirt cheap)”

        “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” Angus Mckinnon Young & Ronald Belford Scott 1976

        • Due to a certain incident I prefer this version:

          20 odd years ago I had a friend who was a virtual Joan Jett double: age, looks, personality, mannerisms etc. On one occasion she agreed to front the Education Department with me re certain fouls perpetuated by a certain officer and she wound up just absolutely flattening him, an arrant reminder of just how pathetically weak such individuals actually are.

  13. I posted this in an anti-corruption page on FB yesterday. I thought it apt to reproduce it here:

    ‘A friend contacted SAPOL and Crimestoppers today.. [9 12 2019].. on behalf of Grant, Arrna and Jane Beaumont.
    I am reproducing his words here, sent to me by private message, and which I have asked for permission to post:

    ”So I just rang SAPOL three times to report the location of the Beaumont children. They hung up 3 times. Told me to ring crime stoppers. They hung up twice. Got my point across 3rd time. Told them the refusal to absorb the information I had given is proof they have a guilty conscience. They are becoming an accessory to the crimes. I was given no reference number. They didn’t even ask for my details. They then told me it’s to be taken up by the police integrity panel…. I gather they don’t want to know either. These p…ks are definitely hiding something.”

    Whilst I am horrified that a citizen and constituent of SA was treated this way by SAPOL and Crimestoppers, part of me was heartened.

    Firstly because this friend took it upon himself to take on these departments of authority on behalf of children who cannot thank him for the effort.

    Secondly because I thought us McIntyre children were just ‘special’. We were ‘red flagged’ years ago, even before our father and abuser asked for us to be assigned ‘mute’ victims when he wrote to major crime detective David S….. in 2012.

    But it seems SAPOL and Crimestoppers take this attitude toward anybody trying to solve a cold case in SA.

    Especially when it’s a lucrative child abduction/murder cold case which they are desperate to keep ‘unsolved’.

    Anybody else had the same experience? I’m thinking of writing an article about it.’

    I find it very interesting that there is reportedly a “police integrity panel” looking into the Beaumont case. The timing is very apt. I this why Doug Barr recently took his own life?

  14. watch tonights abc 7.30 interview with Nicola Gobo–she just said–my greatest fear is the police itself— she is thinking of suing Vic police

    A woman Judge Wilson –clearly has made her decisions about Gobbo–who is in hiding out of the country with her two children

    Ashton speaks of a Royal Commission–anything with Royal in it is toxic—

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