Editor’s note: This came into my email box from a reader. It’s time to act Dan, before it becomes manslaughter.
An Australian drug known as Ivermectin, which is already in use throughout the world to treat parasitic conditions, is showing great results in killing coronavirus in studies involving patients, according to Sky News.
Professor Brody:
“Because I’m involved in developing these in the U.S. where all the patients are, there are a number of studies that are amazingly successful. We’re talking close to 100%.
“In fact, we haven’t seen a result yet under 100%. It looks like corona is very simple to kill,” Professor Thomas Borody, medical director of Australia’s Center for Digestive Disease.
“It’s available as a prescription medication. You wouldn’t use it alone … but you add two other things to it such as doxycycline and zinc.”
A Health Worker Shows A Bottle Of Ivermectin
Ivermectin is already approved by the FDA and is on the World Health Organization’s list of model list of essential medicines.
“We had a 14-hospital trial in Bangladesh. We got [cured] 100 out of 100. In China, they tried to reproduce it. They got 60 out of 60 cured …
“So I am behind the Ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc treatment because it has very few side effects and is a real killer of coronavirus,” Borody said.
Borody said the Ivermectin tablet could cost as little as $2, which is likely why drugmakers haven’t promoted the drug’s usage.
He also suggested that have a cure for the disease easily would do away with the need for people to be hospitalized, which would make doctors less money.
“There’s no huge pharmaceutical company behind it to spend millions of dollars and put people in places to treat,” Borody said.
An interview with Brody:
Parasites and candida control with turpentine!
Yep, turps is good for that. Mms also
Ivermectin is readily available in Aust as a cattle wormer.
Does anyone know the rate of doxycycline and zinc to Ivermectin?
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) website which shows the protocols to use for Covid 19 ( ie I-Mask+, I-Math+)
I tried to click onto a Brody Youtube this morning to get “AGAINST COMMUNITY STANDARDS”. Taken down.
It’s time YouTube is charged with withholding information that saves lives, and is accused and party to manslaughter.
They tested this drug in Brazil on an entire block (or people). 100% successful.
Dan it’s game over.
Let’s move on now. It is now clear that the MSM and the state gov is participating in a coverup and crimes against humanity.
Dee, hear, hear. Criminal charges against politicians and newsagencies. This would bring the evidence of the scam into the court domain. Let’s get on with real NORMAL life and stop this crap.
Get Victorians back to work and to school where they should be. Let’s get back to Constitutional Australia. Stuff the One World Government and the criminal likes of Gates and Fauci and the World Health Organisation.
It was announced in a video I watched on Sunday, that a “Class Action” was starting in Victoria, today, Tuesday 18/8/2020. Beauty!
Some doctor are moral Dr Jennifer Daniel is one of them.
gone in a flash
Try this link.
Check out “Who is Calling The Shots?” from Jennifer Daniels on Vimeo.
The video is available for your viewing pleasure at
I cannot believe that doctors are still saying that we have critical situation in Victoria. The symptoms described by Professor Borody sound to me to be the same as the common cold which is named Coronavirus.
Zinc supplementation has been known for years to PREVENT colds. And if not used before cold attacks, zinc will reduce time period of cold. Nothing new here. Notice that with both Invermectin and Hydrochlorquine, zinc must be added.
The deaths to date are no more than other years before Covid-19 was invented. If there had been no mention of Covid-19 in the panic messages by the MSM, nobody would be saying anything about the deaths this year, because those numbers are no more unusual to other years. Except that as the population has increased, the number of deaths is lower.
They could have had me, you know.
While watching the above video it has hit home that Covid-19 is a whole new BUSINESS. Scams are jumping up everywhere as long as Covid-19 is mentioned.
Both in the medical world and if you notice most advertising mentions either “this period of danger”, or “now that living is being returned to normal, we will give you a discount”.
Hospitals and nursing homes are being paid way above normal fees, if patients or clients are tested positive to Covid-19. What a way to increase numbers of positive tests, for unusual payments. Isn’t this corruption?
Hey, Mal, you made me recall the Beverly Hillbillies episode when Grandma invented a cure for the common cold…
Awesome Mary. The Beverly Hillbillies are still great to watch and granny’s cure for the common cold, as it would no doubt also be for Covid-19, still applies.
Of interest to some, the character called Jethro in the show (played by Max Baer Jr), is the son of former world heavyweight boxing champion Max Baer.
Baer is the boxer who Russell Crowe (aka Jim Braddock) defeated in the movie Cinderella Man to become the new world heavyweight boxing champion.
I suppose TV you’d call her Zio-Granny?? Next you’l be calling me Zio-Phil??
I don’t know anything about Granny’s ethno-political disposition so not able to comment there.
Jethro (played by Max Baer) was Jewish.
I don’t know if he’s a good Jew (ie: the vast majority of them like Ron Unz, Stephen Lendman, Jeremy Roth-Kushel, Henry Makow, Peter Schiff, Michel Chussodovsky and countless others).
Or if he’s of the Michael Chertoff, Dov Zackheim, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle (aka the Prince of Darkness) variety.
So, the jury is out on that issue.
Having said that, Max Baer Sr did have a prominent Star of David placed on his boxing trunks (conveniently missing on the trunks from the actor that played him in the movie Cinderella Man. I wonder why that could be ? Perhaps not pleasing to the Zio-producers of the movie to see a Jew beaten up by the nice guy / genuine working class rags to riches Jim Braddock / Russell Crowe).
As for you Phil, I won’t ever be calling you that because I suspect you mean well and judging by all else you’ve said you seem a genuinely good bloke.
Unfortunately, you (like me for a while there), got caught up in the ‘Trump-train’ phenomenon and have been side-tracked.
Of course, that’s just my opinion ( and that of G Edward Griffin), so take that as you wish.
The parasitic vector distributing of a bacteria or viral pathogen, maybe just a parasite adding to comorbidity, explains the gaps in the dot connecting in cov2 mystery.
This treatment described above for a multitude of internal and external parasites needing Ivermectin with anti-biotic for secondary infection would be more aligned with a Lyme type medical response to me. Solid numbers if they are true.
I better go read some per reviewed medical papers, because a laugh is as good as a holiday. Maybe slip down to the vet after.
The rural supply shops in Victoria have been ordered to take Ivermectin off the shelf!! I used to buy mine on eBay!!
Did someone say ‘danslaughter’.
Sorry, it was a KFC advert that I must have misheard.
Really really sorry nurse, yes I will take my pill.
Very nice people in this nursing home, very private, I have not been disturbed by pesky rels’ since before Christmas, with will forms to sign….. true heaven and the mortuary men are so regular and efficient. One even measured me the other day……. very strange, nurse said he was supposed to measure for new curtains.
Bye now. …… and VOTE 1 FOR DAN, HE IS MY MAN.
Ahh love it!! X
Alan Jones has been emphatic in his criticism of the governmental Covid-tyranny and lockdowns and in the video below he doesn’t disappoint.
The last two minutes of the clip features him speaking to Professor Thomas Borody :
Still many challengers – here is a reply from a German physio friend when I asked if she’d heard of the Hamburg group of doctors (www.ACU2020.org) just an hour’s drive from where she lives – translated from German:
” Nazis, right extremists, populists, Alternative für Deutschland, etc have tried since the beginning of the pandemic to instrumentalise it to their use. They specifically target these anti-Corona demonstrations. The organisers and speakers have names and then reveal their activities etc.It’s very practical that, while doing this, in one breath they make an all-round effort concerning 5G net, migration, Bill Gates etc etc, they negate investigative journalism, dismiss research results and above all, prefer simple answers in the globalised complex world.
These people are real fishers of men, trying to drag power to themselves. Creepy!
This troop of doctors is known in this sense, they proceed in the same scheme. (She’s recently arrived to Samos to work 3 months with refugees) The „Jungle“ = 7200 refugees under plastic tarpaulins in near 40 degrees, begins right behind my rented room. I’m probably having hallucinations, & it’s not really happening. It was just a hoax, in respect that these people have no right at all to flee from war, violence etc.
To describe something as fake prevents confrontation with reality as well as the search for solutions.
(Advice to me): Get out of this conspiracy shit. In that sense, take care..
I’m anticipating the replies, if I get them, from three practicing doctor friends may well be similar..
Gee, I miss Jones in the morning. (Cannot afford Sky)
Why are people frightened of him……. pussys!
Just listen to the crap 2GB, smh, nine network now presents.
Did someone say ‘criminal and fraudulent negligence’.
The Opal Princess was a rowing boat without oars scandal compared with the current criminality of bureacrats and politicians.
Bring on the Royal Commission to deal with our criminal politicians and bureacrats.
Mother’s been home with us in Red-pillsville for a month, post hip-op. Sitting in cardio specialists’ waiting room today, she is wearing her proffered mask (I’m NOT!) and tells me how difficult it is to breathe. I asked her why she was wearing it. “I’m just doing the right thing”. I asked “Even if you know it’s not good for you?”…… “Yes”.
I spoke to my parents in Melbourne today who actually hung up on me when I politely offered a view contrary to,not only the government/MSM, but to theirs!! What’s going on down there in the Garden State? Should I be offended that my Mum’s last words were “are you a scientist now?”….. no, don’t worry, she knows that I am not a scientist, but, who is that woman who would prefer to belittle me, than to question, actually not question, listen to some interesting FACTS, that have come to light…..the sun ain’t shinin’ down in Melbs, and the flowers seem to be wilting in the Garden…..😔
Anna, it seems common sense cannot compete with ‘scientists’. I’m no scientist either, and the look of derision from my mother cut to the core. I’m not sure it’s “ignorance is bliss” or “parents know best” – either way, just questioning seems to be wrong by my 86 y.o. mum. Childhood ‘mantras’ come back to me: “why’s a crooked letter & you can’t straighten it”; “curiosity killed the cat”; “because I TOLD you so”; etc.. I’m thankful I got the questioning gene & don’t mind where it came from – and I’ve passed it on to my kids with positivie determination. Pray others do likewise!!
They were days way back in Beverley Hills.
People are getting out, the commies want to hit old Jeb and family with a wealth tax on anyone who was silly enough to live in California over a preceding TEN years.
Just search the tent business in LA and SF. (Also search the boarding up of NY)
And they will try it here. Remember old Joe Peterson, Premiier of Qld? He rid the state of death taxes, so anyone with a brain moved to Qld. (Last time Victorians exercised a brain😅)
The taxation states had to follow by withdrawing ruinious death taxes that destroyed farming families. (Now they do it with entrepeneurs owning their water)
I know, I was a solicitor at the time dealing with the destruction of farming families.
Rsole politicians abound, so we have to pay bankers with our taxes for their invented money at interest to the chosen.
This covid scandal is going to have small business destroyed…. then whom is going to control society? THE USUALS😈
Yes Ned, I heard about the wealth tax in California.
I think it’s great. Because anyone worth anything will abandon the state and it will serve as a template for what not to do – as it descends into a 3rd world hell hole.
As for old Joh-Bjelke, he did a hell of a lot more good than bad.
A much maligned figure that honest history textbooks (if there are any in future), will judge kindly.
Ivomectin has been has been commonly used in animal husbandry as a treatment for many internal and external parasites in sheep, cattle, pigs and chooks for about 30 years that I know of without any apparent ill effects even with doses double or triple the recommended.
My doctor friend says the beauty of using Ivermectin “off-label” is that if you give a 10X dose by mistake you are unlikely to see serious adverse effects. Of course, here in Au he’s been banned from using it for COVID cos it works.
Time to make it mandatory for our polticians and msm journalis, to rid them of their parasites ruinning our country. Beats a mandated fascist control creep needle.
Where are you PM Morrison……. on the msm needle already?
We the public are at a disadvantage in this scam. Probably no other industry except maybe the Banking Industry would get away with such a crime. However the Medical Industry is a monopoly overseen by the Pharmaceutical Industry and here in Australia, the AMA. If any practising MD steps out of line his licence is revoked. A similar situation fits for research into medical affairs, Big Pharma will make sure there is no grant money available.
This means that if MD’s or researchers lose either licence or finance, they lose their chosen occupation and are probably not suited for another career, especially if older.
This means that if doctors in the field have a conflicting view to that of Industry they are unable to convey to the public a different type of treatment even though they know that treatment is superior to that if force. If they try to release their ideas, the MSM will jump on them immediately.
I imagine this is why very few doctors have questioned the validity of viruses and in particular the yet unproven to exist, so called Covid-19.
Wondering if you could circulate to your contacts as a matter of extreme urgency.
From today’s paper: “Premier Daniel Andrews is working with the States solicitor-general to introduce new legislation and amendments to allow authorities to extend the State of emergency for as long as is necessary.” This means the continued suspension of parliament, complete power with no accountability and no specified sunset clause. An unprecedented move.
He is working with the Attorney General Jill Hennessy to remove the final safeguards. EVERYONE needs to follow the instructions below, re-write it in their own words and email the AG, we cannot let our state be destroyed without a fight. The pace of government overreach since Mar-April is unrelenting. Please pray, send and forward to all your contacts.
Send email to: attorney-general@justice.vic.gov.au
Copy in —> yourlondon@bbc.co.uk customer.help@theguardian.com
Attention: The Hon Jill Hennessy MP – Attorney General- Dear Ms Hennessy, I understand that Law Reform has been requested by the Victorian Premier, Mr Daniel Andrews, to extend the six month period of the State of Emergency declared on 13 March 2020 to beyond 13 September 2020. I oppose and do not support any reform to this law. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or email on ##### .
Yours sincerely,
Re: Dictator Dan’s Diktats (as per Dee’s post above) :
How much more can Victorians take ?
It’s getting to the stage where a MASS protest needs to be staged and events may need to play out ‘ Storming-of-the-Bastille’ like, and the gates to parliament may need to be forced so that Dan answers to the people.
Not recommending violence or a lynching or anything comparable but someone needs to scare the bejeezus out of him and say ….. NO MORE !!
Merci, Troof. I was forced to look up “sans culottes” and here it s:
Les Sans-Culottes: Marat’s French Revolutionaries
[Search domain historycooperative.org/sans-culottes/] https://historycooperative.org/sans-culottes/
The sans-culottes, the name for the commoners that fought against the monarchy during the rebellion, were arguably the heart and soul of the French Revolution. With their name derived from their choice in apparel — loose fitting pantaloons, wooden shoes, and red liberty caps — they were workers, artisans, and shopkeepers; patriotic, uncompromising, egalitarian, and,
From the department of You Can’t Make This Stuff Up:
In Comments I said that when I mention something on the phone, a relevant Youtube may soon get delivered to my screen. But I did not say it also happens when I THINK something.
Less than an hour ago I was watching the Youtube video of Daniel Barenboim conducting Tico Tico at the Berlin Philharmonic. I distinctly thought “I’d like to meet Barenboim before I die.”
Now they send to my screen a video of Daniel explaining how Mozart and Beethoven felt before they died.
That is most interesting! For the first 30 seconds or so I thought he was doing a bit out of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata; but, of course, no one could copyright an arpeggio.
Anyhow, poor ole Wolfgang, brilliant as he was, succumbed to the fashionable opinions of his day and introduced what was to become an epidemic of sentimental solipsism that degenerated into utter chaos in music accompanying the degradation of philosophy.
Even ole Plato lamented that bad music was destroying youth and his culture.
Cohen-cidence ?
I like that Mary. I’ll be borrowing that.
For those of you still holding out hope that ScoMo will ‘deliver us from evil’, no need to wait any longer – courtesy of the following headline I just read on the Channel 9 website :
” COVID-19 VACCINE FOR EVERY AUSSIE : Morrison reveals breakthrough deal with Oxford University.”
I won’t be attaching a link to the actual article – it’s a worthless read.
Anyway, we now know for certain where we stand ; ScoMo is as worthless and beholden to the puppet masters as would be an Albo P.M.
Meanwhile, here is a quote from C.S Lewis damning relentless despotism (but equally applicable to what’s happening to us courtesy of the Covid-conspirators) :
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
In light of how our ‘wise governmental overlords’ and bureaucratic do-gooders have abused their positions over us in the last 5 – 6 months, does anyone dispute this ?
I am a simpleton so offer a simple answer to stop the planned derailment leading to gulag slavery or worse. Shut down the three BSL4 factories in Victoria. Unless that happens there is no hope other than divine intervention. They have us locked in, individual thought has been erased.
Too much faith in science technology and gadgets have delivered us to mushroom cloud damnation if we step out of line. Cyber surveillance communist tyranny and military madness is to blame for all our suffering and injustice.
“Plandemic – Indoctornation” on London Real TV
I watched this early this morning and it is EXCELLENT. London Real urges us to share.
Imani Mamalution has just shared the Bitchute link – share and download
An article from ABC news this morning reads :
“Scott Morrison expects a successful coronavirus vaccine would be mandatory in Australia” :
That’s all the info we need.
ScoMo has to go NOW !!
Those of you that have a Liberal/National Party local Federal MP should pressure them at once to engineer a toppling of the leadership.
Hopefully we can arrange a ‘two-for’ and purge little Josh as well.
They’ve probably manufactured the vax with the virus. Geelong or Wuhan.
Great choice when we have no choice. All our leaders are compromised puppets.
[…] “We need a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.5 per cent cure rate, without the vaccine. Let that sink in,” “Don’t order too many … Most people don’t need a vaccine for something that has a 99.96 (per cent) recovery rate and hydroxychloroquine is a much safer alternative,” [And now there’s Ivermectin.] […]
[…] recently posted an article about Australian Professor Borody and the success of Ivermectin a few days ago. He was saying that […]
[…] a mainstream media talk show host getting to some of the solutions. Last week I published the article “Australian Professor Thomas Borody: Ivermectin ‘Amazingly Successful’ In Killing […]
[…] Australian Professor Thomas Borody: Ivermectin ‘Amazingly Successful’ In Killing Coronavirus […]
[…] Australian Professor Thomas Borody: Ivermectin ‘Amazingly Successful’ In Killing Coronavirus […]