by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Malcolm Roberts, an engineer, born 1955, is a member of the Australian Senate. He was elected in Queensland as a member of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation political party and is a critic of the climate-change position. On 1 June 2021, he addressed some sharp questions about Covid and vaccination to the Senate Estimates Committee. I have chosen five of the questions and will display them in a different sequence than the original, in order to prioritize ones that are surprising, or should I say, startling.
But before getting to that, I have pulled the following item from Hansard in regard to an earlier parliamentary hearing on 5 February 2021. The question is being put by Tony Zappia, MP, Labor Party, of Makin South Australia. The person answering is Adjunct Professor John Skettles, a Canberra bureaucrat who has responsibilities in the TGA – Therapeutic Goods Administration. His title is Deputy Secretary, Health Products Regulation.
MR ZAPPIA: Once you get vaccinated, will you have to be vaccinated in, say, 12 months time?
Dr Skerritt: If you know the answer to that, could you tell us! That’s the $64 billion question. And that, of course, is one of the primary questions that people following this epidemic are asking. We hope not. There are two possibilities: either the current vaccines don’t provide long-term protection per se, or there is antigenic or virus strain drift. It’ll possibly be a combination of both. So it may well be you’ll have to have Pfizer mark II in 12 months time because the virus, whether it’s the South Africa, Brazil or UK strain, will have changed enough that you’ll need a more efficacious boost in 12 months time. Or it could just be the inherent characteristics of a vaccine for a disease that you need to be boosted in 12 months time….”
The Five Questions from Senator Malcom Roberts
Now here are five questions from the One Nation senator, Malcolm Roberts. They are about 1. provisional approval, 2. Ivermectin, 3. intergenerational effect, 4. the number of shots needed, and 5. liability.
The person giving the answers is Mr Edwards.
Q. The vaccine only has provisional approval. Is it true that provisional approval is only possible where there are no approved pharmaceutical treatments available?
A. The provisional approval is possible where there is not a similar treatment available in that, for that group of patients. And so, if there’d been an approved vaccine, but say it had been on the market for several years, fully approved, then it wouldn’t have been possible to provisionally approve a vaccine, but at the time of the submissions of those vaccines, and indeed we have provisionally designated the Novavax vaccine as well and the Johnson & Johnson or Janssen vaccine, it is possible to provisionally designate and potentially provisionally approve those vaccines.
Thank you. Ivermectin is an antiviral that’s been proven safe in 3.6 billion human doses over 60 years. It’s now demonstrating success in treating COVID internationally, including in certain Indian states that are performing far better than the other states without it. …Cures and preventatives are a fundamental and complimentary part of a virus management strategy. What is your timeline for the assessment and use of Ivermectin?
A. Senator, we have not received a submission for Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID. I have had a number of people write to me and say, “Why haven’t you folks approved?” We can’t make a medicine submission to ourselves for regulatory approval. There’s no provision in law for us because it requires a legal sponsor. But we have said to people if you come with a dossier of information we will review it as a priority….
How many years will it be before we know the long-term and intergenerational effects of these vaccines that only have provisional approval?
A. I might ask my colleague from the TGA to come up to answer that one.
John Skerritt: So, TGA, unlike the U.S. and the UK, for example, did a provisional approval of a vaccines as opposed to an emergency use authorization. The reason why it is a provisional approval is because we don’t have, for example, as Professor Kelly has just said, information on the duration of protection from these vaccines. And we require that the companies to give us that sort of information in the coming years. I mean, no one has those answers now. There’s some encouraging results, but as Professor Kelly has said, it’s likely that further vaccinations will be required. As part of the approval of any medicine or vaccine, big companies together with us are involved in very extensive safety monitoring. And we publish the results of the safety monitoring of that vaccine every week including mild or 24 hour adverse events, right through to those that might be much more serious and require hospitalisation. And no medicine or vaccine is without adverse events, but on balance, the number of adverse events, especially serious adverse events for these vaccines are comparatively low. The overwhelming majority of people vaccinated from them at worst suffer the 24 or 48 hours sore arm or tiredness, fatigue, et cetera.
[Malcolm Roberts] How long before we know the intergenerational effects?
[Professor John] There’s no evidence at all from animal or human studies that the RNA vaccines, if you’re talking about them, incorporate into the genetic material of human beings. They wouldn’t have been approved for regulatory approval and that includes by much bigger regulators such as the FDA, if these bits of mRNA incorporated into the human genetic material. In fact, medicines that incorporate into human genetic material and are inherited are currently not permitted in most major countries, including Australia.
Thank you. How many times and how often would each of us need to be injected for the vaccine to be effective and for each time, for how long does the effect last?
A. So, as I mentioned earlier in the hearing, very good protection from one dose of vaccine, either the AstraZeneca or Pfizer particularly in relation to severe infection, but also to symptomatic infection, and to a lesser extent asymptomatic infection. So, that’s a single dose. The second dose is important for both of those vaccines. And most of the vaccines that are currently being used around the world require two doses to give a longer effect and a more deep effect, if you like, in terms of protection. I think it’s very important that Australia knows that this is the start of our vaccine programme. It will almost certainly not be the end. There will be a need for boosters into the future particularly in relation to the variants of concern of which there are four now that have been designated by the World Health Organisation. And some of those we already know do affect the vaccine efficacy. So, it’s likely we will need to have boosters into the future. How long the two dose effect works is still, we don’t know. We know it’s at least six months because that’s the studies of, been looking at it for six months. It’s almost certainly longer than that for the original strain, but the variance of concern adds another complexity to it.
Note: I [MM] think you will agree that he answers are wholly unsatisfactory.
Now Back to Hansard’s Text from 5 February 2021; Psychology, Pregnancy, and the Pacific
Here are three additional matters that were taken up (if you could call it that) in the House of Representatives in February 2021. The first is Dr Fiona Martin from Reid, New South. Wales, Liberal Party. She is also Chair of the Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
The second is Tony Zappia, of South Australia, who was mentioned above. His question is about vaccinating during pregnancy. Finally, a question about our Pacific neighbors from Dr Mike Freelander, MP, who is a pediatrician.
Dr Martin: …My question is about the line of thinking—and I did ask this when we met the other day—around the transparency of information, the openness around the risks. The immunisation schedule for children up to four years is not necessarily consistent between states and territories; there are slight variations. We don’t have the same strategy in place, in the sense that we don’t share as much information, or it’s not as accessible to parents. It’s fairly basic information for your average mum and dad, who are encouraged to complete the blue book for their child. I’m wondering about the psychology around that and if there is data that suggests that having such transparency and information about associated risks will actually increase uptake of the vaccine. That’s one question.
… What if we don’t have compliance for the second dosage? What if people don’t come back for the second dosage? What strategies are going to be put in place to ensure that we do have follow-up for the second dosage?
Dr Murphy: Those are really good questions. We love psychology. We are spending well over $23 million, I think, on a comms campaign, which is in three phases. The first phase is to get people confident about the registration process. They feature gentlemen in white coats and other people to assure people that our registration processes are as rigorous as anywhere in the world. Then there will be other phases that will deal with all of those issues. We’ve taken the approach with our previous immunisation campaigns which we have run in the past—Ms Peisley was very involved in those—that, as you said, the best way to get to people is not to badger them; it’s to give them the facts and to be absolutely transparent. That’s why the TGA puts everything on its website. So it’s put a statement on its website about the Norwegian aged-care associated deaths….
But the way we’re structuring our program and the incentives we have built into it is that it’ll be in the interests of the clinic that gives you the first dose to contact you and bring you back for the second dose. Certainly in the general practices, they get an extra bonus if they bring people back for the second dose. And that’s been a deliberate strategy.
Mr Tony Zappia, MP: Have there been any concerns raised, in respect to pregnancy and the use of the vaccine?
A. Dr Skerritt: Again, it’s more a lack of data rather than any evidence of miscarriages and the like. Different groups are adopting different approaches. In the information to doctors, which we call the product information, we’re having to say that there wasn’t evidence for the use of this vaccine in pregnancy. Some clinical groups are recommending that, if you’re not in a high-risk or high-exposure group and if you’re pregnant, you hold off until you have the kid. However, there are the examples of the US and the UK, where you’ve got a number of pregnant healthcare workers and both systems are under such strain. If you took every pregnant doctor and nurse out of the UK at the moment and told them to stay at home for nine months, you’d put the system even under more stress. So in those countries it’s an individual informed consent decision, but, after having a discussion with their vaccinator, they’re keeping registries to monitor how well those folks are going following vaccination. There hasn’t been any evidence—and I’ll check with Dr Cook that my statement is correct—of ill effects in pregnancy. It was more that, in clinical trials, it’s normal to exclude pregnant people.
The Pacific Beneficiaries?
Finally, to a pretty startling item. This question was put in the House by Dr Mike Freelander, Labor member for Macarthur, New South Wales on February 5, 2021.
Dr Freelander: …We’ve committed to helping our Pacific neighbours. When are we going to start rolling out vaccines to them, and will it predominantly be the AstraZeneca?
A. Dr Murphy:Obviously, AstraZeneca and then, later, Novavax, are the likely ones. DFAT have invested over half a billion dollars in a vaccine for the Pacific and they’re doing some advance planning with the Pacific countries at the moment. Obviously, our priority is to start our local vaccination first, but, once we’ve got spare supplies—I don’t know whether John would like to take this.
Dr Skerritt: I might. I actually come from a development background…. I was the deputy head of part of Australia’s overseas aid program for 10 years…. Our first priority—and I’ve said this to DFAT, and they get it—is the Australian rollout. We’re also heavily involved—in fact, we’re recruiting 17 positions at the moment—in supporting technical advice to both South-East Asia and the Pacific in the rollout and selection of vaccines, the regulatory issues and helping those countries develop safety systems.
… If you have two women in a village who miscarry two days after having the vaccine, you could lose whole villages and potentially half a country out of a vaccination system. We saw that in Samoa with the measles vaccine recently. In South-East Asia, the nature of our assistance will be different. They don’t need us to build a vaccine safety system for them, but, for example, the Indonesians have never seen a messenger RNA vaccine before, and they want high-level technical, scientific help with those vaccines. …
As far as what vaccines, … Australian-approved vaccines—and it may well be that, later in the year, there will be sufficient supplies so that some of the CSL manufactured AstraZeneca can go offshore as a donation to those countries. The second thing is that the government, through DFAT, is also funding procurement that will essentially cover the full population of East Timor, Papua New Guinea and all the Pacific islands, and will cover a percentage of the population—and that percentage is a lower percentage targeted at vulnerable groups—in countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, we hope, and the Philippines.
[All emphasis added]
Good to hear Dr Murphy fess up to the fact that it’s all about psychology & “gentlemen in white coats”promos
Getting a good overview on anything always boils down to taking a good squiz at Hansard bloopers
Watch out, Berry. Hansard may get deplatformed.
yes, the white lab coat – like the milgram experiment
Their goal is the establishment of a world police state. 300 banksters, masters of masonic lodges, rule the world. They move faithless party leaders, nominate candidates, and use the army and navy for their private purposes. This is the invisible government here.
Please, God, don’t let there be a Pacific genocide all-rounder.
Please, God, tell us how to stop this. PLEEEEEZE.
Given the history of East Timor, Papua New Guinea ,all the Pacific islands, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and the Philippines within the last Century I reckon the inhabitants should all be wide-awake by now: God can’t interfere with personal choice.
Remember, the Commonwealth of Australia is a corporation registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media – Video
Story at-a-glance
Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard
Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses — all of which, so far, have endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on lies
Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape
BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms
Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds
Read on –
No doubt the Jewish ‘plandemic’ scrip following 5th column psychopaths called politicians do not care about the people whom they swore to serve.
I’m not here to defend Black rock, jews or Zionists, I am just interested in REALITY and the truth I think is that Black Rock is a fund manager not and “owner”. The story that the plandemic is a wholly jewish product is unclear unless you can PROVE somehow that Rockerfellas are jews of some type but you would think it would have come out before now. They have been a household name since Standard Oil a century ago. They ran the presidency through their puppet Gerald Ford after rolling Nixon. Others around that time were certainly known to be jews. There are lots of jews around. But if it turns out that Rockerfellas were not jews but just vanilla Germans then the constant claims that this is a jewish plot are MISLEADING.
Before you can claim the plandemic is a jewish plot you need to show that Rockerfellas are jewish, and I don’t mean show various assertions published in the renegade bugle.
Over to you.
But first. Here’s James Blood Ulmer on Black Rock
Harold Wallace Rosenthal stated in his famous and heavily suppressed interview in 1976 that 80% of doctors in America were Jews already at that time, either openly as Jews or as crypto-Jews, and of course, they are there on their own genocidal agenda, not the agenda that the gullible Gentiles who allowed them to get there might suppose.
The Hidden Tyranny (The remarkable 1976 revelations of Zionist insider Harold Rosenthal) July 3, 2015
Part 1: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/tyranny1.htm
Part Two
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/tyranny2.htm#The Hidden Tyranny
The jews are very upwardly mobile, maybe they are haunted too by the spectre of genocide hovering around, the gentiles seem oblivious to this, after centuries of conquest.
We know from history the jews got into banking because Christians weren’t allowed usury !!! So did jews create their own success or did simple survival shape them that way, in other words, thanks to natural selection, perhaps the smart ones survived ? ? ?
CC, you have given us the Rosenthal quote many times. What’s your game? I am thoroughly sick of it, but if others are happy with it, would they please say so.
Plenty of barrow-free on-line info;
I just happen to be reading “The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia” by Tim Tzouliadis.
(Also just received onto my shelf are “Stalin’s War: A new History of World War II” (Sean McMeekin) and “The Chief Culprit” (Viktor Suvorov).)
William C Bullitt was the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union. He was ex Ivy League, into secret societies and enjoyed the high life associated with geopolitical ‘diplomacy’. He was actually involved in the Diktat of Versailles and was best of mates with Stalin – hugs and kisses and lavish parties with the Bolshevik bourgeois and elite who had taken over Russia. Then one day, some time in 1936 [note the timeline] this individual suddenly realised that most of his Russian friends and acquaintances were disappearing and he had an “Oh Shit” moment. In his final despatch to the State Department, dated 30 April 1936 he wrote:
“The problem of relations with the Government of the Soviet Union is … a subordinate part of the problem presented by communism as a militant faith determined to produce world revolution and the “liquidation” (that is to say murder) of all non-believers. There is no doubt whatsoever that all orthodox communist parties in all countries, including the United States, believe in mass murder…. The final argument of the believing communist is invariably that all battle, murder and sudden death, all the spies, exiles and firing squads are justified.“
As background reading and listening I brought up the following links:
• World War II Was Stalin’s War – Paul Craig Roberts (Unz Review)
which takes us to:
• American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (American Pravda series)
This can be followed as an audio reading in full or in four parts.
To avoid missing the elephant in the room I would recommend just listening to Part 3 (33 minutes – less if you download and run through an audio player where you can control the speed, say x 1.75).
Referenced link:
• John Beaty – The Iron Curtain over America
Oh lookie – Before It’s News just featured it recently – there is a link to a pdf download
Mary, that’s the first time I have ever quoted that bit. What is it about the article you dislike and when did I last quote from it?
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau
when a peoples like the kazarians who are masters at stealing identities, begin to identify as jews then the competition needs to be eliminated. but it is amazing to see just how many of us have been duped for so long. these are the peoples that will try to convince us to ‘calm down’ while they are killing us! our war is spiritual war, our depression is our lives – TD…
just like the computer virus model – where the anti-virus sold as the protection is the actul virus once the software isnt being updated.
MM I don’t know why you didn’t like the response, it’s all there:
“I think it’s very important that Australia knows that this is the start of our vaccine programme. It will almost certainly not be the end. There will be a need for boosters into the future particularly in relation to the variants of concern of which there are four now that have been designated by the World Health Organisation. And some of those we already know do affect the vaccine efficacy. So, it’s likely we will need to have boosters into the future.”
Their plan is to keep injecting everyone all around Australia, ASEAN etc, again and again, probably “forever”.
One way to stop them is with a well functioning 4th estate. People should write in to the commercial TV channels and newspapers and tell them what rubbish they are. The alternative is to have a stroke or whatever forced upon you, by these lying, money-grubbing maniacs.
Yes, your’e right, W3. And I also appreciated the guy saying “It’s the 64 billion dollar question.”
Or maybe 68 trillion depending in the coming inflaion, when we will all be asking Dee for leads on dumspter diving.
So far, no government in the world has allocated a research grant to disolve spike proteins or to terminate their self-replicating properties.
Admitedly unreliable evidence, suggests that self-replicating spike proteins of the Jabbed, spread to those near and dear to us, including pets. If the fullness of time reveals that this does indeed occur, the planet has around 2 years to sever the transmission link between Jabbed and Non-jabbed.
Chances don’t look good.
What I would be especially interested to learn is how person-to-person spike protein transmission occurs? Can it be by breathing shared air? consuming shared meals? coneyed by soap and water? Towels?
I already presume skin contact must be avoided.
Anybody encountered any clues?
Perhaps getting off at Redfern would be a minimum.
Only TWO Companies, Vanguard and BlackRock, Control the Planet While World’s Richest 1% Own 82% of World’s Wealth
“………….For this project, the UN says we need a world government, namely the UN, itself.
The UN agrees with Schwab that a pandemic is a golden chance to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030.
It is worrisome that the WEF and the UN openly admit that pandemics and other catastrophes can be used to reshape society. We must not think lightly about this and do thorough research…………”
Just heard that very soon UK to be in “permanent lockdown” with Melbourne being the “demonstration model” leading the way –yes straight into stage 5 skipping stage 4
“Strong and Smart” cities of the future—making our own Vaccines
What is Strong Cities Network?
The privatisation of a Police Force governed by global NGO’s. And Victoria is the only state in Australia to sign on.
Australia’s State of Victoria Sold Out to the Soros-Backed Strong Cities Network (SCN) with PRIVATISED POLICE
September 12, 2020
“In trying to understand why Australia, and Melbourne and the state of Victoria in particular, seem to be coming under the heavy, police-state hand for a very small number of COVID cases, we recently published a piece by Robert Bridge in which it was posited that, since Victoria has signed onto China’s Belt and Road Initiative – the only Australian state to have done so, somehow this police state treatment its citizens were receiving was connected to this fact. See Letters From Melbourne, a ‘Ghost Town Police State’ Under Brutal Covid Lockdown. As Bridge says, joining the BRI has put Victoria at odds with the Australian government in general, which has joined the Blue Dot Network, a western bulwark against China’s BRI in the region.
Canada’s famous constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati, also made the important point that Australia and New Zealand do not have a Bill of Rights to protect their citizens against government abuse of power. See Trudeau & Canadian Govt Being Sued over Extreme COVID Measures [VIDEO].
NSW POLICE FORCE – ABN: 43 408 613 180
ABN’s – Australian Business Numbers
Brisbane City Council – ABN 72 002 765 795
Centrelink – ABN 29 468 422 437
Commonwealth of Australia – ABN 122 104 616
County Court of Victoria – ABN 32 790 288 959
Dept of Justice & Attorney General – ABN 13 846 673 994
Queensland Police Service – ABN 29 409 225 509
Queensland State Government – ABN 75 818 456 675
The Department of the Attorney General – ABN 70 598 519 443
The State Government of Western Australia – ABN: 66 012 878 629
The State of New South Wales – ABN 066 561 153
The State of Queensland – ABN 066 102 930
The State of South Australia – ABN 050 208 921
The State of Tasmania – ABN 053 201 308
The State of Victoria – ABN 054 558 619
The State of Western Australia – ABN 072 526 008
Problem with you barrow-pushers is you seem to be using the wrong word, instead of always “jews”, something like “Globalist Crypto Government” for example, or “Imperial Bloodlines”. Our society is called by some Judeo-Christian because the jews inputted their religious tradition, and infused Christian society with some cultural stuff which made it stronger. The jews have earned their place and your problem now is to catch up. We see the theories of the illuminati lead people to say that even the emperor of Japan is jewish. In that case whatever is meant by jewish is not what the average person means by jewish so the two become conflated. This is the problem and where your terminology is lacking. I suggest you refer to the various circles of the illuminati by some more appropriate name. Saying a bunch of asians including the emperor of japan is jewish is a hard sell. Saying the bagel guy down in Balaclava is part of the illuminati is a hard sell. Be careful with your terminology and make an effort not to conflate.
Speaking of crypto (bitcoin), the CCP has just now shut it all down in China. We may see that the much feared ww3 scenario is actually about the CCP reinforcing itself as it attempts to copy US$ global hegemony. They are in the business of copying anything they can so it’s an obvious extrapolation. So, one-belt-road and all the military stuff is focussed towards this end. The simple joy of printing money and exporting it cannot be understated. Everyone else who went for US$ independence was destroyed. This is probably at the heart of the big push.
With Chinese printed money being accepted as a global currency, imagine the politicians and “thought leaders” that can be bought. We will eventually have a duopoly giving us our social credit scores !!! If the CCP gives us a low score so we can’t travel, we will flip to the US$ / monitoring system, just like Coles and Woolworths, next will come Aldi and the rest until we get a good deal on our social credit score and can go to certain participating countries with our accumulated points.
When you see the useless eaters all stuck in a massive gridlock and the air so thick with smog that you can’t even see the vista of the 10 lane highway they are clogging, you see what the globalists are seeing and you are informed of what they are thinking. These sheeple, these useless eaters, seem to have little or no brains or value at all. They are simply an impediment.
That link doesn’t work but one look at all the other rot displayed on the same site is enough to know what it’s about:
christians-for-truth my arse !
Some of you have seen or heard of Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfitzer. Here is a 90 minute interview by Del Bigtree on Yeadon’s journey through the Covid 19 lies. He is very up-front, this Plandemic is all a lie and he explains why.
At the end he is saying we have to stop this, but as usual, the advice is to use non-violent means. Give me a break, throughout history this kind of activity has NEVER been stopped by non-violent means.
When I tried to explain the gun control agenda and evidence about the Port Arthur Massacre to the average person of the moronosphere, I would often get the question “Why would the government want to disarm us?” – My reply was always. “Because they know that sometime in the future they are going to do something that they know we will want to shoot them for.” – Well, here we are…
exactly, what would the founding fathers of hiroshima say about the use of force – nothing, because they are all dead! brute force has resolved more conflicts than any other method! if i am trained to turn the other cheek then the bully feels safe that i will NOT relate when he punches me in the face!
• A brief introduction to Anthony Johnson
… more
child abduction child trafficking RAMCOA silencing/discrediting/imprisoning whistleblowers
Stand up an be counted this Saturday
I tried to post this on an earlier thread but it had too many links – will try and cut down on the links
Sharing the following titles for anyone’s perusal and archives for later reading.
• They were White and They were Slaves – JR Books
• Setting the Record Straight: White Europeans Were Captured and Traded as Slaves for Centuries
• The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews Volume Two – Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam
Related titles
• Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews – Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam
• Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight – Eli Faber
• Slaves and Slavery in Africa: The Servile Estate (Slaves & Slavery in Muslim Africa) – John Ral Willis
• Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500–1800 – Robert C. Davis
and finally …
• We Thought They Were White – Dontell Jackson
Damn – another source down the book burning hole … must be something we are not supposed to learn …
A good article but the writers knowledge of the origins of Christianity and the so called Jews is woeful.
The people who call themselves Jews are Hamites – NOT Semites.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
A Jewish Mother decides racial status
It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –
“………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”
CC just mentioned the Talmud, more kazarian identity theft, maybe learned from their god? it is my belief the the real jews have been systematically destroyed to make way for the imposters…
And in other Canberra news Barnaby has retaken the national Party leadership, hard to imagine Barnaby and the cowboys lining up to be injected as if they were farm animals, this could be an interesting breakthrough but apologies in advance for my optimism, winter solstice just went past a few hours ago, maybe the madness has already peaked.
So, is Barnaby his own man or can he be bought like that sleaze Andrew ROBb. Will he lead the charge against the traitors in Spring St. (The Florida governor sent his troops over to assist on the southern border). Has Barnaby been watching Arizona audit, well the answer to the last one can only be “yes”.
My question is, how many of the doctors and public servants are lying to Senator Roberts? I believe all of them.
How can anybody say the vaccine is safe when thousands around the world have died and many thousands have been injured after taking the “vaccine”?
My nice doctor is a bit stressed out these days and happy to not be questioned on the topic
Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic
June 20, 2021
A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the official emergence of Covid-19 pandemic.
The confidentially agreement (read below) states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019…………….
Wow. CC, could you track down more on this and make an article of it?
Mary, the rest of the GGI article goes into the detail. You are much better at putting words together than I. Perhaps just re format the article?
“…….The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Councel. Both signautres were made on December 17th 2019.
All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China.
But even at this point they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”……..”
So it’s not common knowledge that the panic took off late summer and early fall 2019 ?
“Dramatic spikes in auto traffic around major hospitals in Wuhan last fall suggest the novel coronavirus may have been present and spreading through central China long before the outbreak was first reported to the world, according to a new Harvard Medical School study.
Using techniques similar to those employed by intelligence agencies, the research team behind the study analyzed commercial satellite imagery and “observed a dramatic increase in hospital traffic outside five major Wuhan hospitals beginning late summer and early fall 2019,” according to Dr. John Brownstein, the Harvard Medical professor who led the research.”
And what about all the mainstream blurble of the preceding years?
Not exactly hard to figure out that globalisation/trade dependencies had created the perfect storm and that the whole thrust was toward presenting a facade of coping ability.
Not exactly hard to figure out that globalisation/trade dependencies had created the perfect storm and that the whole thrust was toward presenting a facade of coping ability:
“November 16, 2019, 1:44 AM:
The Chinese government’s response to this month’s outbreak of plague has been marked by temerity and some fear, which history suggests is entirely appropriate. But not all fear is the same, and Beijing seems to be afraid of the wrong things. Rather than being concerned about the germs and their spread, the government seems mostly motivated by a desire to manage public reaction about the disease. Those efforts, however, have failed—and the public’s response is now veering toward a sort of plague-inspired panic that’s not at all justified by the facts.
“As early as the second week of November 2019, contrary to the denial of the Pentagon, the National Center for Medical Intelligence, based in Fort Detrick, MD, shared intelligence based on “monitoring of internal Chinese communications” that warned U.S. allies of Israel and NATO of a potential novel coronavirus pandemic coming out of Wuhan; then-president Trump downplayed the threat of the novel coronavirus.[11][12]”
“In early November, US spies noticed a series of “red flags” appearing over the city of Wuhan in China – but their warnings fell on deaf ears”
“US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be ‘cataclysmic event’”
“Dramatic spikes in auto traffic around major hospitals in Wuhan last fall suggest the novel coronavirus may have been present and spreading through central China long before the outbreak was first reported to the world, according to a new Harvard Medical School study.
Using techniques similar to those employed by intelligence agencies, the research team behind the study analyzed commercial satellite imagery and “observed a dramatic increase in hospital traffic outside five major Wuhan hospitals beginning late summer and early fall 2019,” according to Dr. John Brownstein, the Harvard Medical professor who led the research.”
“November 16, 2019, 1:44 AM:
The Chinese government’s response to this month’s outbreak of plague has been marked by temerity and some fear, which history suggests is entirely appropriate. But not all fear is the same, and Beijing seems to be afraid of the wrong things. Rather than being concerned about the germs and their spread, the government seems mostly motivated by a desire to manage public reaction about the disease. Those efforts, however, have failed—and the public’s response is now veering toward a sort of plague-inspired panic that’s not at all justified by the facts. “https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/16/china-bubonic-plague-outbreak-pandemic/
“As early as the second week of November 2019, contrary to the denial of the Pentagon, the National Center for Medical Intelligence, based in Fort Detrick, MD, shared intelligence based on “monitoring of internal Chinese communications” that warned U.S. allies of Israel and NATO of a potential novel coronavirus pandemic coming out of Wuhan; then-president Trump downplayed the threat of the novel coronavirus.[11][12]”
“U.S. spy agencies collected raw intelligence hinting at public health crisis in Wuhan, China, in November”
“As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.”
“In early November, US spies noticed a series of “red flags” appearing over the city of Wuhan in China – but their warnings fell on deaf ears”
“US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be ‘cataclysmic event’”
None of this explains if the new plague does exist why are there no extra deaths around the world. Appears to me to be complete made up bull dust. Nobody has been able to identify and isolate a new virus see https://drcharlieward.com/you-cant-catch-a-virus-with-kate-shemirani-dr-andrew-kaufman/
“King David occupies the exact middle position between Adam and the Messiah. David was born in the Hebrew year 2854, and he became the King of Israel in year 2891. Double that year and we get 5782. The current Hebrew year 5781, began on Rosh Hashana, September 18–19, 2020.”
Rabbi Alon Anava says that the timeline of the Moshiach’s arrival begins on September 6-7, 2021 – less than three months from now.
ant56 – thank you for that insight!
an anagram for Moshiach is ‘him chaos’ or ‘scam hi ho’ or ‘cash oh mi’
Latest hot spots, a chemist and few other stores within Westfield Bondi central ‘detected’.
As if they don’t have enough problems paying $1000 per day in rent. The bs is overflowing, the oligarchs want everyone chipped. Repeating, this place is ruled by war criminals, ‘they got everyone by the balls’. We may be pissing against the wind, but what else can we do, sadly most are ‘washed by the few. Am praying and swearing in the same breath at how biblical events are unfolding and rendering our mass helpless. This whole agenda is to make way for the CCP invasion here (their billionaires, millionaires fleeing and here being most desired location, fact), and all dissenters to be purged. The vaxxx with 5G is trancehuman 2.0 100%, green pass artificial insanity all tested developed and now exported worldwide from China. Serco camps all over Oz, crown masonic feudal slave gulags, with luciferase in the jabs agenda on steroids to make way for beast and dragon triumverate.
When selected brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud.
The social credit system is going into place via QR codes, tracking and travel permits.
They make it look like chaotic responses but it is part of a very clear plan.
No QR codes for me. Don’t carry a mobile. Don’t sign in anywhere.
If I need service by a professional, they have my details anyway. Why do I need to sign in as well?
Medical hit squads now roaming the remote hills and valleys to inject gullible nomads (seen on al-jazeera), I did a search on aj website but didn’t come up yet, however, lots of other nomad persecution stories available. Obviously the Australian aboriginies are hardly unique in getting the nomad treatment. Globalism aims to beat this land-holder problem with “you will own nothing”.
81m.org shows how youtube (a google company) manipulates Biden gang approval numbers by deleting “dislikes”
“VP” Kamala Harris getting some big manipulation numbers “1124.77%”.