Home Australia Australia’s Child Protection Racket

Australia’s Child Protection Racket


The above video is a summary of my book, THE CHILD PROTECTION RACKET.


Extraordinary journalist Lara Logan is suggesting I fly over to America to work with her on the global child trafficking problem. When this is planned I’ll put up a donation button to make my trip possible. Regards. DM



  1. Another exposee:
    In today’s Londonderrypatch.com (of New Hampshire), we read:

    “Merrimack Firefighters And Police Rescue Ducklings From Storm Drain: Watch: Crews worked inside storm drains on Executive Park Drive to remove a family of ducklings who became separated from their mother.”

  2. Power to you Dee.

    Lets show 100% support for Dee her Gumshoe News and her work and her Vision.

    Lets stay in the now Mary on this one and Joe check out Lara’s bio-her credentials and maybe you can answer that question you pose yourself.
    Your comment makes if sound as though you think Dee has bitten off more that she can chew. Not your intention BUT

    So I share a little about Lara (wiki) yes two extraordinary journalists, whistleblowers who advocate for so many and have global networks -and a purpose.

    I also share a little of Lydia Cacho’s story I know it well.

    Lara LOGAN
    “Logan and her CBS crew were arrested and detained for one night by the Egyptian Army on 3 February 2011, while covering the Egyptian revolution. She said the crew was blindfolded and handcuffed at gunpoint, and their driver beaten. They were advised to leave the country, but were later released.[27][28]
    On 15 February 2011, CBS News released a statement that Logan had been beaten and sexually assaulted on 11 February, while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square following Hosni Mubarak’s resignation.[29] 60 Minutesbroadcast an interview with her about it on 1 May 2011; she said she was speaking out because of the prevalence of mass sexual assault in Egypt, and to break the silence about the sexual violence women reporters are reluctant to report in case it prevents them from doing their jobs.[30][31][32][33]

    “As of 2018, Lydia Cacho has written twelve books, ranging from poetry to fiction, and including a Manual to prevent child abuse, essays on gender issues and love, and her international best sellers about Sex trafficking, Human Slavery and the relationship between child pornography and child sexual abuse like Slavery Inc.: The Untold Story of International Sex Trafficking,[24] published in the U.K. Her books have been translated into French, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, German, Croatian, Swedish, and Turkish.

    “A Vision without a task is a dream; a task without vision is drudgery; but a vision with a task can change the world”
    Black Elk

  3. I comprehend Jo–just needed to personally respond– and keep the focus on Dees extraordinary work. It gives me hope.

  4. Wow, congratulations Dee. You go girl, get over to Lara and let;s get loud on this issue. For the children!!

  5. I just watched the documentary in tears, I’m going through this at the moment and I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my body. I didn’t know things like this happened to good parents who loved their children more than anything in the world. I can physically feel my broken heart. I have a Conciliation Conference on Wednesday, I have no idea what to expect but I’m hoping my son is back in my arms and I can wake up from this nightmare.

  6. Dee thank you for the great work you do in making Gumshoe the site to read. Especially above video, hits home hard with facts, with research and presentation way above the complicit msm. In a fair and honest Oz, your reports would be headline news, as is we watch from the peripheries crying within at the in-just-ice since day one 1788.
    It’s a shame how non masons can’t get a foot in the door round here. “Who’s your daddy, what skool you go to”, the norm being the division between fair go and fare go.

    This place has been sucked dry by pedophiles now using 5G AI, tranceforming all to gulag status. The humane resource in Ukraina supplying a steady market here in Oz past ten years. “Sex sells everything, sex kills”, with ‘chrome the beasts elixir for satisfaction. Gaza another 🎭 tragedy, victims not worthy lacking blue eyes, bombed and cleansed paving the way for waterfront developments promoting abuse and child trafficking for profit, as has been done in all 6 eyes during our watch.
    Facts are our leaders abuse little children for kicks. Unless these freaks are exposed and punished, it’s business as usual.
    The armada of billionaires cruisers mushrooming in the harbour a testimony, crime does pay very nicely downunder, for connected only.

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