Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


DARPA, Profusa Implant and SARS-CoV-2

by G5 In 2011 DARPA began funding Profusa to develop a syringe inserted tracking device. The reverse being that it can release an element to...

Corona Shutdown in Australia — But For How Long?

by Dee McLachlan In just a few short months the world has been turned upside down. One has to wonder who will survive the financial...

The Fragility of Judges – Shane Dowling Shirtfronts “Damian Speers”

 by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This article is about the sorry state of our courts, and of child protection, and what we can and must...

Harvard University Professor, Two Chinese Nationals and 21 Vials

Editor's note: The Department of Justice announced on 28 January 2020 that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and two...

The Boston Marathon Theory of the Corona Virus

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This article looks at the 2020 pandemic of corona virus (CODIV-19) from the perspective of ordinary methods of gaining power...

Four Corners Program on Australian Alleged War Crimes in Afghanistan Raises...

by James O’Neill*   On Monday, 16 March 2020 the ABC broadcast an exposure on its Four Corners program about alleged war crimes in Afghanistan committed by...

The Electrification of the Earth and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Editor's note: One of Gumshoe's readers forwarded to us the Dr Cowan (posted below). Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, is author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart,...

COVID-19, the Work of Insane People. WE SHALL OVERCOME

by G5 That The US has been playing with Corona for some time and, as I have written, it is linked to: SARS, MERS, and...

The Day the Loo Paper Died

by Mary Maxwell LLB The title of this article and humorous photo may seem to indicate that the reader is in for a good satire....

Farcical MH 17 Trial Commences in the Netherlands

By James O’Neill* On 9 March 2020 a Dutch Court commenced a trial against four men (three Russians and a Ukrainian) accused of complicity in...

Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses

Editor's note: This article is reprinted from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and can be sourced here. Orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which...

Hundreds of Children Go Missing From Care in Victoria Each Year

Dee McLachlan Last week the ABC last week reported, "Each year more than 600 children living in state care in Victoria are reported missing to police....