Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


Advocate’s Cell Phone Searched by AFP — Interference with a Witness?

Introduction by Dee Mclachlan, and Media Release by Mishka Hudson Operation Noetics was a complex, two-year investigation into people that were allegedly “stealing” children, who...

Guilty of Sex Trafficking, Now in the Slammer, and Operation Broken...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB It is a fact that Keith Raniere  of the cult known as NXIVM, has been convicted by a jury in...

Mother Makes Habeas Corpus Petition for Custody. Judge Unable To Rest...

From the New York Times, August 31, 1865 A case of considerable interest, involving the care and custody of a child, was yesterday brought before...

Breakthrough! A Doctor’s Reasoned Voice for Kids

by Kieran Le Plastrier, MBBS (Hons), MP, PhD Dear Brenda , Please understand that I am not offering this as an opinion regarding the facts of the various...

‘Goldfish’ Memories, Increasing Debt and Fake Markets

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkD6OjifqPQ Editor's note: I focused a camera on Greg Buck yesterday, and he talked about how we now seem to have "goldfish" concentration levels, increasing...

Dishonorable to the United States: The Prosecution of Jahar Tsarnaev

by John Remington Graham of the Minnesota Bar Editor’s Note: This was published on the Fourth of July, 2018 in Denmark.  Not very many American...

Removal of Child from Good Mum Traceable to Corrupt Female Police...

by Dee McLachlan You might wonder -- how long does it take to destroy two lives? Not very long -- about two hours on a...

Recover the Law, Part 2: The Breadth of Due Process

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Here at GumshoeNews, we have been almost fainting at the way due process gets obliterated in two types of courts...

Recover the Law, Part 1: Tsarnaev’s Appeal and the Right to...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB We need good law.  We have mountains of good law.  Good law does not have to get corrupted -- as...

Gerald Celente “The Whole Game is Rigged and We’re Not In...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1120&v=k8YcHBqVORA Editor's Note: Greg Hunter talks with top trends researcher Gerald Celente about global central banks helping the richest people on the planet and the slowing...

Congress Members To Wear Barcodes So Lobbyists Can Scan Prices

Introduction by Dee McLachlan: In 2014 we reported how Dr Paul Craig Roberts (once appointed by President Reagan as the Assistant Secretary of the...

More from Kay Griggs about the US Marines and Their Wide...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Every day, I check the Comments at Gumshoe -- usually just the ones under the current article and the previous...