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Dee McLachlan


Australia and the New Asian Century

By James O’Neill* Forty years ago, the government of the People’s Republic of China embarked upon what amounted to a new revolution. They resolved that...

Family Court Survey, Part 3: Threats to the Protector for Telling...

by Dee McLachlan "These orders are barbaric, cruel and wicked, this Judge should go to jail." The words from a grandmother. After reading through her...

Is the Trap Set for the Ship of Fools?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRkurJ69rsM Above the XX2 Report (Episode 1723b) is entitled, "The Trap Is Set, The Scope Of The Op Runs Deep, Retaliation Is Expected", and then...

Evidence, Proof, and Blame, with Some Notes on  Australia’s Family Law...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Although the three words evidence, proof, and blame may conjure up legal procedures (“Was there any DNA evidence?”), this article...

Andrew McIntyre’s Testimony to the ITNJ Judicial Commission


Family Court Survey, Part 2: A Numbers Game — The Believers...

by Dee McLachlan  As I write Part 2 this evening (November 21, 2018), there are now 64 responses. This Part 2 concerns a "numbers game". How...

Family Court Survey, Part 1: Would You Throw Away $750,000 for...

by Dee McLachlan It has been just over a week since I posted a questionnaire – “the Survey” – to my Melbourne website GumshoeNews.com. It...

JFK, Lenny Mather, James Douglass, and MJ

by Mary W Maxwell You may have heard of Frank Hubert Mather (1948-2018). He mostly went by the name Lenny, in honor of comedian Lenny...

Footprints in the Boat — And Withholding To Protect

by Amanda Gearing Family Court judges hear obscenities without the asterisks. Even when a father speaks about his own children and admits grabbing his young child around...

Commander Justine Gough, Were You Provided The Evidence of Abuse?

by Dee McLachlan I apologise to our regular readers that our articles have had a concentration of Family Court issues lately. But no other outlet...

Some Intel Notes From A Grumpy Old Man

by G5 One of the funny aspects of my old age that I find, is people waking to what I had written long ago. The day...

Supporting Good People — Let’s Start With Dr Russell Pridgeon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Z_aYMoLwA If you live in Victoria, Australia, you will have seen all the election advertising on television for the upcoming State election. I have used their...