Dee McLachlan
Hacking Humanity Into a Transhuman Future
Alex Jones telling us about AI and the hive-mind seven years ago
The India Boom
Complete BrahMos assembly: warhead, ramjet, rocket booster with national flags
J.G. Olsen /...
The Disinformation Industry
Comment by DM,
Gumshoe was subject to advertising 'disinformation'....
The World is Watching
Comment by DM
Today, a selection of videos.
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Goats Head Soup
This Rolling Stones satanic cover art was eventually replaced with an insipid portrait of Mick Jagger
War in the Mental Asylum – Outpost Earth
Moonscape on earth -- Gaza
from Patient DM
An intercepted...
The Main Reason They Killed Gaddafi
Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi ( c. 1942 – 20 October 2011)
by G5
Bondi Westfields’ Stabbings – Frequency Changing?
The Bondi knife-man
Comment by DM
-- A man...