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Dee McLachlan


War Powers Cases, Part 2: The 1973 War Powers Act and...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB What is the allocation of authority in the US Constitution regarding decisions for the country to go to war? It...

War Powers Cases, Part 1: Captain Nathan Smith’s Case

by Erin Smith McAdams Introduction to This Series, by Mary W Maxwell There are at least two war-powers cases in appeals today. One is mine, Maxwell...

Just as Parents Figured, Autism Has Relation to Infection

By Teresa Conrick For years now, parents of children on the autism spectrum have been on the internet and social media sharing their stories.  Many,...

Tsarnaev To Walk — Supreme Court Overturns the McCoy Ruling

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB On January 23, 2018 I gave a public lecture in the public library of Watertown Massachusetts, called “The Tsarnaev Trial.”...

Global Realities and Handshake Theatre — Trump and Kim

by G5  (5 June, 2018) The Korean Unification was set by Russia some five years ago. Team Trump has been playing the on again off again...

Toffs’ Clinic: A Place Where Dunblane Child-Killers Can Go for Treatment

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This article proposes that toff child-killers get “sectioned” to a special clinic, Toffs’ Clinic. “Toff” is a British slang word for...

‘Leonadis’ Should Have Kicked Canberra Off the Cliff

by Dee McLachlan The Age today was filled with several double spreads of the allegations against the SASR soldier that allegedly kicked a detainee -- Ali...

Alexander Downer Helped Aussies Fund the Clintons. Why?

by G5 The Party Australia's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Alexander Downer, began the entire Russian Collusion Scam Mueller Witch Hunt in America at...

US Supreme Court: Not Baking a Gay Wedding Cake Is Sort...

by Marci A Hamilton Editor’s Note: This was first published at Justia/Verdict on June 7, 2018 The United States Supreme Court predictably handed down the Masterpiece Cakeshop...

What, Really, Really, Is the Meaning of Human Existence?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzQBFlFdRPk by Mary W Maxwell Edward O Wilson, may his tribe increase, has occupied two huge roles. The first one consisted of structuring a new discipline,...

Survivors of MK-Ultra: Carol Rutz and Kathleen A Sullivan

by Mary W Maxwell The 2018 Adelaide Fringe Play “My Best False Memories” had, as its audience, about 30 survivors (I’m guessing), and one retired...

Trump’s September Surprise

by Angelo Codevilla Codevilla says “Imagine if, on the evening of Tuesday, September 4, President Trump delivered the following speech from the White House...