Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


One World Government

Chesty Bond - virtually extinct Australian fauna  J.G. Olsen / Financial...

Planning For After the Financial Crash

Malcolm R. Hughes If or when the financial crash occurs we as a society...

A Footnote on the Baltimore Bridge

A comment by Dee McLachlan The 3 km four-lane bridge, built 1977, over over...

Distortions of Perception

Attack in Moscow by G5 Emails from G5 Orange, Moscow, Navalny

Black Swan Event Coming?

https://rumble.com/embed/v4ity9u/?pub=4 The case allowing 'aliens' to have guns The projection...

Pendulum Swings – Kate, the Fed, Barry, Hamas and Reports

by G5 Emails from G5 (his views). Kate

21st Century Mega Gulags

Est. Value: $161 billion cost to build Kangbashi* Produced by: Chinese Government 

Breaking Out

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nOLFPM_zII&ab_channel=GumshoeNews by Dee McLachlan Above, for entertainment, a short satirical gumshoe video about Dan's...

Another Reality Check

by G5 Climate change -- Australia. https://www.youtube.com/embed/di6aN1-lywY

The Ice-Age Cover-up

Kate Cheney, Teal “Independent”, who was elected via a Simon Holmes a Court entity...

Where To Now?

A DM adaption of the global cuckoo's nest - Biden plans from his white house

A Reality Check

Dallas Rally (screengrab / original Laura Buckman) by G5 DJT is neither incontinent nor addicted...