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Dee McLachlan


Once Upon A Time in The West There Were Four Little...

by G5 Once upon a time there were four little Fairy Queens. Nutty: Hillary Clinton. Goody: Marine le Pen. Dumby: Theresa May. Bady: Angela Merkel. They all decided to run...

Is Australia a Party to War Crimes in Syria?

By James O'Neill* In September 2015 the Australian government decided that it was joining the US-led “coalition” to fight in Syria in what was described at...

NRL Grand Final ‘Same Love’ Rapper, Macklemore, is — or was...

by Dee McLachlan The US rapper Macklemore, who won four Grammys in 2014, has been caught up in a NRL (National Rugby League) Grand Final squabble...

‘No Jab, No Play,’ and the Hippocratic Oath — What Does...

by Dee McLachlan This article is an update on the vax situation in Victoria, Australia. For the benefit of outsiders I note that our Federal...

Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World (With...

“America’s fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory.  The government’s account of 9/11 is contradicted...

Greg Buck Talks About Cancerous Growth and How “They” Have Lobotomized...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfBLkehmsnk Over the week end, I interviewed Greg Buck, a Gumshoe regular, on the state of the economy. He discussed how the system, that is...

Is ASIO Monitoring Gumshoe News?

by Dee McLachlan About 10 days ago, I transferred Gumshoe News from Wordpress.com's free hosting site to a self-hosted Wordpress.org platform. Unfortunately, I was not...

The Blame Game at GumshoeNews

by Mary W Maxwell So what is this website called GumshoeNews? Its editor, Dee McLachlan, says it is “News from Melbourne.” Well OK, but, as...

The Strange Case of American Diplomats Getting Sick in Cuba (Acoustic...

By Dee McLachlan "The blaring, grinding noise jolted the American diplomat from his bed in a Havana hotel. He moved just a few feet, and...

From Great Wars, Come Great Consequences

By Greg Maybury "Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and...

The Strange Case of Joseph Rago’s Sarcoidosis Death

by Dee McLachlan On July 20th, 2017, a young Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Joseph Rago, died suddenly in his New York apartment at the age...

George Brandis and His Anti-espionage Laws About Foreign Interference Reinterpreted

By Dee McLachlan Yesterday, Attorney-General George Brandis was all across the news. With his new laws, he wants to stop foreign interference. Too late! This...