Dee McLachlan
The Morning Star
Aldebaran: sometimes called the morning star, the eye of the bull in Taurus
Aldebaran is...
Deep State Collaborators and Inventions
The late Peanut
by G5
The current two inventions...
The House of Misinformation
Introduction by DM
Even Australia's SBS recognize the dystopian nature...
The CIA, Shipp, Elon’s X, and G5
Comment by DM
Candace Owens interviews Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp. They discuss the...
A New Light Shining
A comparison to Stanley Kubrick's 1980 horror film THE SHINING and the "Here's Johny" scene. (The...
“The People” Have Spoken
The 47th President replies...
An Octopus or the Frequency Soup
The octopus is known for its high intelligence, vision, and instincts. Might be safer for an...
Rio Grande Express, WHO, WEF, and False Media
Rio Grande Express
(Some emails from the 'mall cafe')
G5 Report: Wars, Coups, and 8F Group
JFK's funeral
(Editors note: life cycles repeated)
by G5