Dee McLachlan
More Dispatches from the ‘Right Side’ of the Rabbit-Proof Fence
More Dispatches from the🙅‍♀️💉Zone — From the 'Right Side' of the Rabbit-Proof Fence (i.e. WA)
"If you tolerate this, then your children will be next!"…
Your Children Will Be Next — Can We Handle the Truth?
Editor's note: A message from Greg Maybury, Western Australia
by Gregory Maybury
Can We Handle the Truth? — “If you tolerate this, then your children will...
Australia’s Genocide in Full Swing
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I heard today, November 23, 2021, that the head of Australia's Northern Territory has allowed the Australian military, and apparently,...
Foreign Troops and a Military Operation To Force Vaccinate Outback Communities
by Dee McLachlan
The above photograph is from the ABC. It even makes the military look "sexy".
The article posted just over a month ago (Thursday...
Australia’s Continuing Negative Attitude Toward China Will Inevitably Extract a Price
By James O’Neill*
The status of the island of Taiwan has once again risen in the United Nations with its position as a prospective new...
Repeat of Franca Arena’s Situation: Silence amid Covid Criminality
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Today is exactly two and a half years since I called for a formal apology to Franca Arena.
I'm going to...
Most Popular Man in Victoria Live Streams Melbourne Freedom Rally and...
by Dee McLachlan
It was a good day yesterday. Hundreds of thousands of people marched and gathered to demonstrate their disapproval of the Andrews government...
Cali Shai Bergandi Has Got Satanic Ritual Abuse Under Control
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
YouTube has a channel called The Imagination Project, run by a young lady named Emma. On November 14, 2021 Emma...
Spike Protein Explained and Urgent Call to Pollies and Medico’s
Editor's note: This came to us from the excellent Vaccine website Ms Dopp is a mathematician. I am not sure who translated it...
Dire Warnings and MSM Hosts Desperate To Discredit Vaccine Injuries
Editor's note: Two videos as an offering for today.
The first is from Doctor Vernon Coleman, the old man in the chair. I have been...
New sport approved for Australian schools: Russian Roulette
Editor's note: This is SATIRE, just to be sure... just to be sure.
by Kim Skeltys (© 2021)
Australian school kids will now have the chance...
Dr Shankara Chetty Breaks Down “The Poison With An Agenda”
Editor's note: It is a relief to hear one doctor explain exactly what has and is happening in such a simple and concise way....