Dee McLachlan
Will There Be An Influx of Paralysed Children?
by G5
The current Polio for children (5 to 11 years of age), next batches (currently to be approved for Moderna and Pfizer for under...
The “Passport” That Promises Freedoms Is The Ticket To Servitude
by Dee McLachlan
Is this history repeating? Passbooks successfully kept an entire population humiliated and in appalling servitude for decades.
As many readers know, I was...
Arrest Larry Silverstein. Save Us All
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
This article is an introduction to my new book, Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover, which is a free download...
20 Years After Four Buildings Were Demolished
This picture -- in the Herals Sun today -- explains it all. The building is not "collapsing from fires", it is being demolished. Review...
Criminality Exposed as TGA Impose New Restrictions on Safe Drug
by Dee McLachlan
The problem is that Ivermectin is showing promise in cancer cures -- and you can't have that. We have written about the places...
Exposing The Covid Lie… and Who Blocked Life-saving Ivermectin?
Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Paging through the Herald Sun this morning I found this article. It reveals that at least 90% of those that died...
Captain Hood, Pilot for 53 Years and With Qantas 32 Years,...
The Need for an Independent Foreign Policy for Australia is Now...
By James O’Neill*
Australia has just marked the 70th anniversary of the signing of the ANZUS treaty, an agreement that links the United States, Australia...
Catherine Austin Fitts — “They’ve Got You on Remote Control”
"They're looking to assert complete control of individuals... some people describe it as technocracy and transhumanism. ...This is much more invasive than totalitarianism or...
Notes on Poppy Fields, Big Pharma, Military-Industrial Complex and Immunity
by G5
The current Operation-Covid is linked to Afghanistan, the collapse of the alleged American Empire, its bankruptcy, and internal factional divisions. It is the...
Australia Has Stepped Over Into Despotism
by Dee Mclachlan
In the 70s and 80s we would hear about certain South African anti-apartheid dissidents leaping from the seventh story of police headquarters...