
Fall of the Roman Empire
by G5
The trial and official murder of Socrates has trodden ground concerning Trump.
‘The Trial of Socrates (399 BC) was held to determine the philosopher’s guilt of two charges: asebeia (impiety) against the pantheon of Athens, and corruption of the youth of the city-state; the accusers cited two impious acts by Socrates: “failing to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges” and “introducing new deities”.’
There is a further connection between The Fall of The Roman Empire, and The Fall of The American Empire. The suicide of The British and other such empires, and the tragic evolutions from WWI, is a parallel issue. As the predictable jump to the deceptions of The Common Market turned EU, espouse.
The power and corruption of governance; incessantly warned (Magna Carta, US Constitution and Bill of Rights, etc.).
The willing and forced collaboration by NAZI Germany, Maoist China, Stalinist Russia, The Ottoman Empire, The Catholic Inquisitions, The Left-Right Paradigm of the americanised west, etc. The collapses of Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Persian et al being parallel again.
All so stark yet so ignored.
Socrates delivers the mandatory requirement to observe the deceptions of governance, or penalties apply. As in Trump era America. The evolution of weaponized governance is hardly a new enemy. Socrates and Plato signaled it. Marx codified it. Orwell enunciated it. Jay and Lynn humoured it.
Well tractioned paths as Santayana, Burke, Twain et al observed, are hidden to fools. If they can read, they cannot comprehend. Rousseau, Voltaire, Kant et al fell in. Nietzsche, Solzhenitsyn et al, advised of the consequences.
Trump has learnt from 2017 and will lead a path to recovery for the sycophant captured client states of The West. A further frauded coup against that, extends the destruction and suffering. Especially for those who cannot handle the truth.
Animal Farm
Stan Druckenmiller is Soros’ partner in Quantum. ‘1984’ Orwell was 40 years ahead. Published 1949: 75 years ahead. ‘Animal Farm’ was published in 1945.
As Reagan expunged the Minnesota Liar Mondale in 1984, so too Minnesota Walz expunged himself in 2024. As The Party System collapsed in 1984, so it is doomed in 2024. The Left-Right Paradigm looming large.
”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ (Santayana).
Those who don’t read, are as those who cannot read. Those who view Truth, Fact, and Reality as Opinion, will never know any. While the study and practicals of Marx, Engels, Alinsky et al, raged in the communal asylums of the Left: the creep into reality became an overpowering stench.
The Civil Rights of 1964 mutated into entitlement, victimhood, and domineering elitism. Affirmative Action was a step back, and DEI Hire was the great leap backwards.
As the third Commo-Fascist Cycle (McCarthy the second) passes, it is hoped the Dem Zoo electoral fraud in 2024, is not as destructive as the insane usefull fodder would command. Weaponized self-serving rogue Governance became the overarching fourth tier, demanding compliance from all seen below. The debasement of reality and humanity radiating from the failed America, to the client sycophant nation states, has been astonishing.
The doomed inverse or reality. Correction will be nigh.
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ (Burke).
Putin established the world’s economic cartel, while omphaloskeptic delusional disengaged America was playing with itself and its impotent weaponry.
The Left have nowhere to hide, as the putrefaction signals large.
Government is the servant of The People, not the reverse.
Morality and Reality
Governance is the theory that it is intelligent and moral. Reality is that it is irretrievably ignorant, stupid, and a danger to human existence.
Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn wrote ‘Yes Minister’ and ‘Yes Prime Minister’. Aired between 1980 and 1986. Richard Littlejohn wrote ‘Littlejohn’s Britain’. Published in 2007.
Plato, Nietzsche, Solzhenitsyn, et al.
Government intellectualized; Deafforestation, Deindustrialization, supplication to the Common Market centralist evolutions, Privatisation with burgeoning government, in contravention of reality, including the inversion of the Phillips and Keynesian curves, as the destruction of the coal industry, and the reinvention of The Social Contract, allied to ongoing divisions of the simple.
On the back of Imperialism with moralized Pillage, Plunder, Looting, Economic Enslavement, and Genocide, with allied solipsistic syllogistic fluidities: The UK, then The US, then the client sycophant West, evolved into the cesspit in which it all currently floats.
The fall of The West was predictable on the basis of the script of The Fall of The Roman Empire. And indeed every delusion of supremacy; without beneficial mutual cooperation; ever attempted since Younger Dryas.
The fourth scourge; Government; evolved over the mostly intolerable; Legislative, Judiciary, and Administrative, throughout The West. Alleged Representatives are absorbed, blackmailed away through media, corrupted to oblivion, or neutered to remnants of reality. The frauding of elections by alleged democracy from populism, is a long known art, that has flowed through the passage of time and any technological advances.
Indeed Socrates was murdered by governance for his exposition of it. Jesus was murdered by Herod’s owned Caiaphus and Sanhedrin. Facilitated by Peter’s manipulation of Judas. (Read more deeply. Look at da Vinci’s Last Supper.)
Trumpism is an attempt to rectify governance from its fourth and overarching tier to the position of its reality.
The optic of efficiency being used as the guide rails. The reality being the neutering of government by destroying its numbers and dis-empowering its ability to thieve and command. Incessant bilious hearings and reports in The West have only confirmed the impenetrable nature of Government and its refusal to be a rational element of the real Human Condition.
The seamless barbarity to barbarity, when the levers of The Power Base are left unattended by The People, as the true owners.
Entrenched inculcation from the earliest years of education with the incessant tutoring of media and elements of peer, have destroyed Rational and Critical Thought allowing Comprehension of Reality and how to think, becoming the controllable induced collaboration through the authority addiction void of what to think.
Cannot beat those Canadians.
They know how to not waste money on stupids.
CANADA euthanises (kills) first person with long COVID to save health costs.
Great idea, we can also think of many other categories here in Australia to save us heaps.
Perhaps we start with the ……………,🤷♂️💁🙀🤪
Article is linked at
Timeline 6.54 26/10
Here’s the link – https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/canada-begins-euthanizing-citizens
I can’t say I disagree with the Canadian approach, however, it could be a bit more refined and cost effective if the citizen had actually DIED by the time of the third shot.
As for my thoughts on the citizen, as John Wayne quipped, “Life is hard, it is even harder if you are stupid.”
If I seem harsh, then please interpret my comments through the eyes of someone that was ridiculed, ostracized and denigrated for being an ‘anti-vaxxer’. In other words, fuck you.
27/10 at 21.47
It was hard but we tried and are not DEAD BY GOVERNMENT.
I read a report years ago that at one WW11 concentration camp, Eisenhower sent the troops to the neighbouring town and had them march all the residents through the camp to witness what had happened under their noses.
So make all our guilty go to most of the funerals and face it.
Just to get back to the topic of this article, the ‘system’ has no credibility. I have NO TRUST in any institution in Australia. I never want to set foot in a Parliament House again nor do I want to set foot in a Court House again – it’s all bullshit.
The last paragraph of the article is my assessment of the general population – “Entrenched inculcation from the earliest years of education with the incessant tutoring of media and elements of peer, have destroyed Rational and Critical Thought allowing Comprehension of Reality and how to think, becoming the controllable induced collaboration through the authority addiction void of what to think.” – Perhaps a bit wordy, but it gets the point across, ‘the masses are dumb-asses’.
I’m out, I did what I could when I could. However, when you are on a train heading for a burned out bridge and none of the other passengers will listen to you – get off the bloody train! – Protect yourself, nobody else will…
“‘the masses are dumb-asses’.” I expand…. the masses are dumb-down-asses’
One cannot convince them to understand that most of them
are gullible dumbed down and stupids, simply because they are and many politicians and mass media sloths are paid a lot of money to stay that way
It is a pointless exercise.
“It is a pointless exercise.” – I’ve had limited success trying to wake people up. Sending Dee’s Port Arthur video and the draft screenplay to a few people has been somewhat of a success on that single issue. However, most other topics it is shocking the amount of stupidity that intentionally exists.
I’ve got a mate that for over 40 years I’ve tried to talk to. He’s a bright guy, former Army pilot in ‘Nam and solicitor. But he’s trapped in is own mind, he appears to want things to be like when he was younger, someone of relative importance and in control of his life. He discounts anything that is a threat to that paradigm. I don’t know if anything will ever get through that wall of his.
A lot of people are living in a dreamtime and they are actually hostile to non-dreamtime ideas getting in, the construct of their existence has been built up over their lifetime and to varying degrees merges with the old religion stuff, in a case of circular referencing the ideas support each other. People of any faith or persuasion will smile and disengage and go away thinking you are an asshole. Putting up some effective signage is a better way than engaging. Also engaging with the local politician is interesting because they have already thrown the doors wide open. I don’t know if a military guy could be reconfigured into someone who can go out and gently wake people up, these people demand extreme gentleness, look at the stoopid language they use in official situations, call a spade anything but a spade, and constantly use invented substitute words like “mistruth” to avoid saying what they are saying.
Subject: R v BURTON; R v KATELARIS – 2017/387583; 2017/388124 – Link to view proceedings
Date: 28 October 2024 at 14:12:05 AEDT
Please see below the view-only link and passcode to dial-in to Court 4.2. Please also note the passcode and link will change in November and I will send you a new link later in the week when it changes.
Passcode: 37268
Day one is ending soon.
But will start tomorrow.
Real Mary is fun today At WTPN SITUATION UPDATE (ref’g Judy Byington) at
beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
I take it now that you know what sfa means, although some think they know🙀💁
I take it that you are reasonably new here and I wish to update you on what IS IGNORED HERE.
For over a year I have been bringing to notice the research by Derek Johnson. I have never noted a follow up from anyone here at GS… including our legal guru, Mary Maxwell and others here. Some have their own agendas.
Nor has SGAnon been discussed.
Oh well there are many dumb downed here who do not research and know sfa as it can not be comprehended by dumb asses
As a late introduction, I refer you to beforeits news.com – people powered news:
‘SGAnon, David Nino Rodrigueegz and Derek Johnson: mass casualty event coming- US military on high alert ( video)’
In any research one has to have the intellect to observe and decide on the matters apparent on the bench top.
All the best, I commend the discussion referred to above and your own assessment and personal discoveries. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.
Time to open the nanotubes.
How interesting, I just discovered carbon nanotubes can be used for stopping bullets.
Look them up on bitchute and they can store things like ebola inside and perhaps pop open when desired such as by time based erosion or EMF pulses etc
Uni of Pittsburgh (50 min) graphene drug delivery optical and electronic properties metallic/semi-conducting etc etc
Right 💁
SOON 🙀☠️🔥
Censor💁 x 2
Off topic-for Terry
Breeding Meat Rabbits On The Homestead – 3Canyons Permaculture Farm-Diamond from OPR Project YT channel.
My brother tried that. When the first one came to the dinner table, his daughter broke out crying and sobbed “you killed Fluffy”. – He turned the rest loose in the wild.
My cat gets any rabbit that is silly enough to get into his territory. He brings them back to under the Macadamia tree where he loves to chew the heads off, bugger if I know what that is about. Maybe if the wife wasn’t so squeamish I’d butcher up the rest of the carcass.
I wish I could get out West again and do some hunting. I could dry enough jerky to last at least a year (stews, SOS, chilli, etc.). Now I have to rely on the neighbors around here for fresh organic meat and eggs.
Thanks for the video, perhaps others on this site might like the idea to go along with their chicken coop. – I saw a house where there was a small mobile cage with rabbits that was being moved across the lawn. Free food for the rabbits and less mowing to do. I thought that was clever.
They have plenty of rabbits fenced in at our Federal parliament in Canberra where there is a breeding ground for our bureaucrats,
Pity they are not put to their natural task of keeping the lawns under control.
The idea of moving their cage around is a old concept,
Outside, all over the country that is the function and task of we, their sheep.
East Enders bred Flemish Giants during the war also rabbits from Australia were sent to uk during and after the war
I lived in Apollo Bay in the 70s ate trout eels rabbits chooks ducks geese made blackberry wine elderberry wine had a herb farm a crystal clear creek. It was just beyond a place called Paradise.
Later I learnt of the rogue priest and some strange sects connected to some influential people. Paradise lost
Bruce Pascoe book “convincing ground” tells some truths about massacres and the locals and skulls and bones .
Some ufo stories one in particular of a plane that just vanished. Interesting name Apollo Bay there is a lei line energy line connecting to Venus Bay and the Shrine of Remembrance
Again I refer to work of Dale Holmes
And others re the shrine in Kings Domain synchronicities ??
A lot of questions about ApolloBay’s history – about the Gadabanud William Buckley the immigrants who made the great ocean road
Nothing is what it seems
Halloween and the Melbourne Cup seem very significant events this year in the bigger scheme of things
Rabbit House update
Interesting discussion of The Shroud of Turin
It is strange, this morning my dear wife sent me the video as well….. because she is aware of my interest from at least the 70’s when a bank in Phillip st Sydney had a LARGE full street window display.
I opine that it is genuine and can understand how it was ‘naturally’ formed in the circumstances of its use.
I am not going to discuss it with those who do not know.
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