Home Trump Authority Addictions and Devastations

Authority Addictions and Devastations


G5 Information Report. 25.02.01:

Trump’s critics made him a statesman, no less than Washington or Lincoln. Rushmore right of Lincoln is assured.

People as Trump will always resonate with The People, because they are not lawyers or public servants. They are the  victims of lawyers and public servants. People succeed despite, not as any consequence. The ground is layered thick with the victims of wars, economic enslavement devastations, and theatres of law.

Lawyers and public servants monopolizing legislatures as the representative class, is why their victims; beyond the subservient; are forbidden from being nominated by The People to represent The People in almost all legislatures.

Didn’t quite succeed with The People’s Trump. I would suggest that lawfare is far too kind a word leaning into the  bastardry of a class projecting above The People, much more than the throwaway of partisan politics and even beyond the absurd, opinion. A test for sanity would be more appropriate. The insane lawyer Anna Soubry in the prior Commons is a fine example, and elitist lawyer Starmer represents what? People voting for a long lost ideal, instead of reality. And the talk is of The Masons’ country club.

The current Australian Federal Parliament is a fine example of The Uniparty, in the False Two Party System of the Fake Left-Right Paradigm. Certainly as far as corruption and deception are concerned. 

The reverse obstructions should be the reality; without the theories, opinions, semantic theatres, self interests, and NLP grand public ponce; that have caused the incessant devastations suffered throughout history. It is your patriotic duty to march off to war and die for OUR empire. Certainly a court can sentence you to die. After all you march off to war.

No, taxation isn’t legal. You haven’t agreed but we have. As well as worked out how to avoid it. How else do we fund OUR empire and its wars.

Now you have been paying all the taxation extortions and blackmails, so continue or we steal all you have and off to prison you go. Our paid hoons, from your sweat, are our protectors and enforcers. Remember the insane Covid lie in the contemporary.

Not convoluted, conflated, easy to blame, or over simplistic. True history is loud and clear. Have the Roman Trials By Ordeal really changed. Put your arm in that vat of boiling oil. If you are innocent GOD will not allow you to be injured. A filthy system blaspheming to a false credibility for distorted belief systems. And off to church they parade once a year. The representatives of crown, morality, and GOD and disguised infallible. More correctly; grand ponce; jump in to the vat of boiling oil to see if GOD considers you worthy to judge another. Ridiculous. REALLY. When did criminality become the central creeping core of authoritative control demanding obedience to the manufactured?

(What of the coins in the back of the gown pocket, unseen rattled, to see if sufficient has been deposited so the personification of that which is allegedly defending you shared with that which allegedly judges you, is sufficient.)

Colonies as Australia were stocked with predominantly innocents stranded to be enslaved by the masters of all. 

Aboriginals in Australia slaughtered; by the law supported moral; to almost extinction from over a million, on conservative numbers. Transfers from one evolved culture to another of forced convenience have never been successful throughout history. Indians in North America slaughtered from over a conservative eighteen million, and the essential bison of over sixty million reduced to conservation parks; BOTH.

The People OWN a nation, not any bullshit self appointed elitist classes that have lied, thieved, and murdered their way to control of a nation’s apparatus, enslaving its people on the journey.

Lawyers and public servants should be the servile class to Representatives of The People. Never the controllers, for which they have abundantly demonstrated they are not worthy. This is not support of Marxist, Commo-Fascist confections of enslaved Socialism, but the opposite. Read without the installed lenses of faecal distortion.

In Greece: the original democratic Ekklesia Parliament of The City State of Athens, worked well, until the usual suspects arrived.

Subsequently to the present condition of economic turmoil; nothing to do with Greeks not paying their blackmailed taxes and fake debt; try German-American tourism fraud; Greece was pushed through a civil war, divisions, civil unrest, fake monarchy, military junta, communism, fascism, socialism, and every flavour of controlling lunacy.

All with the exact same destructive outcomes. Even an imported Australian, positioned as finance minister, had to be arse marched to the door when it was realized he is a puppet of The EU pig trough oppressor and colonizer, sprouting a far removed lunacy of the non-existent Marxian Economics.

How did; Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, Rome, England, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium, Soviet Russia, and America collapse. Not by morality. 

The same for the forthcoming EU collapse, with its passed use by date of usual suspects. Not even planned obsolescence or fit for use. From the days of the corrupt usurpation by the hidden communist fake Treaty of Rome, and the deceptive (Bucharest Agreement) refusal to disband the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (after the disbanding of The Warsaw Pact). For which the prices are being paid to this day by NATO, The EU, and America.

Not fifty or a hundred years of historic evidence, but thousands of years with the exact same formula and outcomes. We didn’t need the studies of; Zimbardo, Stockholm, Dunning-Kruger, Adam Smith et al. 

Keep The People disarmed physically, mentally, and divided, and a happy empire follows by their sweat, enslavement, and genocidal demands of obedience to authority and good governance.

The People are now done.

The answer is to be aware, not to be authority addicted, and confused by collaborators and puppets of self interest. True world history is very clear. As is unfiltered comprehension derived from innate rational and critical thought. Deception is of one’s self.

Avoid, Deep States, wastes, thievery, the postured deception of a Left-Right Paradigm, incessant propaganda plays, cringe theatres of compelled accusational stupidity, as against dealing correctly with criminality, wars, genocides, pandemics, civil unrests, depressions, inflation, genderism, racism, climatism, commo-fascism, and all the other inventions of the currently exposed in America today.

Yes; not amazingly; but rationally the root of all evil. Not any idiotic wealth redistribution. The People know. Ask them. 

Senate and Confirmations

Hegseth (not a general dear loons) was just voted in; as I predicted with Vance casting while sitting as President of The Senate.

Collins lied about her vote, while Ernst voted her out, correctly to confirm.

The three RINO turds of merit were; McConnell, Murkowski, and Collins. The three stooge sluts of The Senate, whose careers; such as they were; are now not worth two cents. No clean end of the turd there.

Senate elections cometh, as Romney was thrown into the cesspit, together with his RNC daughter. Expect the Three Stooges to have shitty lives, as they are unable to explain to the constituencies which trusted them and they deceived; anything beyond selling their arses for the coin. As the names were called in alphabetical order; and Collins voted ‘NO’; Ernst as one of the original RINO Four seeing that Collins was now also a liar; Ernst voted ‘Yes’ negating the treachery of Collins.

Team Trump leaked Collins. The morons fixated while Ernst was the one to break the Turd Four. The only other turds of merit were the forthcoming McConnell and Murkowski. Both deranged and unsalvageable.

The Anna Soubry political suicide with a twist of The Streisand Effect. Enjoy the dark side.

Ratcliffe was voted in to run The CIA. I hope he knows what that dung heap is about. He needs good aged intel around him.

Trump cancelled all security clearances, and will reissue them on a case by case basis and need. Personally I am unaffected. I am industry approved for some seventy years, not on any grant. I analyse and write reports when asked. I know the guidelines of what should not be in open source. 

Jokers as Fauci who had been given twenty-four hour security, vehicles etc for life. have been cut loose. They can pay for their own. Certainly with the money he rorted during The Covid Scam. Trump also mentioned Bolton being cut off. An unrequited war monkey. Haley found a hidey hole at Boeing for services rendered.

Security is a monstrous ponce. No one knows who you are, unless you tell them. And why would you do that: Do you know who my father is? The answer to which should be: No. Doesn’t your mother know. A classic example is Chelsea Clinton (Web Hubbel’s daughter). There were entire floors remodelled in every university she pretended to have attended. All glass bullet and bomb proof etc. Secured areas and access. Hundreds of millions wasted. Then the twenty four hour guards, vehicles, aircraft etc. 

Then we had the two alleged Obama girls. Daughters of Anita Blanchard and Marty Nesbitt.

On and on. 

Bolton’s claim that he was subject to an assassination attempt, as credible as HRC claiming she; “Landed under Fire” somewhere. 

A trillion a year pissed against the wall for nothing but theatre. While people living in the real world are struggling to survive because of these very clowns.

Truth, Facts, and Reality

As with most of the internet; the astrophysical data cannot be trusted. If truth, facts, and reality, do not comply with expert derived agendas of stupidity, then the stupidity is given preference and precedent, postured and projected as reality.

This has appeared variously in redefinitions, rewrites and opinions in: Economics, English, Psychology, Medical Sciences, Physics, History, Law, Social Sciences, Anthropology, and through the insertions of Climatology, Genderism, Racism, and theories of partisan  Government. Some are quite subtle. Some are glaringly Commo-Fascist insane.

It’s what would happen if some evil became manifest and infested reality.

There are 8 planets in this solar system. Pluto is not a planet. There are not 11 and The Earth is not a moon of the Moon. 6 aligned about 930 CE and the 8 aligned at the time of Moses. Not almost or 3 degrees last year.

The internet has been flooded with profound stupidity from invented delusional authority. It feeds on itself. The insane arrogance of American authority made reality an opinion.

The van Allen Belts are not two but eight, found to date. Which detonations in the Ionosphere do not move.

Thank you Expert America for Operations Starfish and Fishbowl, delivering the destruction of The Ozone Layer, which takes 100 years to begin recovery. Until which Australia remains the skin cancer capital of the world.

The Great Moon Landings even more improbable, given the lack of technology and inability to use non-Newtonian propulsion (Reactionless 3rd. Law).

The international Space Station is 250 miles above Earth in The Ionosphere of Low Earth Orbit. LEO reaches to 1,200 miles.

Satellites are in organized orbits of 111 to 22,223 miles above Earth. probes as the two Voyagers are initially propelled as per The Third Law, and cannot accelerate.The Hydrazine and Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators are for electricity and DO NOT PROPELL. The alleged 8 engine adjusters DO NOT WORK. There is no Newtonian reaction.

Hubbel is 333.7 to 336.1 miles above Earth.

Low Earth Orbits can be adjusted by Newtonian Physics Reactionary Forces.

NASA (from Redstone Arsenal) existed with V2 NAZI SS von Braun from Peenemunde Mittelwerk (American Operation Paperclip saving its NAZI allies, against the bullshit of its Nuremberg), and Walt Disney, later with Obama, Nye and de Grasse Tyson as paid performers, pushing the fake nonsensical Nixon narrative of Moon Landings.

Added to the absurdities of an International Space Station, barely out of gravitational pull, and Musk playing where the money is with the Mars stupidity, and of course aliens are on the visit; for some unknown reason, and which no one with allegedly 6 billion phones in the world, has ever really recorded.

Please note; as sometimes hinted, including from Musk; America does NOT have rocket engines. Only Russian engines are ever used. The reason NASA and SpaceX have run their courses. As have Boeing, China and India, Theatre and short range missiles are a different technology.

Even flying to and from the International Space Station requires Russian engines. Recall one time when two successive American launches detonated on liftoff. The American stranded occupants were retrieved by Russia docking with The ISS within 48 hours of the second explosion. Forget any American bullshit sanctions of The RSA (Russian Space Agency).

Forget the idiot NASA colliding eight of its surveillance satellites in one trip by The RSA. The reason for the American fool’s errands of; U2, SR70s, and the incidents of KAL-007, Murmansk, Hainan Island, Vela etc.

Who could forget the school children of Kettering Grammar in The UK, trying to explain to the American embassy that Russia had launched Sputniks 1 and 2 over America.

Read that into America or The UK having ICBMs, let alone, Hypersonic Technology. Even silly Obama signaled it in an interview, that America did not have long range missile technology.

Hypersonic requires entry to Low Earth Orbit then a driving down from the parabola at the targets, at an unstoppable and undetectable; let alone reactionary; well over six miles a second.

The Russian 3M22 Tsirkon would pass through the $12.5 billion hull (not the total advertised cost) of the dud Ford aircraft carrier, below the waterline and out the other side intact, like the proverbial knife through butter. It’s not only the technology of the engines and the parabolic flight; avoiding all satellites; it’s the construction of the missile to avoid heat destruction from frictional reentry and velocity.

America has none of the technology, never did, and never likely to. Add it to the fakery of American; Stealth, Variable Vector Thrust Engines, Super Cavitation Torpedoes, Electromagnetic Pulse Technology etc.

As there was never any radiation detected at Nagasaki and Hiroshima (refer to my analysis of how those detonations and Operations Starfish and Fishbowl occurred, as well as the incessant tests by England, France, China, America, and israel) I would suggest the best America has is the miniature W40 now W80 tested in Iraq and used to drop Towers 1 and 2 on 9/11.

America to this day, has always run from Russia since WWII. Remember The Potsdam Surrender by The Oder-Neisse, and the subsequent Berlin Wall.

The cut and run vanquishings of; Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Georgia, Ingushetia, South Ossetia, Chechnya, Euroasia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Gaza, and Afghanistan, and The Russian Attritional death grip of America and NATO in Ukraine.

Maybe a redefinition of the world’s greatest military needs to be considered. Added to the definitions of greatest world reserve currency, biggest resource holder, and greatest economy. But hey, when dealing with mass mental disorders.

Israel is protected by Russia, not America; as I have advised. The WMDs of Iraq were non existent, as are those postured for North Korea and Iran. China, India, Cuba, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Arabia, Brazil, Iran, and North Korea are protected by Russia.

The reason Putin shies on the issue of nuclear, is not by any fear. While America became proficient in packaged farts in paper bags delivered by sling shot, Russia built the technology of returning North America to the stone age with just six undetectable missiles. Not even accounting for triggering all America’s Fault Lines and Dormant Volcanoes. 

When I was studying Physics and Pure and Applied, in a western university;  some sixty-five years ago; all our texts were in Russian.

Trip to The Moon anyone.

Forget Blue Book, UN fantasies, pilot and astronaut observations, and Area 51 etc. Don’t waste my time. 

What do we know definitely: The world is over populated with various grades of retards; alleged education of itself is not any rite of passage to intelligence or morality; and arrogance, theatre, and the point of a gun, still hold suasion.

Holding The American Dollar has long been known as playing deck chairs on The Titanic (Olympic). The alleged Bretton Woods, World Reserve Currency, is not as purported.



  1. Seems that the ABC would not be game to interview G5. Otherwise it would🙀
    Poor ABC and the mass media controlled spivs with those who listen to them.
    9.21 PM

    • Whilst we are on the subject of stupids and criminals of the Wester world, just add to G5’s the assessment of ‘gene decode’ today at beforeitsnews.com.
      his promo is the dog.
      10.03 PM

  2. Q. What happened in AD 930 ( “Christian Era” ) planetary alignment
    Q. Who is doing the DEWs in Lahaina, Hollywood and anywhere else

  3. I agree Global Elites hold a grudge for centuries and they will destroy the USA for that reason alone but there are plenty more reasons basically real estate

  4. You wrote:
    As there was never any radiation detected at Nagasaki and Hiroshima (refer to my analysis of how those detonations and Operations Starfish and Fishbowl occurred, as well as the incessant tests by England, France, China, America, and Israel) I would suggest the best America has is the miniature W40 now W80 tested in Iraq and used to drop Towers 1 and 2 on 9/11.

    What proof can you supply for this allegation micro nukes were used?
    Explain how there was no visible flash from an explosion?
    Explain how the TT were vertically erased?
    Nukes can vaporize steel but not dustify it.
    When were the nukes placed.
    As reported by Scott Pelley the next day, 110 stories down to the ground and no dead people to be found.
    Explain the lack of spherical explosion signatures?
    How was WTC7 destroyed?
    How as WTC3 disintegrated?
    How as the massive hole in WTC6 created?
    All of the above are serious questions, rooted in technical-engineering reality.
    To say nothing about the impossible physics demonstrated by the alleged BigBoeing planes.
    Answer these questions instead of pitching out unfounded theories.

    • Agree.
      How were the W80 war heads deployed?
      No radiation was detected at the WTC site.
      The “dustification” described at length in Judy Wood’s book” Where did the Towers Go” and the “toasted” cars some far distant from the site would indicate from her analysis the use of a DEW.
      The aerial view of the WTC block shows every building with some form of damage with the hole in WTC6 certainly consistent with Judy’s theory.

      • Thank you Sandra!! You are the exceptional exception.
        All but no one mentions Where Did The Towers Go and the evidence (not a theory) of Directed Energy Weapons. Have you see the 2/3s disappearance of WTC 4 caused allegedly by TT2 falling over on top of it (which never happened)?!
        The term dustification has entered the public lexicon because of her. And the Gumshoe author refuses to acknowledge JW or simply regurgitates words about which they are clueless.
        Stoopid people say that 2017 California fires, Maui and now the LA fires were ‘definitely’ caused by DEW but NEVER provide proof or mention the necessary root being 911 and Dr. Wood’s book.
        Watch this short video.
        HOW DARE YOU question 9/11?
        Neither the official story nor the approved alternative narrative LIES?

        Scott Pelley and the NYFD state on 09 12 2001 … 110 stories down to ground level and yet there were no people (bodies)
        DEW’d into nothingness and they cannot even grasp the enormity of their words. Pelley and the NYFD are clueless COWARDS!!
        At 23+ years from the event, none of these people have spoken up and are still mind raped.
        So when this idiot on Gumshoe writes spurious bullshit about impossible nukes as if that explanation was valid much less indisputable, I will not let it stand and have he/her/it continue the lies from 911.
        Richard Gage, James Corbett, et al are willful agents of disinformation. They are lying traitors deserving the noose and a nearby tree.
        No thermite. No Controlled demolition. No BigBoeing planes at any of the 4 sites
        Only when the people at large realize DEW as described by JW will the democide spell by the Predator Elite be broken.

  5. We’ve taken a bite from the apple,
    no one can buy or sell…

    Fact or fable, temptation everywhere, for the profit of sin and pleasure with Gates of hell in every iPhone.

    • Q Why do they income tax when they create the money
      A They have to pretend inflation is under control, keyword pretend
      “Satan the Great deceiver all he has is lies”

  6. The FED banksters create the money and lend it to the “government” so they need income tax to pay interest on the debt. Government is not allowed the privilege of creating money. Hitler kicked the banksters out and took back the reins hence the German economy recovered in no time….couldn’t have that as an example so war was arranged. Same with Iraq, the richest country in Africa with no central banksters. Same ending.

  7. Oz used to be a land of great opportunity for everyone, now devolved to a 2 class dead end socialist trap, as we make the transition to CCP rule downunder with UBI tied to CBDC monitored by AI – the ultimate scam and control protocol.
    What’s really worrying is the D-wave summoning demons from another dimension, who care about us as we care for ants. Anyone who worships AI is worshipping demonic entities who use this high-tech BS to derail people away from Truth.

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