By Mary W Maxwell, PhD
[Editor’s note: This was first published on Rense.com on 18 July 2011, over a decade ago.]
Enter at your own risk. This article may look scientific, but it’s written by an amateur. I am going to play a game here, pretending that some liquid was maliciously put into the injections that children received shortly before they developed autism. I give that substance a perfectly fanciful identity by saying its color is lavender. The properties of this ‘lavender liquid?’ That is what we need to figure out.
This is the ninth article in my series of “Autism Ideas.” Looking back over the previous eight, two can be ignored for our purposes here: #4 on the Vaccine Court, and #7 on the thalidomide doctor who got struck off the register for his later nosing into the properties of tricyclic anti-depressants. The remaining six contain ideas that bear on the new hypothesis about the ‘lavender liquid.’
Those include: #1. The self-report of an adult who ‘broke through’ her childhood autism, namely, Temple Grandin; #2 the medical establishment’s super-hyped rebuttal of the successful research by gastroenterologists Andrew Wakefield and John Walker-Smith; and #3. The resemblance of gifted autistic minds to the Kissinger-induced gifts of Brice Taylor, particularly her photographic memory.
Article #5 covered the fact that spinning has several consequences, such as bringing relief to autistic persons, causing nausea to the healthy, and preparing persons for indoctrination in mind control; and #7 contained both Lawrence Broxmeyer’s theory of maternal TB infectiion and the autism diagnostic checklist of Bernard Rimland.
As for #8, which used ‘Clara’ as an interviewer to intrude the horrific idea of malice, we can skip over it. It is enough that I now proclaim that I suspect there was a ‘lavender liquid.’ You don’t have to accept anything about malice to get some value out of the exercise here. Just try to imagine “What could have happened?” Such an approach might have the lucky effect of making a real scientist remember something that I haven’t thought of!
My ‘lavender liquid’ hypothesis does not imply that I think other leads should be abandoned. Not at all. Three top contenders at the moment are: that autism was brought on by mercury (via the thimerosal that is often used as a preservative of vaccines); that the vaccine itself in some way caused the damage; and that bowel disease, whether or not related to a vaccination, was capable of reaching up to the brain to cause the autism.
Quite possibly the answer lies in one of those theories. As for why there would suddenly be a huge increase in autism starting around 1990, some believe it is quite simply the fact that children today get many more shots than they used to (a minimum of 14).
Another line of theories, concerned with the autistic child’s social dysfunction can, perhaps, be set aside. I do not deny that an autistic child can live in his own world, that he lacks eye contact, and so forth. But many of the vaccine-related cases are children who had already developed normal social affections, so the key to what has happened can’t be that there is some ‘missing cog’ in the child’s head related to social performance.
Also, many parents of autistic kids — and adult autistics such as Temple Grandin — say that even when the child appears his unsocial worst, he may be experiencing plenty of social sensitivity about it. By the way, Temple says she not only wished for a hug from her teacher, she ‘craved’ it.
This means, too, that we shan’t dwell on the hypothesis of Jaak Panksepp who, extrapolating from animal studies, came to the view that mother-child attachment may be neurologically impaired in autism. Granted, he has done remarkable work on the neurochemistry of bonding, determining that maternal-offspring attachment involves opiates.
(In 1979, thirty-two years ago, Panksepp called attention to a possible resemblance between alcohol addiction, and the human urge for the comfort of opiates that must have come from the initial experience of the comfort of the mother. He thus envisioned that the drug Naxolone might help autistics, and indeed in some cases it does!)
Now to three more ideas that have currently got research attention. First: inflammation, that normally happens to every person after a vaccination, could be the cause of autism if it ‘gets out of hand.’
Second: a surge in autism cases in California in the 1990s coincided with a surge in tuberculosis there, and Lawrence Broxmeyer thinks it may be causal. Third: something called XMRV has been showing up in odd places such as in prostate cancer and may be connected to the autism mystery.
Note that those last two: the TB and the XMRV, could in fact be the ‘lavender liquid!’ In other words, someone could be maliciously, or accidentally, introducing either of them into the vaccines. Recall that a simian virus, known as SV-40, somehow slipped into the widely-distributed polio vaccine of the 1960s, and is now recognized as a factor that predisposes the whole baby-boomer generation to cancer. (See “Me and Lee” by Judith Vary Baker.)
Robert F Kennedy, Jr. (who looks strikingly like his late father, and is now way older that RFK lived to be!) prepared a talk for ABC TV, which got pulled at the last minute, in July 2005. In it he condemned the Center for Disease Control, and its director Walt Orenstein, for trying to suppress studies that prove the correlation between vaccination and autism. The factor that Kennedy assumed was being suppressed was the mercury-bearing thimerosal.
Of interest to his theory, and mine, is the fact that Amish children, who do not accept vaccinations, had virtually no autism at the relevant time. Dan Olmsted, a journalist, is the person who thought to search for such groups. He found the Amish, and is roaring mad that this is not looked upon by doctors as a key discovery (as it surely is!). Olmsted is co-author with Mark Blaxill of a book, “The Age of Autism,” and he runs an in-depth website by that name.
Why is it wrong to mention the Amish’s lack of autism? Recall the reprimand meted out to John Walker-Smith (not to mention the cancelling of his medical license) by the UK’s General Medical Council. That was for his daring to publish a correlation that could lower the public’s desire for vaccinations.
Probably there are scientists in America, too, who follow the twisted logic that if a doctor discovers that a vaccine is rendering the lives of thousands of children hellish, the right thing to do is suppress that information lest the population starts to resist immunizations of all kinds.
(Hmm. Another idea emerges. Does it not seem that the wise thing to do re the controversial MMR injection would be to admit there is trouble with that one, and then parents would be more willing to accept the remaining shots? Under present circumstances, with ‘scare’ happening, may people are refusing all shots. Could this be the ‘desired’ outcome? The stirring up of fear is a regular thing by the media these days. Chaos is a goal!)
A situation that is opposite that of the Amish children is that of Somali youngsters in Minnesota. They were born in the US but their families had, not long before, immigrated from Somali, as refugees. The children have a very high incidence of autism (1 in 28 schoolchildren). It seems not to be blamable on their Somali-ness, as children in Somalia are not autistic. Note: that latter point is a reminder that we have plenty of places in the world that can serve as comparisons, too.
The ‘lavender-liquid’ theory goes well with a sudden high incidence of autism like that of the refugees in Minnesota. If the harmful thing is just the ordinary vaccine preservative, mercury, there shouldn’t be a group of people in whom the rate of autism-as-reaction is particularly high. That is, mercury ought to result in the same rate of autism outcomes wherever it is used. And the same is true if it is the vaccine itself that is to blame. So one must pay attention to the Somali ‘outbreak.’
Now to the main purpose of hypothesizing about a substance that could cause autism. What part of the brain would it need to attack? And don’t forget, if what the liquid does is cause bowel disease, which then goes to the brain and results in autism, that liquid still has to somehow ‘know’ what it is aiming at in the brain. I mean it has to end up at the part of the brain that will make the child start to show autistic symptoms.
We know some of the main things that go wrong. (Note: this discussion isn’t about the type of autism that begins at birth; the ‘going wrong’ here is the kind of thing that happens around 18-20 months.) The child gets cranky or listless, may start to cover its ears as if it hates noise, may pull away from touch — often not because of unsociability but because the tactile sense has become painful.
He may start to do repetitive things, including using words repetitively, he may hit his own head, he may be aggressive with others, he may scream, he may like to swing and spin, he may want to put objects in a neat row and get upset if the order is disturbed. He’ll start to sniff things if his olfactory sense has become more prominent that his visual and auditory senses. Yet he might become a savant with an incredible capacity for memorizing visual data.
I cannot answer the question “What must the ‘lavender liquid’ contain in order to result in those symptoms?” but it does seem to me that the structure of the research would include the following three things:
- an exposition of the normal brain. For example, neuro-linguistics scientists know how the normal brain comes up with the right pronoun in speech (autistic children often use “you” for “I”). Much is known about the parts of the brain that like to impose neatness on the environment. Much is known about sensory overload and sensory integration, and so forth.
- a charting of which interventions work well with autistic children. Naxolone was mentioned. Some children respond to the kind of drugs that are given to persons with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The point here is not to find the best intervention. Rather this item is connected to the previous one, the exposition of the normal brain. Reports of how well a certain drug works is a clue to what function of the brain has gone wrong in autism (hence, what function of the brain has been hit by ‘the lavender liquid’).
- an investigation of the vaccines when they arrive in the doctor’s office. Has anyone put the stuff under a microscope? I do not mean so we can see the structure of the virus. I mean so we can detect anything that does not belong there!
Finally, let’s recall that the US government was a major surreptitious distributor of LSD for many years (see Hank Albarelli’s “A Terrible Mistake”), and a lot of people may have developed schizophrenia as a result. The headquarters for this was Ft Detrick, Maryland, which has since become a center for cancer research. It would be foolish to rule out that autism has been deliberately caused. (Could the ‘lavender liquid’ in fact be LSD?)
You may wish to follow a case that is proceeding right now, in 2011, in a federal district court in San Francisco. Frank Rochelle is the main plaintiff in a class-action suit for thousands of US army veterans who were treated as guinea pigs without their consent during their service. They were made to sign an oath that they would not tell anyone, including their physician, what had been done to them.
Given all that has happened with regard to such ‘experimentation,’ I urge, with regard not only to autism but to all the newly spreading neurological diseases - Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, dystonia, etc. — that the scientist do a thought experiment. She should ask if there could be a way for a chemical, maliciously delivered, to bring about the symptoms.
Mary W Maxwell, PhD, is the author of “Prosecution for Treason: Weather War, Epidemics, and Mind Control.” The book is sold at Barnes and Noble and at alibris.com.
The best I’ve come across.
TheEchoChamber Published August 19, 2021 6,720 Views
66 rumbles
Rumble — The Queensland Government released a media press release to fool the people into getting the jab. No laws have passed friends, hold on to your boots keep your eyes open and witness the trickery at play.
Yes it’s very good including the point that the government is advertising vaccines when previously medications weren’t allowed to be advertised on TV, I had been thinking about this lately. It’s all bullshit so where are the lawyers in all this ? The politicians don’t understand the law, they leave everything to the attorney general. Michaelia Cash has inherited the AG dept from rising star Christian Porter taken down over historic rape allegations or whatever.
I would like Queensland Civil Liberties, esp. Terry O’Gorman, to speak up about potential mandatory vax/jabs, etc.
Is Your School Mandating The Covid Vax?
by BlackfullaRoar
Any law that purports to make it mandatory for a person to submit to a COVID-19 vaccination is invalid.
In 1945, the then Chief Justice Latham held that quarantine laws “may be regarded in most, if not all, of its aspects as a form of public health legislation”.
The Commonwealth has the power under section 51(ix) of the Constitution to make laws with respect to ‘quarantine’. This is a power granted to the Commonwealth. Not the States.
At [257] of the decision, Latham CJ held that the Commonwealth “could not pass a law requiring citizens of the States… to submit to vaccination or immunization”.
So there are several important things that flow from this High Court decision.
Vaccinations and immunizations are matters that fall within the category of ‘quarantine’.Only the Commonwealth has the power to make laws with respect to ‘quarantine’ under section 51(ix) of the Constitution.The Commonwealth is prohibited from passing laws requiring citizens to submit to vaccination or immunization (which are quarantine matters).The States have no power to make laws with respect to quarantine, including matters dealing with vaccinations and immunizations (as Latham CJ held that these things are ‘quarantine’ matters).The States are unable to do something that the Commonwealth is prohibited from doing under the exercise of the quarantine power.Therefore the States cannot pass any law that requires citizens to submit to vaccination or immunization.Part 3B of the Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order (No 2) (NSW) 2021 is invalid.
All workers who have been identified under the ‘NSW Airport and Quarantine Workers’ Vaccination Program’ should consider the above before making any decision as to whether to have a COVID-19 vaccination.
Thanks to G&B Lawyers source – https://www.facebook.com/197895204117588/photos/a.224784381428670/941275709779530/
Hmm. Far be it from to suggest that a govt can force you to get immunized, but I do not think the Latham Cj ruling is all that pertinent. the case is Attorney general of Victoria v Commonwealth (1945). It has to do with the validity of funding, and with the state/Cth relationship.
Constitutional Law (Cth.)—Apjiropriation of money—Scope of power—Whether. H. C. OF A.
limited or unlimited as to purpose—“ Purposes of the Commonwealth ”—Power. 1945.
of incidental legislation—If power of appropriation ^mlimited, extent of power to control manner and method of expenditure—Provision for free medicine— Melbourne, Appropriation of moneys to pay chemists—Validity—The Constitution (63 & 64
Oct. 5, 8-10;
Viet. c. 12), ss. 51 (xxxix.), 7.5, 81, 83—Pharmaceutical Benefits Act 1944 9No. 11 Sydney,
of 1944).
Nov. 19.
High Court—Action for declaration of invalidity of Commonwealth statute—Power
Latham, C.J., of Attorney-General for a State to sue.
Rich, Starke,
Dixnn, McTiernan and
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Act 1944 provides for the supply by chemists without charge to the public of certain medicines jirescribed by medical practitioners, appropriates money to pay the chemists for the medicines supplied, and imposes duties on medical practitioners and chemists in relation to the jtrescription and supply of the medicines.
NYilliams JJ.
Held, by Latham C.J., Rich, Starke, Dixon and Williams JJ. {McTiernan J. dissenting), that the Act is not authorized under the power of appropriation in s. 81 of the Constitution and the power of incidental legislation in s, 51 (xxxix.), and is invahd.
Held, also, by Latham C.-J., Rich, Starke, Dixon and Williams J.J., the Attorney-General of a State has a sufficient title to invoke the provisions of the Constitution for the purpose of challenging the validlity of Commonwealth legislation which extends to, and operates withiti, the State whose interests he represents.
As with the Jewish led communist USSR, arguing the law would see ones self end up in a gulag in Siberia.
Protocol No1
RIGHT IS MIGHT ( the Police Force & Military Force)
Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
Where does right begin? Where does it end?
1. The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces – are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers.
Thanks to Julius Skoolafish for providing the link a few topics back –
Understanding Dostoyevsky [Part 1] – Matthew Raphael Johnson
Yesterday, 1,431 cases, we’re back to 9.
A child can see, 3 6 or 9 are magick numbers used daily for ‘cases’. Tesla discovered these ‘spiritual numbers’ that lead to illumination.
They have to be repetitive for the invocations to materialise, they’re chanting for Moshiach.
Combining 5G with jabs, people are tranceformed into the beast system. These demons lack original thought, so stealing and murdering is their only means, they have never known anything else.
Traditional arts and crafts must be restored for survival. With serpents controlling AI computer automation there is no hope for our children’s future. To restore sanity, gadgets need to be tossed. Like many things, easier said than done, as I’m typing into the iPhone. We be damned, by goons and snoops, thousands of years of His story and we’re throwing it all away.
People, cases are not deaths. Are there excess deaths in the past 18 months in Australia? I know I speak to the informed.
Excess deaths in NY seemed to happen when cruise ship virus people were put in nursing homes.
Claims about hospitals being over capacity seem to have some relation to staff walking out.
Other countries where people commonly consume a lot of anti-malaria treatments seem to be unaffected.
Death rates in Sweden were much the same as death rates in the UK but Sweden was apparently prevented by their constitution from trying any of the New World Order “measures” so they basically didn’t compel anyone do anything.
It would appear the Swedish PM ( now I think swapped out ) respected the law and constitution, unlike here in Australia, where the red / blue politicians are happy to follow the New World Order programme with no reference to facts, law or reality.
They pretend to fight over open or closed borders etc but both sides are pushing for quaxxine passports ( CCP style social credits system + quaxxine coercion ).
This is partly because they are scared of the over-empowered public, a top-down measure designed to entrench the ruling classes and segregate the deplorables or “useless eaters”.
This is my suggestion, but i am NOT UP ON STATE/Commonwealth relations, OK? (It’s my specialite in USA, but in Oz there is less religiosity about the Balance of Powers).
I suggest that the sole question is one of the state mandates. CAN DAN DO IT? Can Gladys I’m-a-Dinner-Jacket do it? Check the state constituion of Victoria and NSW (I’m serious).
But note: you won’t find a constitution saying “All bets are off as to whether a legislature’s enactments are kosher, given that there is huge corruption and pressure, such as a Bill Gates, paying for the propaganda to sell a product for which he will make money.”
Thus I say, with a lump in my throat, the law is not the guiding light as to what is right here. Parliament sucks. Sorry. Dan is one man but he needs the support of his Party. Why are they giving him support? Because they suck.
How about this as a rule of thumb: Any stautute made out of a VISIBLE fabric of corruption has no enforceabilty. It’s prima facie invalid. The citizen is duty bound to reject it.
If the individual citizen then gets punished — e.g., by losing his job or by getting Goaled, it’s up to citizens, en masse, to exercise their laryngeal muscles and scream FOUL.
Come on Aussies, be firm about this. You don’t need CJ Latham’s 1945 help. You need to develop some spine. Don’t take a genocidal jab. Don’t tolerate persons like Dan and Gladys pushing us all into LaLa land. They are criminals. They are impostors. The whole world can see that they are mental cases. Arrest them now.
You would agree to the arrest of a mundane crim, wouldn’t you? And a con-artist type impostor? And the “sectioning” of a dangerous mental case?
The top video from cx7 “lies deception and wizardry” is all about legal stuff basically it’s all FRAUD coming from state governments it’s unconstitutional etc
Please give us a link to that, dear W3.
Up the top this page but better if you could run it with a picture
Everyone should listen to this para-legal guy from NSW / QLD border area
We have voted our PM, our Premiers into power to act on our behalf; now they seem to be taking orders from some foreign entities and acting on their behalf.
As you know, Oz banksters colony.
I live 7k’s from CBD. Suburban branch Commonwealth Bank, closed with all other banks in shopping centre. ATM only via on-line, overnight! Facade above awning splattered with graffiti. Downstairs entry, always full of bird droppings never cleaned.
Crown virus devolution to totalitarian cyber komunizm. This place like all ‘five eyes’ nations, sacrificial lambs for CCP, the new eye Huawei.
Pardon error, Commonwealth still open with restricted hours, 4 to 5 hours, 5 days.
So CCP controls 5 Eyes?
Huawei is the new eye in town globally, collectors backing them now, sad to say.
• HSBC is the 800 pound gorilla in the courtroom weighing on Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s shoulders – Jeff J Brown
News • Videos
NYC Flood: 15 videos of severe flooding in New York City
Being a simple man, i prefer to reduce complext narratives to simple equations:
Doctors + vaccinations = proof of Medical Mafia. How to end autism = end doctors.
Heretic, will be placed in a special plastic iron maiden with dozens of injection spikes and pumped full of every available serum.
Trump on autism from about 6 or 8 years ago (2 minutes)
Says emphatically, many people their child gets pumped up with these vaccines and they turn out to be autistic
Also more recent:
Young people under 16 shouldn’t get it, they don’t need it (1 minute)
Crisis in MSM and controlled government !!!
UK says no quaxxine for under 16’s, Australia still pushing it.
( source: morning TV )
Sorry. I did not mean for the title of this article to be “Part 9”. Ten years ago I did a series on autism at Rense.com; this lavender thing was the ninth part of it. The name for this re-use of the old article, re Pfizer, should be something like:
Can We Know If Something Is Put into Vaccines with Malicious Intent?
[The answer is: Short of a confession, the way to know is by looking at the factors I listed. Plus, today, one would say “The withholding of a good cure such as ivermectin, is circumstantial evidence that malice is afoot.”]
Another way to find out if something has been put in a vaccine (or a soft drink or a toothpaste, etc) would be to charge a suspect with crime and then go for subpoenas.
“Vote harder next time … ” – :Larken Rose
oops – that was careless …
Larken Rose
“Government” is a religion. (Larken Rose)
This is an excerpt from Larken Rose’s new book, The Most Dangerous Superstition.
The Religion of “Government” (TMDS pp. 28-32.)
The present system of Judaic Law conflicts with Christianity – See Rev. 2:9 & 3:9
Whoever makes your laws that is your God.
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
Redux: Rabbis at pre-army yeshiva: “Gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best”
Careless u, me to without a hashtag
As the mother of an autistic 17yo I dived into this particular rabbit hole a long time ago. I remember seeing an article that showed 3 graphs, all with identical hockey stick take off points showing: the rate of increase in autism, the rate of increase in vaccinations and the rate of increase in glyphosate usage.
For those that argue that the danger in vaccines was mercury, which has supposedly been removed, I suggest looking up Prof Chris Exley, he has studied aluminum for over 30yrs, initially in Alzheimer’s, more recently he studied the brains of autistic children who were between 5 and 25yrs when they died, he found they had higher levels of aluminum in their brains than the Alzheimer’s brains, that lost him a lot funding.
An Italian lab has been doing some interesting analysis of vaccine contents, for example this paper shows that 99.76% of the human fetal cell line MRC-5 was sequenced in a tetra-valiant vaccine: https://www.corvelva.it/speciale-corvelva/vaccinegate-en/vaccinegate-mrc-5-contained-in-priorix-tetra-complete-genome-sequencing.html
Another study they conducted showed that of the 5 antigens a vaccine was meant to contain, they found zero individual antigens, instead they found a large protein mass, not sure how the immune system is supposed to interpret that.