by Dee McLachlan
Are you willing to play Rona Roulette? At this point, we don’t know the odds.
Today, a selection of articles and videos.
Depopulation and Remdesivir — Dr Bryan Ardis
A discussion with Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg! Dr Ardis explains his findings on Remdesivir.
Ardis says the studies on Remdesivir found that the effects included 22% suffered multiple organ failure, kidney failure septic shock, and hypotension. They were dying from Fauci’s drug.
First Autopsy of Vaccinated Person
Alt media (e.g., Natural News) has published information on “Researchers from Germany have conducted the world’s first-ever postmortem study on a corpse that prior to death had been ‘vaccinated’ for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).”
Natural News reported:
“They found that every single organ of the now-deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins due to the jab… It took all the way until day 25 for the man to finally test ‘positive’ for the Fauci Flu. Just one day later, he died in the hospital of kidney and respiratory failure caused by the vaccine.“
I decide to go directly to the study and give it a quick scan. I checked out the chart that provides a timeline: Day 1 — vaccination; Day 15 — collapses at breakfast; Day 18 — hospital admission; Day 23 — Acute renal insufficiency, Lung auscultation… hypernatremia; Day 24 — patient in room tests Cov positive; Day 26 — Death.
Interesting! It’s noted that on Day 24 a “patient in same hospital room has positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test”. One hopes that this other person was not put in the man’s room so as to deflect from the real cause of death.
These are some points noted in the Abstract:
“A previously symptomless 86-year-old man received the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer). He died 4 weeks later from acute renal and respiratory failure. Although he did not present with any COVID-19-specific symptoms, he tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 before he died… however, we did not observe any characteristic morphological features of COVID-19…“
Vaccinated Getting Infected — Waning Immunity
On Sunday, Face the Nation included interviews with both Dr. Anthony Fauci as well as Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Director of Public Health Services in Israel. Wallstreetparade reports:
“Face the Nation host, John Dickerson, asked Alroy-Preis about her biggest concern from the “uptick in cases because of the Delta variant,” she said this: ‘…we are seeing about 50 percent of the people who are infected right now are vaccinated, fully vaccinated individuals. And so that is obviously of concern. … we now see that the vaccine effectiveness against disease is roughly 40 percent. It still remains high for severe disease. But we are seeing diminished protection, especially for people who have been vaccinated earlier.’ … what we have been seeing in the past several weeks is actually an evidence that there is waning immunity.”
Pfizer Analyst –“STOP the Vaccines”
In another Stew Peters report, he exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared. Kingston referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence.
This video featuring Dr. Bryan Ardis with relevant comment by Mothman777 …
“In a second study by the Israeli company Gilead, 22% out of 53 COVID patients in 23 countries who were given Remdesivir were found after just 28 days to have suffered 4 major effects, multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock and hypotension. 8% of these patients had to be taken off Remdesivir by day 5 or 10 because they were dying. 30% experienced 4 life-threatening effects.
Doctors in American hospitals who had been ordered to use Remdesivir on COVID patients were mistaking effects of Remdesivir for those of COVID, thinking COVID was causing the kidney failure now being seen in their patients. These patients were not dying from any COVID, they were dying very clearly from Remdesivir poisoning.”
When will the poor millennials wake up to a few nine words of simple truth.
yes i have seen a video on that, and fauci ordered the use of the drug, even though it had problems for ebola patients
Link for the Israeli Gilead study
PETITION (share the link) — Terry will approve
“Petition Reason
Australians have been gradually disarmed over a number of years. Now many believe that the politicians of Australia to a large degree have sold the people out and are following the dictates of the UN the WEF and WHO and the faceless individuals who control them in order to bring in a global communistic New World Order. We therefore seek the protection of the Constitution to give to us the right to openly carry firearms of any calibre in order to form militia and protect ourselves and family against a government gone rogue if it becomes necessary.”
We never had a war of independence and we never were a world-wide beacon for human rights, we just trail along behind England and the US with no end in sight. Ned Kelly and Peter Lalor fizzled out. We have no George Washington or Andrew Jackson. We have this weak, infiltrated ALP that has been pushing a globalist communist agenda for 50 years. I’m not against lefty stuff or greenie stuff at all, so by now it’s like separating Siamese twins.
LOL, well I signed the petition. Although if there was a revolution, my old bones wouldn’t allow me to march more than a kilometer. The bad guys will have to show up at my place for the party.
I’ll send that petition on to Sky News, maybe they can have some fun with it.
Here’s the message I sent to Sky News –
Hello, I’m a retired barrister that has had previous communication with Alan Jones about the Port Arthur Massacre. Here’s a link to a video I helped with about the massacre –
Here is a link to a new petition in Parliament that you may find interesting –
Perhaps you can have some fun with this information on one of your shows.
Actually the parallel between the effect of the 90s disarmament and the effect of government policy of the past 17 months is striking. Both were driven by self-interest and neither wound up doing anything more than drawing attention thereto. In other words, both backfired horribly.
Bar Port Arthur I would never have taken a good hard look at the real reason for weapons control.
This time around the wake-up call has been much more far-reaching.
In both instances the instigators have achieved the very reverse of what was intended
Oh well,
obviously the public cannot trust the government to inform the public so we must ignore them and their main stream propaganda fake joke shonks.
A repeat link to the autopsy report in the article.
What is missing?
Fill in the name tag on the toe……. it could be someone you know.
Both the explosive discussion with Dr Bryan Ardis and the interview of Stew Peters with Karen Kingston highlight exactly who wants to close down and obfuscate the truth on this and so many other topics (including USS Liberty) and the agenda behind these genocidal ‘vaccines’. For the origin of essential hate, extremism, racial supremacism, Sabbatean depravity and antihumanism …
• How Israel Censors the Internet
more on wikifakia later.
And they also host Sean Hross exposing Swissy !!!
What a paradox.
Look at Swissy there in the middle of the map of Europe, wonder how Italy bought into the dream of the 3rd reich, how were the national socialists infiltrated, who started the Vatikan, where did all the gold go, why so many castles !?!?!?! The questions go on and on !!!
Swissy in the middle, protected by NATO but not paying the full rate, got a better deal.
Branch offices in London, NY, Zion, tropical islands everywhere. Satellites in Monaco, Lichenstein, Luxembourg, etc etc, more castles, all over the place. All roads lead to Swissy.
It’s the biggest “hiding in plain sight” in all of world history. From whipping the slaves in Egypt to Rome to Venice to the Alps, the trail is very hard to ignore. Impossible to ignore.
Now, the Germans started Deutsche bank before 1900 to extract themselves from it all.
The “red sea pedestrians” had to get the hell out about 3000 years before.
Seems to have been infiltrations of one sort or another going on everywhere ever since.
How does Swissy do it ? Seems it has run in the family since the building of the pyramids.
Swissy has hated the jews since Exodus. They undermined his rain-god tricks.
Jews therefore ( by extrapolation ) become Swissy’s #1 rival and scapegoat.
What is the truth, is it something repeated even by schoolboys across the world in Sydney and Melbourne ? Or is it embedded in something more glamorous, hiding in plain sight.
As expected
What exodus …?
“Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver”
See above 😊
Name the pharoah …
Personally I would say the exodus was most likely done by ferry-boats. Your guy uses the revisionist notation “BCE” so he outs himself as a revisionist. However I have given up on most history books anyway, they’re a waste of time, like scientific studies, usually done for some form of lucre.
The pharaoh at first glance appears to have been the 2nd son of Cleopatra who may have got out with the loot as the empire finally fell apart. The very repetitive jew thing goes nowhere new. I like to look on maps and guess how people relate to the terrain. One story-teller after another comes up with their book. How is one to sort the fantasy from the reality ? By experiencing things I suppose. Greg Sheridan taught me, authoritative treatises are probably rubbish.
“The very repetitive jew thing” -you mean like the exodus? … or more recently the demonic ‘holocaust’ voodooism?. Yep, those swissy parasites have a lot to answer for and must be held to account for reparations for the damage they have done to humanity, and specially in the last 80 years.
3:44 – “Einstein developed the theory of relativity on Swiss land”
Nice try wiki – I am sure this would fool an ignorant crowd but this is Gumshoe 😊
Einstein was a rabid racist, despicable betrayer of his wife and disabled offspring, antihuman Zionist and fake ‘scientist’ … heard of Olinto De Pretto?
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Thanks CC.
The import of the Bible is that it’s the only comprehensive/accurate log of “what was, what is, and what is to come” ( REV. 1:8)
The ramifications of holocaust denial:
“the exodus was most likely done by ferry-boats”
Just one amongst a myriad of theories that simply prove naivete re the interplay between two dimensions
The import of Exodus re “what is to come” disseminated from around 16 minutes on this clip:
I’m not interested in going on any team.
If they tell me a guy was living in a fish I don’t believe it.
If they say there was two of every animal on a boat, I don’t believe it.
I’m waiting for the viable explanation.
No wonder they lost some customers along the way.
If they tell you it’s oregano then you find out it was cut with 50% olive leaves, do yo still believe everything they tell you ? I’m not saying there is no oregano at all. I am saying the olive leaves seem to be in there.
If you hold your beliefs dear then please continue, don’t waste too much time working out how to refute me, I am interested in separating truth and fiction, not baking them together.
I guess you also count the immaculate conception and Jesus’ 3-day descent into hell as being physically impossible:
“For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
MATHEW 12:40
Not so long ago the “mark of the beast” wasn’t taken literately either
“mark of the beast” was always taken seriously but not understood, if you ever saw an old horror movie from the 70’s “the Omen” for example, the demon-child was born with 666 written on his head. As for Matthew, the fish belly thing supposedly happened how long before his time ? 1000 years or I don’t know. Circular references don’t cut it, except in Islam. As for the rest of Matthew’s prophesy, maybe he said it maybe not, I wouldn’t care to pronounce on that.
Sounds like “the Omen”was more about perverting/mocking Revelation than taking it seriously
It was “popular culture”, not a dissertation
Re the discussion Stew Peters with Karen Kingston at around 11:00 concerning graphene.
My PhD was done on plasmons in metal surfaces.
Without being up to date on the latest publications (for decades), I understood fully the concept of inducing resonant interactions of electrons in metals with external electromagnetic stimuli.
Because the outer (valence) electrons in metals are loosely bound they are relatively free to move (as an electromagnetic fluid), in fact oscillate at preferred (normal mode) frequencies. Think of the waves of the water in a bathtub, a skipping rope, the vibration of strings in a musical instrument or the resonant oscillations of electrons in an analogue AM radio circuit governed by the capacitance (tuner).
The fact that certain (eg 5G) frequencies can be used to excite normal modes of frequencies in metallic (aluminium) nanoparticles (delivered via ‘vaccines’) is an obvious corollary and applied application of this basic scientific knowledge and principle.
Has anyone noticed that the 5G towers have remained latent for the past 18 COVID months – waiting to be switched on? Obviously, the urgency of the need for speed of streaming Netflix mind cancer or having the refrigerator order the milk has taken a back foot. Go figure!
OMG on both videos.
These people are absolute EVIL. ( Fauci & Co ).
The first British person (26) to suffer from Corona virus dies, a year later, ‘accidentally’.
7 Zionists are the CEO’s of Moderna-Astra Zenica, Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson, Just a slight coincidence.
Now they’ve closed the big3 food barns in Sydney what’s the next increment to their final solution?
Shut down the petrol bowsers, they got us by the balls. We have become totally dependant, like newborns to a tit, and are now witnessing the resulting slavery of convenience at a price. All it took was 60 years.
My grandparents were totally self-sufficient, like most others back then, everything eaten fresh.
Tptb control all shipping, we are at their mercy, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
The 0.01% and their 1% snoops and goons have our 99% distracted and in fear, glued to the iPhone for further instructions. What a mess?
Ant56, regarding your grand parents being totally self sufficient. I call you on that one. No one, in that era, was as you claim, self sufficient. Sure, they may have had veges growing in the back yard and few chooks or two, that does not make them self sufficient. I did the same in the late 70’s and thru the 80’s into the 90’s and I can honestly say, the self sufficiency theory is just that, a theory. It cost me a fortune in fertiliser and bug spray to produce anything edible, and then the quantities produced were far too much for a family of 4 to consume, I ended up giving away the majority to my neighborhood, even though I spent that small fortune on chemicals and bug spray. Sure, some folks say you can preserve stuff, fine, question is, where are you gonna store the food preserved, it requires space, lots of it which majority of homes today, simply do not have. How about the rush for INFILL housing these days, you can’t grow diddly, can’t have chooks either. I recall when I was a kid, nearly every house in the street had a goat, for milk/cheese/yoghurt and then at the end of the year, a nice BBQ starting the new year with a new Pregnant goat. Chances of that these days ?????? I recall, it’s now illegal to kill/butcher livestock in the burbs, where I live anyway. Oh, the chooks, you gotta build a Council approved pen according to, their Specs, first though, you need the space. L.O.L. Then when you get your chooks, you gotta be aware they suffer from mites and fleas, so you gotta treat them regularly to ensure they stay healthy. Then when the time comes they cease laying, time for the butchering to begin. How many folks these days, know how to butcher a chook the proper way ??? Self sufficiency is not as simply as many portray, and if you’ve got a job that requires your attention 8-9 hrs 6 days a week, leaves very little time to do even half the work required.
Is our new CEO general John Frewen (free when), similar to minister health hazard and police commissioner warboys. The BS in our face, crushed by jackboots. Have you noticed the military, on the streets, uniforms with foreign flag stiched on top of their arms. What flag is it?
Sounds like it’s definitely happening where you are, communist invasion. Here the police union is kicking up, doesn’t agree to members health details being shared, or the commissioners idea that non-quaxxinated officers wear the dust-masks at all times.
Meanwhile HCQ still banned if anyone needs proof of corruption, because selling out of the state government to globalist entities must surely be corruption.
I just got this email –
Hi Guys,
You will love this one.
In short, a Canadian guy is charges $1200 for violation covid restrictions, He goes to court and for his defence he subpoena’s the State of Alberta’s Chief Health Officer. (You know the one that we don’t vote in) The question he asked, I will happily pay the fine if the Chief Health Officer can provide proof that the Corona Virus exist. They could not provide any proof that it does exist. Now Alberta has labeled it as no worse than the flue, cease its mandates of all corona virus restrictions and vaccines.
Terry, just went to check out the site you’ve posted, each link on that site is unable to be found according to the servers, looks like they have cast into the black hole. So, the question is, how valid is this report ????
“How valid is this report?” Lots of stuff comes through that I cant spend the time to fully ‘fact check’ it. Considering that the Kabal has already censored it, that is a strong indication that it is true information. If I was inclined, I would look to see if there was any change in the laws in Alberta. Let me know what you find.
Pretty valid (hopefully) Terry as Canada CBC have reported on a rolling back of Covid restrictions at beginning of August & an almost complete reversal of restrictions from 16th August. Of course the government are suggesting it’s because of the high vaccine uptake!!
Crisscross767 has provided link to video below. I’ve also watched it on Bitchute & you can see it on Stew Peters website also. Hopefully transcript of court case will be posted on Stew Peters website any day now…..
Huge breaking news: National Cabinet exposed as a faux!
Wow – this will put the cat amongst the pigeons…..
Catholicism and Talmudism are at the opposite extremes of the spiritual spectrum.
This place is under jurisdiction of the seven Noahide laws.
Pope declares Lucifer/Satan as God and Jesus Christ as his son. – see video
“…………..It is paramount to note that on March 20 1990 President George Bush Sr signed into law a Congressional Resolution on the so-called Noahide Laws entitled House Joint Resolution 14 Public Law 102-4 Here & Here & Here.
Australia is the twenty first century
‘gulag archipelago’.
We are the launching pad, they saved the worst for last here. Medical/military martial law, with all public prohibited from entering Parliament House. The celebrity political puppets are all goon squads for the hidden hand ✋🏿 crown zionist freemason communists.
I presume that the public being locked out of Parliament House is to protect the politicians and public servants from a lynch mob, now that the truth is being released. Locking the public out of those buildings is unlawful as those buildings belong to the people.
Too right, came here as an eight year old, true Aussies fair back then. All good till greed came up the divide after 1990. Our children deserve better.
Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day
Double-blind study shows ivermectin reduces disease’s duration and infectiousness • FDA and WHO caution against its use
Like duh! I’ve had some Ivermectin on my desk for almost a year.
Except Dee, there is NO Covid-19. The tests are fake and a virus has never been isolated and proved to exist.
RE: W3 and Sean Hross exposing Swissy.
The Swiss Beast – Home of the Devil: Part 2. Occult Origins – YouTube
If the reader has watched Sean Hross’s ‘The Swiss Beast’ further research will uncover that there was indeed a Templar owned fleet at anchor on the east coast of France which suddenly embarked on the evening of the 13th in 1307 as King Philip IV of France was preparing to torture (under the Vatican’s Inquisition guidelines) those Templars knights captured.
It is thus entirely plausible that Hross’s claim that the Templar Treasure was taken from the La Rochelle coast, France to Gallinara Island, Albenga (along the coast of the Liguria Region, northern Italy, Ligurian Sea, near Genoa) and then to Switzerland to fund the start of what became the illuminiti and its insertion into the Freemasons and the Globalist ploy for world domination. Just the number of Swiss assoc. world presidents or the no of Swiss in Hitlers upper echelon vouches for that.
Additional research uncovers also that the original wealth was obtained by the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller prior to the1187 fall of Jerusalem to Saladin (Salah as-Din) then Hross’s claim that Saladin was also a Knights Templar is plausible. Just as the Freemason oath is outside of country and religion so was the Templars and so the history of the whole satanic scam becomes more clear.
Readers wishing to discover the cause of abortions to 12 weeks, and the use Human embryonic stem cells are directed to Sean Hross’s
The Swiss Beast – Home of the Devil: Part 3. Final Assault – YouTube
There is no evidence that these founding Templars ever gave protection to pilgrims, but on the other hand, we were soon to find that there is conclusive proof that they did conduct extensive excavations under the ruins of Herod’s Temple [as Solomon’s temple was called after Herod rebuilt it].11
The authors of The Hiram Key are not the only researchers finding evidence for this. Writes the French historian, Gaetan Delaforge:……………….”
“Herod’s Temple [as Solomon’s temple was called after Herod rebuilt it]” Herod was an Edomite Jew.
re: The Swiss Beast – Home of the Devil: Part 3
From about 2:15:00 debunking the jewish bolshevik – a little titbit for you
also from about 0:00:00 lots of Trump bashing
Sean Hross doesn’t seem to consider Mein Trumpf has switched sides, even though he allows other celebs to have done the same. I heard Trump kicked Epstein off his property about 20 years ago when he found out about it all. Wonder how the Pennsylvania audit is coming along.
Forgot to mention, lots of dirt on elites “youth elixir” etc, centred on Geneva …
Court victory ends masking, shots, and quarantines in Alberta
Let’s hope this news builds steam before the FDA’s vax “approval” (scheduled for early September) gives states and businesses the right to demand that people get the shots in order to remain employed.
More about the implications of not isolating the virus.
Want a interesting autopsy examination?
Start at the autopsy report on the covid propaganda being exposed from 17 minute mark.
Sorry government, the BS is being exposed as just a BS globalist agenda to destroy the middle class by ruining their enterprises that you lot and the mas media are GUILTY of. Either that or your medical health alleged experts are sucked in idiots.
Now we know that they, with the complicit fake mass media shonks are desperately trying to inject everyone…………… Because they are desperate, their whole fake scam is being exposed.
Below is an email I received yesterday morning from which may interest other GumShoe readers. From what I’ve been able to find, both Mr Antic and Ms Weisser don’t seem to see the ‘jab’ as the way out 🙂 Cut & paste the link.
“With Greater Sydney under Covid Restrictions we bring to your attention an upcoming Policy Webinar hosted by the North West Forum:
Path Out of Lockdown
With special guest experts:
Liberal Senator Alex Antic
Spectator Australia’s Rebecca Weisser
GP Dr Michael Smith
To register to attend please follow this link.
On 29 May 2021, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian promised that there would be no more lock downs in NSW “there’s an alternate way to heavy-handed lockdowns”.
But just weeks later, Sydneysiders find themselves in seemingly never ending lock down – we’re banned from going to work; we can’t send our kids to school; thousands of businesses are shuttered; we can’t visit loved ones; we can’t go to church or exercise our constitutional right to free speech.
What happened, how did we get here and most important, how do we get out? The experts at North West Forum’s inaugural policy discussion will answer these questions and chart a path out of lock down.
North West Forum
You be the change
NSW Reformers
NSW Reformers · Australia
This email was sent to To stop receiving emails, click here.
Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders”.
Another money making venture? I suppose there is a fee to attend to listen to advise which you can formulate within your own brain. That is DO NOT comply with any of the directives of the treasonous lunatics in government.
So the unvaccinated apparently are not the criminals at Cape Cod.
I seem to recall somewhere that the Cape Cod gathering had something to do with Gays partying. But that can be checked for those interested.;read=178761
Thanks politicians and your mass media tv news reports and doctors, you are doing a great job.
What is the second cause of death? In the USA?;read=178770
So many people reported to be dying from covid but not a news report stating what or how they were/how treated with.
‘Did someone mention ivermectin’?
NO NO. let us not report the absence of a possible treatment denied by the politicians and medical authorities as a possible treatment because it is ILLEGAL for medical professionals to provide that treatment as a option to patients.
“Did someone say manslaughter”? Can I have chips and a coke with that?
Video game allows player to ‘disinfect’ cities of anti-lockdown protesters and ‘save lives’ by blowing them up with thermite grenades
by Winter Watch
By Ethan Huff | 29 July 2021 NATURAL NEWS — Video gamers who support the government’s fascist Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) dictates have a new opportunity to murder those who oppose lockdowns, face masks, and “vaccines” – at least digitally. The Steam gaming platform has made available to its users a three-minute, first-person-shooter video game called “STAYHOMER” that has one simple […]
Read more of this post
5G zombie apocalypse mind controlled human lab rats (one minute footage)
Filling in a vaers report is a duplication of effort. It can take about 30 minutes, which the doctor does not get paid for.
“When Harvard informed the CDC to come up with a better system, the CDC fired the member that came up with the suggestion
When Harvard approached the CDC at the end of three years, they asked them to help them, or allow Harvard to help develop a better system of reporting.
The CDC took the consultant away from the Harvard review study, and told them no more they were going to assist Harvard at all with that initiative.”
Viviane Fischer also notes that adverse reactions might not be reported, by people who are for the vaccine, for fears the vaccines would be stopped, and by some who may overreport symptoms.
There will certainly be those who do not report symptoms, some because they feel they are minor (and not knowing they could become severe later on?) and some do not like ‘imposing on others’.
Those who will not report symptoms for the fear the vaccines will be stopped, is, I feel, quite legitimate. I have seen the same many a time of European women who do not report rapes from migrants because they do not want them to be deported (did you know about that?). Given the numbers of people who are pro Covid vax, who knows how large this group may be.
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