Take the test if you have never taken it before, duration is about 30 seconds
J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
We see what we want to see, and we look for things that aren’t there. Conjurers program us to see things that aren’t there; even the bizarre United Nations official statement “the Earth is Boiling” works on conformists if only subliminally. People know there are rumours and deep-fake videos circulating everywhere but they still habitually believe what they see and hear until it is unpicked.
Extraordinarily, people actually think they can know something doesn’t exist by having not seen it.
In other cases, even something the size of a country, like Switzerland, hides in plain sight. Consciousness is selective.
In the above “awareness test” it is usual for the participant to not see the dancing bear, in which case the participant has failed.
The experienced student of Globalist planning will be aware of most of the following introduction but it’s included here for others.
According to the very famous Deagal forecasts, which were removed from deagel.com some time ago, a major depopulation or more simply, a cull in various first-world countries would take place in or by the year 2025. At the same time we see Bill Gates, a financier behind ModeRNA Covid injectables, WHO etc., telling us something far worse is coming in 2025. People have been lulled into complacency that the pandemic (so-called) is now over and that life will continue as usual with an increased number of old people dying of claimed flu, with various injectables being developed at a faster rate than previously accepted, and a much higher rate of injectables consumption than in any previous era.
Add to this the so-called scenario of SPARS 2025-2028, or St.Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome, developed in Johns Hopkins University, which has since firmed up into SEERS 2025.
From their published “scenario environment”, which makes its casual predictions using past tense:
“In the year 2025, the world has become simultaneously more connected, yet more divided. Nearly universal access to wireless internet and new technology … has provided the means for readily sharing news and information. However, many have chosen to self-restrict the sources they turn to for information, often electing to interact only with those with whom they agree. This trend has increasingly isolated cliques from one another, making communication across and between these groups more and more difficult”.
Intellectual fertilizer of any type is therefore sprayed around for the purpose of promoting government anti-misinformation programs. To continue:
“From a government standpoint, the current administration is led by President Randall Archer, who took office in January 2025. Archer served as Vice President under President Jaclyn Bennett (2020- 2024), who did not seek a second term due to health concerns. The two remain close and Bennett acts as a close confidante and unofficial advisor to President Archer. The majority of President Archer’s senior staff, including Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Cindra Nagel, are carryovers from Bennett’s administration”.
Further on, their document goes on to say:
“The spike in cases in November and December, however, led to increasing public concern about the disease. By late December, public concern about SPARS in the United States was extremely high, and there was intense public pressure to identify treatments for the disease. At that time, no treatment or vaccine for SPARS was approved for use in humans”, in other words, every possible cure was banned.
Their pre-workshopped scenario in Belgium was called “Catastrophic Contagion”, absolutely exactly as Covid-19 before it, in the period leading up to October 2019. https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=jane%20halton&kind=video&sort=new
According to one source, SEVERE EPIDEMIC ENTEROVIRUS RESPIRATORY SYNDROME “… will take off in Brazil. This time around, it will be deadlier … causing Brain Damage especially to Children and Young Adults”.
As some are aware Brazil has already gone soft communist. The former President Bolsonaro called Covid “a little flu” and ignored it. He was removed and went into temporary exile in Florida after a disputed and protested election, following which the current president, who has corruption convictions, was installed.
Communism is being sold via handouts, people like to believe in something for nothing because what they have to offer or sell in Globalist terms is next to nothing, so they ordinarily survive by handouts. Politically, they can be won over by so-called free medicare, student loan relief, rent assistance and things of this nature, for which money is “printed”; a tax by stealth on everyone, especially when inflation comes home to roost. Nobody has time for futurist political philosophy when everything else is about immediacy. Eventually, the entire economy of a state evolves into service industries, wholly dependent on continued and increasing loans to buy imported necessities. This soft road to communism, like the hard road, inevitably has depopulation at the end of it. When the state ultimately controls the citizens, some are not wanted.
The soft road is installed delicately, step by step, so as to take the largest possible part of the population with it. The remainder are confused with a wide array of theories and leaders, all in a state of conflict. The communists, with centralised control of media and funding, have the first and final say on what is fact and what isn’t, while the rest fades into background noise.
We all agree to respect the law, even if we don’t respect the majority of the lawmakers. Isn’t this a contradiction? Yes indeed, the human mind can easily compartmentalise two totally opposite and conflicting principles, when the payoff is comfort, security, luxury. So we have laws we don’t know about, written by people we don’t trust, explained by people we know are liars, and enforced by people who could only care about their continued salary, to whom any individual is of no more relevance than a farm animal. Throughout the ages, unwanted people have been assisted into pits, whether by slow starvation or a rude shove, followed by a bullet in the back. They don’t have to be bad or even useless, simply being unwanted is enough.
The previous essay rounds off with:
The Commonwealth Australia Constitution Chapter 5. s109: “When the law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid”.
This was built into the constitution around 1901, allowing for the stealthy takeover of the individual states by Canberra, which is now largely complete, especially in terms of taxation. We have also had a taste of “pandemic emergency measures”, where any sort of nonsense can be enforced, such as keeping masks on whether sick or not, excepting while eating or exercising. We also saw the forced closure of small business while major retailers are allowed to stay open. Worst of all we saw the prohibition of ordinary medicines and the enforced use of freakish new and untested treatments.
The next step to communist control is via international treaties, and we are going there by pandemic treaties. A treaty, similar to the above example from the constitution, overrides the powers of the participating states. This can’t be emphasised strongly enough.
The process is underway right now in Canberra, with the current debate being whether or not to fast-track the proposed new legislations.
The Joint Senate Committee On Treaties features a dozen individuals with widely varying motivations. They are:
Sam Birrell; VIC NAT
Lisa Chesters; VIC ALP
Dr (economist) Daniel Mulino; VIC ALP
David Fawcett; SA LIB
Matt Burnell; Gawler SA ALP
Josh Wilson; Fremantle WA ALP
Dorinda Cox; WA GREEN
Nita Green; Cairns QLD ALP
Philip Thompson; QLD LNP
Matt Canavan; QLD NAT
Claire Chandler; TAS LIB https://www.senatorchandler.com.au/op-ed_labor_s_censorship_bill_must_be_canned
Senator Chandler’s webpage has been blocked by Google with the message “Site is unsafe, do you wish to proceed”.
And finally:
Dr. (economics) Andrew Charlton; Paramatta NSW ALP and WEF
Oddly, there is another Andrew Charlton spruiking MicroSoft 365 “AI” software which the Albanese government has very recently arranged to have installed in Canberra.
Fighting Climate Change and yeah whatever
With one seat on the committee given to a known World Economic Forum infiltrator, one can only guess and wonder how many others in Australia are owned and controlled, but a few were supplied for the record here:
The internet is regularly sanitised of some of these types of documents so it’s always recommended that you download your own copies if wanted for future reference.
The end result of WEF interference is obviously Chinese style communism, with police in HAZMAT suits locking people into apartments and force injecting everyone with any types of unknown substances, then claiming their deaths were from natural or unavoidable causes, much as we have seen with Covid-19 excess deaths.
We already saw this abuse of power in Victoria and so far nothing has been done about it, but if World Economic Forum acolytes like Dr. Andrew Charlton are allowed to have their way, the Globalists will make all the decisions for Australia and your life as you and your children know it, will be over.
Covid-19 was just a trial run and the real thing results in one out of every three Australians being removed, presumably most of those over a certain age; of the young, they should expect to be sterilised, so that if they eventually do want to have kids, it will only be after a huge expense is borne, for the essential medical procedures and possible surrogacy fees.
Independently archived, from Deagel:
This essay will not be complete without properly identifying every infiltrator but it is extremely important that it become part of the public awareness now, a different type of awareness test. Hopefully by way of useful comments and further research, more information will come to light about who is running various of these senators, whether it’s their electorate, the local vested interests or alternatively, some shadowy figures in Geneva.
Consider what could be the real reason behind a drastic depopulation, a cull of about seven billion people. We are constantly told these things are altruistic, for the environment, to save us from Global Warming and Climate Change, which by now most people understand is a hoax. A strange hoax, which goes on and on without a shred of substance, built on dodgy weather, arson, fake statistics and the legacy media’s attitude of “it is true because we say it is true”, like some broken-down religious cult leader. Earth is not boiling and probably is not about to suddenly freeze either.
If Globalists wanted to help the environment they could stop producing so much plastic and chemical junk, stop drilling so much oil and stop constantly having wars. Obviously the environment comes second to these considerations.
Others have explained that the environment is a way to leverage new treaties, an existential, disaster scenario like world health. There is no doubt that One World Government power goes hand in hand with the depopulation agenda. So far the urgency of this depopulation has yet to be explained.

Many will remember former Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey and his Senate partner, the Minister for Finance, Mathias Corman, enjoying cigars after completing the annual budget some years ago. Corman was parachuted into the senate from Belgium and after a successful stint returned to Europe to work for the OECD. He was acclaimed for achieving consensus in the parliament, and making things happen. How exactly this was done was never detailed.
Hockey always seemed an odd choice for Treasurer but his wife is involved in merchant banking at a high level (Deutsche Bank). Hockey was so well regarded he turned down a job offer from Malcolm Turnbull and went on to be Australian ambassador to the USA. He certainly seems to have got on well with the right people.
In a candid moment he mentioned, or let slip, that soon we will probably be living to 150. Evidently, by “we” he did not mean all of us. It would appear medical technology and replacement parts will take certain individuals to 150. Early death and ailments such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are for the commoners, these can be brought about by the wrong diet and industrial-era poisons of various types.
Select individuals may have access to cutting-edge medical technology, devised by practicing and experimenting on millions of commoners, who paid for this experimentation, leading to secret treatments we can only imagine. When the time arrives for these elites to go for a full body refurbishment of some sort, they could simply make some final appearances for television; recall George H.W. Bush in his wheelchair, or presidential contender John McCain with his black face paint signifying brain cancer, or even Queen Elizabeth II, suddenly losing a large amount of weight, at the exact moment when she had reached the conclusion of her duties, and co-incidentally taking Evelyn de Rothschild with her.
Conceivably at some point in time, who can say exactly when, medical technology must be available to fully refurbish an individual with replacement organs, including eyeballs and skin, including scalp, with treatments to clear out arteries, veins and lymphs, remove extraneous tissue and foreign materials including down to particle size, a total refresh and life extension costing many millions of dollars, with ongoing medications which may only be speculated about, also costing much more than a large mortgage. This might take a month or two and thereafter the patient’s clock is wound back from 90 to 40, while their face is beautified and re-made, totally anonymous.
This reconditioning is the one thing that the staggeringly rich could buy, which would really set them apart from the irritating, average middle-class commoner. Forget skiing at Zermatt and Bentley cars, even Lear jets and private islands will be passe when the commoners acquire air-taxis. What this new class of post-centenarian is going to want is large families and plenty of living space, and it looks like they are setting out to get exactly that.

Another wake-up call… article. I have to wonder about Kissinger, Murdoch et al… I’m sure they’re full of tricks including pumping their bedrooms with Oxygen. There’s been talk about regeneration med beds already in action.
Interesting, I have been following many doctors on the elimination (lion or carnivore) diet — eating what our bodies were originally evolved to eat. But anything GOOD for humans is either banned, taxed or hidden.
There is a report from Canada that they are planning on banning natural supplements.
Colloidal silver has been banned for years in Canada. See how hard it is to get in the UK.
Our ‘Givernment’, in effect banned ivermectin and HCL
One has to be a gullible drongo to not reasonably suspect that some of our murderous traitors are being paid off and want us dead,💁🏼💁🏼💀💀
And they are adhering to the depopulation (coalitions of the killing) treaties put up by the criminal UN and Ors.
It is all recorded ….. oops that is deemed MISINFORMATION soon by the Communications Department of Deemed Truth and msm shock jokes.
Well well, Want a real awareness test?
Immediately after my comment above I turned on the latest situation update at beforeit’snews.com by Mary and heard the opening.
See what our politicians and mass media is doing.
Wake the F UP NORMIES.
There are 3 ways of dealing with where the world is heading:
1) Complete denial
2) Partial acknowledgement
3) Complete acknowledgement
No.2 is the font of all so-called conspiracy theories, i.e. the belief that everything is being engineered by a handful of humanoid beneficiaries
Whereas no 3 is synonymous with an understanding that such souls are actually the embodiment of the the ultimate form of enslavement
“the belief that everything is being engineered by a handful of humanoid beneficiaries”
Which, as everybody knows, is the heart & soul of communism
The fruit of which goes to the fact that:
“envy rots the bones”(PROVERBS 14::30)
Because it’s of the same spirit as:
“Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, murders, drunkenness, revellings” (GALATIANS:20 – 21)
The NWO credo is the heart & soul of communism as thrashed out in this critique:
Albeit the odd pitfall, eg:
“To believe that the NWO conspiracy is even possible is to conform to one of the primary motivating and justifying beliefs underlying totalitarianism. The NWO believers are not as radical as they think.”
I daresay he means “trailblazing/pioneering/avant garde”; doesn’t seem to appreciate the import of steering clear of journo illiteracy
Otherwise pretty astute
Said critique was written a decade ago.
“On May 15, 2023, Eisenstein announced that he had taken an advisor’s position in the campaign of Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.[4] In that capacity, he participated to a fundraising event, held June 27, 2023, bringing together several prominent anti-vaccination activists, such as Mikki Willis, Sayer Ji, Del Bigtree, Sherri Tenpenny and Joe Mercola.”
A couple of recent interviews worthy of attention:
Palestine vs. Zionists vs. USA
Is the New World Order “Jewish”?
February 12, 2005
Let’s begin by defining the “New World Order.”
The mainspring of the New World Order is the desire on the part of the world’s central bankers to translate their vast economic power into permanent global institutions of political and social control.
Their power is based on their monopoly over credit. They use the government’s credit to print money, and require the taxpayer to fork over billions in interest to them.
Central banks like the Federal Reserve pretend to be government institutions. They are not. They are privately owned by perhaps 300 families. It is significant that the majority of these families are Jewish, how significant I am not yet sure. If they were Lutherans or Zulus, certainly our objections would be the same.
I am a non-observant Jew who believes this situation is lethal for humanity and Jews alike. We have already seen the tragic consequences of it in World War II.
The American inventor Thomas Edison described this colossal scam, which the New World Order is designed to perpetuate, as follows:
“It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the people.” …………..
So these fountain of youthers want to live to 150. Doing what, we should ask. The woman getting out of the pool on the right might be suggesting something but no one can do that all day.
And what happens when they get rid of us, lowlifes, and they have no one to look down on. They will have to look at each other and choose from amongst themselves who is now beneath them. So that new group will make the Paris catecombes too. It’s a good bet this group will include the errand boys and girls such as WEFers, politicians, bureaucrats et al who obediently ratted on their own people, for thirty pieces of silver.
When we gain some awareness we can start to see the real world around us. In this day and age that is soulless, ugliness, topped off with windmills. If this is the world they want for 150 years they are welcome to it. But judging by their artwork of nature and nakedness, they don’t want a sentence of 150 years in this world, they want a paradise which happens to be on the other side of hell – the place they are sending us while dodging themselves. But that just means we will get to that naturist paradise before them.
There is more to this “Cuban” thing than meet’s the eye
What did become of Mathias and Joseph Hockenheim, hazzard a guess, did ok and no lung cancer( looked it up yes they did). They did seem to drop in like, paratroopers and then slime out later
(Oz banks will protect us from Dominican Republic fake cigars((pay Seinfeld)))
From ABC Oz
“Through the initiative led by the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and the Community Owned Banking Association (COBA), all of our banks will work together and implement an industry-first Scam-Safe Accord.
The accord outlines six initiatives our banks have agreed to implement to improve their scam protection measures:
An industry-wide confirmation of payee solution
Biometric checks to prevent misuse of bank accounts
Warnings and payment delays to alert customers to potential scam payments
A major expansion of intelligence sharing across the sector
Limiting payments to high-risk channels
Implementing an Anti-Scams Strategy"
“The action plan will help level the playing field and ensure customers are afforded the same protections no matter who they choose to bank with.”
Problem I have with these cigar smokers is that I have only been scammed(barrel of a gun) and allegedly data breached by their cartel behaviour
Israeli children sing: “We will annihilate everyone” in Gaza
These are multicultural in appearance, repackaged as units of the manufactured nation Israel. Multiple jabbed expendable units of political convenience
All Wars Are Bankers Wars – the end justifies the means. The land they call Israel is expendable if it causes MAD and the Central Bankers remain in control.
Ignore EB listen to Zeee and Adams referenced in my comment down below.
Because just like yourself they are totally under the thumb of those they ostensibly decry, totally bought and sold
Just listen to Zeee and Adams before you pontificate and judge those you do not know.
You might learn something.
Looks like Mathias Cormann is Secretary General of the OECD now and his special job is implementing global 15% company tax, of course the super rich are above tax with their tax havens and if they are royalty they are simply above all that, leaving the globalism to small time companies with their little widgets and services.
Here’s Mathias together with Sharon Burrow from the unions
They have so many lists of their agents all looking forward to getting a chip screwed into their skull, they call every city a “hub”, I would say you need a special talent just to stop from yawning every minute or so at the get-togethers, as they drone on about all their fake programs to cover up their handful of real programs namely CBDCs etc.
The urgency of the depopulation agenda may have something to do with the impending collapse of the fiat money system. Maybe difficult to transition everyone to their digital gulag system….
Other possibility is that the shift in the magnetic pole will place part of the known world into darkness and reveal some of the hidden but am not sure the timing of this is that close….
The Crash Will Be Spectacular
We have evil men ruling our nation and they would rather burn it all to the ground than lose their wealth, power and control ~Jim Quinn
“Interest on the federal debt is now so immense that it’s consuming 40% of all personal income taxes… If federal finances continue on their current path, we are only a few years from the entirety of income taxes being needed to finance the debt…”
The government collects $2.6 trillion of individual taxes at the point of a gun and threat of prison. Meanwhile they still operate at an annual deficit of $2 trillion. And this is before interest on the national debt starts to really skyrocket. Our Troll Secretary of the Treasury Yellen had the opportunity to lock in trillions of our national debt for 30 years at 2% rates, but purposely kept rolling it on a short-term basis.
Interest on the debt will surpass $1 trillion annually within the next year, and, as you can see, will be approaching $2 trillion per year in a few more years.
The government already spends every dime of the taxes they collect. That means they are already printing more fiat and borrowing from the rest of the world in order to pay the interest on the debt they already have.
Foreign countries, in particular China and India, are not only not buying any new US Treasuries, but unloading the Treasuries they already have……………”
Want something for normies to consider.
Linked at rumormillnrws.com on 23/11 at 21.0800
Maria is one of the few journalists with fair dinkum realities.
Forget our fake lying msm and politician traitors
Wake the F up and sell the ABC AND SBS, shun the lackey msm shock jokes and see the lies.
For the interview and more go to Dee’s next report.
Sharing a couple of gifts from Clif and Ana –received today via the miracle of www
Clif is not driving today–but some words and interesting comments from his Woo fellow travellers–excerpts — and then Ana’s wonderful Thanksgiving message–both connected because of “thanksgiving”—
Med beds, and drunken relatives.
Time, timing, and energy.
NOV 23
Med beds, and drunken relatives.
“Time, timing, and energy.
In this Matterium, both Time, and energy are precious. At a personal cellular level, all the way up through complete body systems, and out into the larger World of movement, Humanity, and doing shit, we are, individually, and collectively, restricted by energy and time, two of the three sides of the Equation of Life,”— He says “I have worked in global corporate world for over 50 years, and have observed that inevitably when Management starts throwing bodies and money at a project it is always due to time pressures from external sources.”— if anyone can post whole article good
“That’s what I think is going on now, and here. The mother WEFfers have been working a plan that arguably goes back to the founding of the Freemasons, and other secret societies. It includes refined plans from people such as Pike, and the Rabbinical Council of 1893 (in Moscow, Russia), which are all working towards an unspoken goal. While the goal of these global Zionists is certainly control of humanity, there is no preparation, or energy being expended on any aspect of the success of this effort IF the goal is mere control. Even including depopulation as both a minor goal, and a tool for larger efforts, we just don’t see required energy or time being put forward by the mother WEFfers for WHEN they would have succeeded in their plans.”
Love this–specially with Christmas coming up—
“In other words, if my goal was to gently deal with a drunk relative at a Thanksgiving gathering by using a yuko ottoshi judo take-down, in the process of pushing the elbow, and hooking his neck, I would already be preparing my body with energy to roll him while protecting both him, and myself from whatever we would impact on the floor, and around us as we fall. It is a natural, required process of thinking ahead for when you succeed.”
“The timing is not known by them, only anticipated. This is why, in my opinion, we see them moving from Agenda 2050, to Agenda 2030, and now to 2027.
Yes, we do see them putting money and people into a ‘contact agenda’. The mother WEFfers are very keen on the whole subject of ‘space aliens & human interaction’. Of course, they think of themselves as the ‘humans’, and y’all as the ‘animals’ that they will be selling to the Elohim.”
This end statement about ENERGY —-matters—–
“Energy matters. What you do with yours betrays your thinking.”
Then from Dr Ana Mihalcea–a wonderful gift I share with all Gumshoe’s
“I received a sweet email from a friend, asking me what she should believe, because there is so much conflicting information out there. My response is, believe what you want. Look at all of the information given to you by many different sources and then go with the recommendation that speaks to you. Your choice and belief is what matters. Why do you think Big Pharma has to do double blind studies? What is called the “Placebo effect” is extremely powerful on the mind. Yes, a sugar pill can heal you if you believe it.
In my mind, the only thing that matters is to be true to yourself. The world will easily forsake you and people who once thought the world of you will leave you by the wayside if you no longer fit into their mental box. At the end of the day, THE PRIVILEGE OF FREE WILL is to choose what is our own knowing, to make our own decisions and have the opportunity to live the consequences of our choices. That is what freedom is all about. It is not to enslave others to one’s belief system. We offer information and allow everyone to choose their path in freedom.
I have lived through much this year, met many people, had many interactions, many opportunities. It is not that one stands out more than the other, its the journey. In the end the peace in my own soul, that I did not deceive anyone, did not lie to anyone, did not bend to fame or social pressures, is the greatest gift I am left with. I spent countless hours researching, contemplating and observing. What I gained is knowledge and wisdom. People who have not walked this journey do not know what I know and have not lived what I have lived – just like I have not walked in their shoes. That does not make them wrong or me right. It makes us uniquely different in our perspectives.
That I did what I could to help people, and allowed them their choices has been important to me – and that I spoke up when I saw something was not working and harming people. Was everyone happy about it? No, but that is their free will. In the end, many were helped and many lives saved, and that is what matters to me – so there is much to be grateful about. I am older and wiser and still alive. That is an amazing gift!
I am grateful for amazing collaborations with great minds with whom I shared a part of the journey – Clifford Carnicom, Dr. David Nixon and other microscopers, the team of National American Renaissance Movement with special thanks to David Meiswinkle and Dr Joseph Sansone for their lion warrior spirit, Dr Len Ber and Targeted Justice, the amazing Interest of Justice team in Costa Rica – God bless all your efforts. All of the media hosts who helped spread the word – SGT report, Maria Zeee, Stew Peters, Greg Hunter, James Grundvig, the AMP news team and Jason Bermas, Ann Vandensteel, Major Jeff Prather, Todd Callender and the Vaxxchoice team, Silk from Diamond and Silk and many more. Shout out and thanks to truth bringers Elana Freeland, Nikki Florio, Dr Anita Braxas, special thanks to Karen Kingston. Thanks to Dr Ed Group and Dr. Rich Olree and others that I have interacted and shared with.
Huge appreciation to my wonderful patients and my superstar AM Medical team who bends at a moments notice and adjusts my busy schedule to support all this international work. Their brilliant love, genius, and hardworking attitude to serve everyone walking into our door has deserved the title of “my beautiful angels helping all”. I am so proud of you and love what you do to help desperate people and uplift their spirit with your kindness and devotion! Thank you to my wonderful Tru Blu Medical Angel and other volunteers who have helped create magic this year! Special thanks to Ghostbuster, Jonathan and Richard!
I hope everyone who reads these lines looks at yourself with kind appreciation this day, that you had the open mind to explore new knowledge and learn about things that in many people’s minds is too fearful to even consider. Your braveness by the mere act of studying what you did not know before, is remarkable. I hope you CELEBRATE YOU AND YOUR LIFE!
I can tell you I have enjoyed my discoveries and my journey with the microscope. It makes me remember what Bilbo Baggins said to Frodo in my favorite movie: “The Lord of the Rings”.
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
I would change this for modern times:
“It’s dangerous business, everyone, looking down the microscope at human blood these days. You start the journey of observation, and if you keep an open mind and continue researching, there is no knowing what alien adventures you might encounter”
-Dr Ana Mihalcea
You have to keep a sense of laughter and humor about this all… “”
There is a wonderful Cartoon added—maybe Dee can post.
blessed are the Peace makers
Clif High pours scorn on Joe Hockey
“Of course, the deluded, hopeful, wishful, and desperate, among the Woo people will insist that such power supplies and power transformers/controllers are being produced in secret for use in secret med bed factories where the employees are either all robots, mind controlled, or ignorant of what they produce such that no definitive trail exists to locate these secret factories. Such is the nature of the Woo and its effect on humans. (sigh)”.
[…] https://gumshoenews.com/awareness-test/ […]