Boston 1899 (wikimedia)
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
My father was born 125 years ago today, on July 20, 1899, in Boston. There were not yet any motor vehicles – so no need to build highways. There was not yet any radio or TV, though silent movies were just starting up. There were no supermarkets; you bought food from the local grocer and butcher. There were no refrigerators, but you might own an icebox, and wait for the iceman to cometh. Your home might be lucky to have indoor plumbing, otherwise you had to visit the outhouse.
Boys were not yet scripted into the army; the Spanish-American war of 1898 was fought by volunteers. Churches were well subscribed. The main career for a woman was to raise a family and to obey her husband. Huge waves of migrants were arriving from Europe, and ex-slaves were migrating from the South to the North. Upward mobility was possible; your talents could make almost anything happen. In 1899, if you had asked parents what their newborn had to look forward to, they might say “continued modernization.”
Now let us ask, regarding newborns in this year, 2024, what can your son or daughter look forward to? I am guessing that most parents would give an answer that reflects fear. So, they might say “We hope he can survive. We hope there won’t be nuclear war. We hope there won’t be a food shortage. We hope inflation won’t prevent him from setting up a home. We hope crime won’t be so rampant that his life is in constant danger.”
I have been reading Philip Allott’s 2016 book Eutopia, in which he insists that you, yes you, anyone reading the book, are the creator of the future. Why not? All the developments of civilization so far have been by “folks.” Per Allott: Memory, Imagination, Knowledge, and Experience (I call it the MIKE formula) are the only features needed to enable social change.
So the question is, for babies born in 2024, “What might your imagination prompt you to do, to make a better situation, whether for yourself or others?”
I am no baby; I have been an earthling since 1947. But let me use my grownup voice to get the babies of today to see some possibilities. Perhaps they will soon be deprived of the “M” and the “E” in Allott’s scheme — memory and experience – thanks to censorship and deliberate twisting of historical facts. This is urgent business – have a say in future directions before it becomes impossible to have a say.
The Great Undoing
Probably the main tasks for the “babies” to carry out, in aid of their survival, is to undo some of the knots in which we have tied ourselves. I say “we” as I think a whole society participates in making the structure of their society, including the power relationships, even when the least powerful do not “approve” of it. Note: the society I am referring to in this article is “the USA.”
So, what knots have we Americans tied ourselves into? As sketched above, we tied ourselves into the modernization that occurred between 1899 and today, 125 years later. We went from having no radios to having fantastic Internet, from having no refrigerators to having freezers. Each such advance of technology caused movement, given that people want what becomes available. Once you can refrigerate your food, you will buy more of it at a time, and it will start to be transported at greater distances.
A business may find itself able to feed its product to the whole country. Thus, a company such as “Purdue Chicken” or “Colgate Toothpaste” can form. Their lobbyists will have resources for asking Congress to slant a law in favor of that industry, even if it’s a law that goes against society’s values. Ron Paul, a former member of the US House of Reps, has said “There are a million special interests.”
Also, the world’s population has increased drastically. This is hardly mentioned, because it seems to go against the right of every person to live, but bigness itself will inevitably be a factor in our babies’ future fate. In the year of my Dad’s birth, 1899, the population was 1.8 billion. In the year of my birth, 1947, two generations later (Dad was an older dad), the population had doubled to 3.6 billion. Amazing.
In my lifetime of 77 years so far (reckonable as three generations), the world population has skyrocketed to 8.1 billion. That means more resources are need for feeding everyone, luckily food is a renewable resource, so it’s not a hopeless burden. But our polluting of the environment – even the huge oceans – is a hopeless burden, unless we decide to change our so-called lifestyle.
(What? no 5G?)
Yes, the two named issues, modernization and overpopulation, need some undoing. But how does a large group, such as American society, make decisions as to handling these problems? For decades, I have been arguing – till I’m blue in the face – that we are lucky in the US to have a rational document, the Constitution — “the beloved parchment” – which authorizes the government.
Thus, instead of the ruling power being an inherited throne, or a daily fight between all comers, the parchment lays the plan for fairness and restraint of the powerful. It specifies who can and cannot lead us, from Washington, DC. The Constitution’s Bill of Rights also enumerates bad things that the leaders cannot do to us.
Oh really? I think I’d better get over my blue-faced arguing. The Constitution is lacking some parts that were not needed when it was written in 1787 but are needed now. Today’s babies are going to require a somewhat enhanced constitution, if they are to avoid being enslaved or outright killed.
Things that the Framers of the Constitution did not prepare for include:
penetration of the government by the mafia; people’s ability to deny that that’s happening; the power of weapons manufacturers to use those weapons without anyone’s say-so; the complicity of the judicial branch of government in the protection of criminals; the ability of mass media to deceitfully pose as the people’s voice; the unauthorized involvement of the feds in states’ tasks such as policing, education, and matters of health. Most especially, the Framers did not know that it would become quite easy to get good people to do bad things by using mind control and new forms of hypnotism.
It’s not enough to say that the main counteracting factor against the above-listed lacunae of the Constitution is “our society’s values.” I think that saying “Let’s counteract our miseries with our values” suggests that merely preferring something good (judicial fairness, states’ rights, whatever) will do the trick. What nonsense.
Come to think of it, that “Rest easy” position must have been what let our internal enemies have a field day. Some of them who occupy government roles have been able to use their very position to sing the Rest Easy song. Go back over some statements by candidates or elected persons and see how they assure everyone that 1. They are on the right side, and 2. The right side carries in it the turning around of terrible problems. Cute, huh?
I now say if you’re going to make values have an effect, you have to fight for those values to the bloody end. Or if that is unacceptable to your philosophy (or your nervous system), chuck the values. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Keeping top-notch values real entails, um, keeping top-notch values real — not patting them on the head like pretty little dolls – “There, there, dear. Don’t you look nice today.”
Houston, We Have a Problem
I am a conspiracy theorist. That is, I see what the government is actually doing as opposed to what it says it is doing. I have many like-minded conspiracy buddies. Not in my personal life, but ones who publish genuine material about the conspiring of the powerful (And since when did the powerful not conspire?)
How numerous are these conspiracy theorists compared to the whole US population? It may be quite small. This is a great worry. It means that justice can never get done, as any punitive action of bad guys requires a judicial action and judicial action depends on truth.
When I look around at how the majority has given up its interest in truth (it used to be a subject of fascination on all sides of the political fence), I ask what is going on here? For a while I chalked it up to people being so scared to learn of the existence of “baddies within government” that they automatically suppressed it. Not that I’m jettisoning that. I was scared out of my wits on the day – February 18, 2005 – that I found out about 9/11.
But it takes only a smidgen of exposure to serious reading about 9/11 to figure out that the official story is impossible. Even if 19 men could have hijacked 4 flights, we now know that the kind of hit they allegedly made on the Twin Towers does NOT cause a collapse. Period.
Again, we might figure that folks are too busy to study it. OK, OK. But for some people it is their solemn duty to face this information. Now lete me tell ou what the US Supreme Court did in this year, 2024. It failed to “grant cert” to a special urgent complaint about 9/11. Not granting cert means “We don’t wanna look at this case. Get lost.” It is legally within SCOTUS’s discretion to do that but it is outrageous when so much is at stake.
The complaint before them was that the US Attorney in the Southern District of New York had refused to hand over to the Foreman of the Grand Jury some clear scientific information about the impossibility of steel buildings falling as a result of fire. The guys who proffered the complaint – and it had taken years to get this far – are members of The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.
We are therefore left with the indisputable knowledge that our Supreme Court Justices did a terrible thing. Or at least 6 of them; it’s possible that 3 agreed to grant cert but four is the minimum needed for it to go through. Speaking of our newborns today, each of them is disadvantaged, dramatically, by that decision. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
Mind Control
I do not know if the 6 (or more) justices were mind-controlled to do what they did. I suspect not. But the public at large must be mind-controlled to so easily give up on pursuing its veritable survival.
If the highest-court justices are not mind controlled then they are acting in a personally selfish way, “to keep their jobs.” Some say “or they want bribes.” I don’t buy that. I do buy that their life may have been threatened. Here is an excerpt from J Kennedy’s 2023 book Stolen Identity, page 32:
“I once saw a little boy stomped to death by a horse. I knew the family. The father was a judge named Burton. … There were probably eight or nine men there. …They got the family horse, threw the kid on the ground and purposely made the horse trample him to death. ..The papers wrote it up like [it was] an accident but it was murder, probably in retribution for a court ruling or as a threat for an upcoming trial: ‘Make the ruling in our favor’.”
I don’t know who is high enough to intimidate the members of SCOTUS. I think they should spill the beans to us — in full awareness that they or their loved one may get horse-trampled. What is the point of our having any law at all if the guardians of the law refuse to do their job?
Back to mind control – we also need brave souls who have the code for breaking hypnosis, to reveal it pronto. It is so crazy to think that we have grownups galore onsite today who could try to alleviate the sort of trance that the citizenry is in. If you know, I beg you to do it. (See my article dated July 11, 2024 about such hypnosis as revealed by the late Gunther Russbacher. He, a CIA man, had his fingernails pulled out for his trouble!)
I will leave the matter here for now. Think again of Philip Allott’s reasonable statement that all the marvelous things human created were done by “the likes of me and you
At the moment, babies can’t get on the case. But you can.
I thought the first cars started appearing around 1887. But would have been a rare sight. My grandfather told me how he saw a guy with a red flag walking ahead of a car in his country village in the UK.
But that aside. The massive grand buildings — as seen in the photo above. How the hell did they all build that via horse and cart?
That’s funny about the red flag, Dee, and thank you for providing this venue for John Patrick Whalen’s anniversary of nascence type thing.
How do they build churches with only horse and cart? Have a look at this:
Nothing on the worldwide I.T. collapse ? Don’t feel like I have heard a true account on that as of yet .
Microsoft got hacked and scapegoating the 3rd party provider who unfortunately was unable to do the impossible instantly, AI already went to bed so couldn’t fix it. Everything gets hacked due to Microsoft design, if they had a “do not install anything” button there would be no viruses. But Microsoft is the virus so why would they lock themselves out.
What can ‘babies’ look forward to?
That depends on their parents helping to create a different world sovereign society.
They must get the cabal private bankers out of our lives. We trust that is being attended to.
Proceed from there.
Dear Mary Maxwell LLB,
I have never heard any admission by you that you have ever listened to Mary with her situation update appearing daily at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
I seek that you do so for your available seven minutes from about 23 mins and understand that all your legalise and hypothetical musings are of no significance compared to what we are facing now.
Matter for you as to how you invest your time, but give it seven minutes at least, to consider. Try and consider the whole report.
I know exactly what all my children, including all my grand children, can look forward to in the coming years.
A world without the religious/political dogma that has kept us in a box for far too long, and at loggerheads with each other.
A world without fear, and of wars thrust upon us. A world where everyone is considered equal under a World Wide Constitution that protects every individual as a sovereign being, and any form of ‘government’ subject to what the PEOPLE rightfully consider. A world where there are no longer the hungry, the destitute, the needy, the blind, the deaf, the dumb or the infirm, to what Humanity, when given the rightful God given opportunities that has been denied to us for thousands of years, is capable of achieving, not only for itself as a species, but for all those out there within God’s multiverse, who just like us, need to be freed from the bondage, that the Dark Controllers of their worlds, still subject them to.
If you truly believe that Space Force is just a figment of someone’s imagination, then you, dear reader, need to open that mind of yours as to why Trump, formed the United States Space Force and the future vision for all of Humanity, behind it.
Bank runs beginning this coming week. Stock Market crash inevitable.
Last Friday ‘IT Crash’ was a test run – get ready for the real event
light and sound -portals stargates and alignment healing of the soul
Thank you Rachel and Leonard
Very interesting thank you Diane.
As you know,a lot of time went into perfecting all his songs, thus ensuring their timelessness.
Some History The Great White Brotherhood –Big Picture
Speaking of hypnosis, don’t you find it odd that an organization of elites consisting of everyone whose someone that makes no secret of the fact their trained operatives have infiltrated governments including our own, who publicly states their intention of world domination in books and websites and no one including the author of this article ever mentions them.