[Editor’s Note: This was an article written some time ago, but somehow missed the ‘publish’ button. It has suddenly become even more relevant.]
by Phil Hingston
Well, we hate to say “WE TOLD YOU SO!” but we did.
We told you so!
Bail Ins of private bank accounts are coming. And it’s CONFIRMED by Federal politicians and their staff.
And a new video post by economist John Adams and banking expert Martin North have thoroughly exposed Scott Morrison’s sneaky legislation to strip Australians of their right to use cash. (Watch the video, “Red Alert: ScoMo Declares War On The Australian People!” ).
But, as a refresher, let me remind of our warning from 27th January, 2018.
A couple of weeks later, on the 14th February, 2018, our corrupt, bankster-dominated Senate green-lighted the most egregious piece of legislation in Australian history, with only 7 of about 70 odd Senators present. (This alone should make it null and void or criminal)
Titled the “Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and Other Measures) Bill 2017 [Provisions]”, it basically outlines how the banking system can legally nick your dough from your bank accounts, under a spurious scheme of converting your cash in your bank accounts into shares in their failing banks. All to prop up their systemically corrupt, Central Banking dominated,monetary system. To make matters worse, they don’t actually say whether “the conversion” of your cash will be based on the Pre-Collapse price or the Post-Collapse price. I think you can take it as a given that it will be the lower of the two.
How do I know this is 100% planned by The Powers That Be? Because they bloody well told me so and confirmed their intentions IN WRITING.
Here’s the evidence from the Email chain from a staffer representing a suburban Sydney Federal politicians office (and great tennis player), and what his office was freely admitting to. I was questioning the Member:
My email:
Could you clarify his position on “bail in procedures that allows banks to convert certain debts to equity during financial crises.” Specifically, what types of debts? Would these be AT1 and T2 Hybrids? What about bank deposits? Thank You in advance.
Reply (11 September, 2018):
“Dear Mr Hingston,
AT1 instruments are, by definition, designated loss absorbing capital designed to be written down during a crises so yes they are an aspect of a bank’s crisis tool kit.
Tier 2 Hybrid investments are (in most major Australian banking institutions) categorised as unsecured subordinated debt obligation which means they are similarly more easily written down in the event of a crisis to assist in preserving bank solvency.
The most recent legislation passed by Parliament, the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis and Resolution Powers and Other Measurers) Act 2018, is predominantly focused on providing banks with the ability to convert deposits into equity during a crises.
If you would like more information about the recent legislation I have attached a PDF copy of the legislation in full to this email.
I trust this will assist your inquiries. Regards”
I sent back another email:
Thanks for your speedy response — . You are indeed well informed as to the financial instruments I queried. Just to be absolutely clear, could you confirm your meaning of the following sentence:
“The most recent legislation passed by Parliament, the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis and Resolution Powers and Other Measurers) Act 2018, is predominantly focused on providing banks with the ability to convert deposits into equity during a crises.“
Are you saying what I think you are saying?
Reply (11 September, 2018):
“Yes – under the specific conditions provided in the legislation. In times of acute financial distress banks are able to convert an amount of deposits to equity for the purpose of shoring up their liquidity. That conversion is required to be undone once the financial stress has abated.”
Mt next email:
So the conversion of bank deposits to “equity” (shares in a failing bank) would only be a “temporary” arrangement? Like the “temporary” suspension of convertibility of the US dollar into gold on the 15th August, 1971, 47 years ago.
Reply (12 September, 2018):
“Dear Mr Hingston,
Yes it is written into legislation. Converting debt to equity is a tool for crisis environments in which banks have to preserve their solvency.
Converting debt to equity enables banks to meet their liabilities without recourse to public funds to stay afloat.
I recognise that on the face of it you might be concerned by the fact your deposits can be turned into stock but that should be considered in context.
Your description of a ‘failing’ bank is not a strictly technical or accurate term. If the bank is fundamentally solvent but has experienced a payments crisis and can’t find sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities then providing liquidity to it is in the best interests of the bank and the financial system generally.
The bail in procedure allows fundamentally solvent banks (as determined by regulators) to temporarily convert their deposits (which are liabilities) into equity so that it can meet its financial obligations and avert a total collapse. If the bank is not fundamentally solvent it is not eligible.
The alternatives are (1) that the government bails out the bank which is both costly to the public purse and creates a moral hazard or (2) The bank is allowed to fail and depositors lose their money.
As I hope you can see the bail in procedure is a crisis tool to be used only in exceptional circumstances to prevent systemic failures and preserve depositors money.
It is also worth considering that if you feel so strongly about your deposits being threatened you don’t have to keep them at a bank.
In addition I struggle to see how the suspension of the gold standard has any relation to our current topic of discussion. Kind regards, — “
As I hope you can see the bail in procedure is a crisis tool to be used only in exceptional circumstances to prevent systemic failures and preserve depositors money. Of course, the elephant hiding in the corner of the room is the Derivatives issue. $35-40 Trillion. Just 20 times greater than the entire annual GDP of Australia.
Do we seriously expect our regulators to knock back any of our major banks (who are all considered by the FSB (Financial Stability Board of the Bank of England) to be SIFI-(Sytemically Important Financial Institutions) from using this egregious legislation to “convert” (appropriate/steal) customers funds in a Bail In?
A 3rd alternative would be to enact the Glass/Steagall legislation, break up the banks so that they are no longer “Too Big Too Fail”, strip out their hedge fund practices from normal, day to day retail banking and let them eat their own losses.
So there, in a nutshell, you have it. The Powers That Be, who run our government, banking system, bureaucracy, major media corporations, big pharma, big agriculture, big intelligence, big military, and especially big banking have unashamedly come out and told us, in no uncertain terms, that when the shit hits the financial fan,(and it looks highly probable) they will steal your hard-earned and give you worthless, un-saleable shares in an insolvent, failing financial institution. Because they wouldn’t want you to think they’re stealing from you!!
These are the same people that brought us 9/11, Port Arthur, the War on Terror , every war in the 20th and 21st century, bad vaccines, geo-engineering, fluoridated water, Monsanto’s GMO’s, pizzagate, pedogate,and so much more to enhance our quality of life.(sarc)
We at Gumshoenews cannot do more than warn you.
Consider yourself warned.
“So the conversion of bank deposits to “equity” (shares in a failing bank) would only be a “temporary” arrangement? Like the “temporary” suspension of convertibility of the US dollar into gold on the 15th August, 1971, 47 years ago.”
Gawd damn Phil, y’all got a great sense of humor there!
I’ve drawn down my deposits since the legislation came into existence. I only keep about $1,000 in my account. If it rises over that, I pull it out in cash and stick it under my mattress.
By the way, Gold is up over A$2,100 per troy ounce.
Terry ,
Yes a 500% increase in value over twenty years. If only wages had gone up relatively, as they did mid sixties to late seventies here in Oz.
As Carlin said, the game is rigged, it’s a club, and we ain’t in it.
what interests me is that the Perth mint keeps a record of exactly who has exactly what
Yeah Terry, I know. Trouble brewing??
BTW, the little prick staffer from the pollies office told me I could always take my fiat paper currency units out of the bank if I was so concerned. Arrogant schmuck!
Phil, it’s best to go by the old adage, “Protect yourself, nobody else will.”
If people want to believe in the MSM lies, then let them – just cover your ass and take advantage of the opportunities. You’re not doing anything evil, you’re just an ‘awake’ individual as opposed to a ‘woke’ individual.
Does there exist a minimum government guaranteed deposit amount?
“a minimum government guaranteed deposit amount??”
Sandra, I’m way past trusting “the govt.” for anything, other than false flags attacks, increased surveillance, rigged courts and judicial apparatus, police state roll out…need I go on?
Officially, I believe the number is $250,000. Unofficially, good luck with that.
Back in 2008 and with the advent of the GFC (Global Financial Crisis) in full swing, the European Union chose to do their own bail out for the Banks, like Deutsche Bank, deemed too big to fail, and skim 5%? (from memory, may have been even higher) off everyone’s Bank deposits that were above 10,000 Euros.
There were warnings by the E.U. that other ‘skimmings’ could continue if the financial crises was not alleviated. So, with that example of recent authoritarian action, that should be a very loud alarm for those Aussie’s who have large sums ‘invested’ in our four major Banks, and that it should warn them as well, unless they themselves take steps to safeguard their earnings.
The simple equation is, do not trust your government or the Banks because they will bleed you dry in order to save themselves!
Until we can divorce ourselves from the Rothschild Central Banking system (Reserve Bank of Australia) I would suggest anyone who wishes to keep their wealth with some kind of control over its, to either invest in precious metals like Gold or Silver bullion – and not fake bullion certificates that are not worth the paper that they are printed on – and keep just a ‘working account’ of the poisonous fiat money in your favorite Bank, or take it all out and store it somewhere safe – so long as you are prepared to defend what you have withdrawn because if the SHTF there will be gangs of criminals out looking for what they can steal from Mr and Mrs Average who simply have no clue as to how uncivilized things may become.
And keep what you have to safeguard, to yourselves, and tell no one!
More of the pozzi scheme for the cabal banking criminals exposed for those who have the eyes and ears.
PM Scott Morrison proclaims that he is a Christian. Apparently he will not even disclose what he believes or what his church teaches. Look at the spirit of his intentions.
Sandra, The CEC (The Citizens Electoral Council of Australia), a minor political party, has some very good literature out in their newsletters concerning this subject. They have an internet site where you can find out more about them and their information. They are being advised by some very good financial analysts and lawyers.
As to Morrison’s religious affiliations, he’s a member of Hillsong. Fiona Barnett has much to say about Hillsong.
I have read that Scott Morrison was connected to the Hill Song Church which has had a name change because senior members were accused of paedophilia.
Here Catholics are guilty for pedophelia, and everyone one else is without sin ?
CCP style censorship is active on our net, yet five year olds have access to abominations at the touch of fingertips. Our governments everywhere are run by corruption greed and membership. The only opposition to this living nightmare are the two teachings of Jesus beautiful and true.
“Yes – under the specific conditions provided in the legislation. In times of acute financial distress banks are able to convert an amount of deposits to equity for the purpose of shoring up their liquidity. That conversion is required to be undone once the financial stress has abated.”
How can the thief of our deposits “be undone”. Does this mean that if the bank survives the crisis it MUST repay our monies?
What gets up my nose, is that the APRA Bill was supposedly passed on 14th Feb 2018 on the vote of 8 Senators on the floor. There is a total of 67 senators. No organisation can pass a motion unless there is a quorum present and a majority voted for that motion. Surely the Senate requires more than 8 to form a quorum.
The Australian Constitution states “that the Senate requires 2/3 of members to create a quorum or until such time as the Government so decides.” I find it hard to believe that these criminals can get away stretching the bounds of the original intention by such a big margin.
Dear Mal, If you are willin’, please fetch us a copy of Hansard or whatever records there are for Senate attendance on Valentine’s Day 2018. I am startled by what you say. No quorum.
Mary cannot find in writing a count of votes taken or Senators present on 14th Feb 2018. It seems that all other relevant information is available, but not those figures. However I have viewed video of the session and there are very few Senators present in the chamber.
The number of Senators that I have presented comes via information written in newsletters of The Citizen Electoral Commission.
Cracking-the-Canberra- Code…(something to type in)
Thanks Kevin
The Knights of Malta are a Jesuit front
Cracking the Canberra Code
In the photo marked Figure 7, we have an image of the six (eight-pointed) Maltese crosses that hold the flagpole at Parliament House. The cross is the insignia for the Knights of Malta, an organisation headquartered in Rome. In the context of an Australian iconic constitutional building, the sculptural spire elements are inappropriate in that they symbolically confer a higher status on another institution. That the flagpole is cut off from the ground – as opposed to being grounded – indicates, from a geomantic standpoint, that the Australian flag has no sovereignty over the land it represents. The narrative in the geometry and numbers indicate the Knights of Malta are holding not a flagpole but a rod of power that secretly claims dominion (24 hours a day) over the area of the ring roads around Parliament House and, via the diameter relationships with the height of the rod, the Earth itself.
George Washington Masonic Memorial – Ley Line Observation
04 Washington DC Part 3 – Secrets in Plain Sight
Why is Washington Named the District of Columbia
Imitatio Romae: similarities between Washington DC and the Eternal City
The US Capitol: a Mirror of Vatican City
The Big Banks Are Criminal Enterprises
Banking Is a Criminal Industry Because Its Crimes Go Unpunished
Corporate Australia
Royal Commission into banking a farce as hard working Aussies get screwed over
7 out of 70 a? Well that means that the vote is invalid because the Constitutions says (I cannot find the relevant section) say provides for a minimum number of members to participate in he vote in order for the bill to pass. I know damn well that its a lot more than 7.
This lack of numbers also occurred when they threw Senator Culleton of the Senate too.
I believe (from memory) the number is 18 to constitute a quorum. Invalid vote therefore invalid law. But what else would we expect????
The voters are pay and waving cash away so folding money will be taken, soon. Bank branches will soon all be gone so safe deposit boxes, if they are available in the few remaining, will not be able to store physical anything much less heavy precious metals. The only alternatives will be managed funds including superannuation. And those fee heavy scams already posses bail in provisions by their marked to market accounting. Energy, communications and transport have gone, or are in the process, Education and media never were part of the common wealth and fresh air and water are on their way. Some estimate that labour is returned 10% of its production. The 90% goes to capital via usury. It is written the Hebrews celebrated a Jubilee where usurious debts were forgiven and forfeited land returned. Let us pray, for once in our lives, not for usurious money but for a Jubillee instead.
This would work in with the previous articles of the Boston bombing
BOMBSHELL: Mass shooting events follow pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times… agents recruit social media extremists to frame as scapegoats for engineered violence
The Real Issues Behind The Cash Ban
Its about the Jesuits and banking
As “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10 ) I really don’t see how the Jesuits can be held up as any worse than any other religious organisation/denomination. e.g. the anti Catholic money worshiping establishment Scomo belongs to
The respective link likewise indicates a major investment in the very system it claims to oppose, quote: “Saint Paul–the founder of Roman Christianity–made it absolutely clear that there is no such position as PRIEST, CARDINAL or POPE in the Christian Congregation”
So what about vicars ?
And the fact that the very concept of sainthood is the antithesis of everything Paul stood for ?
The same goes for using the term “father” towards a priest.
King James Bible
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
All of those who have confessed in Jesus have repented of their sins and follow the commandments are saints not just in the Catholic organisation that dares to call itself a church.
We are a priesthood of believers.
We are only saints “in Jesus Christ”
As all of us know say one thing and mean another. There is no other military-religious organisation on Earth that has the assets of the Latin Roman Church-State.
To date and please look into this estimate as the range varies for the Sistine chapel, it is said to be worth anywhere between 400 Billion USD to 2 Trillion USD.
Wealth is not the issue but rather the means of accumulation; every establishment that preaches “tithing” is every bit as heretical:
As for the “saint” issue, all the scriptures you reference are a pointed reminded that the word isn’t used as an honorific anywhere in the bible.
That was not the context of the links Berry concerning tithing. You originally ” I really don’t see how the Jesuits can be held up as any worse than any other religious organisation/denomination.”
I provide some very good links and a few for corroboration in the mouth of two or three witnesses.
Can you please clarify your last paragraph? Are you using the adjective or noun of honorific? Are you a Christian or non-Christian?
Jesuits and the federal reserve
The Vatican Jesuit World Banking System
There have been no Jews to head the Federal Reserve Bank of New York which is the most powerful fed bank in the nation in which they keep at least 400 tons of gold bars, with the rest of the United State’s gold reserves being stored only at the US Mint at Denver and at West Point:
The rest of it resides at the U.S. Mint at Denver (1,400 tons) and at West Point (1,700 tons) and in the deep storage vaults of the New York Federal Reserve (400 tons)
And so it follows that it was Timothy Geithner, President of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York who was behind the financial crash of ’08.
These are the real international banking powers:
Prince Lorenz of Belgium oversees the Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland from his private Gutzwiller bank and has worked as a banker in Rome, London and Paris. Prince Lorenz is Austria-Este with a Savoy mother and married into the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Belgian royalty. The BIS was founded by Nazis and is currently connected to most of the central banks in the world and is siphoning off portions of income tax to distribute to the owners of the corporate governments which are especially those with titles of royalty and nobility.
The Jesuits and the Titanic
The world is all stitched up to the pozzi scheme by the Jesuits
Secrets of the “Bank” of Rome Revealed At Last!! The False Profits!!
How the “Bank” of Rome Creates “Federal” Reserve Dollars out of Nothing!!
The Rothschilds are Jesuits
he Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that: “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”
If this latter statement is true the Rothschilds control in addition to their own fortune the immense liquid resource of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the Rothschilds’ in wealth and power.
The Two Babylons – Part VII
Original source for “Guardians of the Papal Treasure”:
Jewish Encyclopedia (published 1901 – 1906), p. 497
[link to http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com]
HTML text version:
[link to http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com]
“If you are not an American you will understand why your country is on its present course, as it too is controlled by the Jesuit General through his select Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and the Illuminati’s Masonic, Cabalistic, Labor Zionist, Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank), Jewish House of Rothschild. For the Order controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”
Eric Jon Phelps, “Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90
Romanic Depression: How the Jesuits Designed, Built and Destroyed America
Who Really Owns Your Gold: How the Jesuits Use Gold Economics to Control Humanity
The bail ins are part of the Fascist agenda to keep the population( taxpayer) paying for corporations when that was never the intent of governments or their Constitutions. These incremental increases from utilities to private enterprise is simply a covert plan to control and own everything.
Latest from the CEC
Elisa Barwick is joined by Robert Barwick for the 2 August The CEC Report, the weekly half-hour political and economic update of the CEC’s fight to save Australia from economic collapse. The report is now posted on our website, and ready for you to view.
This week’s CEC Report features:
1. Morrison’s cash ban is a trap, but we can stop it
2. To shut down money laundering, target big banks and auditors
Click here to view The CEC Report on our website.
Click here to view The CEC Report on YouTube.
Click here to view it on Vimeo.
Click here to listen to it on SoundCloud.
One week to tell Treasury to dump cash-ban law!
Remember to send an email or letter to Treasury by next Monday to object to the cash-ban law that will stop Australians from using cash for transactions over $10,000. Every single letter or email is invaluable. Here are some points you could make:
It is your right to use cash, for privacy and as a choice not to use the banking system;
This is not about the black economy, as the vast majority of tax evasion and money laundering is done by banks and corporations, not individuals;
The government should not be stripping Australians of our rights in order to force people into the banking system so we cannot escape bad policies such as bail-in and negative interest rates.
Economist John Adams has posted his submission to the Treasury, which makes important points about all aspects of the law: Click here to read it.
Make your submission today! Follow the instructions below:
Email: blackeconomy@treasury.gov.au with the subject line:
Submission: Exposure Draft—Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019
Address written submissions to:
Black Economy Division
Langton Cres
Parkes ACT 2600
There have been some reports of emailed submissions bouncing. When you send your submission, call the Treasury on 1800 020 008, ask for the Black Economy division, and confirm they received it.
Click here to sign the new petition to the Australian Parliament: Hands off our bank deposits—stop ‘bail-in’!
Read the Australian Alert Service!
Content covered in the CEC Report is elaborated in the CEC’s weekly Australian Alert Service magazine, which reports on the political fight to free Australia and all nations from the financial control of the City of London and Wall Street. The 31 July issue includes the following:
Lead Editorial: No cashing out of this bubble!
Morrison is banning cash so Australians can’t escape bail-in, negative interest rates
Red alert: ScoMo declares war on the Australian people
The Black Economy Taskforce: Dracula in charge of the blood bank, forcing everyone to give blood!
Wild divergence in energy policy leaves uncertain future
Warmongers fear Russia-China economic alliance
Pacific vision: military bastion or trade hub?
UK appoints criminal banks to economic crime watchdog
British, US allies baulk at Persian Gulf ‘maritime security’ proposals
New York fire commissioners demand 9/11 investigation
For whom did Epstein pimp?
CEC base fires up for next phase of fight against bail-in
In Memoriam – Gordon Guley
The unacceptable human cost of regime-change wars
ALMANAC: Economic development is at the heart of China’s Lunar Program
Click here for a free copy of the latest issue of the Australian Alert Service.
Thanks Arlyn, The Real Issues Behind The Cash Ban is a great expose.
We’ve been given three responses to act upon to help change the “bail-ins” of Australian banks. Great!
How we are tranceformed by increments. After cash, what’s next ? credit cards trashed.
It’s all so more convenient on the iPhone. Then, for even faster transactions, under the skin.
These are our times, blinded by illuminated masonic occult, where robotics replaces humanity.
Always thought the 500 million agenda was a bit extreme. But look at where we are.
The 9% that enforce the 1% demoncracy are what they are. Traitors to the common good.
The Legal Assault on Australian Democracy
Review of Sedition Laws
A guidebook for Australians who want to protect their human rights and liberties.
by Alan Gourley
The Hidden Hand by A. Ralph Epperson:
Those who seek power will be corrupted by it. They will be willing to intentionally cause depressions, revolutions and wars in order to further their desire for more power. :b This corrupting nature of the very pursuit of power explains why the moral mind of the individual who neither desires power over others nor understands the desire for such power, cannot fathom why power-seekers would want to create human misery through wars, depressions and revolutions. [E.A.]
We have one avenue open to regain control and self-respect. Enough genuine independent MPs to gain the balance of power could be enough to save the nation.
(a) If such governments are not guilty of treason, then let them give the electorate a voice in the future of Australia. Honest political parties will not separate us from our constitutional rights by secretive conspiracy, nor will they, by deceit, force on us despotic law. No! What they will do is first explain, and then give us, the rights to which we are already entitled.
(b) If political parties are honest to the electorate they will stop the use of schools for social engineering. They will stop encouraging children to use drugs and to disregard parents. They will stop the teaching of ideological lies. They will clean up the education system and get rid of those who teach political fantasy.
(c) They will support the natural family unit.
(d) They will allow freedom of truth.
What do political parties fear? Do they fear too much public support for clean open government?
COLLAPSE is coming: Be prepared to LIVE with LESS
It will be the higher not lower.If pre collapse shares are $10.00 and post are $5.00 you will be buying shares at $10 automatically worth half.My opinion anyway.
Cash ban is premised on a lie. The real black economy is among banks and corporations, not citizens, and Treasury protects it!
This statement is the Citizens Electoral Council’s submission to Treasury on the Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019.
The Citizens Electoral Council (CEC) strenuously objects to the Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 that will ban cash transactions over $10,000. More fundamentally, the CEC denounces the agenda of the Treasury Department and government to increasingly subjugate the Australian people to the corrupted and failing financial system, rather than fix the system. This bill is the latest example of this agenda.
The CEC charges that Treasury and the government are complicit in the crimes of Australia’s corrupt financial system. This has been evident for a long time, as every victim of bank crimes and misconduct who has sought redress from the government, or any of the regulators and oversight agencies under Treasury’s remit, would attest.
At every turn, Treasury and the government have:
protected the operations of the financial system from real scrutiny and accountability;
overseen and facilitated the mutation of Australia’s financial system into an oligopoly of four big banks (and Macquarie and AMP), shielded by the corrupt big four global auditing firms, three discredited ratings agencies, and the fake regulators ASIC, APRA and the RBA and their superiors in the Bank for International Settlements and Bank of England;
allowed the banks to self-regulate and abandon basic standards in their headlong rush into reckless and fraudulent mortgage lending that has inflated a massive, precarious real estate-and-debt bubble, topped off with about $45 trillion in dangerous financial derivatives, which now threaten to smash the economy;
It is the CEC’s contention that this law recommended by chief black economy culprit KPMG has absolutely nothing to do with cracking down on money laundering and tax evasion. Rather, this law is the latest extreme measure that Treasury and the government, in parallel with governments around the world, are pursuing in order to permanently change the relationship between citizens and the financial system.
The core issue is that the Australian and global banking systems are failing, and desperately require structural reform; specifically a Glass-Steagall separation of proper commercial banking from all forms of the cancer of financial speculation. However, rather than asserting democratic power over the banking system to do that, governments have outsourced their responsibilities to global institutions such as the IMF and BIS, which are inventing unnatural ways to prop up the failing system. These include the bail-in of bank deposits, and negative interest rates. These policies cannot work if the public have the choice to withdraw their money from the banking system to hold and use in cash. That is the reason that the Black Economy Taskforce report stated that the strategy behind the cash ban is to “Move people and businesses out of cash and into the banking system”, and cited former IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff that it would benefit “financial stability”—the pretext for bail-in—and “monetary policy”, i.e. negative interest rates.
The CEC emphatically opposes this law, and calls on Treasury and the government to respect Australians’ rights and instead clean up the real black economy, starting with Treasury’s relationship with the perpetrators—the banks and auditors.
Here’s what you can do:
Write a quick email or letter submission to the Treasury consultation on Morrison’s bill banning cash transactions over $10,000, which closes on 12 August, objecting to this law. Don’t think that one submission won’t make a difference—we are going to generate hundreds or even thousands, not to “convince” Treasury, but to send a message to the government and Parliament that the public won’t accept this!
Email: blackeconomy@treasury.gov.au with the subject line:
Submission: Exposure Draft—Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019
Address written submissions to:
Black Economy Division
Langton Cres
Parkes ACT 2600
Contact your local MP (and your Senators if you can), by email, phone or in person, informing them about this law (there’s a real chance they don’t know), and demanding they oppose it. You could forward the Adams-North video, Red Alert: ScoMo Declares War On The Australian People, and the CEC’s press release from 30 July: Morrison is banning cash so Australians can’t escape bail-in, negative interest rates. Your email or call will be one of many that forces them to recognise the public is angry about this.
Sign the CEC’s petition: Hands off our banks deposits—stop ‘bail-in! This is what the cash ban is really about—trapping people in the banking system so they can’t escape from “unnatural” policies like bail-in and negative rates. If we can force the government to scrap the cash ban law, they’ll have to start looking at real reforms for the banks, like the CEC’s Glass-Steagall bill to separate banks with deposits from speculation, the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019.
Click here for a free copy of the latest issue of the Australian Alert Service.
Click here to join the CEC as a member.
Click here to refer others to receive regular email updates from the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.
By all means, read CEC information but be aware that the CEC supports autocratic rule and is implacably opposed to democracy.
And, please note, of the best 100 or so documenters of globalisation, not one identifies the Jesuits as anything else but Catholic manipulators of power to further the Cardinal agenda, which is about centralisation of power and is inimical to democracy. It survives because the Ecuminical Conference made a deal witht the Rothschilds and Rockeferrers.
Furthermore, voting and politicians and parties have nothing to do with democracy. Democracy is when The People… all of the People, determine their own future. The rest is bullshit and smoke and mirrors and is a play on the dual meanings of ther word ‘representation’.
Finally, if one single Christian organisation supportds democracy have yet to identify it. Christianity has always been the primary pretext for colonialism.
Oh, and before I forget, post-immediate GFC, the Australian big four were so bankrupt they could not even lend to each other. They were bailed out by the Australian taxpayer, and by stealth, by evangelical Christian Kevin Rudd, who rebranded bailouting as the Stimulus Payments. As was anticipated, most of this topped up credit card debt and mortgages… ergo: straight to the banks.
Limiting cash transactions is, of course, critical to the manoeuvre, and as virtually no one is accustomed to using wads of notes to pay for anything the move is unlikely to be met by mass resistance.
Once people become dependent on corporately controlled electricity/water/healthcare/education, arguing about new rules just becomes too much like hard work.
Cashless Society – Negative Interest Rates & The Coming War On Cash
The Ripple Effects of a Cashless Society | Richard Wright | TEDxPeachtree
Cashless Society – Negative Interest Rates & The Coming War On Cash (Abstract click on l.,ink for full article)
Financial institutions, likewise, are trying to nudge us towards a cashless society and digital banking. The true motive is corporate profit. Payments companies such as Visa and Mastercard want to increase the volume of digital payments services they sell, while banks want to cut costs. The nudge requires two parts. First, they must increase the inconvenience of cash, ATMs and branches. Second, they must vigorously promote the alternative. They seek to make people “learn” that they want digital, and then “choose” it.
Don’t let politicians betray your right to use cash to financial elites!
Australians are making submissions to Treasury and swamping politicians with calls and messages against Scott Morrison’s cash ban, but we need to escalate. From face-to-face meetings with major party MPs, there are still too many signs that they are zombies programmed to docilely accept these measures. They need their constituents to snap them out of their stupor, and motivate them to questions the reasons for this ban, rather than just roll over and sell out their constituents’ rights and freedoms.Michael Sukkar
(03) 9874 1711
Stephen Jones
(02) 4297 2285
Prioritise contacting all the smaller parties, including the Nationals, so they are motivated to take a position sooner rather than later, which will give the major parties nowhere to hide.
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