J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
Nesara-Gesara is the acronym for the new global money system claimed by certain Alt-media figures to be poised to save us all from the predatory Globalist banks with their CBDCs. The story goes that President Clinton signed it in 1999 at gunpoint. Bill Clinton signed a vast number of things towards the end of his presidency and got all the kickbacks later, notoriously for his speaking tours. The gunpoint story is a ripping yarn but is it any more than that? Let’s look at a story that is demonstrably true. Woodstock Peace and Love Festival was held in New York State while Nelson Rockefeller was State Governor, prior to his taking over the Vice Presidency from Gerald Ford, after Nixon resigned. Rockefeller gave the young hippy baby-boomers what they wanted because it cost him nothing. Likewise, a good story about Bill Clinton at gunpoint costs nothing. Globalists will cheerfully give their citizens what they want, when it costs them nothing, and they will come up with an angle for their own benefit.
We can also see the New World Order will be made as attractive as possible, while the dark underbelly will be denied, concealed and even normalised. Look at cosmetic surgery for example, from hyper-expensive facelifts late last century to gender reassignments now being touted as essential for children, to be funded by governments, from their incessant taxes and borrowings.
Big Brother will come with a soothing voice: It’s not as bad as you think, good times are coming, there is misinformation, but we are cleaning up the internet, we have micro-needle mRNA therapy patches for your protection and safety, you will own nothing and be happy.
You have had plenty of time to get used to these ideas, and the younger generation already has very low expectations of ownership, as they have been comprehensively sold out, not to mention injected dozens of times before they leave school.
The idea of Globalism was first put about decades ago and nobody gave too much thought about where it came from or what it meant, it was some vague extension of communications, travel, marketing, import-export and things which were coming about naturally. The public had no idea it would lead to forced injections, mass sterilisations, blood clots, strokes, organ failures, autism and such effects, via the 1000+ and ongoing treaties between the UN and WHO with traitorous or ignorant politicians, but this is where it has quickly gone.
Currently many still have little idea Elon Musk is collecting their data via authenticated Twitter sign-ins, as part of plans to drill a hole in their cranium and then wire them up to his StarLink. They don’t know his grandfather was part of “technocracy” and they don’t know what Technocracy was, nor do they care, and further they don’t really want to know, because Elon is “hip”.
Elon Musk, the Hip Priest of Technocracy is now promoted to yet another demi-god, rivalling the crumpled Bill Gates, but if he was really a genius he could have put his brain implant on the back of the skull with a camera in the middle of it. He is clearly waiting to be directed by his mentors, technical advisers and financiers.
Now Globalists’ mouthpiece Klaus Schwab has put about the idea of the “4th Industrial Revolution”, and this time we have some idea who “they” are. Descendants of European Nazis, now industrialists;Khazarian “jews” from the silk road around Ukraine; northern Italian bloodlines including Ptolemy’s descendants from before Rome; the proteges of Hesse-Kassel including Rothschilds and Rockefellers; and the descendants and successors of Charlemagne. Add to that, unrelated communists; the progenitors of “Technocracy” such as Elon Musk’s grandfather; and major vested interests in banking, medical, military and other such industries.
The 4th Industrial Revolution usually sounds like a huge assortment of robots are coming for most of our jobs, the AI will do our thinking for us, Universal Basic Income will put the food on our tables.
Surprisingly, the Australian Parliament has long ago done a study on it which includes:
“Demonstrators dressed as robots danced through the streets of Zurich as part of the referendum campaign for a UBI in Switzerland [2016]. But instead of representing a threat to workers’ livelihood, the smiling robots symbolised an opportunity: freedom from the need to work. While some UBI advocates fear that automation will destroy jobs, others hope that this will happen. Recent controversies about technological change driving increases in inequality, creating widespread joblessness and sparking social unrest have reawakened utopian social movements that look forward to a post-work future. In the lead up to the Swiss referendum, researchers at gfs.bern (a private research institute) commented:
The unconditional basic income reflects the desire for self-expression outside the confines of a performance-oriented society. This desire is rooted in the post-materialistic values which are typical for affluent societies which have high expectations of each individual. Current fundamental attitudes are very different—the key priority is to safeguard economic strength—and will undoubtedly thwart the popular initiative’s ambitions. In short—this popular initiative for an unconditional basic income is a minority issue with a certain degree of potential for support which can be expected to be clearly rejected by voters”.
Clearly gfs.bern hadn’t explored the new Tiktok generation because just a few years on and they are so bonded to their smart phones they have stopped caring what goes on around them. Normally creativity was at its peak in 20-somethings but it’s harder to find anything this century which hasn’t been manufactured.
The fashion industry
Manufacturing is now so competitive that it would not be possible without robots and slave labour. In Australia products look cheap until visiting Asia where the price is half again or less. In Asia it’s possible to source manufactured items from optical such as spectacles to copper dependent motorised appliances to labour intensive pirate label fashion accessories, for something like $20. Take off the mark-up and the wholesale cost of these manufactures reduces to almost nothing.
But it’s not easy to produce all of these things using expensive robots because of the limited runs. These are therefore produced by slave labour, which underpins the Chinese economic miracle, but also props up the manufacturing base in the US, by paying prisoners about one dollar per hour.
Combine overwhelming levels of debt with an inability to Globally compete and incapacity to pay the interest, and what do you have? A bankrupted useless eater. So whose planet do these useless eaters think they’re living on?
Project M-Bridge motto “Do No Harm” is ironically borrowed from the Doctor’s Hippocratic Oath, the irony would not be lost on the Globalist initiators, the previous variation was used by Google, viz “Do No Evil”. It’s a comedic flourish.
The project is a collaborative effort of the BIS Innovation Hub, four founding central banks and over 25 observing members incl RBA, US Federal Reserve & IMF. Founding central banks: Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Central Bank of the UAE, Digital Currency Institute of the People’s Bank of China and Bank of Thailand. Rumoured to be already operational in BRICS but this seems unlikely since China is a major part of BRICS. Thailand provides oil extraction services globally and the UAE has the oil so we see a continuation of the petrodollar concept from 1947.
Spending Limits
Cross border cash limits already exist in many places, about $10,000 is normal, but absolute cash spending limits are being introduced in Europe and elsewhere. These are generally around the scale of a two-hour visit by a prostitute. If cash were to be phased out entirely one would expect a limit of say, $100 would be applied but then politicians and power brokers would be unable to legally pay for basic sexual services.
Maori Business Team (Bank of NZ)
In New Zealand, which is a remote island group and therefore like a hermetically sealed experiment, they have come up with a mechanism parallel to their GST tax.
The NZ Bartercard is essentially a standard form of contract between merchants, trades etc. and clients, but will have the overall effect of grafting everyone onto e-commerce and eventually CBDCs.
However the name bartercard is entirely misleading, and suggests the government is attempting to usurp the meaning of the word barter, in order to eliminate it.
It seems they are aiming for the forced acquisition of half of everything their residents earn, in order to further their socialist and surveillance communist ambitions.
What do words like barter, supermarket, chauvinist, anti-semite, have in common?
They are manipulated in order to disassociate a meaning from the word. This means the meaning, the concept, is no longer properly accessible, it has been effectively censored out.
For example, a supermarket is not a market because individual market forces do not apply, it is a communist style creation with central control. A market is a place with independent vendors. A chauvinist is a lover of the military, nothing to do with feminism. Semitic describes just about any native from somewhere south of Turkiye: “relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian…”
Semitic was originally an inclusive term, now it has been made divisive.
The NZ GST rate has been 15% since 2010 and after Bartercard is fully implemented could be expected to rise to 20%. Meanwhile there is no tax-free threshold, the income tax rate is over 10% even for those below the poverty line, a total of something over 25% tax if buying goods and services for the impoverished, rising to 48% for those who might be considered on an average survivable income of anything over NZ$70,000.
Fighting Crime
The way the big players pay each other and launder money is by scams. Buying and selling paintings is a favourite. The price can be anything and includes a debt. They can be carried anywhere, and they frequently tour the world, so there is nothing unusual about buying or selling a painting in a tax-free jurisdiction, and taking a holiday at the same time. On home soil, you might sell your apartment for any realistic price you wanted to, and the stamp duty is a modest 6% for laundering all that money. The capital gains tax can be offset by buying company tax credits, which Donald Trump is famous for doing. CBDCs and e-money are even better than cash for these types of criminal activity. Who would want an attache case full or US dollars handcuffed to their wrist. Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) are another recent scam for smaller transactions, where you pay for a jpeg or gif as if it were a valuable work of art.
The painting shown here resembles a political diagram, where the average citizens think there should be simply a black and white representation, or perhaps a blue and red one, there is instead a controlled chaos of financiers and vested interests.
The general public, led by the television, will try to subtly direct you; you must identify as red or blue. You must pick a side and staying with a side brings approval. For conformists, this programming is hard to resist. The AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) will try to enforce the major political brands, using their own devious methodologies. The “phase shift” of the public is then manipulated via the red-blue dialectic of the purple party, represented by the AEC. Purple of course was the colour of the Roman ruling class. It ties up neatly, like a mathematical equation.
Everything runs on oil
We’ve seen how the excessive government borrowings of the last few years in Australia led to rampant inflation, triggered by the oil price going up, reacting as the value of the AUD was destroyed. In this case the borrowings were the direct cause of the oil price going up, as the oil suppliers understood the governments were following the US model and recklessly creating money.
But the oil price can also go up because of scarcity, which could be via Red Sea and Persian Gulf wars or simply by having arrived at and passed Peak Oil.
Many cities around the world are totally dependent on imported oil and use vast quantities. Malaysia is a producer and seems to have factored in peak oil because every spare piece of forest or farm has been converted to palm oil plantations. The palm oil is used for cooking, including in chocolate, and is good for fuel in a warm climate where it won’t freeze. Farm villages have lost their hinterland as palms close in all around them. The next generation of small holding farmers has gone to work in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia has strategised for peak oil and doesn’t want a part of it. The local very successful car industry “Proton” has only now come up with a hybrid powertrain, that is described as “mild hybrid”, saving major costs on transmissions etc. by going petrol-electric. This means palm oil can be converted to kilometres at the minimum possible cost. Proton is 49% owned by the Chinese Geely Group which also owns Volvo and Lotus. This new Proton car model is effectively liquid fuelled, not battery powered.
Malaysian e-invoicing
An even more comprehensive system than the “Bartercard” in New Zealand is ready to go in Malaysia, this was already covered here some time ago:
The Chinese Communist Party is probably creating more money than people realise. A famous strategy amongst speculators to engineer debt forgiveness is by killing themselves. South Korea has the highest suicide rate in the world so we can assume northern China is not much different, regardless of the official data. The rush for money underpins Asian energy. A big picture analysis of China would suggest that fiat currency will be created to service the cravings of the public. After all, it costs nothing to keep the public happy in this way, the opposite in fact, there is a handsome profit to the state.
Malaysia and China are hardly alone in the world in squeezing their citizens into hi-rise towers, totally dependent on a supply of oil for every aspect of their lives, but they are surely world leaders. Aircon is an imperative.
Next, even though they are virtual prisoners, they will be dependent on e-money or CBDCs, and they will like it.
First Anglo-Dutch war, note orange stripe at top of Dutch flag
The Dutch ING entered Australia as an internet only bank in 1999. Their logo is an orange lion, orange as the stripe on the Dutch flag, and as the ruling Dutch House of Orange, the richest in Europe by certain accounts. The Dutch King is a WEF associate (as is the new Danish King).
The enclave of Orange itself, was already discussed in a previous essay:
Shades of Britain’s HSBC, from wikipedia today:
“Beginning in the 1990s, at the instruction of senior bank management, ING Bank employees in Curaçao began processing payments for ING Bank’s Cuban banking operations through its branch in Curaçao on behalf of Cuban customers without reference to the payments’ origin. The practice of removing and omitting such information was used by other branches of ING Bank’s Wholesale Banking Division, including in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, in processing US dollar payments and trade finance transactions through the United States. In addition, ING Bank’s senior management in France authorised, advised in the creation of, and ultimately provided fraudulent endorsement stamps for use by Cuban financial institutions in processing travelers check transactions, which disguised the involvement of Cuban banks in these transactions when they were processed through the US. ING Bank’s Trade and Commodity Finance business at its Wholesale Banking branch in the Netherlands routed payments made on behalf of US-sanctioned Cuban clients through other corporate clients to obscure the sanctioned clients’ identities and its Romanian branch omitted details from a letter of credit involving a US financial institution to finance the exportation of US-origin goods to Iran”.
Quelle Horreur.
When bank branches are gone, leaving only the most heavily fortified, the much predicted Great Reset can proceed, presumably closer to the year 2030. There is no point in exposing physical bank branches to the ire of customers who have been stripped of their assets. In the meantime, branches and ATMs are being nibbled away at, a few at a time, or in the case of 7-11 stores, hundreds.
“You will own nothing” is only the beginning, your phone will own you, and you will be happy, as the alternatives will all be removed.
But as discussed above, all this will take time. The imperative now is to avoid the human-side preconditions for the Beast System implementation, which is being done with a variety of markers being injected into citizens, along with the gene editing, graphene, nano-tech etc. etc.
On Valentine’s day this year, the injections were legislated in France as being above criticism.
“It was a hard-fought issue, but the Macron regime ultimately got its way. Article 4 is central to the new law, which was first deleted but then reinstated. This creates a new criminal offence and criminalises the “request to stop or refrain from therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment” as well as “the request to use practices that are presented as therapeutic or prophylactic.” This means that any resistance to mRNA treatment (and other corporate medical methods) can be criminalised in the future.’
Politicians and top state functionaries are exempted
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RFK on Ukraine 19 min
Re RFK report.
When is the ABC and SBS going to grow some integrity and actually report the scam that has exposed our Burley swamp in Canberra as just overstocked with putrid one cell brained overfed greedy jellyfish.
There should be a health warning sign on the banks of lake Burley Griffin in Canberra.
“Feeding the contents of this lake demonstrates
to all watching that you are a idiot”.
I was so disgusted from my travels to Canberra that when I left the halls of Parliament and I had to take a pee, I went down to the lake and did it there.
Could have done better!?
Good article, this is the first article that I have seen on GS that refers to PEAK OIL.
Please, if you are a fan of ‘basement oil’, that is, all you have to do is drill a deep enough hole in the Earth and you will hit the creamy nugget center and have lots of oil – do some research. If you want to argue that position, THEN POST SOME GAWD DAMN FACTS AND NOT YOUR F–KING OPINION!
I was very much aware of Peak Oil way back when (I believe Ned knew one of the guys I interacted with on a biodiesel forum). Once I conceptualized what it all meant, I put my thinking cap on as to how to deal with it. All I could come up with in my little sphere of limited influence was producing BIODIESEL. I eventually patented a very simple biodiesel processor that anyone could use (one of my beta testers was illiterate and couldn’t read the instructions, but he could read the illustrated levels on the side of the processor – no problem)
The corruption in Australian politics is beyond anyone’s comprehension. After patenting my processor, the government changed the rules. When discussing the use of my little processor, the Treasury officials wouldn’t even entertain a license fee to feed their grubby hands. No, they told me, and I repeat their exact words, “See what you can bring to the table” – in other words ‘pay to play’. (fuck ’em, got better things to do)
Anyway, that is all history and now we are slowly shifting into the problems associated with Peak Oil. – If people don’t want to be pro-active, then they will have to be re-active when the SHTF.
I’m out, good luck.
I can confirm Mr Shulze is “out”.
Not from me, you ain’t🙀🤣
Gee, senator Babet is concerned that Australian courts may be politicized. LOL
Hey Babet, send a copy of this article to members of the High Court and ask them ‘please explain’.
41 min to 45.
Who are the fools who did not know and who is hiding the truth?
‘situation update : super war warning!…….we the people news’
At beforeitsnews.com. People powered news
You can pick them by their cunning, greed, lies, omissions and distractions
For those who care.
basic income = basic silence
The French are losing their African colonies ( they have about a dozen ) to CBDCs, no longer will Paris be printing their African money. This means the French soft life is over, the citizens will have to work extra years before retirement and then be injected to death ( euthanised ). All their industries and famous brands will have to be sold off one by one and the national debt run up ready for the Great Reset transition to CBDCs and UBI. The main reason is that the French are hosting too many parasites. There is only one way to save “free” France now, that is to immediately guillotine all the crooked politicians and governing class, bureaucrats, administrators, retail pharmacists, riot pigs etc which have become utterly UNAFFORDABLE, and start all over again.
One group is already trying to kill the other, will the natural French resist or do they prefer a passive death ?
The ‘denial’ is strong in Oz. ‘You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.’
A lengthy but readable treatise on Assange’s case by Chris Hedges:
Says those who actually committed the crimes are trying to put it on Julian to cover up their own stuff. Now where have I heard that before?
The deranged thinking of the ‘chrome drinkers is the challenge we deal with daily, as we struggle to survive in their wicked system from the bottomless pit of abominations bombing nations. They just won’t let us be to live our lives in peace, always thirsting for more, more and more as they steal from everyone, remaking the world in the image of “their father the devil.”
The beasts are busy 24/7 building their high-tech AI dystopian global gulag. They have the money and power to push satanism, because they have stolen hundreds of trillions of dollars through usury, fractional reserve banking, taxnation and corporate monopoly.
Doesn’t matter, go to Bunnings buy the shit and sausage sizzle at the door. Lambs for slaughter, absolutely brainwashed, worshipping demons on all bases loaded.
Do we own anything now apart from the personal effects that possess us.
The Certificate Of Title on the land on which our houses sit say we’re ‘tenants’. Which could be why they have been turned digital. And our all cap names had to be regis(of the king)tered on the title deed.
We have to regis…ter our car before we can drive it.
Breach the conditions of use and you will be regis…tered as an inmate of one of His Majesty’s many prisons.
And what’s with the title His Majesty other than a ritual along with all the pomp.
How does it go: Ritual – Belief – Reality.
Those Magi of the Orient clearly weren’t dills when they presented the new born king with gold, frankinsense and myrhh. Their ritual created a belief that has resulted in a 2,000 year reality.
A reality similar to ‘divine right’ that the All Caps reinforce by lining the streets to wave at as the king passes by. Royalty is to be admired, right – we were installed with that belief at primary school.
So maybe Klaus has not been making a promise when he says ‘you will own nothing’ but stating a fact. As for being happy, he will probably be proven correct. Let’s face it, people are happy now as they point their phone at a little mirror before they collect their happy meal.
In NZ the army has wrung a ruling out of the courts, it would appear that maybe to the courts and army bosses, their minions are on the verge of mutiny ???
It doesn’t help us commoners much when Dr. Jibber and Nurse Jabber appear on our doorstep backed by a couple of MERCENARIES for which we will be duly invoiced, (as they have been in VIctoria through “land tax”) if we survive.
Tasmanian Times : Show me a lawyer and I’ll show you a liar. Kevin Woodman
That’s good you popped back up but I can’t find the story even looking on Yandex I got “Tayla Swift and Kim Kardioshian had an argument”
Mr Phillip Patterson Introduction My Name is Phillip Patterson. Try typing this in. Kevin
Cannot find it
But you and commenter Ned can go on sputube and look up “how to cut and paste links on android / ipad / etc” whatever you have, I know on my phone you just press and hold on the link and it does copy then you press and hold and it does paste
I do not cut and paste……..matter for people to do their own research if they are interested or could be bothered.
Well I could be bothered and then I couldn’t find it
Here’s the guy from “The People’s Voice” mainstreaming Michael O’bama. Apparently this guy was in an elite private school which was infested with pedos so he has got an axe to grind.
For what it’s worth I can report the G666gle has flat out blocked “conspiracy-cafe.com” today and refuses to open it. If I try to open it on an old windows computer they will probably send down a bunch of viruses.
They claim the site has security issues but the G666gle chromebook was sold with the promise it would not get viruses, this is because you can’t install programs straight off the net. You have to download programs from their G666gle store if you want any. So how can they want to protect us from “security issues”, I bet I could open lots of perverted stuff but obviously I’m not going to try.
For some real fun not on the ABC or from our fake globalist warmongering mass media.
Who murdered NAVALNY? For those with common sense and knowing a little bit from reports over the last year or so.
Try rumormillnews.com reading room. 23 Feb 2024 at 23.04.32.
Separately; could it be that it was his lawyer on instructions🙀💁🏼🤣
All dealt with as normal.
Believe what you like but think …. Who lost……AGAIN? As usual.
OK. Most do not watch situation update commentary by Mary at beforeit’snews news .com people powered news. Well, they do not admit it?
It is a bit much for a normie to want to know…….OR TO FACE.
However, I promise you lots of fun toward the end from one hour. If you can manage the time on how we are ‘TAXED’.
So much beforehand to consider with news highlights not on your telalievision or heard on fraudradio services.
Great movie and the ticket is free.
Relax, all fun. If you listen, watch and wake up….GOOD. if you do not, do not whine when SHTF. Not my problem.
Wondering about Fuëllmich?
Rumormillnews.com reading room
24/2 01.43.22
About 8 mins from him
Attention D D.
10 mins was enough for me.Roseanne Bar with Decode at beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
Promo pic > the staring dog.
As we know! … something happens to them.
If you can last much after 20 mins 🙀 – it is too far out for this a ‘abnormie’.
But not surprising.
Bless you Ned. Thank you yes I hear you -always have–but it is COMPLICATED–and we always need to watch the whole “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” Title of my book.
Alternative 1
Alternative 1 was to blast holes through the stratosphere to release heat and pollution. This was the cover story; in actuality it was to pre-ionize the Earth’s atmosphere to prevent Humanity’s ascension prior to the CME (Coronal Mass Emission) and rapture (see the decode on Ascension and Rapture on Deep Dives). This was done by simultaneous detonations of atomic weapons in the Earth’s high atmosphere of the ozone belt in areas where few would notice: over Siberia, the deep Amazon, the Australian Outback & over both Poles. This was the cause of the ozone holes (not human ground vehicular and other human causes, as reported by the Fake News Networks).
Alternative 2:
Alternative 2 is to relocate the best of Earth’s population (slaves created to serve the Illuminati Satanic bloodlines, in massive underground caverns drawing fresh, cool air from the soil. Alternative 2, the DUMB/tunnel network, will be covered in the following series of decodes.
Alternative 3:
Alternative 3 was to build bases & major cities of slave laborers supporting the illuminati Satanic top families on the Moon & Mars. Many of these bases are connected to the Earth’s DUMB systems by portals – such as those in Dulce.
Alternative 4–“Yada yada”
If nothing else —go to 53 mins approx and listen to the shofar and the invocation. The sound of the shofar opens the Pineal Gland (50 mins)
I sat on the platform at Auschwitz Berkanow in 2014 and listened to the Shofar and I called out the names and numbers of my family.
Thoughts with Clif High– and Ned — yes listen to the Whistleblowers we are important in the bigger scheme of things.
Roseanne Barr–Knows about the power of the soul the importance of the feminine. It is complicated.
Thank you Ned—just keep going
Prayers to all
And a special thank you to Dee for this platform.
I did not continue with the interview but note your ref to ozone holes. I was told (G5) it was to get through the Van Allen belt to clear a hole to get to the moon.
No luck …… so for the moon live cruise🤣
I am off to Jim Willie when he arrives.
BIN ‘ J W : arrestingglobsl elite SATANISTS underground tunnels……”.
Skim to 6 mins to the black pussy.
Do not miss it. 🙏
Wake up⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️💀
Jim WIllie says he can’t work out and doesn’t want to know why Harvey Milei stopped over in Israel and converted to Judaism before he went to the WEF.
The answer is simple Milei must have got citizenship so he can get asylum away from Argentinians in Israel when he needs it.
Sounds very risky being Harvey Milei, what’s the worst case scenario ? Weren’t his policies going to fix Argentina ?
But what if he is going to hand over the entire place to the IMF and bring in the CBDCs. Well what would you do if you were threatened with years of exquisite torture where you were transformed into an unrecognisable, shuddering lump of meat with all sorts of electrodes, tubes and wires sticking out of you. You would prepare to go and live in your sumptuous apartment in Tel Aviv, too.
Jim Willie gets more interesting at 1:00:00, Rockerfellas spawning inside the CCP, do we have a clear money trail ???
Rockerfellas involvement in Asia goes back to the early 20th century at least and it’s documented with photos anyone can look them up. They just about half-own Bangkok with all the private hospitals there, very influential.
Refer the main story above the trial CBDCs are between China, Thailand and UAE. Rockerfellas are pushing hard on the “Climate and Health Solutions” such caring people, the world’s greatest philanthopists
So the CBDCs will be based on, not gold, not oil, you guessed it, on nothing !!!
JP Morgan merged with Rockerfellas’ Chase Manhattan Bank in 2000 AD
So the Rockerfellas Foundation shills for the Hothouse Effect while his bank races for the exit
The company’s oldest predecessor institution, The Bank of the Manhattan Company, was the third oldest banking corporation in the United States, and the 31st oldest bank in the world, having been established on September 1, 1799, by Aaron Burr ( one of the founding fathers of the USA ).
There’s those 9’s and 1’s again, harking back to the Knights Templars in 1119AD, the G666gle now likes to say it was 1118 but that is a technicality not the official date as I recall
All this stuff is virtually a university degree with the bloodlines, satanism and secret societies but covers the “(al) Chemical Marriage” which led to Scottish Freemasonry and wraps up with the American Fascists organising the McCarthy era MIC expansion and leading eventually to Donald Trump, Mossad pretending to be Russia etc
Yes Joe dots and threads to be seen and known and heard
“Harvey Milei stopped over in Israel and converted to Judaism before he went to the WEF.”
Raynor Johnson stopped over in Israel when he travelled to London with Ann Byrne Evelyn nee Edwards
There is a very big dot on the whiteboard with many threads of a multidimensional web
all roads lead to Rome but first via the Tavi
Geelong a “Tavistock Node” set up in 1947 –Shell Alcoa Ford
St Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church orphanages Asylums and wheat wool large estates war memorials and a white washed history a perfect foundation for what was to become known as the CULT of THE FAMILY mmm a hidden history
Mary can finish the analog story but I think not the digital AI brave new world that is for the time travellers
Well, if you are one of our federal politicians, one of our Canberra bureacrats or a staffer and did not take on board all that information, then we are wasting our money feeding you.
If you are a journalist and did not listen, go and do a story on the affect of climate change on the cane toad invasion, eating the crickets on the Schrab WEFers menu and how we will starve.
On topic re article —oil
“How Australia Was Bought and Sold – A 20 Year History
Kudos to Prime Ministers Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk for trying to stop the mafia invasion ignited in 1967 by a huge oil discovery south of New Zealand. “
OT (Ozawa recently deceased). We should do more to get to know Japan.
Any 26-year-olds out there? Please write to McLachlanDee@gmail.com so we will know you are in our audience. Thanks!
Ah. “The Maestro” The arts theatre educating the viewers through the machine.
Sponsored by Kelloggs is the DOT on the white board KELLOGG 1963 TELE VISION QUIZ SHOW Warner Bros Disney media –changing the brain through frequencies creating the genius the superb athlete the advanced race – the Mickey Mouse club animation –the News networks — creating addicted
UNILEVERS—I know a lot about Unilevers my Grandmother was in their employ and knew THE FAMILY.
The new global philosopher Yuval Noah Harari says, “we can become Gods” and that “AI will re-write the Bible.”
Basically, idiots as him in high places think that abominations such as LGBTQ,
race mixing multicult mass migration
mass murder with vaxxx jabs
micro wave radiation
senseless endless wars murdering innocent
the global warming climate change bs
the mass flood of boat people arriving at Kingsford Smith Mascot
carbon dioxide dangerous to life?
the CBDC slavery system
the push toward the merger of man with machine trans humanism
all built on pure BS, designed to create kaos evol and suffering in accordance with satanic philosophy.
The new age is total bs, promising everything delivering nothing but misery with teachings designed, now enforced leading souls to hell. We’re taken over by oligarchs, our governments overloaded with parasites and traitors WHO have tranceformed this once great nation into a communist techno tyranny run by central banksters, all owned by Zionists and slavemasons.
Pardon me for being so negative, in the light of a new day, probably my blood group O-.
Positivity can be within, 🙏 to the Almighty for redemption good friends,
“these are the days of miracle and wonder.”
Well worth watching for those with the time.
A story of our time. History repeats.
To Feel The Pain of Frida Kahlo (Full Documentary)
Any one know what has happened to Aussie and Mrs Cossack.
As of today 25/2 he is still posting on Telegram.
Aussie Cossack wraps up saying keep calm and wait for the russians, that is a version of “white hats” I hadn’t heard before
You said you don’t like links but here’s some anyway
A long video
A bunch of stuff
Anyone know what has happened to the publisher
A couple of articles late but Roger Waters states the obvious: the British ruling class are full of shite
“Former US President Barack Obama refused to press charges against the Australian journalist for this very reason, arguing that Assange’s activity was protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution”.
That’s what I thought but no-one ever says it and Elbow never will and Chromedome will never never ever say it, Assange is locked up for quasi-treason
So why is he fighting extradition to the USA where the 1st amendment would protect him ??? There is something dodgy about this, they keep using the crooked British system even though they know it is crooked, in the USA there is no case, you just plead the amendment. That guy Dawood Hicks from Adelaide I think was different, they picked him up in Afghanistan, claimed he was an enemy combatant. Why is he fighting extradition ???
Anyone had a go at commenting on Mary’s article overleaf?
Oh well, whilst we wait to be enabled, GIVE THIS A GO FROM A PRESIDENT’s grand daughter.
Joseph, your mate Thaw gets a quick ref back about ten minutes. I am up to thirty. Plus.
‘Laura Eisenhower exposes false reality and the hidden ALIEN agenda – higher journeys with Alexis Brooks’.
At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Just a life dot to put in the corner of the whiteboard💁🤪
Ant: EB: Have fun, our perceived existence might need updating, revised, understood and explained….. to cope🙀
Dianne D … Multra comes up about 40 mins.
Yes, who is behind this? Who’s financing it? The same perpetraitors that have led every communist revolution. The same money power behind mass genocide in ww2 and every other war. Sure bet.
Today’s woke have no idea what freedom is, with no chance of protecting it, as they erect their own prisons with flat packs from slave labour camps. We can only hope, a few will wake up and reject the programming in favour of truth.
We 🙏 for many to embrace Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Peace be with all good people always.
Whist I have trouble listening to Alex Jones and rarely do, I had him on whilst doing other things.
By God, he is all in with the truckers black balling NY.
The truckers phoning in did not hold back.
Do our politicians and weirdo lefties have any idea of a world revolution under way against their globalist control freak mates?
No way, same with the normies listening to fake media …..they are not game to tell the public because the mass media is most likely MOSTLY financed by the traitors.
Anything interesting that I missed on the telalievision tonight🤷🤣?
Well, it makes Mary’s article overleaf ripe for a newsworthy stir……. No comments there yet🙀🤷💁🏼🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 funny as….!
Running into a cocky Swissy from Zurich today, I worked Klaus Swab into the discourse, what a conversation stopper, quite funny
Theme for Assange 1st amendment mystery
ChatGPT: The Soul Eater – Nick Cave’s Emotional Letter – Read by Stephen Fry –
Something from before Windows 3.0 for the AI to get its head around
Even before “ms_DOS shell”
Having ruminated overnight my subconcious brain has come up with the following conclusion.
Julian Assange was being watched and the civilians shootings video he released was their excuse and cue to break in and go through his catalogue. Having found the suspect in possession of all materials initially suspected of, he was detained at HM’s pleasure, by psychological manipulations of a Swedish feminist (or two). Therefore he is being held for dealing in ( publicly unknown ) treasonable materials by inventing and promoting his dropbox.
We have a reported statement from Obama saying the 1st amendment would protect Assange in the US. Bradley Manning did the actual hacking and has now been set free by the state. Seth Rich crossed Hillary and that’s why he paid with his life.
So ostensibly Assange has nothing much to fear in the US and had even less to fear ten years ago, so why is he fighting extradition ? Only the Assange legal advisers know that. The answer is somewhere inside the head of his supermodel lawyer. If anyone can get the answer out I would like to know.