Home Corona Before Accepting the “Jab” Please Consider What Some of The Best Doctors...

Before Accepting the “Jab” Please Consider What Some of The Best Doctors and Scientists Have To Say


Editor’s note [DM]: We present here a few interviews on Covid-19 vaccines — information that is not being put forward by governments and the mainstream media. Gumshoe readers, I will use this post to continue to add the very best videos, so please make further suggestions so I can continue to add/replace videos to the article. This link can then be recommended to people that might be considering the jab because they want to travel or submit to work or social pressures.

Let me start with the former Pfizer VP.

Dr Michael Yeadon, the former VP of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, has come forward with the truth of the vaccinations, the truth about Covid19, the truth about the new “variants” that are being pushed onto us. The MSM and Fact Checkers are worried about this scientist.

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. gives a very measured response about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. He and a number of his colleagues have warned the European Medicines Agency. About 28 minutes in Prof Bhakdi talks about the immune system as an orchestra, and how the messenger RNA might forever disrupt the beautiful and magical synchronicity in your body.

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the virus and the vaccine including how it works & the spike protein impact. Also, he discusses the implications of vaccination for people who already have COVID-19 antibodies. The real question: why are governments mandating vaccines or pushing them? Have they just been bribed?

Dr Peter McCullough is interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich. Dr. Peter McCullough is an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University. He declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism and that the suppression of early treatments for COVID-19 “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”


Dr Robert Malone — inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. “We need to get back to science.”

What about therapeutics?

Dr Charles Hoffe explains the spike protein causing micro clots within your body, and that once this is in your heart, lungs and brain you are forever harmed.

Dr Paul Marik (working with four brilliant doctors), the legendary professor, with a South African accent is the second most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, with more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and books, 43,000 scholarly citations of his work, and a research “H” rating higher than many Nobel Prize winners.


Dr Pierre Kory MD of the FLCCC, the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, has now developed a prophylactic and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19 called I-Mask+. This protocol is centered around the use of Ivermectin. Senator Paul is part of the Hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment.”

YouTube has deleted the video where he describes varies studies, so I replace with this one:

Graphene Oxide

Dr. Jane Ruby is interviewed by Stew Peters on the results of Spanish researchers finding that each of the six doses of the Pfizer vaccine was 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide with only 0.00797% (6 ng) RNA.

Interview with Dr Roger Hodkinson.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews Dr David Martin regarding the German COVID-19 investigation in a discussion of patents.





  1. Many fail to consider, that when objections get raised about any ‘new’ and unproven product, that the easiest fear alleviating exercise is to break down what may be in the new and unproven product, so that those who may consider using the product, and to their advantage, will do so with confidence, and not be unwittingly coerced to use it through a contrived fear.

    So, why has the so called ‘vaccine’ against Covid19, which is really an experimental concoction of various ingredients, and so far untested, unproven, and therefore, non-certified by any government drug agency, being promoted, when the ingredients of such an experimental drug are not widely known by even the’promoters and the fear mongers, and that 99% of the population will recover from if becoming infected by Covid19 that the experimental drug is supposed to alleviate?

    What I have come to know via research, is that ALL of the brands of this experimental drug contain, to varying degrees, an ingredient that attacks every major organ in the human body to eliminate the body’s immune system over a period of time – the amount of time being dependent on the health of the immune system of the individual – and when completely destroyed, even contracting the common cold, will be lethal enough to cause the demise of the individual.

    That specific drug is called Graphene Oxide – one can do their own checking up on that toxic combination which is relatively easy to do without providing links.

    What should be obvious to the astute observer, is that there are now thousands of deaths recorded world wide from this experimental drug, and hundreds of thousands of varying degrees of injury, many being life altering, and that reaction to this experimental drug, is not being covered by government or the media. If this drug had been certified as a vaccine, and not an experimental drug, the roll out would have been made to cease months ago!

    India, no longer gives out the experimental jab,because of thousands of deaths it has caused in that country, and along with the Philippines, now administers, Ivermectin as a therapeutic, and with great success, and that our own governments banned from use during March, 2020, even though the time, the federal government’s own website, along with the WHO, listed Covid19 as just a bad flu or cold.

    What is now occurring is genocide, a Crime against Humanity, and I see Nuremberg Part 2 on the horizon. One may also look up the Nuremberg Code as to the legal use of experimental medicines and the implications for disregarding what is international law and listed as a Crime against Humanity.

  2. Dr Geert Vanden Bossche’s insights into mass vaccinations during pandemics are pivotal to understand the likely nightmare that is evolving.

    • However there is a printed debate between him and Yeadon on the Net based on Yeadon thinking and saying in various videos that the scariant variants are a lie.

      In one of them,he says any variant is only 0.3% different from any other but that the body’s immunity will swing into action given up to a 20% difference.

      Given that Montagnier seems to be aligned however with Vandenbossche, I am still waiting for someone to try to tackle these differences of opinion in a video or article.

      Another problem is that of the graphene oxide and how that fits in to any viral explanation, if it does.

      What we also need is a debate between orthodox virus people such as Yeadon and Terrain Theory men such as Andrew Kaufman or Tom Cowan, or maybe Dr Sam Baileu

  3. COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide nanoparticles through ALL of the Covid vaccines including the anti-flu vaccine. The masks being used and the covid test nasal also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation and damages the immune system by decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves causing the collapse of the immune system. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste and accumulates in the lungs generating bilateral pneumonias.
    Affect on Graphene Oxide by 5G

    These nanoparticles haver a certain frequency above which the graphene oxidizes very rapidly, proliferating in the organism as the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology.
    La Quinta Columna
    * https://www.orwell.city/2021/06/la-quinta-columna-5G-graphene-oxide-and-neuro-rights.html
    * The purpose of the introduction of graphene oxide is even more obscure than you might imagine.
    * a full-fledged attack of State bioterrorism,
    * https://www.laquintacolumna.net
    * Forbidden Knowledge

      • The expression is “to toe the line”, i.e. not to overstep a line on the ground that some self-styled Authority has painted or drawn. It has nothing to do with towing, that is, pulling a line e.g. a rope

  4. Part of the general sense of controversy probably comes from the fact we don’t just have the various brand names but also most likely tweaking for various different countries and the usual 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 etc “updates” we have come to expect from Bill Gates … in other words they are putting every kind of junk out there while they can get away with it. Our rancid MSM is still 99% on board.

  5. The other aspect of this depopulation agenda is famine. We have the GSM affecting the length of the growing season and the radical shifts in climate caused by the disruption in the polar vortex(s).

    Here is the Ice Age Farmer discussing the declining food supply. –


    • That’s terrific, Terry. Just before the 2 minute mark he explains that the empty shelves on supermarket is a psyop to make you grateful for the availability of soylent green. and lab grown meat.

  6. Depopulation agenda?!
    Bs , try GENOCIDE. A spade is a spade under whatever alternative name .
    Globalist planned depopulation over decades is a spade, it is genocide.

  7. • A Critique of mRNA Vaccines
    • Dr Ryan Cole on By Steve Deace Show – 25 minute video


    (A couple of weak spots when Steve Dean throws in the C word but overall very good – COVID is a non-event at best.)

    Featured here on The Herland Report

    • Big Pharma-Dependent Medical Professionals Are Hiding Facts on Covid Vaccine?


  8. • Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles [including Video]


    • Ten Actions Towards Vaccination for All – Global Vaccination Summit, Brussels, 12 September 2019


    Number 9 reads:

    “Empower healthcare professionals at all levels as well as the media, to provide effective, transparent and objective information to the public and fight false and misleading information, including by engaging with social media platforms and technological companies.”

    12 September 2019 – can someone please remind our collaborators in genocide such as that worthless hazzard clown above where this fits into the COVID timeline …?

    “Remember, we’re not safe ‘til we’re all safe” … FFS

    • I read the article & watched the video from your first link (thanks for supplying). They talk about Graphene Oxide having ‘mesh’ properties & the vaccine having ‘mesh like’ properties.
      Website: https://www.graphene-info.com/graphene-oxide-may-be-toxic-kills-bacteria
      Discusses all things Graphene related & this short article discusses how “Some scientists are concerned that Graphene may be hazardous and toxic – for humans, animals and the natural environment.” It talks about how Graphene Oxide nanoparticles ‘wrap’ around E.Coli cells (net them in mesh?) & effectively kills them. Which lead should me to the obvious question of does Graphene Oxide discriminate between good & bad bacterial cells?
      This article: https://www.graphene-info.com/graphene-oxide-gives-boost-new-intranasal-flu-vaccine
      Talks about Graphene Oxide being used as an ingredient for a new intranasal flu vaccine…….
      AND did you know facemasks are now being made using Graphene (G1 Wonder mask, PlanarTECH) along with industrial hand sanitisers (Graphenea)?

  9. Hey, fellas, we are losing focus here.

    Graphene and stuff, plus phenyl glycol and spike proteins…call a spade a spade, Its deadly poison… the point is, what are we going to do about it?

    272 Aussies died from the jab in 10 days. That tells us all we need to know.

    Proposition (1) We can hide in the bush until the troopers track us down and force the jab on us, as is planned in NZ. My initial response is that if we hide far enough away, the troopers will all be dead anyway. The problem is, not every jab is dinky di. Some tests showed that 1 in 3 are saline. Is this global. Dunno. But I would not put it past the bastards to keep soldiers/police healthy.

    Proposition (2). Form an army of rebels. Well I ain’t joining no army of academics or educated chaps. They are all talk. So what about soldiers, bikies, and unemployed working class kids. I will defintely join them, because they will fight. They also will not hesitate to kill every doctor and nurse and medical bureaucrat and politician who ran this little genocide.

    But how to form such an army of rebels, that is the question. Are we going to talk about this or continue the ooohs and aahhhhs over toxicity?

    • Tony, I have been doing this shit for over 1/3 of a century. I have to agree with you that there is no army of rebels, Crikey, if anything, there is an army of chickenshit cowards out there. They will betray you in a flash to gain status with the other chickenshits or the government hacks – been there, done that – oh so many times…

      I don’t pretend to know what the solution is, but at this late stage in my life, all I can seem to focus on is developing my land and growing food (that is going to be a necessity for the future).

      My hope is that as the impact of the ‘vaccine’/depopulation agenda strikes it will begin to wake up the dumbasses – if not, then it is going to be a continuous circulating of the drain until everything goes down into the abyss.

    • https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/australian-defence-force-brought-in-to-assist-with-vaccine-rollout-c-2271055

      Plenty more things like this(the link in itself tells the story) going on here.

      Tony, your spot on to identify that the batches contain different agents. Apparently the “hand” does not want to waste this opportunity.

      Its the legal force that has people cowering. They are not ready to go “over the wall”. Hopefully they are getting the timing right, the story that has this legal foundation, their convict forebears did not(time right)(thx Dana).
      As they mask for obedience, others break curfew and become comfortable with the right to “object”.(the blind can see).
      We, that are just down the track a bit, can sharpen,know their-self/know the enemy.We can be our own worst enemy if we don’t apply everything we are

      Its not over till I can spell and be cohearant.

      • I came onto Gumshoe re Mary’s article about Fiona Barnett and her disclosures- links to Cathy Fox blog and the MKULTRA sub projects that Steve Mc Murray also researched so comprehensively-I regularly referred to the Tavistock Timeline 2012 Agenda particularly in relation to Australia and my experience, Tavistock Nodes Cults Genocide Torture Theft. Think Tanks always linking with my personal story. Their Psychological Warfare Department/ Military Intelligence to infiltrate every aspect of every organisation institution –education, religion easy-medical and judiciary harder—employ a cadre of psychiatrists to be used as a weapon of mass destruction –springmeier told of this-

        What can we Australians do–what can we do now —well Karen Brewer has a plan– a big step –she tells us to put our boots on and come and stand in silence from 9 am on Tuesday the 31st of August – parlimentarians/ governor /attorney generals—–can someone post more information about this—–this is not about any one issue – it is about everything-it is a way to unite in solidarity –no more preaching—just commit to action –no excuses—stand in silence—–for those who can’t.- and those who have been working so tirelessly to shift the balance. And start spreading this as far and wide as you can–no agenda—no personal agendas—introduce those who are fearful and hesitant to join in. We need to shift the power share the beauty of the human spirit be humble strong and fearless.

        Just sharing something very important to my research, truth telling and my story.

        Pod cast

        Always feel heard by you simon– and the way you communicate- to “me-just me” you are always coHEARant

        • This Bob Montgomery, is like Harvey Weinstein, going under the bus, they choose the most insignificant nobody, make the sacrifice and problem solved !!!
          Then they congratulate themselves on “justice” while the rest of them carry on, a bit more cautiously for a while.
          But you already knew that.

      • SoftTale that tried too, tor it up.

        Great blast from the present.

        oy, gov, are we the bad guys ))

        31 Aug – only day I will shut up.

          • Could’nt quite catch their “patch”. Looked like it said;

            HRH Corporate Raiders

            Nice to see the goul before it attempted to come back a deadly virus

  10. Our government is run by freemasons, a satanic cult from hell, who make lots of money making people suffer. Now that medical martial law is entrenched, with associated goons and snoops, they are murdering with impunity, as the naive mass lines up for luciferace.

  11. Celeste Solum – Graphine Could Turn Us into “Something Unimaginable”


    People are unlikely to accept the drastic dystopian destruction of their quality of life envisaged by Agenda 2030. Covid vaccines containing graphene are likely a method to control us. “In a worst case scenario, you will be reduced to a slave with no will, an automaton.”

    ……….Researchers at the University of Almeria in Spain reported finding that the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine contains mostly graphene and no mRNA. (CONTENIDO DE LA VACUNA SEGÚN INFORME PRELIMINAR UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍA (odysee.com))

    Celeste Solum says that the implications of this could be dire since many governments are considering mandatory vaccinations for citizens.


    Graphene is a single-layer form of graphite, a nano-material consisting of carbon atoms arranged in a particular structure.

    Graphene is also used to make hydrogels, and has been researched as a vaccine nano-adjuvant, apparently to stimulate increased immunity.

    Graphene-based hydrogels (GBH) are currently being used for a wide variety of purposes, from sewage treatment to biosensor technology. Researchers are currently using GBH to develop capabilities for the 3D printing of human organs, as the World Economic Forum’s infamous “own nothing and be happy” video predicted will become widespread by 2030. World Economic Forum on Twitter: “This is how our world could change by 2030. Read more: https://t.co/rkhF5AdSZ3 https://t.co/9jf3XcmRG2” / Twitter

  12. Before accepting the jab, consider the fake statistics, the statistics are WRONG and everything is based on these WRONG statistics:
    “In summary, Paul Weston notes that the government figures show that nearly 20 million tests have been done. They have given about 423,000 positives. However, the “False Positive” (FP) rate for the test is said to be between 0.8% and 4.3%, so he suggests using a FP rate of 2.3%. The government appear to be applying this FP 2.3% to the 423,000 figure. However, this is not what the FP rate means – it should be applied to the total number of tests done. Hence, 2.3% of 20,000,000 is…. 460,000. This calculation fits well with what we have seen many others pointing out – the test is meaningless. Policy should be made on the number of hospitalisations, or deaths – not “positives.” But, of course, as the test does not work anyway, that, too would be meaningless.
    Finally, It is not clear to me what the “total tests” figure includes. It may even include plenty of duplicates, as some people have been tested multiple times.”

  13. w3.
    ta for the above stats. You will love the latest X22.
    It is all bubbling along beautifully on the great STING operation.
    (Some idiot doctor thinks the Sydney lock down will go into August)
    Too much to summarise, the naysayers can soak up their ignorance.
    Except some samples
    Class action against big teck and the poor fake mass media,,,,,,,,,,,, going down the gurgle hole per Rasmussen polls,
    NUREMBERG mentioned!!!!! 27 min mark, love it.
    Hunter ‘s paintings sold to the laundromat,
    What about the murder of Seth Rich who leaked to Assange.? THEY know everything!!!


    Pity that our dumb overpaid media, politicians and their staffers are not awakening as the population is,

    • Oh politicians know everything don’t worry, ignorance is just part of their catalogue of lies, their career-preservation strategies. We are all controlled by money / debt systems, via Swissy, Reserve Banks, Wall St banks, trade agreements etc.
      (the famous “3 sixes” for any young people who missed it

  14. Israel’s Ultra Orthodox Rabbi Says Covid-19 Vaccine Will Turn People Gay


    Maybe Rabbi Sore Ass is a little slow and can’t quite understand enough to keep up with the other rabbis, and doesn’t quite know that he is supposed to be keeping his mouth shut about the agenda to mass-cull Gentile humanity, as it is actually his own Jewish soul collective behind it all in the first place, but at least he openly acknowledged certain real truths.

    Maybe the other rabbis will have given him a heads-up by now, and a reach-around.

    https://moth man777.wordpress.com/2021/07/11/israels-ultra-orthodox-rabbi-says-covid-19-vaccine-will-turn-people-gay-comment/

  15. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/07/scientists-quit-journal-board-protesting-grossly-irresponsible-study-claiming-covid-19?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=3808e4fcab-briefing-dy-20210706&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-3808e4fcab-45926126

    “Several respected virologists and vaccinologists have resigned as editors of the journal Vaccines to protest its 24 June publication of a peer-reviewed article that misuses data to conclude that “for three deaths prevented by [COVID-19] vaccination, we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination.”

    Since Friday, at least six scientists have resigned positions as associate or section editors with Vaccines, including Florian Krammer, a virologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Katie Ewer, an immunologist at the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford who was on the team that developed the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Their resignations were first reported by Retraction Watch.”

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