In the film, Being There, the Washington elite (carrying the coffin of the President’s aide, Ben Rand) make the decision to put the dumb-ass Chance Gardner (Peter Sellers) forward as the next president. Interestingly the director, Hal Ashby, had this crazy decision played out before the pyramid with the all;-seeing-eye and the Rand (Corporation) — with the logo “Life is a state of mind”. (source YouTube)
Introduction by DM
Today is a minimalist post about the 1979 film BEING THERE starring Peter Sellers and Shirley MacLaine… and Joe Biden.
The film was directed by Hal Ashby, the fourth and youngest child of a Mormon dairy farmer. After a rough childhood and a divorce all before he was 19, he left for California. One of his friends was a young Jack Nicholson. The maverick filmmaker won an editing Oscar and went on to direct a number of dramas — including Being There.
If you have not seen the film, Being There is about a middle-aged, simple-minded gardener named Chance who has spent his whole life tending the garden of a mansion. After the death of the owner he’s ordered out and wanders aimlessly, discovering the outside world for the first time. He meets, by chance the younger wife of elderly mogul Ben Rand (who is advisor of the president). Rand gets sucked in by Chancey Gardner’s language — “stimulate growth” reflects the changing seasons of the garden. The President, on meeting Chancey misinterprets this as optimistic political advice and starts quoting him.
But his critics refer to Chancey as having “rice pudding between the ears” as he rises up to the pinnacle of Washington elite. After Rand dies, the elite decide that Chaney Gardener should be the new candidate for the people.

Biden and Sellers (Chancey Gardner) with the real operator behind Biden
I feel reality is now imitating art and fantasy.
How can the leaders of the world take Biden seriously? It is an embarrassment to the power structures; it’s an embarrassment to Western politics. While all media and western political structures attack Putin, the West is supposedly controlled by a dementia patient.
It’s totally insane — and it feels like I am watching the sequel to Being There.

Chancey Gardner walking on water (at the end of the film)
The official trailer
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Dee, Gumshoe’s inside advisor — G5 — has said that the real Joe Biden is not “there” today — a guy wearing a mask is his imposter.
If so, this must mean that the stuttering, confusion, and falling up the steps of the plane, are choreographed. Why?
“I feel reality is now imitating art and fantasy.”
It’s watching the sequel (with or without actors) It’s a movie for our entertainment
Want to think like a conspiracy theorist?
Any ‘abnormal’ knows that the Presidential pretender is not ex Biden,
the VP under Obama.
Clearly he appears as the Mr Gardener in the ‘being there’ film, I attended the film with a fund raiser for a political group in 1979.
One never hears any msm report the obvious. Why not, in view of all the evidence from Derek Johnson and reports from Charlie Ward. The alleged inauguration of the Biden was a Hollywood hoax and FRAUD.
Add G5’s information.
Yet the lying dumb MSM and ABC present as though it is all legitimate.
The credible account is that the military appointed Trump as the commander in Chief and tucked him away in Cheyanne mountain.
Besides the reports of the provisions for continuity of government, one has to wonder who is running the show and the ‘policies’. Additionally what is their purpose.
Another credible aspect is from Ben Fulford, for example, is that the Trump as a double/s. the clues are there in the clothing and whether the Mrs T is present durin public appearances.
Another conflicting signal is the cavalcade of security presented with ‘public appearances’ of a person. E.g going to court with ambulance running up the rear.
The above ‘signals/clues are credible in my opinion.
Now for the Real Conspiracy THEORY!
We ‘abnormals’ know that the US is being run into ruin….. allegedly with Obama and the head globalist running the policies.
Well the consequence are apparent. Every day as TRUMP IS PERSECUTED AND THE POPULACE ‘AWAKENS’ Trump’s success in November is enhanced. The public become aware that the democrats are traitorous globalist communists and the ripples should be apparent for the future of Australia and the world.
Think what Trump policies were when president. Sovereign countries. Out of climate alarmist BS, out of the WHO ETC. PLUS PROSECUTE, under law, the traitors, child abusers etc. a new world!
How to really achieve that?
Trump and the military could have gone in on the evidence that 2020 election was a fraud ( they had the proof) and arrested the culprits prior to ‘the Bidens’ hoax inaugeration.
The result would have risked a civil war and leave the US subject to UN and Canadian troops ( per Obama agreement with fellow ‘running dog’ Treadeu) remember that Treadeu had Chinese troops trading in Canada… see the video reports at the time)
There is much more that I have noted for many years.
Note at this time in the theory that in China there have been things afoot for xi to deal with the CCP. Xi’s father was subject to the CCP’s terror!
So the Chinese troops in Canada would have been on the CCP side!
Where are we? Well civil war with foreign incursions plus all those FEMA camps readied!
So what to do to save the US from Hilary and Obama’s plans for the One World Communist Government.
Well, take control as CC and let the commo plan proceed to an extent that WAKES UP THE POPULACE TO WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN And is demonstrated. How about a world war to cover the inevitable financial banker’s fiscal destruction. What is presently being attempted by POKING A BEAR AND ATTEMPTED DESTRUCTION OF RUSSIA …. With the US accomplished by Hilary, the Biden mob etc. AND THE GENOCIDAL INJECTIONS💁
Trump promote ivermectin and hydroxchloride. YES. HE DID.. the Zelenko protocols.
But he also listened to Fauci and put him up front.
In short all the killers were exposed!
Then the traitors were also exposed… the old mafia policy… keep your enemies close💁!
Well These thoughts are just from present thoughts and not drafted prior or edited nor proof read. I have wasted enough time at GS trying to get people to think out of the box and understand D day, for example. How many deceptions and double crosses did the allies apply to beat Hitler?
Just keep watching the movie, the landing will not com across the beaches this time… it is a different world?
I could outdo a MM epistle if I could be bothered.
Lump it or leave it, we just have to await the outcome and nothing anyone opines here, including me, is going to make any change to our destinies.
Not true it does make a change just takes a long time. As for Trump saving America, even in the most optimistic scenario, does Australia get saved too ?!?!?!? Somehow I doubt it and even moreso since Dicktator Dan got a nice job with Twiggy and a medal from KC3. Do the Australian people think they run this place, NO !!! Voting is just like choosing to drive to Coles or Woolworths. The publisher got picked up by Lara Logan and you can support the publisher by continuing to write some coherent perspective stuff as you have written above, it is also a handy antidote to the mindless and useless repetition of Plodgers with his RealRawNews rubbish, undermining your case. My case is, the best view is from on top of the fence. Trump and Putin are “likeable” but that’s no reason to support either or both. The inauguration was fake as was J6 but that’s no reason for anything to change as we have seen, with previous historical false flags, Gaza, 9-11, Tongking, Poland, Archduke Ferdinand ( the last perhaps not strictly a false flag ) etc.
So it takes ‘a long time’.
Fancy that!
That should explain something to the ‘impatient time Whiners’.
Even I spent two years on one conspiracy case with staff and two counsel.
And I only came in when the investigators had spent a similar time for and in a local court committal hearing finding a Prima facie case and one conspirator then shot ‘himself’?
Weren’t you saying it takes a long time just the other day ?
Actually if you think like the Globalists you don’t expect a return in this lifetime, it’s your legacy. I don’t want to leave any legacy carved in stone but contributing to debate is ok.
All eggs in the Trump basket!
Well done Ned. A lot of concerned effort and Truth went into that comment. From the lack of response we both get from those we are attempting to warn, I believe it now obvious that many on this site are going to have a very hard time trying to get their heads around, Full Disclosure, when it eventuates.
In Hollywood they have always been so close to the source that everyone knows something about what’s going on and the ideas go around and around and producers think they are entertaining and get them funded, in that sense these types of Hollywood productions are “intel”, a bit mangled up and with comedy thrown in, now their methodology has been translated into and borrowed by “reality”, the overlaps between theatre and reality are being blurred, conceptually and stylistically they feed off each other, and now “they” are promoting AI DeepFakes “we” will no longer be able to discern reality from fabricated nonsense, that’s the way they want it and they intend to control all of it, and make us into totally brain dead lemmings, we are collectively not very far from that already.
A Little Something for Martin
Heaps of good stuff for a scroll down Rivero’s
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com -new
On 16/6
If one does not take the time then bathe in ignorance!…. Especially the government and mass media ivermectin LIES AND MISINFORMATION in an Australian media report with a smart dog and the Cuimo lying brothers. ( remember governor Cuomo sent a thousand plus elderly to hospitals to die to knock up alleged COVID fatalities. Why are they still hanging around when they should be just a dangling around? Where is Dan these days? Oh he has a problem with a past motor vehicle accident, no not the stairs.
WAKE UP. Also see the video report on the lies on the NATO personnel LOSSES IN UKRAINE.
As for Dan’s traffic matter, even Hadley is on about that on radio this morning concerning Dan’s mobile phone calls at the time.
Correction re Cuomo’s elderly liquidation, it should be TWELVE THOUSAND … PLUS that I noted at the time and Trump’s hospital ship in NY and the hospital tents in the park were empty.
It all has to blow.
Don’t know why they can’t find a better actor to play Biden . Maybe the voice match is good ? Dunno , but here are some side by side photos of Biden & friends :
Allegedly you don’t see the real Trump on TV either , as he is reportedly holed up at Cheyenne Mountain .
Supposedly the trials and surrounding circuses are Deep State productions .
Sounds like we are on track now
All this doppelganger BS re Trump and Biden is just that and another element of the Kabuki theatre.
Definitely at least one fake Biden, and the real one has drugged and undrugged state
If you do not like the theatre there is always the ABC, SBS or the Globalist controlled msm for entertainment.
Well Hans, where have you been hiding?
Glad you have a show ticket.
If you have any spares, send them on to gumshoe, there are a few here who need them.
More on the prospect of WWIII. This is a time when an ounce of prevention is well worth a pound of cure. Although I have my garden, etc. I also have four months of long term storage food.
OK, here’s a BBC docudrama from the 1980s on nuclear war. WATCH IT! – Get a clue.
Jeez, now thats a wake up call.
My query has always been why has nobody with exposure to internet or other social media provided the information and photo proof that Hans has now done. Even everybody’s hero Dave from X22 Report is still jabbering about the “current Joe Biden”. But then Dave has continued the story of Covid-19, as well. Some are still saying that Trump never told the people to have the vaccine.
He warped sped the whole disaster.
In fairness it’s too hard for him to operate as a politician and take on the Holy Church of Rockerfellas MedicalSystem at the same time, likewise the MIC, there are not only fanatical beliefs involved but also weekly pay packets. I think Trump turning the tide of “Covid-19” would be like King Canute at the beach trying to do the same thing ( allegedly ).
Hiring, not just Fauci and Bolton but also Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, is the biggest mystery to me
The world is full of mysteries Joe, especially for those who cannot keep their skepticism under control.
Operation Warp Speed was designed to expose what needed to be exposed to the general public – well at least to those with at least one eye open.
Your problem if you do not watch and listen to Mary’s program today and the report at 47 mins.
Test yourself, remember the US debt clock going to zero , that I mentioned early last eeek going to ZERO?
It now has a bit more information: WHAT SHOULD BE THE REAL VALIE OF SILVER?
Answer the question so that we at gunshot know who’s is actually up to speed on developments?
Dig up this thripences💁🤪?
Well, my investment in Silver has tripled. I note some are now saying it will become even more valuable than gold.
Folbigg + Chamberlain
and here we be
how do they get away with it?
I know it’s off topic , but just wondering if it’s true that Tom Hanks died down under ?
Clif High
The phenomenon of “cargo cults” in the South Pacific, particularly during and after World War II
Matthew Ehret
In this week’s discussion with Mel K, we chat about the origins of the BRICS, transhumanism as a religion, the Trilateral Commission creation of Al-Qaeda, how the US economy became a bubble, the purge of US intelligence under James Schlesinger and Team B, how to think about China’s role in the great game, and the on-rushing drive for war with Russia.