Commentary by Dee McLachlan
Bill calls for “Germ games”… What a term!
2018 — Business Insider wrote this report:
“Bill and Melinda Gates think a weaponized disease may be the biggest threat to humanity — here’s how worried you should be
“The biggest global risk that Melinda Gates can imagine within the next 10 years is ‘most definitely’ a bioterrorism attack.” [Said in an interview at South by Southwest.] …It’s scary enough, she said, that she doesn’t like to talk about it… Bill Gates has repeatedly stated that he sees a pandemic as the greatest immediate threat to humanity on the planet.
“To prepare for a bioterrorism event, Melinda Gates said we should have an organization like the CDC but with an exclusive focus on bioterror, creating safety standards and monitoring the globe. Until that happens, that threat remains far more real than many of us realize.”
The Gates’ were onto it. They had gazed into the crystal ball and prepared us. And they are absolutely right — with the China virus bioweapon arriving in 2020.
Luckily, Bill and Melinda were so worried about a virus (a natural pandemic or bioweapon attack) that they organized a pandemic training exercise — just to get everybody up to speed (a few months in advance).
2019 — Event 201
“Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partnered up with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum to host Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
Apologies, let me rewrite that last sentence on the Event 201 website.
“The exercise will coopt public/private partnerships to dictate the response to cause large-scale economic and societal consequences in order to diminish the resistance to the global vaccine program.” (Dee)
Bill’s op-ed in Business Insider (19 February 2017)
Bill wrote this op-ed almost exactly four years ago to coincide with a Munich Security Conference, and I post extracts from this, and my thoughts in [] below.
“When I decided 20 years ago to make global health the focus of my philanthropic work [earning 20:1 returns], I didn’t imagine that I’d be speaking at a conference on international security policy… War zones and other fragile state settings are the most difficult places to eliminate epidemics.
“It’s also true that the next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus [sounds like the mRNA vaccine???]… or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu [Covid-19].
“The point is, we ignore the link between health security and international security at our peril. Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10-15 years. [You gotta be a little vague. A bit suspicious if you predicted … say 3 years.]

“You might be wondering how likely these doomsday scenarios really are… we would be wise to consider the social and economic turmoil that might ensue if something like Ebola made its way into a lot of major urban centres. The good news is that with advances in biotechnology, new vaccines and drugs can help prevent epidemics from spreading out of control. And, most of the things we need to do to protect against a naturally occurring pandemic are the same things we must prepare for an intentional biological attack.
“We need to invest in vaccine innovation
“First and most importantly, we have to build an arsenal of new weapons — vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics. [to fight the weapons created in the funded Biolabs.] Vaccines can be especially important in containing epidemics. But today, it typically takes up to 10 years to develop and licence a new vaccine. To significantly curb deaths from a fast-moving airborne pathogen, we would have to get that down considerably — to 90 days or less.
“We took an important step last month with the launch of a new public-private partnership called the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. The hope is that CEPI will enable the world to produce safe, effective vaccines as quickly as new threats emerge.” [as fast as we can get these viruses out]
By the way, CEPI was conceived in 2015 and formally launched in 2017 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. It was co-founded and co-funded with US$460 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Wellcome Trust, and a consortium of nations… In 2020, CEPI was identified by several media outlets as a “key player in the race to develop a vaccine” for coronavirus disease 2019. (from Wikipedia)
Meanwhile, Bill was preparing for the “emerging technology. So to continue with Bill’s op-ed:
“The really big breakthrough potential is in emerging technology platforms that leverage recent advances in genomics to dramatically reduce the time needed to develop vaccines. Basically, they [we] create a delivery vehicle for synthetic genetic material that instructs your cells to make a vaccine inside your own body. And the great thing is that once you’ve built a vaccine platform for one pathogen, you can use it again for other pathogens…

“Of course, the preventive capacity of a vaccine won’t help if a pathogen has already spread out of control. [Interesting! Prepare for vaccine programs of viruses that are suspected of coming.] Because epidemics can quickly take root in the places least equipped to fight them, we also need to improve surveillance. [We need governments to implement ‘medical tracking and ‘vaccine passports’?]
“The third thing we need to do is prepare for epidemics the way the military prepares for war. This includes germ games and other preparedness exercises so we can better understand how diseases will spread, how people will respond in a panic…
Event 201 scenario
But let us remind ourselves what the scenario was at Event 201. simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that leads to a severe pandemic. [Piggy goes to market] The “simulated” pathogen was modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible [just like Covid-19; 79% SARS with an HIV spoke]. From the Event 201 website:
“The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil [can’t be too obvious, we’ve already done ‘Contagion’], quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings… Although at first, some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced [Strange word to use. Do you mean it was introduced in the first instance?], and eventually no country can maintain control.
“There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease. [Any any repurpose drug that works, make sure it’s banned or limited.]
“Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.
“The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. [Opps not so effective.] The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90% of the global population has been exposed. [Whew, you did it Bill. Your mates sorted and designed the medical devices in hours.] From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease. [What pleas explain?]
Conclusory Note on the Plandemic Industry
I suspect we will have something like a Global Gates Game-Plan (GGGP) which will essentially replace all Ministries of Health of every government on the globe; connected to a global tracking system (via Microsoft), in partnership with the global vaccine industry; and with the global detection/anticipation disease centre, also coordinating with the bioweaponslabs, the virus developers researchers. Laws will be passed providing special powers over governments and further immunities for the good of the species. Special jails will be built for the enemies of homo sapiens 2.0.
Gates’ spiel is typical of a psychopath. He has actually recited what has almost come to fruition except the lab originally produced virus (corona type 2) common flu was the one that hit, not the imagined Covid-19. Thank goodness as the designed economic crash did not eventuate.
For those that missed last weeks announcement originally placed by crisscross767:
The following statements by Dr. Derick Knauss on the identity of the virus and on the failures of the PCR test are corroborated by numerous scientific studies including the WHO. See the text by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky at the foot of Dr. Knauss’ article *** I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test.
We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples. We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with.
We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can’t or won’t send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.
With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That’s because they’ve never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included massive election fraud to overthrow Trump.
Dr. Derek Knauss is a clinical lab specialist focussing on virology and immunology. He is based in Southern California
The piece above was suppled on-line by Paul Rus.
Thank you so much.
2021 should be a good year for lawyers, especially Sidney Powell I am hoping
If you believe COVID-19 is just the flu disguised.Think again.
More COVID-19 (or should that be flu)manifestations.
Excu-u-use me, Dee. Why did you byline the above aricle as “commentary by Dee” as if it is someone else’s work?
It is your work and is THE PERFECT GOTCHA. You have got Bill by the curlies, had he any curlies.
You have totally wrapped up the deal. I am at this moment in Ft Lauderdale airport going to the “Constitutional sheriff’s conference” in Houston. I will read your paper out to the mob of sheriffs.
Poor Bill. Poor Melinda. Surely they are robots.
It’s a good thing Gates has such a big mouth. Talk about composing your own detailed prosecution!
May I suggest this wording:
“Bill Gates, I’m citizen’s-arresting you for levying war against the United States. You don’t have to say anything. Indeed there is nothing left to say. You’ve said it all — as captured succinctly by the world’s MOST INSIGHTFUL journalist, Dee McLachlan. (Reference Feb 25 edition of GumshoeNews.com).”
On Topic
The speaker mounted a huge electric map of North America. He said things like this: “If you want to know where tomatoes are being grown this year, here it is.” Then he pressed a button and all the farms growing tomatoes lit up. “Would you like to know who was growing tomatoes 5 years ago?” he presses another button, and rather different locations light up.
He said he had data on every 10-hectare patch in the world. (I may have mis-remembered; he may have said 10 square mile but i think he said 10 hectares.). I was astonished and wondered how he could get all that info.
Today his counterpart in The Ministry of Sex could probably say “Would you like to know whose sleeping around with whom?” He presses a button and Voila!
“Would you like to see their sex habits 5 years ago?” — and so forth.
Good tripping MM
Hello Mary, have missed you. Go see Sheriff Mack he is my kind of man. Doesn’t mess with words. Two people in Australia that I think would be near his type are Bob Katter and Wayne Glew.
“The most powerful man in the world?”
That photo reminds me of a Jeckle and Hyde perpetrator I once new—
The mad scientist
“A lovely man”
Crown kabala slavemasonry is satanic communism.
The great reset to a new normal, is everything inverted/perverted.
This is not normal, it is the beast and dragon system from the bottomless pits of hell.
There are only two paths to live by, the middle way gone, choose with your children’s future at heart.
The only solution, for their actions, repeating.
Shut down all bsl4 factories worldwide, arrest and place all freemasons in gulags, close all central reserve banks and have sovereign nations printing their own money without charging interest.
The CCP have not come to our rescue, to save the world from poverty, on the contrary they are the bloodsuckers tools for world pluto-technocratic artificial insanity via the chip in the syringes.
Resist the jabs, with all hearts minds and souls, and tell Josh Scott and all masonic goons, no more bs.
The CCP are in all Oz capital cities, driving vehicles more expensive than houses.
Meanwhile, the locals jobless are being turfed out of homes that can never be owned by loans of usury, destined to ride pushbikes if lucky in the not so country. Traitors on all bases loaded, child sacrifice the ring that binds them all.
Thank you for research and reporting as is. So unjust how innocents are victims.
A beautiful caring nurse with a golden heart, murdered.
Rachel Levine, the new US health minister, is a transgender biological male and former pediatrician, a faggot wearing skirts and probably no underwear.
These are the types selected for the new normal.
Have nothing to do with evol. Resist by non-compliance.
10 Jews in Forbes top 50 billionaires | The Times of Israel
As in previous years, Jews are disproportionately represented on the roster of the world’s wealthiest, with 10 Jews among the top 50. (The list, topped by Bill Gates, ranks from richest to …
The anti-Christian – Synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9 & 3:9 Jews, the manufacturers of the Covid vaccines, crucified Christ.
The so called Jews hate Christianity yet use the Bible to make their false claims –
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…
3 Nails, Bill Gates: Third Shot May Be Needed to Combat Coronavirus Variants
………….U.S. vaccine companies are looking at making modifications, which Gates refers to as “tuning.”
People who have had two shots may need to get a third shot and people who have not yet been vaccinated would need the modified vaccine, explained Gates…………
Kosher Nostra: The Jewish Mafia
“The international Jewish mafia is, of course, thoroughly intertwined with the Jew World Order. From human trafficking and 21st-century slavery to “elite” paedophile rings servicing, and thus controlling, our Zio-puppet politicians, and from controlling the international drug trade (note that “coalition” soldiers are used to protect unprecedented opium and heroin production in Afghanistan, etc.) to war profiteering through organ harvesting and smuggling, these ruthless bastards have seized control of just about anything and everything, worldwide. And Israel stands ready, always, to welcome their synagogue of Satan brethren “home” in the rare event that they’re in the slightest risk of being thrown behind bars for a spell.”
Note that Rabbi Reichorn is speaking, above, well before the Jews gave us WWI and WWII en route to WWIII in our day and age. And note as well that both of the above damning quotes come from rabbis, the supposed spiritual leaders of our treasonous enemies within.
The synagogue of Satan makes no bones, whatsoever, about that their intention to rule over all of humanity and to enslave and mass murder us as part of their satanic quest. In any right world, the 99.8 percent wouldn’t simply stand idly by watching it take place before their very eyes, to say nothing of a disturbing proportion of these folk falling over backwards to actually protect those who, frankly, wish them — and all of us — dead.
Max Horkheimer
Vietnamese are over represented in bakeries and lunch bars, Thais are over represented in restaurants, aboriginies and african-americans are over represented in jails
Jews are over represented in the Catholic Church.
Whenever I see comparisons like that, instead of race being used, I wish I could see IQs being used. I’d expect there is a stronger correlation with IQ than the color of the skin.
For example low IQ whites would likely figure prominently in the prison population and may be similar to other racial groups.
STUPID ‘Christians’
5 Christian Billionaires You Didn’t Know About
Piles of riches didn’t turn them away from God.
“Bill Gates is one of the richest people on this earth, and he is incredibly generous with the money he earns. His organization, The Gates Foundation, is dedicated to eradicating diseases and helping the world’s most poor, and he’s committed to giving away almost his entire fortune. Part of the reason he donates so much is based on his religious principles. He said in an interview with Rolling Stone: “The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We’ve raised our kids in a religious way; they’ve gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. I’ve been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that’s kind of a religious belief. I mean, it’s at least a moral belief.”
The Holy See, located at the Vatican, in Rome, is ruled over by Pope Francis, a sworn member of the Jesuit order or the Society of Jesus and, as we shall soon discover, he is also a genealogical descendant of an ancient royal line with roots which extend to the inceptions of the Roman Republic and of imperial Rome.
We shall also discover, this ancient family has genealogical connections to the Windsor family (AKA Saxe-Coburg-Gotha/Rockefeller/Rothschild) and global business connections to a descendant of Alistair Crowley AKA Winston Churchill who, as it turns out, is a major investor in the aerospace industry.
Indeed, folks, “Francis” is not who you think he is.
It turns out, “Francis” is a royal prince of the Massimo family, an aristocratic and patrician family which, once, in the days of imperial Rome, was known as Fabii-Maximus.
As everyone shall soon observe, the history of the royal Massimo family is intertwined with the history of the City of Rome, with the genealogies of many of the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, and with the history of the Jesuit order.
According to Wikipedia, “The princely House of Massimo is one of the great aristocratic families of Rome, renowned for its influence on the politics, the church, and the artistic heritage of the city.”
SEE: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massimo_family
The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews : Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus
In The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews the author explains how Christians with Jewish ancestry (?) went within less than forty years from having a leading role in the foundation and development of the Society of Jesus to being prohibited from membership in it.
crisscross767, were you being factious regarding Bill Gates philanthropy? If he is sooo very generous, why does he require donations to the bill and Melinda Gates (Tax Minimisation Scheme) Foundaton.
Why do the vaccines(?) he invests in, pay him such a ludicrous profit? We taxpayers should be getting value at 10% of cost that our politicians push his way.
Facetious – I thought it would be obvious.
Now we’re all the full bottle on Gates-Fauci-Wuhan, on spike-proteins, on legislation to lock us up, lock-step us and surveillance us and inject us, on media brainwashing, on the plans going back for years and decades, on corrupt politicians etc.
Getting back to the unknown middle-term side effects of these experimental injections on the brainwashed guinea-pigs, according to Dr Sherri Tenpenny and others I guess, we are looking at an exponential increase in serious case numbers, of people getting very nasty incurable pneumonia etc from the injections but this will be marketed as new virus strains and the brainwashed will swallow every bit of it, and accept even more experimental product. The brainwashed must amount to at least half the population (50% above average, 50% below) so the epidemic is going to feed on itself and lead to a rising toll. The brainwashed will be begging for more and more experimental vaccines. They are too trusting / programmed to ever snap out of it. They will willingly die for their beliefs which is OK except they will be acting as mules, taking everyone else down with them. Potentially, these mules will set off a wave starting later this year and create a mania that will make 2020 look tame.
There’s a simple proof for this, and that is that BigTech and MSM and even governments have banned any information saying the injections may be harmful, in other words, they are showing us exactly what they intend. The brainwashed will never stop believing in MSM and everything they are told, they are totally dependent on the system anyway, they are not capable of any type of unassisted survival.
An ill wind blows favorably for some. I’ll bet there are going to be lots of job openings for undertakers and grave diggers.
I’m only 1/4 through this marathon but I have to pause.
The premise of this documentary starts out that Gates will control millions of people … etc is all very well, and to some extent he already does, since many people use hotmail as their point of access for everything … etc. But one line that should not be overlooked or underestimated from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is that the turning point was when Rockerfellas took over the medical schools. So I would guess Gates is more likely being used as a willing front and he is too confident to worry much about the risk he takes, of being thrown under the bus.
Just looking at the google images of Bill and Manlinda and “family” seems to be a lot of photoshopping / body doubles / plastic surgery I honestly cannot say what is going on.
Where are Rockerfellas these days ? ? ?
They claim after 146 years they are getting out of the family business, oh yeah
Dee, I watched the whole 4 parts of this doco today. It’s very informative, and leaves you with no doubt that Bill and Melinda are the number 1 behind 100% of this Pandemic.
It’s also an interesting insight into his involvement as a Eugeneist.
He is one sick puppy.
They needed their anti-science minions in key positions – in the US it is Fauci, in Australia it is Paul Kelly (et al) and in the UK it was/is Neil Ferguson – all carefully chosen and groomed for their same ‘human’ attributes.
• Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences
And remember this …
“In addition to these debacles, Ferguson has goaded the British government with outrageous predictions about the disastrous Foot and Mouth disease crisis – which sparked the mass-culling of farm animals during the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic which cost the country billions of pounds, with most rural areas never recovering from the over-the-top government intervention.“
• Insight: “Slaughtered on Suspicion” – Foot and Mouth 2001 & role of Prof. Neil Ferguson
To see the big BRILLIANT investigation, it is a must to listen from the 20 minute mark and understand how Trump helped the FBI bring down the Mafia from about 1980. He was a INFORMANT!!!!!!!
The poor Dems think T’s tax records will help them.
Cuomo is really in serious trouble.
(poor TV just does not know what a competent investigation entails)
The Gates model is, of course, everywhere you look, as spelled out in this 2014 episode of “Insight”:
It’s all about consolidating power by way of creating and sustaining a network of parasitical government departments and related proxies
“………….We also know that test results from various labs are not uniform. One lab will say the patient tests positive; another lab will say negative. This fact has been an open secret in the testing community for decades.
Strategy: A lawyer has his client tested at several centers, in one day, in different locations, in different states—knowing that a different lab will process each test.
If the tests come back with different results, sue the labs.
What would happen if, say, 50 lawyers and their clients pursued these two strategies and sued? What would happen if a significant amount of publicity surrounded each lawyer and his client?…………….”
Two articles of interest from https://www.LifeSiteNews.com/news/
US doctors propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to protect citizens from forced shots’ by Patrick Delaney
BREAKING: Israeli gov’t to share names, personal info of anyone who refuses COVID vaccine by Michael Haynes
Father of Anastasia Paluzschea is in the biometric tracking business (as noted on another page) so they are already in government in Queensland, and in WA the cops can hold you down and inject you, so who knows about SA NSW and Tas, what nasty little tricks they have in store there ?
Anastasia’s parents I am given to understand are Holocaust survivors.
You wouldn’t pick her for a survivor just by looking, there might be an interesting story there … better not speculate too much
Weekly News Update, February 25, 2021
25 February, 2021 By AVN admin Leave a Comment
Coronavirus Vaccines in Australia
80% of Chinese reject medical anal rape
Hours of info on this site –
Bill Gates Info – the Saviour of the World – OR IS HE????
Bill Gates info: For many years the World has regarded him as a philanthropist but over the years many layers have been removed and exposed the man for the individual he actually is. He was the founder of Microsoft and the latest version Microsoft 10 has been built with a back door for access even when your computer is turned off! Do you really want to allow this? Well you have no option if you use Microsoft! Together with his wife he opened up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Throughout some of the YouTubes and articles you will see his close association with Dr Fauci – the same Dr Fauci advising the US President. I have also heard on a YouTube how Dr Fauci assisted Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in becoming the Director General of the WHO!
From gov.uk 50 pages of AstroZeneka deaths and injuries for a couple of weeks in February, all sorts of side effects/symptoms including blindness, heart attacks, 200+ deaths
Catherine Austin Fitts – Planet Lockdown
All the basic stuff about the Great Reset etc then after about 20 minutes gets deeper – into the paranoia of “Mr Global” who plans to live to 150 years (as Joe Hockey was tipping a few years ago – anyone can’t remember Joe Hockey he was a slightly too truthful Armenian banking type married to another merchant banker, he used to work in Canberra).
More and more people are connecting the dots about this Plandemic. A New World Order using Covid-19.
When the US catches a cold Australia sneezes –
Obviously the new definition of a pandemic has been planned over many years.
Compulsory (forced) Vaccination Bills: 110 bills across 36 states (bills included by state)
H.R. 2232 Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015 (Introduced in House (05/01/2015))
NVIC: 2015 proposed Vaccine Legislation by STATE
Its worse, just listen and see for the first ten minutes.
Going to be fun when they force shops to include ladies underwear with the male underwear in the same rack!!! Shopping is definitely going to be more mysterious. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is really going on in Manaus, Brazil? Today, MSM is putting the fear of God into people. Can anyone offer a truly objective view with the facts PLEASE?!
There are no facts any more because the “facts” turned out to be lies.
But I thought the guy in Brazil was laughing off the scamdemic, so what IS happening ?
Newsletter 276 Our Genetics and Coercive Vaccination: This is Genocide
27 February 2021
Apologies, the previous newsletter we sent had an incorrect link to the webinar. Click here for the correct link.
Welcome to the first newsletter for 2021. As many of you may know my Vaccination Decisions newsletter was disabled by Mailchimp on 10 October 2020 after I put out Newsletter 270. This letter was titled “Proof of Causality for COVID19 Disease has not been provided: is this the Crime of the Century?”
UK Protest Video: Global Medical Tyranny – Dr. Judy Wilyman
After this letter was sent (8 October Australian time), I was immediately contacted by a scientific organisation to see if they could publish it on their website that reaches thousands of people. On 10 October 2020 I received an email from Mailchimp saying that they had disabled my account for breaching their Terms of Use.
No Proof of COVID19 Causality: Is this the Crime of the Century?
The information that I provide to the public is academic information from my research and it is provided for scientific debate. Mailchimp has not provided any evidence to explain how I have breached their Terms of Use.
I have now set up my Vaccination Decisions Newsletter on a new platform and I will be sending my Newsletters as Judy Wilyman PhD with Vaccine Choice Australia.
Vaccine choice
New Webinar Event 3 March 2021 with Dr. Judy Wilyman
It’s time for Australia to recognise that our medical freedoms have eroded, how to take them back and secure them for future generations.
‘Our Genetics and Coercive Vaccination: This is Genocide’ (link to tickets).
I would like to invite you to join me for a global webinar describing the science that has been used to control infectious diseases for decades. This is the key to understanding why we are not in a ‘Global Medical Pandemic’ as government health departments are claiming.
Instead, we are in a statistical pandemic presented through a narrative that is being controlled by corporations using the mainstream media, social media, and governments.
There are thousands of doctors, scientists and academics describing this medical hoax that is being perpetrated on the population. But, like myself they are being censored on all mainstream communication channels.
This collaboration between research institutions, corporations and governments has been exposed to everyone at Event 201 in October 2019 held at the John Hopkins University where the corporate partners described their plans for how governments should react when a ‘global pandemic’ was declared.
But the corporate partners, did not consider that in 2020 a pandemic is not likely because of the public health measures that exist in developed countries. An epidemic (serious outbreak of disease) is possible but not a ‘global pandemic’.
A global pandemic requires a virus to be causing serious disease in ALL countries and yet this virus was not observed to be causing serious disease in all countries before governments closed borders and locked down populations.
In fact, the cases of disease that the mainstream media was using to frighten the public into believing this was a ‘pandemic’ were healthy people who had been forced to have a PCR test – a test that is not able to diagnose COVID19 disease.
This test only identifies the virus (SARSCov-2) and in this case the test is not specific to this strain of coronavirus. Here is the Australian governments admission of this fact.
This has allowed Prime Ministers, such as Australia’s Prime Minster, Scott Morrison, to claim he has ‘saved us from a pandemic’ and that the directives he implemented ‘were effective’. There was no pandemic in Australia, so Mr. Morrison has not saved us from a pandemic.
We also have Premiers, such as WA Premier, Mark McGowan, similarly claiming that his directive to ‘close our borders’ within Australia has saved Western Australians from serious disease and death. These are completely baseless claims.
But the removal of scientific debate over the last few decades, and the lack of accountability for people denigrating professionals who speak against vested interests in government health policies, has resulted in a medical tyranny controlled by propaganda.
Here is my 7 min video titled ‘A Global Medical Tyranny’ by Dr. Judy Wilyman (29 August 2020) that describes how this global medical tyranny has been established over 40+ years through the collaboration between corporations, the WHO, governments and the mainstream media. Plus, social media platforms that are censoring scientific debate.
Thousands of doctors
In my webinar 3 March 2021 titled ‘The Loss of Health Freedom: Our Genetics and Coercive Vaccination’ I will describe the traditional methods by which infectious diseases were controlled by 1950/60 in all developed countries and the impact of genetics on health outcomes both from infectious diseases and vaccines.
These factors are the very reason why all the directives that governments have implemented to ‘keep us safe’ against COVID19 disease, are the opposite to how an infectious disease should be controlled. All of these directives promote illness in humans, and they are contrary to the medical literature.
This truly is George Orwell’s 1984 and the removal of choice in the administration of any vaccine or COVID19 injection, is genocide on populations that is being committed by politicians who have been educated with big pharma ‘science’.
Edward Snowden states that all of us can claim back the future we want by ‘not clicking OK’. These directives are ‘not OK’ and by continuing to comply with the government’s regulations you are giving your consent to the removal of all your freedoms. Stop and take action. Together we can do this! Here is Edward Snowden’s empowering 10 minute speech to action the change that we want
My Book Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom – is now available. This book describes the history of the control of infectious diseases in Australia and the reasons why the majority of the population have not been at serious risk from these diseases since 1950. I have also included an extra appendix titled ‘The Loss of Health Freedom in Australia’. This appendix describes the strategies that have been used in Australia to censor the public’s voice in public debates on vaccination and in the political arena.
The data on health outcomes demonstrates that children’s health has significantly declined as the Australian government added more vaccines to the government program from 1990 onwards. Government’s do not promote vaccines on the improvements in health outcomes in the population because health has declined in direct correlation to the expansion of the program. The government’s response to parents about this correlation is that this is a ‘coincidence’. Whilst correlation does not equal causation it is an essential part of scientific methodology that all correlations are investigated before vaccines are promoted to parents as being ‘safe’ and ‘necessary’.
Judy Wilyman
PhDBachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in: A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’ (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies), UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website: Vaccination Decisions
I suppose this description explains our predicament.
We are surrounded by Turkeys, sheep
are smarter.
That’s quite interesting to see what you can do to a creatures IQ, I presume by selective breeding, take something that’s naturally a bit stupid and breed it into total mental incompetence
I have to agree with ned that the most recent x22 (especially the 2nd half) is very information packed, especially why Trump put the army hospital ships in New York and then Cuomo didn’t use them and now apparently Cuomo is in court squealing on everyone and becoming very unpopular !!!
Another Young, Beautiful White Woman Killed by the jewish Vaccine
Within 5 days of vaccination, Sara Stickles suffered from the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine. As a result, the girl died from a brain aneurysm.
The sister of the vaccine victim, Jacqueline F. Gifford, monitored the rapid deterioration in Stickles health and shared the changes on Facebook.................
Do yourself a favour and study the Rockerfellas a bit
You might like to start here
Biden reinstates funding to WHO
Mentally ill NZ leadership fails to register HCQ & Ivermectin treatments
Dr Claire Hooker Video – SELLOUT !!!
Chuckles and ridicules people’s concerns for their health
“Vaccines from aborted foetuses are ok because the Vatican said so”
“Vaccine companies don’t make any money” (Bill Gates says 20:1 return on investment)
Every statement followed by cartoonish “rubber stamp” saying “FACT”
13 minute video on the de-population agenda –
I reluctantly have to agree with you the cull should raise the IQ, percapita GDP, and even the general tone, if these injections work as well as Gates says he expects them to.
Yeah, it is kinda weird when you begin to think the eugenicists might be on to something. – ‘If these cretins believe this crap then they’re too stupid to be breeding.’
‘So, you believe in face masks, social distancing, a vaccine to get your freedom pass and also global warming? No problem, step this way, we have a sure path for your future.’
At the same time by those people doing nothing to resist in its various forms is compliance to he Eugenic agenda
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