Home False Flags Blunder, DEI, Vax Mandates, or False Flag?

Blunder, DEI, Vax Mandates, or False Flag?


Comment by DM

To quote Business Insider: “Air traffic control is a complex system with many moving parts and no room for errors. The national air traffic system in the US is immense in both size and complexity, 14,000 air traffic controllers handle upwards of 45,000 flights a day across 29 million miles of airspace. It’s an intricate network that includes hundreds of regional and area control centers, each responsible for a specific piece of airspace.”

Considering the shifts required, there would be about 3,500 (of the 14,000) Air Traffic Controllers for about 90,000 landings and take-offs every day.

Everyone one is talking about the DEI influencing pilots, plus the admission of the disabled into the ATC work force.

But what about Vax Mandates? Is it true thousands of experienced ATCs decided to not take the Cov-vaccine?

That would have undoubtedly made a massive dent to an experienced and critical workforce.

Ending a Honeymoon?

At the back of my mind I have to consider whether this was a desperate psyop. There are 19,600 airports in America. How coincidental… the crash is a stone’s throw from the white house.

One would think DC (Reagan Airport) would have the best of the best Air Traffic Controllers — considering how many important people running the country use that airport. But then one of two ATCs are sent home that night — breaking protocol. Mmmm.

Then, as expected, a series of articles stream in:

“This was the week Trump’s honeymoon ended” by Eric Garcia.

“It was all very different from his first term… Every president enjoys a “honeymoon phase,” with some lasting longer than others. Barack Obama had a relatively long one amid the euphoria of the United States electing its first Black president… Joe Biden’s lasted until the U.S. exit from Afghanistan and inflation… But Trump already seems to show signs of weakness…”

WHAT! I think the presstitutes are still gasping for air in the wake of Trump’s astonishing Shock and Awe first week. In 10 days he has done more than some presidents do in a year of two. So a catastrophic accident… on his doorstep. What a perfect distraction.

This is the deadliest aviation tragedy in the United States since November 12, 2001, when an American Airlines plane crashed into a residential area of Belle Harbor, New York, shortly after taking off from John F Kennedy International Airport in New York City, killing 260 passengers on board and five people on the ground.” (Aljazeera)

And don’t forget the 4 planes on September 11, 2001 — a false flag allegedly killing many hundreds of people. There are reports of the planes landing and discharging passengers and drone replacements crashing into the towers, the Pentagon and UA93 in Pennsylvania.

Of course, I’m presenting a yet unfounded conspiracy. But that’s how this world operates. Fires in Los Angeles are not really behaving like normal fires and we’ve lost count of the number of false flags.

Kamikaze Attack

Some journalists are questioning whether the helicopter was remote controlled. Considering the drone activity this too is a possibility.

I leave you with Michael Jaco’s analysis of a FALSE FLAG — as a KAMIKAZI ATTACK:

I received this (email) from Gumshoe readers:

I agree with Jaco, it was intentional. I used to fly night river patrols called ‘Night Hawk’. It was easy enough to follow the river, while we were looking for sampans. I saw the flight path of the helicopter over the river, BULLSHIT. No pilot would fly such an erratic flight path, they were being controlled.



  1. Well the ‘banned site’ BIN; comes up with goods again with Michael JACO.
    Wonder why the ABC and SBSwill come up with🙀
    4.30 PM

  2. Dear oh dear, my comment about 20 mins ago is lost.
    All I observed the the banned site came up with Michael Jaco ….as logged in the article.
    Now at the banned site:
    Oh well have a peek at Ben Fulford from 1/2 and a theory on who they killed …. in the first two minutes.
    He then proceeds on how they are still trying to get us all killed.
    Well, that is their nature with their media running dogs covering up a famine with BS agendas.
    5.05 PM

    • BTW: after about three days the hens have roosted at the local Woolies with limits for ‘two per customer’.
      Poor manager: TWO EGGS OR TWO CARTONS?🤪🤷‍♂️
      Or two dozen?

  3. Relevant to the collision discussion for the home mad ‘cultists’.
    Real Mary at WTPN situation update on 1/2 at:
    beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    The opening, on DEI is up for grabs💁
    The rest, no doubt will have some interesting banned snippets
    For ‘cultists’ only.
    6.47 PM

  4. My my comment referencing reat Mary at WETPN AT BIN HAS NOT TURNED UP AND THAT WAS BEFORE I HAD MY DINNER.
    This is getting boring Mr Algy Rythem.
    In due course those who know will expose you r soles, just as Zuckerberg did.
    Some here also want Mary banned, it would seem.
    Well you will soon be old and in a nursing home – try from about 31 mins. At least as you die your only asset might be worth something to the desperate….. YOUR BLOOD. Well at least you might be able to save a child from being tortured.
    Rewrite your will: my blood and all profits therefrom is bestowed on my grandchildren…. But you might not have family, so your blood is for sale.
    Are you gullible enough to believe that the world is nice, so you do not want to consider a serious EVIL WORLD.
    Time is 7.48 so Algy:::> 🖕🖕

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