Comment by DM
To quote Business Insider: “Air traffic control is a complex system with many moving parts and no room for errors. The national air traffic system in the US is immense in both size and complexity, 14,000 air traffic controllers handle upwards of 45,000 flights a day across 29 million miles of airspace. It’s an intricate network that includes hundreds of regional and area control centers, each responsible for a specific piece of airspace.”
Considering the shifts required, there would be about 3,500 (of the 14,000) Air Traffic Controllers for about 90,000 landings and take-offs every day.
Everyone one is talking about the DEI influencing pilots, plus the admission of the disabled into the ATC work force.
But what about Vax Mandates? Is it true thousands of experienced ATCs decided to not take the Cov-vaccine?
That would have undoubtedly made a massive dent to an experienced and critical workforce.

Ending a Honeymoon?
At the back of my mind I have to consider whether this was a desperate psyop. There are 19,600 airports in America. How coincidental… the crash is a stone’s throw from the white house.
One would think DC (Reagan Airport) would have the best of the best Air Traffic Controllers — considering how many important people running the country use that airport. But then one of two ATCs are sent home that night — breaking protocol. Mmmm.
Then, as expected, a series of articles stream in:
“This was the week Trump’s honeymoon ended” by Eric Garcia.
“It was all very different from his first term… Every president enjoys a “honeymoon phase,” with some lasting longer than others. Barack Obama had a relatively long one amid the euphoria of the United States electing its first Black president… Joe Biden’s lasted until the U.S. exit from Afghanistan and inflation… But Trump already seems to show signs of weakness…”
WHAT! I think the presstitutes are still gasping for air in the wake of Trump’s astonishing Shock and Awe first week. In 10 days he has done more than some presidents do in a year of two. So a catastrophic accident… on his doorstep. What a perfect distraction.
“This is the deadliest aviation tragedy in the United States since November 12, 2001, when an American Airlines plane crashed into a residential area of Belle Harbor, New York, shortly after taking off from John F Kennedy International Airport in New York City, killing 260 passengers on board and five people on the ground.” (Aljazeera)
And don’t forget the 4 planes on September 11, 2001 — a false flag allegedly killing many hundreds of people. There are reports of the planes landing and discharging passengers and drone replacements crashing into the towers, the Pentagon and UA93 in Pennsylvania.
Of course, I’m presenting a yet unfounded conspiracy. But that’s how this world operates. Fires in Los Angeles are not really behaving like normal fires and we’ve lost count of the number of false flags.
Kamikaze Attack
Some journalists are questioning whether the helicopter was remote controlled. Considering the drone activity this too is a possibility.
I leave you with Michael Jaco’s analysis of a FALSE FLAG — as a KAMIKAZI ATTACK:
I received this (email) from Gumshoe readers:
I agree with Jaco, it was intentional. I used to fly night river patrols called ‘Night Hawk’. It was easy enough to follow the river, while we were looking for sampans. I saw the flight path of the helicopter over the river, BULLSHIT. No pilot would fly such an erratic flight path, they were being controlled.
Well the ‘banned site’ BIN; comes up with goods again with Michael JACO.
Wonder why the ABC and SBSwill come up with🙀
4.30 PM
Philadelphia plane crash marks a second US aviation disaster
Distraction for the MM NARRATIVE?
update to broken link
Warp Drive Physics – Plane Crash Videos
First 30 mins of Ashton Forbe’s livestream shows footage of crash in Philadelphia-OMG
Thanks a lot Sandra.
I will wait for Joe to explain it all too me.💁
Not following that story, I heard it was drag queens working in the control tower. The government told me not to look at tiktok so I have quit watching the evening news ever since and now I only look at tiktok. Don’t know anything about any crashes. Anyone tells me what to look at or not look at might influence the outcome of what I look at.
Have to pat a ‘fence post turtle’ daily to bring comfort and a tortoise brother to the rescue and carry a turtle away a day.
My kingdom for a homely shell!
9.45 PM
Majority has lost confidence in authority
Dear oh dear, my comment about 20 mins ago is lost.
All I observed the the banned site came up with Michael Jaco ….as logged in the article.
Now at the banned site:
Oh well have a peek at Ben Fulford from 1/2 and a theory on who they killed …. in the first two minutes.
He then proceeds on how they are still trying to get us all killed.
Well, that is their nature with their media running dogs covering up a famine with BS agendas.
5.05 PM
BTW: after about three days the hens have roosted at the local Woolies with limits for ‘two per customer’.
Poor manager: TWO EGGS OR TWO CARTONS?🤪🤷♂️
Or two dozen?
Audience Cheers After Rand Paul Delivers Scathing Diatribe Against ‘Submission’ To Vaccine Mandates
I’ve been looking at Rand Paul too, there was a split with Trump he seemed to be trying to fix up but the ongoing Warp Speed mRNA push is the bridge too far and Rand Paul won’t ever get on the Trump train. Will Trump ever do a back flip or is he waiting for others to send Fauci, Gates etc to the gallows. I don’t know, I only watch tiktok.
Try Real Mary at BIN – 31/1
She might tick your your cock and get some real time.
You stick to your hobbies and I’ll stick to mine
Dr. Robert Malone: Donald Trump is being swindled by Larry Ellison, mRNA vaccines and Ai | Redacted
Relevant to the collision discussion for the home mad ‘cultists’.
Real Mary at WTPN situation update on 1/2 at:
beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
The opening, on DEI is up for grabs💁
The rest, no doubt will have some interesting banned snippets
For ‘cultists’ only.
6.47 PM
This is getting boring Mr Algy Rythem.
In due course those who know will expose you r soles, just as Zuckerberg did.
Some here also want Mary banned, it would seem.
Well you will soon be old and in a nursing home – try from about 31 mins. At least as you die your only asset might be worth something to the desperate….. YOUR BLOOD. Well at least you might be able to save a child from being tortured.
Rewrite your will: my blood and all profits therefrom is bestowed on my grandchildren…. But you might not have family, so your blood is for sale.
Are you gullible enough to believe that the world is nice, so you do not want to consider a serious EVIL WORLD.
Time is 7.48 so Algy:::> 🖕🖕
Again; now Algie turns up
7.54 PM
Well, if your clock is out in time then move the hands to Mary.
Especially from 30 mins for a few, as your time runs out.
9.36 PM
The early report on that I heard claimed it was an Obama double that had been taken out .
Maybe to stop Barry from spilling the beans ?
Time will tell .
Says Trump has signed an exec order banning censorship
Dictator Dan’s hit & run update
The helicopter was NOT on a training flight. The aircraft type was not for training, it was for transporting VIPs.
Well Terry, that little gem shows that gumshoe trumps the ABC, SBS and the fake corporate lying lot.
Not to forget our politicians who love not knowing anything.
22.31 AM
So for all our Canberra ‘FENCE POST TURTLES’.
We pay them to be just a sunning turtle with heads out of reach with their brain stuck under their shells💁🖕
11.38 AM
That’s a great webpage, even if a bit dicky.
I’m guessing the theory is another warning shot for Mein Trumpf which he has cleverly converted to a boring mainstream social-conservative position. Trump will be down in his bunker under Mara Lago anyway, they can blow DC to the shithouse and everyone will be better off for it.
So my two replies are sitting on fence post💁
Dam, I lost my draft.
Anyway so will refer to Joe from just up a bit at 3.20 PM
This is for all the orange drinkers referred to and to shake a few turtle, fence post sitters.
be patient; you will not learn anything fiddling under the desk.
It is a hour long lesson.
“SGanon- urgent report – 2/1/25 ( sic) – SECRET OPS – DECODED.’ at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
For the lay normies, get our in-house Mary Maxwell LL.B to run up 5,000 words to explain it.
For those with some legal experience and some common sense applied with observing developments for the last ten years, then it is just a show. You should get it.
Just concentrate and listen for a hour, it will not be explained by the ABC, it is way over the heads of their intellectual understanding and the corporate mass media would rather just take a pill and disappear.
Now Joe, your last sentence about blowing up DC and everyone will be better off.
Hang on to your post now.
4.40 PM
Who said I missed anything, I have not used my spare time to torment turtles with antique rural practices.
Then you have followed Derek Johnson and the law of war manual with continuity of government!
Bloody hell, would have been easier if you had told us.
Then there is the 1871 legislation and the incorporation of the District of Columbia. Etc.
If only you had told us?
Oh and the federal Reserve private banks formed in 1917.
Shit, sorry for misunderstanding your role.
If only you had told us!
6.47 PM
Well I did tell you, the cannons, notettes etc and all your other stuff, you were too busy trying to initiate a quarrel, and now when I have shown you very interesting evidence of a miscreant in Trumps military ceremony a few days ago you have simply parodied the reality with a reference to some old Lee Marvin movie. You have a lot to apologise for.
I could not pick him and you did not explain his presence, in any case, as a miscreant. So I could only think of uncle Lee. Although I did consider Savolos(?sp) who rhymes with DAVOS.
Anyway I would be obliged for more thoughts. I am open to yours..
Oh, was it Derek in the background?
As for a apology , really?
8.00 PM.
Mr Thor?
Sorry to be truncated b a dinner call when I started my reply.
May I observe that fence post turtles are not only of some pastoral antique practice, could you mean myth?
Anyway, if one observed all the fence posts and ‘bullards’ surrounding our parliamentary feed nests, they surround in abundance, lying there awaiting to. be fed our lettuce.
They are no myth!. They can be identified by their presence.
7.47 PM
Hardly relevant,
But I may forget- a NSW number plate on V8 Ute I observed about 40 years ago.
Have never seen it since, perhaps it has been banned by the government bureaucrats.
Also low on relevance
Gates bunker with pressure sensitive floors security system
What a family; THE SIMPSONS AT 35 mins and keep at it.
What is it with the normies here? Do you lot have to be hit with a brick bat, no doubt you will not listen to Real Mary at situation update WTPN TODAY AT BEFORE ITS NEWS .COM.
Just turn on your tv.
Oh well, you have not relevance anyway, so it does not matter…. You are going to have face reality eventually, chose the brick bat or a feather.
Even the first item on Lahaina in detail in 2033 has failed to wake the orange drinkers…… one morning at Beckie you will be choking on your gullibility.
Do not whinge here? It is all on record!!
6.07 PM
Here is the miscreant in all his glory, watch his hand movement in the first 3 seconds
You can see the cameraman is sharp enough to line him right up
No idea.
Various interpretations/thoughts are possible leading to no reliable conclusion/decision
But miscreant?!!! That is a bit far fetched🤷♂️ unless he did not have a ticket💁
His RH movement could have been ‘a o’shit moment’ – ‘am supposed to have my hand positioned thus at this time… on my heart!’ (He might be a ………bricklayer🤪 but has not laid many)
3.38 AM
Miscreant is as miscreant does
It seems some Australian cops have grown a spine
After 12:00 Judge Helen Rofe QC was on Pzifer’s payroll
And who did not listen to Ricardo Bosi?
Bosi has been ranting about all sorts of things, I have listened a few times. I have no complaints about him. Why do you presume I did not listen to him. People have been listening to him for years. Unfortunately they don’t seem to want to vote for him … yet.
I could say “If I was in NSW I would vote for Bosi”, but that’s not true.
If I was in NSW I would leave, probably the same day I arrived.
What about Plodgers, what has Plodgers been doing apart from not paying his council rates. Plodgers should have reported this. What has Plodgers been doing ??? He’s useless.
I am honestly surprised at your constant and VERY unprofessional assumptions which are wrong. Do us all a favour and please desist.
Why are you so defensive, you were not mentioned?
Talk about presumptions, please desist, it is unprofessional.
You are not the centre of the universe. Just go find something else to ban.
8.52 PM
I might ask, are you OK, what the hell is that reference to Terry Odgers!?
Talk about being unprofessional, that reference is verging on some personal obsession that is hardly relevant to anything. It is just a bolt out of the blue. If Terry new or bothered about your suggestion and attitude/claim he might want to defend himself which he does not need to answer in any case.
You responded to my comment with a query typical of many others but you can have your denial, nobody is interested in this debate. I would like to stick to informative comment, not these nebulous types of challenges. We can all be grumpy, as conditions determine.
When charged with these crimes I would like them to be given the Martin Bryant treatment. That is all their assets to be confiscated so they can’t employ high end legal firms that will draw the court proceedings out over many years. All the necessary evidence is already collected so the court proceedings should be of short duration and sentences should be immediate with no appeal.
The Ballad of The Covid-19 Scam
The year twenty and twenty started as norm
‘Til the lying Pollies and main stream media
Created a panic and storm of a fatal pandemic
A pandemic of a disease that never was
Saw invented numbers of death spread throughout
With quarantine required and hotels fully booked
Fake tests approved and mis-used to produce
The numbers required as proof of the fake pandemic
Cars lined up for these tests bumper to bumper
For a pandemic of disease that did not exist.
Mandates galore were produced to maintain panic
Masks to be worn, shopping to be scarce schools to be closed
Stay at home, only essential workers and shopping staff
Only emergency hospital staff to be allowed.
A fake vaccine arrived February twenty, twenty one
Amassing real death increases in abundance
Still the Pollies weren’t happy, the numbers weren’t great
Not enough to depopulate.
Hospitals and ambulances were overcome to the nth degree
Though only emergencies were treated and seen
Even so the deaths and injuries were still on the increase.
Another three years of doses and boosters to follow
Before the penny dropped on the main population That the deaths were planned by their fellow man.
Worse is yet to come, cancer and heart disease in kids as well
Never before in such numbers seen, still births and miscarriages
Babies or mothers dying shortly after birth, oh Hell!
Death to those who planned and carried out this genocide
To come not soon enough for those who are awake.
This needs to happen so that again the same will not revive.
The Saudi connection to the Las Vegas Harvest Festival massacre October 1 2017.
Much more than patsy Stephen Paddock,guns and 60 festival goers murdered in order to conceal the real objective.
Jason Goodman and John Cullen: Was Jamal Khasshoggi Murdered for His Role in the
Another coverup to add to an ever increasing list.
Las Vegas Shooting?