Note from DM: These emails in from G5 today.
Kamala Was The Target
Dem FBI planted a number of pipe bombs on J[anuary] 5 for detonation the following day.
Good Intel adjusted them. A similar event to Obama’s Methane Clathrate Affair of 2015, and saving the entire Dems from the January 2019 shoot down.
On Jan[uary] 6, Secret Service moved Harris to a ‘safe space’ where a bomb had been planted.
None of the FBI planted devices detonated.
Imagine the escalation of the false flag, had Harris been canceled; to Dem’s benefit.

Russian Intel, Nord Stream and Nuclear
From Russian allowable public domain into the International Intel Community.
Russia knows everything within their interests.
The three current NS detonations are as the previous three.
A USN sub in the Baltic.
Personnel: the usual suspect confection; USN-CIA-SIS-Israel. Effectively US. About which I have written.
Russia has now closed US Baltic activity, as they have for the Barents, Arctic, Bering, and China Seas. The US now being restricted to rubber duckies in their bathtub, for being naughty.
Russia is capitalising on the US NordSream stupidity, by delaying the restoration of European delivery: amid winter.
Never any threat of WWIII as I have been writing and saying on radio from at least 2012. When the CIA clowns were first set loose with that agenda.
The owners of The US have well lost their current bid for the lands of Russia. The third attempt from 1812 and 1941.
Russia has moveable nuclear power. The US has somewhat fixed platform nuclear capability.
Russia knows precisely if a nuclear-capable vessel is within range. It also knows the moment silo covers are moved for a strike.
Russia will strike with hypersonics to destroy any attempted preemptive.
The US and cohorts have ZERO of the many technologies they tout.
The US et al are regarded as the petulant, uncivilised, clowns they pretend they are not.
Preeminent Russia and China; at this time in history; are a guarantee of a relatively peaceful and effectively free world. Contrary to incessant Americanist propaganda.
I would like to know what the money is to be used for –
Video: Beyond Insane, Jews at work: Pelosi rams through $1.5 trillion spending bill in the middle of the night!!!!
2nd October 2022
[There is insanely crazy stuff going on in the US Government. The hag Pelosi is wild in what she’s doing. A bill of 2,700 pages was put online at midnight and then everything was voted on in the middle of the night. Now Congressmen can’t modify it, and they only have an insanely short time to go through these crazy 2,700 pages. The amount of money being spent is an insane $1.5 trillion. It seems to me as if this omnibus spending bill merely relates to keeping the government running. This amount is crazy. It does suggest that the Government is in trouble. I’ve never heard of anything like this even in the USA. It is good that there are some more vocal Whites around who dare to tell the truth, like this Congresswoman. Pelosi is very corrupt. I’m amazed at how all these people in congress have got all kinds of business dealings. Pelosi and her husband have got business stuff. Nobody in Government should have any businesses while they are in office. I find this insane. Hitler would never have allowed crap like this. Rest assured, JEWS ARE AT WORK. The Jews must be stealing almost everything they can in America WHILE THEY CAN. This is very creepy. It might also show that things are close to collapse. That things are teetering on the edge. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Maybe the US is going to shout broke Australia a few subs and missiles –
US continues to build military presence in Europe – Because Europe must be killed
October 3, 2022
For months, the world has watched as the US and its NATO vassals take deliberate steps to draw Russia into a direct war. Russia hasn’t taken the bait… not yet.
The reasoning behind the militant actions of the US and NATO eludes most people. Sure, the whole “protect democracy” nonsense has been spewed endlessly and the suckers in the general public believe it, but slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people through war is never a good option.
So what’s the real reason for the massive eruption?
Ukraine has a well-deserved reputation as the most corrupt nation in Europe and probably in the world. Politicians funnel “foreign aid” money through Ukraine, then channel it through non-governmental organizations back into their own pockets and then into shell companies they control. So that’s one reason the rulers want to preserve Ukraine: it feeds their money.
Child sex trafficking is another reason. Ukraine is a literal center for kidnapped children who are forced into sex trafficking for deviant, degenerate perverts who infect the so-called “elite”. The upper classes of society have become so depraved, so filthy, that rich perverts love to sexually abuse children. So that’s another reason why the rich and powerful want Ukraine to exist.
The cocaine and heroin trade across Europe and to the US is highly lucrative and Ukraine is so saturated with illegal drugs that even their president has a reputation for being a cocaine addict. So that’s another reason why the rich and powerful want Ukraine……………..”
Too bad a good headline story was polluted as often the case by simplistic racial vilification trotted out without reference to substance. Genocides of races has happened over and over again throughout history and hasn’t achieved anything. Why is genocide again being touted as a solution to the world’s problems. Look to the promoters, they are filled with bile and hate, they are driven by their compulsions, they want genocide and nothing short of it.
I believe I am the only statesman in the world who does not have a bank account. I hold no stock, I have no shares in any companies. I do not draw any dividends.
• AH – March 27, 1936
The German Volk wants to have peace finally. It wants a peace that allows it to work and which does not allow international scoundrels to agitate among other peoples against us. These are the folks who make their fortunes through war. I have no reason to wage war for material considerations. For us, it is but a sad enterprise: it robs us, the German Volk and the whole community, of so much time and manpower. I do not possess any stocks in the armament industry; I do not earn anything in this war.
• AH – Munich, November 8, 1940
Kamala the target?? !! My BS radar is spinning out of control!!
I personally always thought she was “expendable”. Both Biden and Harris could be recycled as a false flag
Good point actually – maybe this has something to do with it …
(see first linked article)
Do China and Russia have private reserve central banks?
There in question answer lies.
Wars are good for business.
Matthew 12:23-30
24 Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by [e]Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”
25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27 And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29 Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. 30 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.
There is no possibility that Putin could antagonise Rothschild’s Banks in their wish to control the world if Rothschild had control of his finances.
Hitler copped the wrath of Rothschild also by abolishing Rothschilds financial control.
Ren (people) Min (together) Bi (coin) RMB or Yuan is the Chinese owned and controlled currency.
The BRICS Development Bank is a multilateral development bank set up by the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). These countries contain more than 40% of the world’s population, cover more than 25% of the world’s land area and account for more than a quarter of the world’s GDP. Headquartered in Shanghai, the …
they do have central banks, needs a cultural revolution sometimes. Russia, bit more than 100 years, certainly before that beetroot guy.
Give or take a decade, Chairman Mao and Prefect Stalin are remarkably similar to be Franko.
bankers wars for sure-wink
Kamal as the target, yeah I can imagine that. The moronosphere would willingly swallow that, she would be killed because she was a ‘Woman’, ‘of color’ (and mentally disabled). The MSM would run with that big time.
Heck, I wanted Kamlla to become President just to show what a total sham the American system was. A totally clueless, air-head, that gave blow-jobs to get where she was – what a complete exposure of what America has become.
The follow-up, “Even artichokes have a heart” LOL
I’m going to see what Jacinda hArdern has to say about Nord Stream II, ‘coz he is the only one I know I can trust for the truth.
Putin’s speech is the topical rage at the moment and I must finish going through it in minute detail. A few specific passages stood out to me about the indiscriminate bombing to German cities in WWII (as well as the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). A few passages had me concerned.
One place the speech is presented with full transcript is here my Matthw Ehret:
I left a couple of comments (you can go there) regarding the statement
“Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity.”
Putin also refers dogmatically, and rightly so – Bravo!! – to the issue of ‘self-determination’ and the ‘will of the people’.
Here is my relevant draft comment that I haven’t yet posted on Matthew Ehret’s substack article.
Putin quite rightly talks about self determination and the will of the people. I am a great admirer of President Putin and he has my total understanding and support regarding Crimea and the Donbass regions (as does President Xi Jinping on the question of Xinjiang and the other autonomous regions of China). If only you could hear my arguments with my TV-watching/brainwashed family and friends – and the flak I receive trying to explain the Zionist coup (Maidan) of 2014!
But in the interests of constructive dialogue, let’s go back BEFORE the ‘Great Patriotic War’ and at least acknowledge what ACTUALLY did happen in German Sudetenland (under Czech administration (Beneš) – October 1938) and German Danzig (under Polish administration – September 1939), not to mention the Saar region of ‘France’. These regions were ‘balkanised’ according to the horrendously inhumane Diktat of Versailles – I am not sure which sessions he presided over but I understand a certain Rothschild at the time chaired at least some of the proceedings and the likes of Bernard Baruch made strong representation as to how to divide up Europe following their successfully engineered WWI. Czechoslovakia was a contrived conglomerate state, as were the wider borders of Poland, which incidentally also encompassed many unwilling citizens of Belarus and Ukraine at the time.
The basic tenet of Wilson’s 14-Point Plan and the ensuing Diktat of Versailles itself was ‘self-determination’ (and the will of the people) but in fact the direct opposite was contrived and enforced via the ‘League of Nations’ – the prototype of the ’United Nations’. Make no mistake, Hitler emphatically rejected and was determined to unravel and negate the antihuman abomination known as the Diktat of Versailles.
• Hitler successfully peacefully negotiated the resolution of ‘Saarland’ (as well as the reunification with Austria) – in the name of self-determination and the will of the people.
• Hitler successfully resolved the question of Sudetenland (note the parallel with Putin and Crimea) – no blood spilt, no snowballs thrown – in the name of self-determination and the will of the people. No one advocated more strongly than Hitler for a referendum/plebiscite to peacefully resolve the final border with Czechoslovakia proper – re the grey areas beyond Sudetenland proper).
• Hitler conducted nothing more than a Special Military Operation (SMO – note the parallel with Putin and the ‘Donbas regions’) to resolve the Danzig issue – in the name of self-determination and the will of the people – while offering virtually unlimited compromises to give Poland uninhibited access to the sea port. This SMO took only EIGHTEEN days with almost negligible bloodshed – and then only military personnel. Everybody could have just gone home and gone about their normal lives but Churchill and his warmongering capitalist profiteers and puppeteers had other ideas. But for Churchill there would have been no WWII.
How we get from September 1939 – and Churchill’s war on women, children, the sick and the elderly – to June 1941 is another topic, but the second phase of WWII was never against Russia – it was pre-emptively against the threat of Bolshevism which at that time occupied Russia and threatened all of Europe – as the US is now occupied.
Incidentally, these warmongering capitalist profiteers/parasites have now turned their attention back onto Russia and to China – they control the ‘Western’ media. They want us to ‘hate’ all Russians and all Chinese – and I am having none of it. Here in Australia, Murdoch is doing his utmost to push this warmongering message of hate – it is vile and sickening.
All Russians, Chinese, Poles, Czechs ( – and Germans – and Americans) will get on just fine, as they have for centuries, if the parasitic elephant hiding under the spotlight in the middle of the room is confronted and silenced once and for all.
Oz is a puppet state of the zionist lowy murdock empire who have employed the ccp to use their one million slaves as the global factory sweat shop.
Now our children are forced to compete, by borrowing from the moneylenders, to compete with youth of CCP who have Oz handed to them on a plate.
Stupified we watch as our children’s babies are injected with mark of the beast.
Carry on regardless, nothing to see here just BS (beast system).
“Oz is a puppet state of the zionist lowy murdock empire who have employed the ccp to use their one million slaves as the global factory sweat shop”
Have you got a link so that I can verify that statement?
Who needs a link when you see 18 year olds driving 300 thousand $ + toys on suburban streets in Sydney.
The divide has never been greater than today.
For a better understanding how this place works, look up SmartCompany, leading us to hell with metaverse marketing.
Get the juice,
I’m sorry for offending some. There are good and bad, and in between, in all creeds and races. In village of birth, distant cousin (communist) confiscated father’s house and sold it. Dad never saw a cent.
Just because they may be in our varying tribes doesn’t mean we should protect them for criminal acts on innocents just trying to survive.
G5 writes: “Never any threat of WWIII as I have been writing and saying on radio from at least 2012.”
I wonder where one can hear G5 on radio? Who gets to hear him/her?
Yes indeed
However the conclusion goes back a long time, there is no winner in a nucular war, and that is why “Pax Americana” was so effective, limiting wars to small non-nucular states. Has one nucular power ever attacked another one ? Would they really do it ? Things like NATO and ANZUS were invented to push the boundaries even further. Now G5 writes off the USA military (as does PaulCraigRoberts) because of the shenanigans of US Inc but we need to consider the space wars which are well underway. Why maintain expensive major targets floating around at sea, so easily hit and destroyed, when you can have things up in space much harder to hit and they can float around over land too, spying on things and ready to launch suicidal surprise attacks.
How long would the CCP’s fleet last ? Much less than 24 hours I think
Good analysis, there. But I’m still wondering how to hear “G5” on radio? Has anyone ever done that?
You write: “Now G5 writes off the USA military (as does PaulCraigRoberts) because of the shenanigans of US Inc”
This leads me to wonder, relative to whom or what is the he “writing off” the US military? If the US military is a “toothless old paper-tiger”, then relative to what other military is this the case, and why, exactly?
On space-weaponry, I suspect part of the reason that there are not extensive space-armadas of weaponry in orbit around Earth “keeping the peace” is that, by various international treaties, it was agreed that space-faring powers wouldn’t do that. Certainly similar systems can gather lots of intelligence, and everyone capable of flying payloads in space pretty much does this, and why not? They are not weapons, but sensors. A grey-area is anti-satellite systems, and they skirt the treaty by never actually being “in orbit”. They are also classed as “defensive” weapons, to be used against something that is directly threatening a given country.