J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
Our newly generated CBDCβs will be sold on safety, basically, a blockchain arrangement where every cent is traceable from its first creation. With the increase in hacking and identity fraud, the public will rush to the CBDC database with its security and convenience. Just a small chip implanted next to the thumb or for the more fainthearted, iris recognition and all your account changes will be notified instantly via the hip-pocket telephone.
In old times native Americans used beads for money and this went on presumably for very many generations. When the Europeans appeared they brought counterfeit beads and paid for real estate and services with these beads, which destroyed the local economy.
The natives were not so much swindled as betrayed, the newcomers were not playing by the established rules. Now itβs happening all over again, money has been swapped for debt.
The money at present in your pocket and bank account is not sound money on a solid foundation of gold with sensible layers of currencies, bonds, shares and options on top, this is a popular imagining, based on various historical arrangements which no longer exist. The king, queen, or president on one side, as commander of the army, is your best guarantee of security but even that doesnβt make modern money sound. Modern money is not piled up like a pyramid or mountain standing in front of us, but more like an iceberg, with most of it floating underwater and just a little bit sticking out on top which we call currency.
The rest, which we can barely detect under the surface, is the huge attached debt.
For currency, we donβt use gold anymore, we use notes, which always represent debt. The debt comes from the state because they donβt want to pay us in gold. Debt is negative money, actually the opposite of gold because instead of anyone saving up gold to buy a house, one mortgages a house and takes on debt. The bank owns the house and oneβs deposit until one has paid off the mortgage, in other words one has sold oneβs future earnings. The bank trades in debt, which they call credit, not real money, such as gold.
The bank does not need any gold to leverage its loans from because it has so much debt owed to it. If it needs to, it can sell mortgaged assets and use that money to pay for whatever it needs. In fact, they do this routinely, bundling mortgages and selling them as βsecuritiesβ to pension funds and the like, for a profit.
Governments are unfortunately not the only ones recklessly printing money.
Private bank debt inflates privately, pushing prices up or more accurately devaluing the dollar, so that a saver cannot keep up with a mortgagee. Once the debt system is in place the mortgagees get all the houses and the savers wonder where their money went unless they saved in gold or another non-bank currency.
The inversion of βdevaluing the dollarβ to βprice inflationβ is deliberate, intended to mislead.
Money does not require gold backing when it is debt, the indebted provide the gold, in the form of their house, credit rating, and now, social credit score.
Russiaβs preparation for Crimean War II was extensive. Not only did they develop an ICBM that could travel and manoeuvre at Mach 17, they quietly rid themselves of US debt and started buying gold. When their Nordstream pipeline was bombed, they had a backup plan to sell oil and gas to China and India. Thus we see BRICS was first held in 2009, in Yekaterinburg, Russia, roughly north of Kazakhstan. It seems Crimean War II has been planned, I would guess, at least since September 11, 2001, and the re-acquisition of the Crimea obviously since the dissolution of the USSR on 26 December, 1991, in the middle of the first Bush presidency. President Reaganβs βTear down this wallβ speech was on 12 June, 1987, just prior to his βlame duckβ period.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made its policy to take on US debt to keep its currency low, to help exports and build their economy.
But China recently has reduced its US bonds (US debt) by 9% to under 1 trillion, so the US has to increase interest rates to sell more debt. China actually only owns about 3% of US debt — which totals around US $30 trillion. Two-thirds are in pension funds (collecting printed money as interest), while the federal reserve owns US $5 trillion.
Other US government departments such as defence and social security, also own some, presumably as a buffer.
China would be among first paid under the Republican (GOP) debt limit plan, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says. It seems Yellen is already anticipating the end of the Democrat ascendancy, or dead cat bounce, however it is perceived.
The GOP plan is to strengthen the Yuan to slow the Chinese economy, which is already about to go off the demographic cliff. The one-child policy started in 1980 so the last child of big families is already over 40, getting too old to be an army βgruntβ and hitting their peak spending capacity. Soon they will become liabilities. Perhaps a great war over the China Sea will finish off some of them to save the economy. None of the neighbours seems much concerned by the military threats.
Apple computer recently invested nearly $1 billion in Taiwan. Nobody cares about China. Their military technology is decades out of date.
Japan, incidentally, buys US debt by selling their own debt. Japanese debt is amongst the biggest in the world. Presumably they are partly retailing the US wholesale debt to entities who prefer JPY to USD. Why not buy debt if you can sell it and make a profit. Thatβs how the whole house of cards works.
On the other hand, Russia already got out of US debt and has been hoarding gold.
This means if Russia destroys the USA they do not lose their interest payments or investment.
Argentina and Brazil are working on a common currency, while Argentina waits for its BRICS application to be granted.
Will Russia let every BRICS country out of the CBDC debt trap and guarantee their protection, or will they simply offer a slightly better deal? Will a cold war develop between Zurich and Moscow, with Beijing and Delhi splitting off eventually? The BRICS compact relies on China and Indiaβs friendly relations, while the Anglosphereβs QUAD defence arrangement positions China and India as adversaries. Indian PM Modi appears to have sold out to the CBDC future while maintaining the best possible relations with Russia. This reflects Australiaβs bipolar dealings with the US and China.
Money can drive events and as we have seen, debt is the best money. It appeals to greed and it costs nothing, you simply leverage one customer against another. On the scale of Russia vs the USA, nobody can win so the military is virtually irrelevant. Both sides will require more money to stave off the other. Both sides will therefore be drawing on their clients to the maximum extent. In the end, we presumably end up with yet another duopoly, this one of equal, competing Military Industrial Complexes.
Thanks for insight JG O
I love the comparison of debt and the iceberg. PERFECT.
“Modern money is not piled up like a pyramid or mountain standing in front of us, but more like an iceberg, with most of it floating underwater and just a little bit sticking out on top which we call currency.”
And it sinks ships…
And it’s melting… losing value constantly?
And the idea of banks trading in debt, … uhhh credit
Everything is upside down and mind-bending
WHOβs next, βmeet the new boss, same as the old bossβ¦.β
The fiat money system is designed to fail. As money comes into creation though debt (mortgages, credit cards, loans etc) it relies on an ever increasing amount of debt creation in order to service interest. In other words they can only create $$$ which can be used for interest payments via the creation of new debt. Hence one of the drivers for migration is to bring in new demand for debt as they presumably start unencumbered. Private banks have literally been given a license to create “money” (ie debt) out of thin air. This has lead to some interesting legal challenges wherein the debtor can claim that no debt is actually owed the bank as the bank was repaid instantly (upon signature of the mortgage) through its instant creation of debt equal to the mortgage amount that it otherwise would not have….
Is something going to happen ion silver on Tuesday April 18th?
I have never heard of Bo Polny and his chart patterns
Interesting, Clif High is predicting something somewhat similar from his analysis of language.
I can’t get to that address except probably via
These gold bugs are getting all het up about the rising gold price but it’s only moving relative to inflation in general, we are told Rotschilds had the gold market stitched up long ago. What we need is a gold marketeer with a mint, we need silver coins. Anyone who isn’t familiar with silver coinage, you can test them by dropping them on a concrete floor and the jingle is unmistakeable.
So they are minted, then as soon as the authorities are comfortable they have been accepted (as “legal tender” ie suitable for payment of government bills), they start diluting them with copper and nickel !!!
The dirtbags dupe everyone every time.
Coin of the realm is just so convenient.
However a mini-mint buying silver bullion and stamping it out into tuppence, thrippence, sixpence and shilling coins should be viable if not impinged by tricks like GST.
Speaking of Rotschilds
E.R. on investing in China, predicts his alleged demise (as it happens, one month after ER2), CBDCs and firmly diverts interest from Climate Change to the weather, just as the royals divert interest towards tree planting.
As Joe Hockey blurted, we can expect to live to 150 soon. Demise suggests retirement with fiendish roues in the vampire castles and private islands
If you still have some of the earlier silver coins, here is a converter to tell you what the coin is worth in silver content, it also has gold coins (my gold sovereign that I bought for A$186 is now worth A$708).
That’s cute, personally I only have a rupee, probably not much bigger than a florin so silver value about $10, it has King Edward VII on the back so maybe it’s worth $20. And the little sixpence which for young people was the same size as 5 cents today, is worth about $3, perfect coinage for these days where most things are rounded off to $5 or some such.
Looks like nobody is ever going to guillotine anyone so opting out of the money system is the most viable alternative.
I didn’t watch the hanging of Saddam even though they were promoting it but I probably would watch the hanging of Macaron, expecting he would be kicking quite energetically.
Notre Dame burned down from the spire, top central, workers were blamed, event commenced timed exactly for evening rush hour Thursday before Easter, in anticipation of a massive Easter Rising type of protest.
I hate to think what the Globalists have in store for Australia, but we already know, martial law, forced injections etc. The suddenness and extent of the treachery is less predictable.
Here’s one of Clif’s audios where he discusses what he saw in the language regarding the collapse.
Also governments could print their own money jnto existence without the need to pay any interest on it (eg through a national bank). However that would deprive the powers that shouldn’t be of a huge source of interest and the rationale for taxing the slaves would be significantly weakened….
money is basically a contract of truth(i will dig u a hole next Tuesday if you can dig me a hole today-then we break bread on my coin because my back is better)
Apologies BUT re Simon link above
“At the time the children went missing, several witnesses told police they had seen them with a tall, thin-faced man with short, blond hair.”
Rachel Vaughan Testimony Gumshoe Dee Mary Testimony
Nellie Testimony My Testimony Fiona Barnett -Reina Michaelson
MKULTRA in Australia
“Rachel Vaughanβs testimony highlights the 1966 βDisappearance of the Beaumont Childrenβ case in South Australia, unresolved after half a century. It also raises serious concerns regarding the Mullighan Report, (a 600-page Royal Commission report of sex abuse against Australiaβs children in state care over four decades) where the names of perpetrators were supressed, and the truth locked away by the South Australian government for 80 years.
Rachel has put her life on the line to expose multiple murders and mutilations perpetrated by her father, whose organised pedo-criminal ring is allegedly still in operation today. Her testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJβs Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 1st August, 2018.”
Gabbi Choong Interviews–Focus on Australia
and some one ?? sent this to me —sort of on topic re the iceberg
“The global elite originally set up the parliament building in Canberra as their central seat of government to rule the planet. The US intelligence headquarters is not in Langley, Virginia, but in Melbourne, Australia. Central Australia is the base of the world’s major underground facilities, built as underground hotels where the global world can be searched and run. Below Canberra there are many levels of draconian bases accessible by submarine and spaceship landing in the lake in front of Parliament House (Lake Burley Griffen). Beneath the lake, they access the many levels that are below the Australian Parliament Building. Beneath Uluru (Ayers Rock) in central Australia is the world’s largest before dark genetic cloning lab. Located in Australia, Under Pine Gap is the world’s most important UFO surveillance facility used by the systems elite. Most children conceived in underground facilities are conceived in the underground facilities under Sydney’s suburbs and then taken to Circular Quay Harburg in Sydney and then crated via P&O Cruise Lines around the world to places like New York, LA , the Middle East and Europe for use in satanic sacrificial rituals, child hunting and adrenochrome harvesting. Australia has a MASSIVE underground tunnel system and is dotted with DRACON bases, all connected by major tunnel systems built over 200 years ago using draconian ET technology. Tunnels from Melbourne lead directly to Tasmania and from Tasmania to Antarctica. Tunnels from Sydney lead to New Zealand and Norfolk Island. Tunnels from Sydney lead to Canberra and from Canberra to Pine Gap and Uluru (Ayers Rock) and also to Melbourne. Tunnels from Perth (Geraldton) in Western Australia lead directly to South Africa. Tunnels from Darwin lead to Indonesia. MINERALS are mined underground under Coober Pedy in South Australia by ANCHORED HUMAN SLAVES and then shipped directly to Alpha Draconis. Australia is not what most people think it is. Australia was an important GLOBAL stronghold for the Dark Ones. The underground fighting was very tough. The Special Forces & The Galactic Federation have won and completely eradicated evil from under Australia. Now you also know why Australia was called Down Under β QSPARTANWARRIQRSWW
The Beaumont case pops up on M$M from time to time and today was one such time, as if to keep reminding us that we don’t know anything and can’t know anything, lights out, goodnight
From Rachel Vaughan -Telegram today
“Jim Beaumont, the father of the three missing Beaumont children has died.
I personally think SAPOL and the SA and federal governments have been waiting for the parents of Jane, Arrna and Grant Beaumont, the perpetrators of their murders, and all the witnesses to die before they finally dig the sink hole at my fathers former property at Stansbury for the children’s remains.
There has been a cover up regarding what really happened to these three children since the day they disappeared.
The timing of the Beaumont children’s fathers death, and the fact it coincides with a certain book that was recently published seems a tad ‘coincidental’.
Please sign the petition to exhume the children’s remains from my father’s former property at McIntyre Place, Stansbury, on SA’s Yorke Peninsula.
The blurb of the petition explains the compelling reasons to dig there.
The Central Bankers/Globalists/Deep Staters CBDC will fail – and rightly so!
It is was an evil criminal system run by a criminal cabal of Khazarian mafia who no longer exist – the Western Banks still in operation will all fail.
In fact, we are not that far from seeing it fail throughout those nations who are not on the BRICS commodity backed international monetary system, and that no single country controls because all countries on the BRICS now have a level playing field, not just on trade, but where it really matters in that one token of any country equals the same token of another participating country – in short- there is no exchange currency rate because all countries currencies are of the same value.
Stellar/QFS on Rumble, will enlighten anyone who wishes to see what is coming for those countries, including this country, who so far have rejected the BRICS path to the future for all humanity.
Feast of Moloch is starting about now, with the climax on Wednesday 19th.
I’m looking for tickets on yandex and duckduckgo but can’t find anything.
Well here’s Amazing Polly on Branson’s Islands and orphans thing he has with Zelensky &/or whatever. Very good investigations.
[From me:]
Was he in Swab’s YGL school ? Can’t quite recall.
We’re told Branson has no money now, he burned it all up on his space rockets.
Echoes of NASA !!! I think he also got out of Virgin Healthcare and the trains.
You might skip the first 4 minutes ( this video is from last year )
Senator Babet, a spirited, shortish speech well received
Central bank digital currency gives banksters power over all transactions. If they want to cut money off, they can. How then do you buy food and pay bills?
This is power we cannot let demons have. We stand to lose everything. We must fight these beasts whatever way we can, and the best way is not to participate in their system.
Most know nothing about this agenda for a cashless control grid. Realise everything is snooped and snapped by cameras placed everywhere, recognising facial features, even the way people walk, all digitally numbered.
Two classes only, those who control and those crushed. The web of control inside all bodies injected. This has nothing to do with health, but is all about enforcing control with vaxxx passports under the skin. It is cashless social credit system of slavery.
They should get themselves a tall guillotine and get off those Eurodollars.
Whoever in France is printing the African money needs to be taken hostage.
Q. Where are the cops A. Hiding in the cop shop
Oh here comes lots of cops after 5 hours, they must have bussed them in from Germany, they have “Darth Vader” hats, they are swarming in on certain unarmed individuals
Grab a few of the ‘automatic’ Guillotines’ that Obammy had brought into the States – several being placed at all FEMA camps that were positioned near closed Walmarts, that were turned into prisons, and had rail access right to the front gate – reportedly, one machine could kill up to 200 a day as well as pack the bodies into those infamous plastic coffins now a trademark of FEMA.
Rumor has it, that the ex-head of the FBI, James Comey, was dispatched into eternity at Gitmo, on one of those machines, on July 4, 2021.
France has their machines mothballed – just in case.
Little Napoleon is done – just a matter of time before his head is separated from his body.
The debt issue is a mere symptom of a personal supremacy crisis per the little illustration at 13 minutes:
The onus is on everyman to fess up like so;otherwise focusing on externals will do but inflame the situation
“do NOTHING but”
Meanwhile gadgets we really donβt need keep coming; mini drones in the air honing in to blow peopleβs brains, iPhones killing sperm frying cells causing cancer and now AI systems to control with CBDC. No one able to buy and sell without the mark.
No matter how they try and market it, they are selling us hell. A massive ongoing scam sucking common wealth, leading to enslavement via digital vaxxx passports, injecting nano abominations connecting to AI metaverse Gore Hill. The cashless control grid and cleansing of undesirables.
Vampires fear the daylight of truth and retribution from the woke, if they awaken, thatβs why they want us all dead.
Tribulation is drowning us like a flood.
Donβt buy anything smart. iPhone tracking devices emit microwaves weakening our bodies destroying brains. All this crap connects us to their net web of control.
The less we participate in BS, the better we will be.
Why is there an actor playing Biden (1 min)
Military tribunals maybe not the reason (2 min)
Awesome and compact
If you get bored with the Papuans jump forward to 11:30
There is a map of indo-euro languages seems to be showing areas around Armenia and Persia and Albania are the oldest hence “Caucasian” in origin is not far off.
The Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty (ended with Cleopatra and Alexander Helios) was from Macedonia, where they also speak Albanian, the mummies all have red hair.
A couple of minutes later the ancient inhabitants of Judea get the treatment.
I like the producer / presenter Robert Sepehr because the axe he has to grind is against pop-culture revisionism like Netflix.
This “Albanian Diaspora” seems to be almost as prolific as the Anglo-Scandinavian, these Albanians are everywhere, bloody hell what a mess
(3 min)
After Elbow, what’s next ?
George Orwell:
βAll tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.β
Our government weirdo nutjobs pushing the boosters on their ABC TV regularly and here’s the Vic freak from last week
The TV also advertising for G666gle Chrome download app to remember “all your passwords”, bloody hell they have worked out how to rob banks, you rob the customers
you tell me, wa-wink
wats old is knew again
McGollum conduct is appalling and we will all suffer the consequences
More Gulags, Bigger Gulags, Pay-to-stay Gulags
i saw that hollywood too.
luv a story, well
bit of copper wire and that grass platted aerial is reedy for directional business and not just to laugh your head off kuru style
all this, i get this waiting, by the side of the river
David Straight on “How to access your trust”
Stop paying bills etc., to US audience
If everyone in the USA succeeds with his initiatives the banks will go broke.
There was a guy Prince Leonard in Western Australia with “Hutt River Principality” or PHR, but he died fairly recently.
In case the webpage goes down:
On the 31st of January 2020, we made the very difficult decision to close the borders of the Principality of Hutt River.
Since that time, there have been many events occur that mean we must leave the borders closed at this time.
The property has been sold and returned to farming land.
We and our facilities have moved off site.
The website has been preserved in it’s state as of the 31st of January 2020 as a matter of public record and will be maintained that way for the time being.”
“Please note that we are no longer taking sales of any merchandise, stamps or items from the Royal Mint, and we are not issuing any entry/exit VISAS or accepting any applications for passports or licences etc. ”
It seems they had a cyclone and (?) maybe some crackdown on the sovereign citizen as they might be called. Media used to joke about him. Possibly was tax exempt. Threatened with invasion ?!? This is his son I guess:
“Date: 28 February 2022
After 50 years of standing up for human rights, our circumstances have dictated these many recent changes and last year saw our property being sold. It has been returned to farmlands. I have moved off site but I will continue to oversee the Principality, including our website. Our activities have been greatly reduced. My posts will reflect this and only when I have something to impart will I make them. I thank our subjects, officials, supporters and friends for all of their assistance, however now is the time to sit back and reflect on all that has been achieved. Be proud of your contribution. Prince Leonard was able to achieve these incredible accomplishments with a pen and his mind.”
Quite a hobby, lots of links to various other free spirits
Nanette G. Lynas
Without leaving the shores of our home land
We visited a Principality and shook a royal hand.
Prince Leonard was disillusioned by the rule of the day,
He owned his own property, but it wouldn’t pay
At the rate that the government wanted him to grow wheat.
So, he checked all our laws, which was some feat,
Then decided to proclaim his property a Principality.
After declaring war, which lasted two days,
The Australian Government wouldn’t change their ways
And the state of war was declared ended.
Leaving Prince Leonard to rule as he dared.
He is now recognized by foreign countries around the world around
And if you wish to visit there it’s easily found.
It’s 595 kilometres north of Perth and in a bit from the coast.
“It is also the second largest country on this continent.”
While there you can seed and hear many things,
The walls of the Chapel are adorned with paintings,
You can hear the full story from Prince Leonard, himself,
And from June to October the wildflowers will defy any artist.
There are souvenirs, stamps and money too,
And they will stamp your passport for you.
I admire this man who stood up for his right,
With the power of words he took on the Commonwealth.
Not a drop of blood was lost as he won his fight,
If only words would work for others in their great plight.
Nanette Gabriel Lynas
12th July 2004
Another interesting essay by J.G. Olsen.
Comment from a blog about David Straight:
It’s not about renouncement of citizenship. It’s about separating your Natural living human self from the “FIRST MIDDLE LAST” commercialized title in the eyes of the law.
There is ACTUAL legislation to back his claim such as the Act of 1871 which turned the United States into a Corporation. And HJR198 passed by the 73rd Congress. This piece of legislation that NOT ONLY removed the gold clause from the Constitution(Meaning the USD hasn’t been backed by gold or silver since 1933) but it ALSO Introduced Birth Certificates is thought to be seen as a legal title to YOUR PHYSICAL BODY. We are seen as collateral for all present and future debt.
He explains how your SSN is attached to a Cestiu Que Vie Trust which is used by the Federal Gov.t once your registered as a live birth. The Birth Certificate acts as a legal Title that considers you property in the eyes of the law. When your born you are licensed Bonded and insured just like any other asset. International Bankers and Wealthy interest trade these bond and they circulate and generate revenue from the trust funds of every single American
He teaches that we are all considered “Legally dead” in the eyes of the law because of it and explains how we are governed by maritime law despite being a living human being on land.
And much more i implore ANYONE and EVERYONE to AT LEAST listen to his seminar for free. He’s not out to get your money. I’ve researched just everything he said and found very little to refute his claims
Guys like Bob Hurt don’t want you to realize that as living souls inhabiting a human being we have a lot more power than we realize and guys like him treats any form of self determination and governance as a laughable notion.
Watch David Straight for yourself on rumble. Give an hour of your time. if you find yourself intrigued? Do your research. almost ALL of what he says is public record and easily looked up by valid sources.
Awareness Test