Home Media Britain is Burning

Britain is Burning


Two tier policing in the UK

Introduction by DM

Today’s post is about Tommy (Stephen) Robinson (the most lied about man in Britain).

I had heard of the mainstream media’s portrayal of this man from Lutton, UK, as an ultra right-wing racist-fascist. But underneath all the propaganda is a man that tried to get police to investigate the rape of young English teenage girls by Islamist gangs in the early 2000s. It’s the most extraordinary tale of two tier policing, and the powers that be desperate to keep the “narrative” alive and unchallenged. Free speech? Forget it. It seems the plan to destroy nations has always been the mission — and now after decades, the people are disgruntled.

These are several interviews explaining the most fascinating journey of how someone who stood up against the narrative. A canary in the coalmine of the New World Order.

Another interview:



  1. Does anyone remember what a ‘Briton’ is, or was? What being called a ‘Briton’ once stood for?

    Well, Stephen Lennon, AKA, ‘Tommy Robinson’, knows all about what being a Briton means, and the cultural responsibilities that being a part of British culture entails.

    He has been standing up for British values and cultural norms for almost two decades. His vocal displeasure with what the ‘ruling class’ has obviously, and deliberately done to his homeland, has put him in harms way on many occasions, and he has seen off many attempts on his life, and even that of his family, for simply exposing the agenda that is slowly destroying a country that was once easily recognizable as being British.

    And don’t kid yourself, that we don’t have the same problem here!

    Where was the Queen, and other members of the ‘establishment’, when Tommy was jailed for simply exposing, what the police and local governments were feverishly attempting to cover up – the rape, sexual exploitation and even murders, of young British girls – some as young as 10 years old, by Muslim grooming gangs?

    And to anyone unfamiliar with Islam, and what most sects of Islam allow its slavish followers, the Muslim, to act against those who are not Muslim, and who are dutifully part of ‘Islamic Jihad’ against the ‘infidel’, that, when Islam is permitted to settle into any non-Islamic country, then that country becomes part of the Islamic ‘Ummah’ and belongs to Islam.

    And so, you should consider this fact concerning Islam and Jihad. There is no criminality of the Muslim, within Islam, when he acts against the infidel, no matter what the action may be.

    Stephen Lennon is a hero and a British Patriot, and that is so very obvious to anyone who can be honest with themselves.

  2. Well, for those who are familiar with Clif High, take note at his site his examination of developments.
    β€œDiscontinuity: the line in time”.
    The promo has a depiction of β€˜Kamala’ (noπŸ€ͺ) on her bike in a bubble. Sorry!πŸ’
    For the normie seven minute laziest pick 7 minutes of the last 15 minutes and hear his assessment/prediction for REVOLUTION IN THE WHOLE OF THE UK FROM ABOUT MID JANUARY 25…. Government falling and maybe a good biff up in parliament. (Why he includes the Falklands is a mystery…. But somewhere else I note it is just the place for a prison/camp? – Argentina revisiting? ( my ?)
    Anyway, he says the tensions will affect Canada and to a lesser extent Australia and NZ

    Well, I suppose Joe Blow could predict something for the UK!πŸ’ Remember Charlie Ward has reported way back that foreign mercenaries were recruited and are on a two year contract and billeted out in 25 London hotels….. he has had that confirmed at the time.

    Just for MM and EB interest, there is earlier stuff about Jews and UFOs. One does not need a crystal ball to foresee that Elohim problem and β€˜The Gods’ belief system to explode. Time for β€˜WAKEYS’!?

    • Well, I listened to it again to catch up on some important aspects so you do not have to ……… , ………….. hate to spoil listeners with events and surprises to deal with and prepare themselve.

  3. So funny, the NSW co-called Liberal party failed to register 100+ candidates in time, now the guys responsible are public enemy #1, now the party will have to try to co-opt various independents at their own risk probably resulting in a shitfight between UAP and PHON and LNP, I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Party politics is poison and remote government such as Canberra is very nasty. Politicians can be popular if they do the right thing and if the lies from the M$M are curtailed. As it is the celebrity politicians are all widely despised and usually dumped as soon as they have qualified for their full parliamentary pension perks.

  4. You mean there’s other things going on in the world today ?

    Here in the good ole USA we are too wrapped up in Harris/ Walz fever , the sensations of the nation that have taken us by storm , according to our media , that we don’t have the time to do anything other than fawn over them all day and night .

    From manufactured CGI crowds to Kamala’s high energy happy time political platforms and soaring poll ratings , our media has us set up to either passively accept the inevitable victory of this dream team , or suddenly make election denying cool again if Trump should manage the steal and end democracy as we know it .

    Squad member Ilhan Omar has cruised to an easy victory in her primary amid no suspicious circumstances whatsoever .

    Despite beating her challenger by about 2000 votes two years ago and a big push by Minnesota Republicans instructing their voters to engage in the Democrat primaries and vote for her opponent in the rematch , Ilhan won quickly and easily and almost out of nowhere.


    Maybe we could loan out Kamala and Tim to Tommy so he too and Britain itself can be transformed by the wonder that is Democrat kizmet .

    We never knew life could be this good .

  5. These problems caused by various religions.

    Its amazing what religious people can interpret ordinary human traits into being either God’s or Satan’s doings when in fact all the good or evil on planet Earth is planned and done by us, human beings. Religious beliefs are a way for mankind to shift responsibility.

    If there was such a being as God, surely none of this massacre of both sides nor the innocent people either dying or suffering from cruel disease injected by the β€œvaccine” could have happened. If there is such a God allowing these atrocities, I want no part of him. He is no better than the alternative.

    • β€œβ€¦β€¦ a being such as God..” β€œ such as”?
      Depends on one’s perception and or definition of God.
      Bit like one not believing in chalk but another accepting cheese..
      Some believe in β€˜the Biden’ whilst others do not as β€˜their Biden’ is or was a distinct separate entity.
      I take it that you have considered the opinion expressed by C High that some religious beliefs adopted aliens out of earth as their Gods. HIGH REFERS TO THE ELOPHINS.
      Of course the Greeks and Romans had a whole family of Gods to select.
      Then there is the belief system of our indigenous brothers.
      How would you like a ride on the Rainbow Serpent?
      Then there is the world of the spirit to think about.
      Enjoy your world and be happy, it will only exist for about 100 years all up in billions of years past and future.
      So I suppose your existence is of no consequence in the scheme of things. Take up golf, race cars, do a circuit of Australia for example, be content and not worry about any thought of β€˜a God’, if there is none. πŸ™πŸ™ˆ

      • its not my belief, or lack thereof, that concerns me..

        its what others believe… for example.. pick a religion, any religion, all as good or bad as each other


        [2] Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

        • Exod.35.
          I am not a bible scholar.
          Pray tell, the recital you cite is that BC or AD?
          Have you any other references to such beliefs and consequences?. Anything similar from Christ?

          • Moses was a point-of-sword type of guy planted by the Pharaohs, the first 5 books are therefore dodgy

          • Up until that time God pretty much winked at sin , but man was taking advantage of God’s grace , so God had to get harsh about the rules so people would understand He expected them to be obeyed , and that for their own benefit .

            If I recall right , God asked the Jews two of three times if they really wanted Him to implement this system , and they being confident of their righteousness , agreed to it .

            The unfortunate byproduct of us being created with free will is that we are free to choose evil as well .

            As someone aptly stated , there is a high price to pay for low living .

            God promises to turn any mess around if we as a nation would turn back to Him in earnest , and there are Old Testament stories of Him doing just that , as well as societies doing very well as long as they stayed with the program .

            That’s an actual promise from Him too .

          • it is written.. everywhere AD or BC – as if that matters

            according to each preference of reading material, some just prefer to blame all muslims, for all the worlds woes, or perhaps each and every jew..

            i think hare krishnas have a lot to answer for if you want me to get particular

            if whoever christ is, actually indeed said anything, i want a signed stat dec. to that effect

            i also pay top dollar for a signed first edition of the bible too.

  6. State of the world.
    Australian flavour.
    “In a thought-provoking discussion, which will no doubt generate significant debate, Douglas provides a commentary on the state of leadership in the wider world today. He turns to the major flashpoints across the globe, and he assesses the rapidly escalating conflict between Israel and other parties in the Middle East and the Russian war with Ukraine, sharing his perspective as someone who has endured the horrors and futility of war. Douglas also evaluates the likelihood of an act of aggression by China against its immediate neighbours such as Taiwan in the South China Sea. Returning to the United States, Douglas emphasises the need for cultural unity and the successful assimilation of new waves of immigration into mainstream society. He also touches on the need to act decisively to reduce the burgeoning government debt and the possibility of emerging nations embracing bitcoin to curb the influence of the United States dollar.”

    • People should distinguish racism from culture-ism.
      What is wrong with culture-ism?
      Choose, go live within your culture, the world is full of choices.
      I recall form my anthropology lectures concerning the Solomon Island?
      As was.
      The women did all the work and the males just sat around.
      Marvelous, all that a man needed was EAR PLUGS in mixed company.πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

  7. I suppose it is a forlorn thought to refer anyone to Mary at situation update today at BIN and spend more than seven minutes, even from about 50 mins?
    So why should I care…… but I don’t, so Amen.

  8. Predictions corner:
    According to G5 Camel would be gone on the 19th, this now picked up by the M$M

    They’re starting their next 5-year-plan early, we are about to do it all again with monkey pox, this time you get nasty unsightly bumps all over your face to show you are diseased, and if you are looking for a cure there is only more needles, the serums can be developed in a day, there is no medicine allowed, not even Chlorine Dioxide which would fix it pretty quick, only needles allowed, and track’n’trace, border closure the lot. Forget the resistance, there will be no resistance when people see the nasty bumps on faces they will all line up for the needles. What a hilarious joke for our rulers, we monkey-people all get wiped out by monkey-pox

    • Lots of Africans in Britain so I’m shortening the odds on the deadly Banana Variant breaking out in London, cancel your holiday they won’t let you back in

      • Holes in preliminary report .
        Original body cam-only 5 (NOT 8)casings to the right of Cooks’ body/
        Butler SWAT shooter hit rifle stock and caused injuries not consistent with the head image.
        How was that shot achieved 100 yards away and from the ground.
        Final 10th shot by SS sniper took C out “with front to back” entry exit wounds.Again does not line up.This shot as demonstrated using head mannequins would have blown his head off.I think they are trying to imply that the image many have seen can be explained in this way rather than the shot from behind by a AR-15 style rifle.

        • Yeah, it appears the Butler sniper shot (I was wondering where his round hit) and hit the rifle butt, not a kill shot, but enough to stop Crooks. Then the SS sniper took out Crooks permanently with a shot from the ground (window?) (allegedly a front to rear shot).

          Crikey, covertly releasing Crooks body for cremation before further examination. Sure, that always happens in situations like this.

          There is likely pictures of Crooks body before he got turned over and then there is the autopsy report. Hopefully, either or both will eventually surface, but by then the ‘narrative’ will likely be that Crooks was hit by the SS sniper from behind from the window.

          So the SS snipers in the building waited 2 hours before leaving the building. Someone well known to them is sitting outside talking into a mobile phone. “OK, everyone has left, you guys can leave now.” – Speculation I know, but why did they wait 2 hours?

          • In my medical opinion
            1.β€œThe 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building. Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.”
            These injuries described are NOT seen on the image which shows his teeth blown out etc.
            2.If he had been shot by a SS sniper his head would have exploded as seen on several mannequin simulations using the same SS weapon at the specified range.
            Crooks was shot from behind from a window above Crooks using a AR-15 following Crooks’ 5 shots(only 5 casings found on roof)This shooter also fired the first 3 shots that hit Trump using the same weapon(also confirmed to inflict the type of ear injury when used in simulation on mannequin head)
            Where did the 10th shot go?

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