By G5
An America that is too afraid to deliver the irrefutable truth of its 22/11/1963 coup d’etat, and continues to incessantly promote False Flags as 9/11, and hoaxes as walking the moon in 1969/70. It attempts to rewrite its history, and promotes an inculcated Belief System for its deeply deluded population — so cannot be believed at any turn.
High Level Cover-ups
Beware: The Official Secrets Act, Issues of National Security, the broad brush of Terrorism, and all related confections.
In Britain, medical abuse led to sexual abuse led to high level cover-ups. It will all come tumbling down.
But only as the herds are distracted by great delusions as the very latest clothing: North Korea, Trump, Sports, LGBT, an imperative survey and chain obsession, which celebrity is sleeping with which other, reality TV, who wrote what on social media, and the saving of a cat in distress. You know what REALLY makes the world go around.
One scandal and cover-up leads to another. The syndrome of protecting the Institution and Public Servants acting in good faith. Individuals genuinely acting in good faith are stripped of their assets, have their careers destroyed, are demonized, criminalized, and even killed. Innocents being used as government statistics and traction of a Power Base. While Public Servants strut protected by State.
Broadmoor Hospital
Broadmoor (Psychiatric Prison) Hospital in England, has many stories to tell, since it opened in 1863.

In 1968, Jimmy Savile became an external ‘resident’, under the support of Dr. Patrick McGrath — Forensic Psychiatrist and the last Medical Superintendent of that Institution. The only positive thing McGrath had accomplished was disarming the internal guards.
In 1961 when Enoch Powell became Health Minister under Harold Macmillan, he spoke in The Commons (the ‘Water Tower’ Speech) of the horrendous Victorian Lunatic Asylums that still existed in Britain. Particularly Broadmoor with over 800 inmate-patients in a facility for 284. With beds on floors and hallways, accommodating both men and women — and from young teenagers, in squalid and putrid facilities. It was attended by violent and disturbed warders in black uniforms and peaked caps, and a staff comprising of no more than 2 Psychiatrists.
In 1987, Jean Trumpington (Baroness-in-Waiting to Her Majesty The Queen, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food), had Savile appointed to the Broadmoor Management Board — after which he was officially listed as Dr. Savile by both The DHSS [The Department of Health and Social Security] and Broadmoor.
In 1987, Brian McGinnis, Under-Secretary in charge of mental health, was replaced by Cliff Graham. McGinnis was listed as a pedophile — but was never charged. McGinnis was later responsible for forcing Theresa May to open an inquiry into matters linked to Broadmoor. Graham was a Savile operative.
William Hague had ensured that The Waterhouse Inquiry was a cover-up. Apart from Louis Mountbatten being killed in a bomb blast in Sligo, five other protected pedophiles were killed in another blast.
The murderous activities of Prime Minister Edward Heath, which I have previously detailed, are slowly flowing into the broader comprehension. One must make allowances for the quick of mouth to condemn truth and reality, lofty of self and slow of wit and comprehension. Or just ignore them.
In 1988, the Broadmoor Management Board was suspended. On the recommendation of Cliff Graham to Edwina Currie, Savile was appointed Overseer of The Hospital. Currie (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health under Thatcher) further ignored the evidence from the Prison Officers’ Association, that Savile was blackmailing certain staff members at The Hospital.
Currie is an interesting character. She had many personal sexual issues and confusions, that unfortunately guided her ‘Official’ decisions. She would have been more suited to be a patient, rather than being in charge of mental health
In 2002, Broadmoor was determined by an inquiry not to be able to maintain a safe or therapeutic environment. But it continued to operate without change.
In October 2012, Savile’s sexual abuse of patients was made known by both ex-patients and staff.
In 2014, The Lampard-Kirkup Report revealed that Savile had a personal set of keys for the hospital, including wards, and had unsupervised access throughout the institution. Although it was advised that he had the keys from 1968 to 2004 — they were not reclaimed until 2009.
Only eleven ex-patients had allegations of sexual abuse proven. The guidelines, excluded all existing patients. Two of the proven were subject to repeated abuse by Savile.
Under strict guidelines, children can deliver ‘Tutored Evidence’. Manufactured Paedophiles are gaoled. Real ones walk free. Alleged ‘Rape Victims’ don’t need to appear, and patients cannot complain.
Mental Patients in an institution are not to be believed, while the mentally deranged — who have never been institutionalized — are able to fling accusations without any disadvantage, or even facing THEIR ‘Victims’. In a study, I interviewed many imprisoned whom I believed innocent.
And of course the alleged ‘Raped’, many who appear on a serial list, are paid Victim’s Compensation. The art of the tutored amoral and aided and abetted learnt disengaged.
Many of Broadmoore’s patients were severely disturbed teenage girls. It was these drugged girls whom ‘Doctor’ Savile and his cohorts preyed upon.
And of course, despite all the witnesses and complaints, what was repeatedly presented over a number of years, did not meet the rules of evidence. And it was of no interest to the apparatchiks and their elected lofty ‘controllers’.
Before they were moved to a female institution, female patients at Broadmoor were forced to undress in front of certain staff and ‘visitors’. And this is the polite rendition of events.
Operation Elveden (payments to police exposed by Operation Weeting) revealed that Healthcare Assistant Robert Neave and Healthcare Nurse Kenneth Hall, had been paid for a number of years by ‘The Sun’, to deliver to it, the psychiatric records, of the more famous inmate-patients. A number of un-named staff were finally found guilty of various offences and gaoled. Their files were sealed.
The Affairs of Prince Albert Victor Duke of Clarence and Avondale, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill, Edward VII, Edward VIII, Louis Mountbatten, Edward Heath, et al; are not well known.
Edwina Currie served as Health Secretary from 10/9/1986 to 16/12/1988, when she was forced to resign. She sat in The Commons for a total of 14 years, and attempted a seat in the European Parliament. Her career in The Commons was one of a person deeply confused.
Between 1984 and 1988, she conducted an affair with John Major. Both were married at the time. On breaking up after exposure, she accused Major of being Sexist and a Racist. In The Peter Snape Affair, following a political debate, Currie threw a glass of orange juice at him. She lied about the incident, including the time and place, and even said he was drunk. Unfortunately for Currie, there were several witnesses, as it was in a studio, and the cameras kept recording after the time. She paid for the affair.
Another Bloody Coverup
The British Contaminated Blood Products Affair had some 80 requests for an investigation ignored. Dr Diana Walford, an exceptionally arrogant Mandarin, leftover from The Thatcher Era, was named as personally responsible for the deaths — knowing of the contaminated blood products. A vindictive and well-connected public servant. Two journalists investigating the affair, which links into protected high level pedophile rings, are currently listed as psychiatric patients.
Sick Willy (pardoned by Obama) when Governor of Arkansas, knowingly sold contaminated blood bought from inmates for drugs, to The Canadian Red Cross (The Arkansas Contaminated Blood Scandal). From there the products were sent around the world.
In America, one class action of 8,000 victims was settled in July 2006. $1 billion in compensation was paid to the families of victims in Canada. And Officers of The Canadian Red Cross faced criminal charges. In Japan one class action was settled on 23/3/2007 for ¥259 million. Three other Japanese class actions are pending. In May 2017 Scotland opened an inquiry.
On 11/7/2007 Lord Archer conducted an inquiry into contaminated blood and the British Government cover-up. The subsequent response being that the government will look at the matter. Even though in 2002, The British Government promised an inquiry and that evidence was being gathered — the UK Public Health Minister Caroline Flint advised that all files have been destroyed.
We have to remember what individuals contributed to society such as Savile in raising money for charities and Savile may well have kept the disenfranchised company and even if he had some perverted ideas many who had some involvement with him at least had some attention from someone that was better than say the guards, am sure the Queen had good insight into character and enjoyed his frolicking around and lively behavior as a interesting entertainer,
There are many far worst than our brothers and sisters whom are sexual deviants, many respectable individuals who ensure the commitment to militarism and the bundle of violence that are all part of keeping us safe from those who have a bad attitude or at least individuals such as the Tunisian leader that had a bad attitude to handing over the resources of his country to us.
Many individuals who having children decide that one or more offspring are not conforming to our expectations although the parents may not have sexual involvement with there off spring actually are involved with destructive and malice outlooks that victimize children unfortunately this interaction has no criminal aspects that can be regarded as criminal.
Don, there’s frolicking and there’s frolicking.
(You make your point, though.)
Re Savile and his Knighthood awarded – ” in recognition of their personal service to the Holy See and to the Roman Catholic Church, through their unusual labors, their support of the Holy See, and their excellent examples set forth in their communities and their countries”.
Roman Catholic serial pedophile Jimmy Savile was a Papal Knight of St. Gregory and was honored by the Order of Malta. He got many of his victims from a Catholic orphanage (self.RomeRules)
submitted 1 year ago by Veritas__Aequitas
Savile was honoured with a Papal knighthood by being made a Knight Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KCSG) by Pope John Paul II in 1990.
He had the Cross of Merit of the Order pro merito Melitensi.
Savile was a regular visitor at St Francis boys home:
The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great (Latin: Ordo Sancti Gregorii Magni, Italian: Ordine di San Gregorio Magno) was established on 1 September 1831, by Pope Gregory XVI, seven months after his election to that seat by the College of Cardinals.[1]
The Order of St. Gregory the Great is one of the five Orders of Knighthood of the Holy See. The honor is bestowed upon Roman Catholic men and women (and sometimes in rare cases to non-Catholics[2]) in recognition of their personal service to the Holy See and to the Roman Catholic Church, through their unusual labors, their support of the Holy See, and their excellent examples set forth in their communities and their countries.
The Order of St. Gregory the Great has four “classes” in civil and military divisions:[citation needed]
• Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the First Class (GCSG)
• Knight/Dame Commander with Star (KCSG/DCSG)
• Knight/Dame Commander (KCSG/DCSG)
• Knight/Dame (KSG/DSG)
The motto of the Order of St. Gregory the Great is Pro Deo et Principe (“For God and Ruler”).
That’s extremely helpful, G5.
Very interesting about the use of the Victim’s Compo Fund.
Once real law enforcement comes back into play, gonna be a lot of fun arrests.
The mention of Obama and Clinton. Can it get any worse.
I checked the Dept of Justice website and can’t see any Obama pardoning of Clinton:
Jim’ll fix it. Oy vey.
[…] [38] “The Broadmoor Hospital, Jimmy Savile, and other Cover-ups,” Gumshoe News, October 27, 2017, https://gumshoenews.com/2017/10/27/broadmoor-hospital-jimmy-savile-cover-ups/. […]
Some say that Jim spent 11 Christmases staying with Mrs Thatcher. Why did Mark go awol and why did she order the SAS to find Mark? How come Denis got rich? Why did our coming Monarch ditch his minder and stay overnight in Jim’s cottage? Not to forget the Mountbottom influence on the Prince Chaz. Some allege that Mountbottom’s massive lifetime collection of gay porn, with pics and comments on a lifetime of conquests, is under lock and key in the Brit Museum? Makes one wonder about the “IRA involvement in seagoing explosions” ……..