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Bureaucratic Grifters


Is Elon a “threat to democracy” or a “threat to the bureaucracy?”



      • Yes but what of what the US did in 2014 to chuck out the Ukraine government and end up with Zelensky and have the Minsk agreements that were broken by NATO, especially that Boris blundering in and sabotaging any peace deals. Zelensky was a comedian, still is and playing the village idiot for NATO.
        T was very reserved, possibly because his predecessors were responsible for the current mess and deaths.
        Oh well Canberra, what would you lot of bench sitters know? Just send more bushmasters and another billion…. Talk about village idiots💁🤪🙀
        At least I was watching in 2014 —- the snipers killing demonstrators and even police.😫
        10.07 AM

      • Very refreshing, I was waiting for Trump to tell Zelenskyy “shut up”.
        I wonder how Z has avoided assassination, the power structure in Ukraina must be totally separate from the general public, a layer on top with no interface with whats under, apart from official channels such as decrees, a few minions, handouts etc. I guess that’s what they all do but other dicktators are not sending the citizens to die at such a rate and so pointlessly. It goes to the elections here in Australia, how important it is to elect normal people like Rennick, Babet, Roberts et al. Otherwise we end up reliant on bullshit from the ABC and before you know it everything’s gone.

        • ABC-TV jumped on the story now just the same as Elbow jumped on Malcolm Roberts’ campaign promise to stop overtaxing dining out, Elbow transformed it into “no increase to beer tax” with himself pouring a horrible “Hawke’s Lager” from a tap.
          The Alt-news is so big now and the minor parties are so big now, the fake news and Unaparty have to jump on every emanation from the alt-news and minor parties. They are so scared of Tiktok they try to ban it. They are so scared of the jew commentary they already banned it. These pricks are so scared of everything they must be laying awake every night in a cold sweat wondering when their pedo tapes or dirt file comes out. No wonder they formed a Unaparty to deal with it. No wonder the crooked Greens is all on board when the ALP wants to ban the inquiry into Covid injection deaths and injuries. The Unaparty is now the party of murderers, includes Greens Party. Like hit and run drivers, in denial, covering up.

          • Well, no argument here.
            ‘Q’ forecast a suicide month.
            Note Real Mary’s thoughts on the Hackman demise in her situation update referred to below. ⚖️
            7.13 PM

    http://www.beforeitsnews.com – banned people powered news.
    Then go to the rumble link and turn off the sound when the ‘noise’ starts.
    Blood boring, only got to a few bees – with a iPhone- Baldwin and some lord and lady mentioned.i think I saw a BLAIR.
    Not a place for just a common Bogan or peasant expected to get an invite to.
    1.11 PM

  2. Oh, where is my link to the Epstein names Mr censor? At 11.11?
    Oh well Alex jones has more with his exposure, including why T kicked Epstein out of MAR A LAGO. Plus references to Andy etc.
    1.29 PM

  3. For those who want to appreciate what T is doing now, where we are at and understand the last 8 years plus a bit more, listen to SGanon’s ‘critical update of 28/2’ interview at :
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – banned people powered news.
    It is over an hour but much shorter than the 8 years I have been watching developments. How much time has the average commentator here at GS spent?
    5.17 PM 🤪

  4. Now let’s examine how much time the rest of the naysayers want to spend, understanding the situation at Real Mary’s WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FOR THE 28th of Feb 2025 starting with the Trump- Zelensky snippet of their discussion for 2.21 mins.
    Pity Albanese, Dutton, Teals, the bench sitters, et.al., probably have no idea what they have been, spending and doing and what our mass fake media have been supporting.
    IDIOTS🙀💁 do they want WW111 as asked by Trump of a comedian, YES and they want in🤷‍♂️ it is Canberra’s form to just be suckers.💁

  5. WELL, did everyone enjoy Real Mary with her WTPN SITUATION UPDATE REPORT FOR 28/2?
    http//www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news . Referred to above.
    Fun, was it not and some will understand why someone wants it banned.? FEAR!🙀🤪💁
    Oh well, one aspect explains a message I received about the Epstein list claiming it is just BS for lack of real names…. The important ones hidden! Even for Australia—- remember Senator Heffernan in about 2015?
    Some do not understand the game as understood with a comment at about 57 minutes for a few.💁🤪🙀
    That’s the way the investigative game is played.⚖️
    7.01 PM

      • To get with the play just listen to the Mike King and Ors panel at BIN LINKED ABOVE for 30 mins where I will close off.
        Note Kathryn Harrage and her role.
        Hey normies! Do you feel the drips? YET!
        Necessary for the slow learners, but really it is a simple game:

          Mike king from about 50 mins and continuing
          Just remember Dr Day’s address to fellow paediatricians in 1969 as recorded in the late 1980s by Dr DUNEGAN:
          refer: “NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER’ at ‘rense.com’ and here at GS by MARY MAXWELL ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO
          Satan is everywhere🙀💁
          Alight from your asses.
          10.13 PM

        • For hilarious fun spend the last hour on how Japan was built up from the 1840’s and was used to get the Tzar and family murdered by the communists and when done, dumped.
          So what is continuing now by NATO’s efforts for the same people running the show?
          Hey Canberra bench lizards learn the lesson….. when used, you will be thrown under the bus.
          Now what is their plan for Australia in the next twenty years? A really big bus💁
          11.23 PM

      Nothing light about what they did to Mr Gibson.
      Yes I noted it back a bit.
      Now Note MY COMMENT below from Bed🤪 oops.
      CANBERRA- Pull your small brain heads in
      7.07 AM

  6. 🖕 to the Australian government’s creeping censorship laws.
    Bad luck PM Albatross, Minister Rowland et.al.🤪 and your bureaucratic grifters.
    Go to
    http:// http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
    1sr March at 9.58 timeline
    Trump in effect is going to lock you out of his free country if you act like a mob of book burners with internet censorship.
    5.38 AM

    • My theory is Trump is delaying Ukraina because he wants cover while Gaza is being prepared for redevelopment. Look at Trump past statements, “I will end the war in one day”, “the way you get out is you get out” and “if Nato members don’t pay then Russia can do whatever they want”. Ukraina is not even part of Nato. The Donbas is not even part of Ukraina. Now he is trying to get paid via mineral rights. He is having trouble negotiating with mass-killer Zelenskyy because his position is that Ukraina has to pay to lose. Look on all the old maps before Kruschev, Donbass was not in Ukraina. Zelenskyy is working for a depop. His masters must be very happy with the results. A two-bit showman turning into a purveyor of mass death, like Hitler before. Meanwhile there is always something going on in the background with Zion. Bibi does whatever he wants in Gaza and reporters are not allowed in there or Westbank. As far as I know everyone is being injected with all sorts of stuff from Gates’ WHO. Bye-bye Gazans, you want to know the price of Mediterranean real estate, the new development will make Monaco look cheap, with oil & gas, potential new canal to the Persian Gulf, defence installations, something for everyone.

  7. I remember my Grandfather telling me about the hardships of the Great Depression. Standing in line to spend a dime (10 cents) to get a doughnut and a cup of coffee and a glass of water (a common tradition in America) – That was only the entrance, a dime

    The proprietor kept a big jar of catsup/tomato sauce on every table. The guys would drink half the water from the glass and then fill up the glass with the catsup, stir it and then drink it. – That was what they really came in for.

    The proprietor would constantly replenish the catsup, to keep the guys fed. It was cheap by the large cans and the guys need the nutrition.

    I also remember stories about the Hobo Jungles along the railways. Men out looking for work, traveling the rails in search of some sort of work and a feed. The Hobo Camps had a ethos/principle that if you showed up at a camp, you had something to offer. You wold stand outside the campfire and ask to be invited in. They would ask you what you had to offer. “I’ve got a potato and a carrot” – The vote would go around and if it wasn’t enough, maybe somebody that had run into you before could vouch that you were worth it.

    Hard times makes hard men.

    • Interesting.
      My mum use to recount desperate travellers and coming to my grandfather’s government farm leasehold (freehold by about mid 20’s)
      They could camp down the paddock and eat every rabbit they caught.
      young Mum would take down some potato’s and veggies for the stew.
      Terry, in ‘ them’ days there was no starvation on a farm🙀 the school teachers in town were given farmer’s family food voucher’s
      THESE DAYS, who would waste a food voucher on a leftie useless school teacher ruining our kids with their BS.
      9.34 PM

      • In Scandinavia austerity was normal and after eating dinner it was good form for the lower classes to always lick the plate

  8. Dianne,
    35 mins for a few re the Hackmans.
    We will win eventually over those who refuse to even think of those who challenge basic humanity and especially for our children.
    Normies cannot face it, but must they will …. The signs are there. Every moment normies resist to see reality, it is another moment in time for the gathering of children murdered and sacrificed to some weird belief system.
    Amazing that the denial is even a basic refusal to consider the signs.
    Well they who deny, by that stance must be complicit.
    Try real Mary at about 35 mins, situation update WTPN ON 1/3 at
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news – the land where normies dare not venture.
    BECAUSE THEY ARE GUTLESS or complicit.
    No apol’s 💁

    • I don’t know if Armstrong and others will be able to keep the US out of the war. The Deagle Report still had a big die-off in the US in 2025. The same for Oz with a 1/3 reduction in population.

      Armstrong recommends having two years of food on hand. I just finished another jar of jerky and rice for long term storage. The stuff should last more than 10 years, perhaps 20 years. In any case, it will be available for someone after I’m gone (provided I don’t need to eat it). I’ve also got some organic whole meal wheat flour from a health store. I’m going to make a couple jars of hardtack to also have on hand. I was surprised how satisfying a ‘Pilot’ biscuit (brand of hardtack) was when I ate it. One biscuit took care of my hunger. Hardtack used to be a mainstay of the military, the stuff keeps forever.

      Yeah, same old advice – Protect yourself, nobody else will.

      • Our Unaparty led by Sir Keir Starmer are all on board with more depop in Ukraina, at what point to the Ukrainians start a mutiny ??? They have nothing to gain. Sure we get a few shills on ABC-TV claiming to be Ukrainian and pro-war. Why would Ukrainians care about Donbass, it was Russian for probably 1000 years until Kruschev. Putin also at fault, ramped it all up, should have just installed a DMZ from the start. Swissy’s asset Putin slowly stirs the pot while our side turns up the gas, making a big pot of Slav stew.

        • SLAV stew?
          The whole of Europe with UK et.al. is just a giant pot of stew on the boil for, at least a thousand years. Then add the spill over into North America.
          It has boiled over the pot and spilt over the rest of the world with colonial sauces and gallons of oil thrown into the pot by idiots who think that their spices will make it more tasty for the competing cooks who keep stuffing up the flavour by adding more ‘blood and bone’ fertiliser.
          Come on Australia, our idiots keep contributing heaps of ‘blood and bone’ that should fertilise our own garden FOR US, NOT FOR EUROPEAN IN-BRED BRATS, BANKERS AND CROOKS who just do not even know how to manage a farm paddock’ to sustain a working social village.
          They should commission Terry to give a demonstration
          307 PM

          • Perhaps just restrict the food available to the bankers, royals, media and corporate freaks to what they grow themselves on a plot with their own labour and sweat.
            Yea! Put them in a peasant paddock by themselves to keep them occupied and out of our lives. For deserts they can eat Klaus Schwab’s WEFrs bugs and crickets, owning nothing and be gloriously happy.
            2.21 PM

          • “They should commission Terry to give a demonstration” – Not a chance, I’M OUT! – I have pissed away too many DECADES trying to make a dent in stupidity. All I got for my efforts was crap from morons..

            Nope, it’s all going to collapse because of stupid and corrupt fools, I’m out, I’ll continue to help those who I think are worth it, but the vast majority of this ‘civilization’ are destined to the scrap heap of history. – Leave me alone, just piss off and save me your victim-hood.

          • So that’s a NO! I take it!
            Oh well, wonder if some TEALS OR ABC LEFTY KNOW ALLS WILL SAVE THE WORLD?💁🙀🤪

        • Terry
          Sorry normies, ‘‘’twas’ a joke🤪
          They could not ascertain midnight from a sun dial💁
          Anyway Terry, your email is bouncing. There is a interview that might interest you.
          So just for the normies, I refer to the alien remote viewing interview AT BANNED🙀💁🤪
          http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered interesting and challenging news.
          Have a listen Joe, a THOR MIGHT TURN UP🙀💁🤪
          As for remote viewing/clairvoyance/divining etc,, well that has to be BS,……. Unless it can be proven over 55 years of personal experience…. Sorry normies, you know sfa, it seems!!
          4.57 PM

          • So normies have fallen for it, you do not appreciate your ability to be free of the conditioning by those who want you to remain dumb and servile to those who know and control you.
            As Terry explains, we have tried.
            Next we will get some bible interpretations to demonstrate the con… excepting John 17 perhaps?
            If you wake up, you might realise what a sun dial tells you at midnight🤪

          • My remote viewing class is still in the early stages. I’m still just compiling subconscious data at this point. Although, I am surprised at some of the results. The next stages we start to engage the conscious mind to try and put things together.

            Contact Dee, she has my new email address.

  9. Well, has anyone bothered to listen?
    NO! Well now do understand why some want you banned from knowledge?
    Are you a stupid fuck, or not? DECIDE!
    8.36 PM.

  10. I have noted years ago some remote viewing repots for Europe. Appears that they are getting there.
    Bloody horrific forecasts.💁🙏 – with decades of consequences.
    Caused by incumbent fools.
    Australia: stay out of it.
    We can survive🙏 unshaved? / saved if we have a idiot in Canberra who understands.
    ( bit of a ‘dream’ – no bombs will land on Australia)
    So pull your heads in Canberra and make it so.
    9.17 PM

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