Is Victoria the beta-test? Above is one of Harold’s many cartoons that he has sent Gumshoe — this one “Can Dan push back the sea?”
So much is unfolding.
Archbishop Fisher
The Catholic Church has been onto vaccines for some time. Kenyan Catholic bishops criticized a UNICEF/WHO tetanus program in Kenya have for being a disguised population reduction method. Doctors had analyzed the vaccine and found it had been laced with the pregnancy hormone – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by World Health Organization (WHO) in 1992. Did the WHO launch expansive fertility reduction programs guised as tetanus vaccine programs in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines?

Now, Australia’s most powerful Archbishop has warned his Catholic flock about the “ethical concerns” about the coronavirus vaccine that the Federal Government is allegedly ordering for all of us.
Anthony Fisher, the Archbishop of Sydney, used Facebook to criticize the Oxford University vaccine being developed at, saying it “makes use of a cell line cultured from an electively aborted human foetus… Whether this vaccine is successful or not, it is important that the Government does not create an ethical dilemma for people.”
Italian Doctor
An Italian doctor has come out with a shocking Facebook video.
Sacha Stone
With Renee Mechelle (Gold Coast) and Fanos Panayides (Melbourne)
A reader forwarded the following 49-page document that concludes with,
“This document will be distributed across Australia by Australians demanding that the source of destruction to Farming Families, Small Businesses, and small and large companies laying off thousands of employees must fall on the shoulders of –
Dan Andrews who must be removed and/or sacked from Public Office by caretaker Governor Linda Dessau – who must then resign herself and the Governor General of the Commonwealth, General David Hurley MUST call new elections for Victorians.
Every political recipient of this document including the leader of the Opposition and all politicians now become complicit to the above crimes of the State of Victoria (Inc)
The document contains years and years of collective research and can all be fact-checked.”
Download the document — link HERE.
Thank you to fritz for sharing the Sacha Stone discussion a day or so ago under the article “What’s an Australian To Do …”
Sasha is with Renee Mechelle (Gold Coast) and Fanos Panayides (Melbourne)
– moderator Imani Mamalution)
Sacha Stone:
• “Lockdown
• Curfew
• Closed borders
• Police check points
• Work permits
• Drone surveillance
• Chopper patrols
• 23 hour confinement with 1 hour exercise
• Mandatory medical procedures
• Banned travel
• Food rationing
• Closed churches
• Denied sunshine
• School closures
• Masks
• Allocated shopping times
• Government access to homes without a warrant
• No wedding celebrations
• No gatherings
• Decimated economy
• Limited attendees at funerals
• Business closures
• No family visits
• Movement banned beyond five kilometres’ range
• Military patrols
• Government removal of children
• Indefinite restrictions
• Censorship across all social media
• Mass suicides
• Bankruptcies
• One Million unemployed
• Massive increase in domestic violence”
Thank Baphomet we didn’t catch a cold !!!
Sacha goes on:
That is called treason people – TREASON!
Look the word up! – T-R-E-A-S-O-N !!
It is punishable by death – it always has been
This is the time friends – Antipodeans – THIS is the time
There is not going to be another time unless we shake this down.”
And as aman710 shared in the previous article – whatever you do, don’t even think about discussing rapists and paedophiles in public … it contravenes the ‘new values’ that Hurley, Morrison, Andrews et al uphold.
As I have stated before, there was no Covid-19. This is proved by statistics. With the death numbers in Victoria this year compared to other years, there is no room for Covid-19 deaths. See for yourself, all deaths this year during June and July are lower than years previous, so where are the Covid-19 death figures hiding. I’ll tell you where, in the imagination of the lying MSM, politicians and health organisation employees’ empty skulls.
A doctor in US has also state that deaths in that country this year are down 2% compared to each of the last three years.
No Covid-19 virus has been identified by scientific analysis.
This leads to another question: If there is no virus how is Mr Smart Arse Gates going to market a vaccine that there is no virus to test it against. And why would there be a necessity for a vaccine if there is no such virus.
In my opinion, it has been shown that flu vaccines don’t work, otherwise by now the world would be free of the flu. More and more people get vaccinated but the flu supposedly still kills many every year and millions in a epidemic year.
The so-called tests for Covid-19 are a fraud. They do not detect the virus. They detect chromosome 8, which is part of the healthy human DNA. So all those that tested positive are healthy individuals, not a danger to other people, only to the pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates and the WHO.
Roll on the criminal charges of TREASON. Let’s get rid of a large bunch of parasites from the population.
Email everybody you know. This is a logistics war. We need to get the information out before the authorities close us down.
“We need to get the information out” – I’ve been doing that for more than 33 years, that is 1/3 of a Century. The masses are as dumb as dirt (apologies to dirt).
Here’s where I think this is going to go. Eventually, a number of people will realize that letters to the editor, speeches in the park, protests in front of Parliament, blogs on the internet, etc. – are just a form of masturbation, they make people feel better, but don’t do anything constructive.
So the reality hits, the only way to make a change is to make a change. They then decide to eliminate parasites like Dan, if a parasite is dead, it can’t bother you anymore. Crush a tick and see what how much it bothers you anymore.
Some people don’t think they can do anything because they don’t have ‘guns’. Like, what the Hell? Firearms are only a recent invention in human history, before that humanity got along just fine with edged weapons (or perhaps clubs). – By the way, Grandpa’s old .303 Enfield from WWI is just effective today as it was more than 100 years ago and as a mate of mine said, “It is more than enough to get something better.”
So, that is where I can see this going – violence. – “The limits of the tyrant are proscribed by the limits of the oppressed.”
I wish I had something more positive to say. – If you think it is ugly now, just wait. Protect yourself, nobody else will.
If the situation arose that Terry envisages, would any police officers realise that they too will be in the sites of the public defenders? If they do, they must plan mutiny against this despotic government, to protect themselves and their families because they may one day not come home. Why put their lives on the line for a traitor to this country?
This is topic related – seeing as our tyrannical governments are utilising the police to enforce the Covid lockdown and achieve compliance via authoritarian directives (make sure to click the ‘.. wish to proceed tab’ to get the video started) :
After watching the beginning of the video, make sure to watch from 3:05 onwards for the wide angle shot of events transpired.
I have posted more than a few clips in the past about police overreach and brutality in the U.S but, as this video shows, not every police shooting is unjustified.
Yes, this video is about yet another black man being shot and killed by police and when the news broke the BLM and related protesters soon took to the streets waving the usual placards.
The black marchers were joined by a surprisingly large percentage of useful white woke idiots.
The individual killed was a man by the name of Kevan Ruffin.
The following is an extract from an article titled : ‘Pavlov’s Protesters
By George Hollenback’ :
“So what actually happened with Kevan Ruffin? Police received an early morning call that a woman had been terrorised by a man wielding a pair of knives, and the wielder turned out to be Ruffin, who was also known to have mental problems. The weapons actually turned out to be Asian martial arts implements called Sai. At first glance, they appear to be long, narrow dirks with prominent crossguards that angle forward. In reality, they’re not blade weapons at all but rather tapering steel batons. They can’t cut, but if swung, they can fracture a skull, and if used to thrust, they can put out an eye and pierce the brain.
The responding officer, Bryan Pray, observed Ruffin walking down the opposite side of the street, Sai and all. Officer Pray approached Ruffin respectfully, calling him by name, asking how he was doing, and inviting him to have a seat. Ruffin—a rather big lout—immediately advanced on Officer Pray, who backed up, issued verbal commands, and finally deployed his stun gun, but to no avail. Ruffin then began chasing Officer Pray in earnest, the latter having to draw his pistol and get off rapid shots while precariously backpedalling in circles. After taking a number of rounds, Ruffin finally crumpled to the pavement in the middle of the street.”
We haven’t heard anything about this in the Australian media and the story soon disappeared over in the U.S.
That’s because Officer Bryan Pray, the policeman who fired the shots, is black himself.
There is a balanced report for
BLM and devisive msm to ignore.
Ta tv.
Hmmmmmm, small glitch in the matrix at the 3:33 mark.
Clearly dictator Dan continues the suspension of the parliament in Victoria because even a simpleton’s question from the useless Victorian opposition would expose that he may well be criminally negligent by banning present treatments now known to be available. Ignorance will be no defence when justice catches up with dictator Dan.
Not able to get details at moment but there is a suspicion that the 1% globalist control freaks and their brown shirts (msm!) are trying to stuff freedom of expression at Gs.
Readers be diligent, you are over 99%, they are a cowardly miserable percent not worth existence on this planet.
We await.
If some think tank came up with a demographics plan, to cut down on old age pension and disability pension expenses, and drive a huge wave of people out of Melbourne and into Perth and Brisbane, it might look a lot like this. However I don’t know anything about the orchestration to that particular effect besides what seems to be going on between Denial Andrews’ ears.
You might ask “What has Eva K Bartlett got to do with Andrews, Morrison, Hurley et al?”
Elsewhere I saw a meme featuring Andrews with a Kim Jong Un haircut. I commented that such a meme should more appropriately feature Lenin or Trotsky – or in Andrews’ case, lower ranked henchmen such as Kaganovich or Beria.
Consider for example the narrative they have been spewing in recent years with regard to Syria and the DPRK (etc) …
It comes as no surprise to me that these supporters of terrorism, advocates of genocide and protectors of child trafficking and paedophilia would inevitably turn on ‘their own people’.
Eva Bartlett speaks on North Korea & Syria (FULL)
BREAKING: Germany Bans Coronavirus Protest, Depicts It As ‘Right-Wing’ And ‘Antisemitic’
Protesting to save humanity is now ‘Right-Wing’ and ‘Antisemitic’ – how telling!
– is that some sort of trick?
… and now we have ’corona deniers’. Works every time.
Corona protest are Anti-Semitic ??
For eff’s sake.
“Even if we fell loss or despair, we are expected to get used to it – accepting that this morbid reality is now standard.”
World Economic Forum
In other words – get over it.
I’ve heard that advice, numerous times after being fleeced to the bone in a deregulated industry.
The new normal will never be normal, as long as perpetraitors are serving just ice. Everything has been inverted perverted.
Unless honest goodness becomes normal all is lost. Automation does not need to make anything, human hands can make everything way better. Artificial insanity is the most hellish of all derailments, the beast of deception and evol sorcery.
Crownvirus is doublespeak for hunger virus, that is no chip no right to exist. These are the times warned about through all generations past.
There is only His everlasting love and it is our duty to prepare for the way truth and life. Almighty Heavenly Father have mercy on us.
bloody frightening
How do the morons that come up with these ideas have enough brain power to dress themselves in the morning or organise a meal for themselves? They are completely brain dead. Parasites, useless eaters! Unfortunately these parasites are probably on incomes only hard working people can dream of.
Good video Dee.
Next step, totally contact-less procreation.
looks like some people of dandenong realise there is no white hat coming to save them. Bravo to those who do more than post online
All ye in beautiful South Australia,
Be glad of the chance to stand up for a fellow Aussie, J Assange.
Tomorrow, Friday 4pm. Aug 28, 2020.
Stand outside Adelaide Town Hall, which is on King William St near Pirie St.
Also, for those of you bussing in from Victoria, ahem, how bout you Dee, there s to be a continuing “stand” for Julian each Wednesday at 3pm, until further notice, outside Town Hall.
Lookie, the Aus “government” has taken no position AGAINST Assange. You would merely be protesting the US’s request for extradition and/or the UK’s detaining him. “Foreign devils!”
I suggest it would be strategic for you to wear the mask and do the 6-foot-rock,
as that would prevent mixing up the subject matters. Yay!
A great resource compilation …
Coronavirus / COVID-19 / 5G Hoax
Pandemic Depopulation Genocide
Thank you TV – Masksists!!
You know it’s all theatre at 1:15 in the following with the diplomatic elbow tapping (I can’t even be bothered to look up their names)
China Has No Interests in “New Cold War”: Foreign Minister
Real statesmen and men of substance shake hands.
Pathetic! – and very disturbing.
Yes Fish, Cultural Masks-ism indeed.
Fascist Australia with its SS ‘police’
Anybody know why the police attacked that one person? Perhaps not wearing a mask?
Terry, yes they singled out the one guy, for not wearing a mask… Where is the discretionary measure’s in that situation. The fact that they failed to exercise these measures, says and confirms it all.
CherriB, that vid depicts and confirms, that this has nothing to do with a virus.
The police certainly overstepped their authority, and were the aggressors.
Especially the female cop who was marching like a Nazi and spraying everyone, under those conditions, I would have headbutted her.
The walker’s held good composure, it could of turned very ugly.
However, it is good to see that a push back from the public is under way.
All Governments and elites FEAR.. Uprisings.
Dr Kaufman and David Icke great talk!
Only one honest politician?
Craig Kelly Speech on the Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 in Australia.
Great logical speech by Craig Kelly, he was castigated by all for his efforts.
Dan A.. went straight into action just after the speech, by amending the Vic Health Act.
HC was banned for use and distribution, and a hefty.. (never before seen) fine put in place.
“it is important that the Government does not create an ethical dilemma for people.”
And here’s me thinking that that’s it’s primary function
Is anyone else seeing and feeling that on a global scale, people are starting to wake up.
I see it as a similar movement of awakening to the Climate Change BS. Slowly people started paying attention to all the drum banging.
We need to bang that same drum, at every opportunity, people will see it.
Another thing I’m seeing more of, is Doctors and Professors, who have had enough, and Whistle Blowing the truth.
“Is anyone else seeing and feeling that on a global scale, people are starting to wake up.” – Yep, this ‘plandemic’ has affected everyone, so now they can’t ignore it, its personal. They want to know what is going on and are making inquiries. They are being harassed, put out of work, loosing their businesses, etc. The MSM and politicians are loosing more and more credibility – A dragon is slowly awakening..
About time, better late than never.
Terry, just when I’m beginning to feel hopeful that there will be a critical threshold of awakened people my hopes are dashed when I hear polling results that most Victorians actually APPROVE of the lockdown measures of Daniel Andrews.
If Victorians re-elect that bastard Andrews in the next election (assuming of course that the Liberal opposition campaign on the disastrous way Andrews destroyed the Victorian economy with his exaggerated decrees which were greatly out of proportion to the severity of the virus), then you can take it to the bank that there is NO HOPE there will ever be an awakening in this arse-end-of-Australia state.
Considering that the Victorians elected him in the first place, they can’t be too bright. If they re-elect him they deserve everything that happens, we should just turn off the lights and close the borders of Victoria.
However, other countries around the world are waking up. Take a look at this article of this big protest in London – the only fools wearing a mask are the police.