by G5
The Carney mentioned in the early part of this clip (below), is the same goldmanite who was ‘advising’ the goldmanite Soetoro, and had infiltrated Orange’s administration. He wanted the Fed. seat, but an internal spat had him move on.
Now he appears as advisor to Turdeau, posturing he is the next Canadian PM. A lot can happen between now and 2025. But that doesn’t seem one of them.
I have written of the falling apart of the GoFundMe fraud. As soon as they were exposed, as I wrote. Further they are not a major operation, but a post office box in LA. Again: as I have advised.
I do not advise any crypto as a solution. Crypto is also, not as it is postured.
The Canadian Tyranny forced by psychopathic policing and owned courts: has moved focus away from the initial vacc. mandates to focus on totalitarianism in Canada. It would not have reached this level: had Turdeau sat at the table with The Truckers. It would have all been over.
As Johnson backtracked in one move to cover his profound elitist hypocrisy.
But Turdeau, as Macron, Ardern, Soetoro, Blythe and that light, are fictional, manufactured script reading celebrity characters. They are not real, have no mandate, and no skill sets as postured. They are owned characters in a fictional play. Just as Biden and Harris.
Now the harassment of The Truckers is moving into mass arrests, which will only further deepen the pit into which the Turdeau administration and its suicidal psychopathic protectors keep digging.
These are people who have been living in Arctic conditions, running their truck motors for hot air in their cabs. Hence the fuel. Food, water and facilities are also being managed. And further: The Truckers are operating food stores for the needy. Who the psychopaths are also trying to starve out. And the psychopaths believe that attempts at mass arrests; which they cannot manage; are going to terrorise The Truckers and move them on.
The pathetic level of the childish belief systems of the Canadian government.
Fuel is illegal. Food, water and facilities are illegal. And now a suicidal judge has entered the insanity by declaring some noise pollution order must be enforced. The Turdeau camp has nowhere to run. Every act of force against The People reverses on the ‘progressive’ totalitarian members of the religion of woke.
And of course: scratch a liberal and you find a fascist: every time.
Enemy of The People
Government is The Enemy of The People. It was when it murdered Socrates, and nothing ever changed. It has NEVER been the theorized servant of The People. Never the protector. Never the feeder or defender. The lie begins with any false assertion to proven reality.
The Truckers have fuel, food and facilities: despite the best efforts of psychopathically protected tyrannical governments.
The food blockade further compounds the delivery chain to The People. These are not new moments in history. Governments don’t need to ad nauseam demonstrate the filth of their existence. It is the centre point of their existence and the purpose of the protests.
Media cannot sell a falsehood that is clearly in view of the audience at issue.
The Governor General, Administrator of The British Colony of Canada, should be acting FOR THE PEOPLE. He hides as do his Australian and New Zealand counterparts. Beyond the smoke and mirrors: there was never a break from The Motherland.
This CovidHoax has brought more to view for prior classes of deluded.
And this tyrannical insanity is not over yet.
Thanks G5, this was for last page but fits by lockstep.The Truckers Law rep’s put ? over it for me
“jackboots and swastikas”
They have some parties that where made for Christchurch. They drop off after but they still link to each other. Anti-semite, anti-Muslum,Anti-Zion, Anti-Multiculturalism, xenophobia, nationalism, protectionism, those things. anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-science, anti-law, anti-tax, anti-covpass, anti-communist, anti-facist, maga-election-denier, terrorist, domestic terrorist, aiding terrorist, Anti-lockdown, …………..
All that and more but conflating them into one ideology. Australia First Party, is somewhat older and brings in all the riots, international associations run by a convicted terrorist Jim Saleam. Jim has been creating the myth(Matxist-Leninist Socialist), since 1975 and 1972- Fire-bombs a book shop in Brisbane(self-ref evidence only), to conflate with The Whisky a go go firebombing. Look at the Doctor you will see Note the Eureka
Buzzing around all that brings up, AussieCosack, Avi, Bosi new military, Palmer, One Nation, established vehicles but all loud, screaming, agent provocateur, Bosi calling Magistrates morons.
Not likely, they profile by traits, and I could never flag Craig Kelly, his footprint and good words match. Dodgey bits like Palmer’s Finance Minister elect, for maybe more controversy later.
Till yesterday when, gallows, it’s the gallows “Cindy” turns up. They been pushing threats/family, towards Premiers, Ministers for a while now. Cindy calls for Governor-General David Hurley to now remove Morrison. Thats the military connection.Think I found the “who” but I’m not touching on that, they seem to have wider responsiblites, I assume classified. Kelly signs in 7 protesters, pro Putin ones, think they only left the Qantas Pilot.
Military operaton, tapping (flag 1,past UBD) and bigger funding which explains some very slick websites that could profile visitors and incite.
Maybe leave the protests and partition the Courts, but leave.The braver could flash group
Good summary G5. Just one correction from my perspective. This world is currently experiencing, The Great Awakening, via a process of mass information delivery through the world wide web to those whose knowledge of this world’s history has enabled them to appreciate the information that has been forthcoming, ever since the internet became publicly available.
Although, we are only in millions, and not in billions.
What we are now witnessing in real time, and is front and center to those who comprehend what is plainly evident, is the systematic destruction of the old world controllers, and their puppets, who have kept the vast majority of humanity in a servile state for hundreds, possibly thousands of years.
What befell our ancestors, such a long time ago, must never be allowed to happen again, and the only way to ensure that task, is to completely eradicate very last vestige of anti-human control. Those who are captured, or surrender, will be held accountable for what they have been engaged in doing to humanity. Many have committed, and will commit suicide, rather then face a military tribunal or be arraigned at the Hague.
While we can point to history to give us many examples of the folly that those who believe they have a right to control the rest of us, chose to pursue, what we are now seeing runs much deeper and wider than just government’s tyrannical over reach, especially through out the West because over the past several years, and away from public attention still beholden to the controlled media, the old systems of corruption have been taken down, one by one, to the point that today, what we are dealing with, in regard to government and Central Banking System, is really just the mopping up operation to counter the last vestiges of resistance by an enemy that refuses to yield.
When the pure evil of what was done by those who have controlled us all for a very long time, is finally revealed, many will simply refuse to believe what they will see before their very eyes, such is the magnitude of depravity and evil, that it will be beyond a normal person’s thinking ability to comprehend.
JFK was shot after he talked about secret societies and here we are still discussing things in terms of public societies, which are controlled BY and FOR the secret societies, probably offering their members a gold ticket to the New World Order ( pop 0.5 billion ), if they serve the masters well.
Removing the failed leadership is already built into the 2 party system, and the new leadership is already groomed by the controllers, we see Turdeau, Macaron, McGollum etc parachuted in, the public looking on like stupid cows chewing.
For decades we have been primed for “the republic” as institutions like State Governor, Coat of Arms, Anthem etc, have been switched around like a shell game for little or no stated purpose. We heard “the monarchy will not survive beyond QE2” but it looks like it has already been removed from THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (Inc). God Save the Queen went out under Bob Hawke. None of this subterfuge stops various dopes signing on as part of “the Republican Movement”. Presumably the core group is Freemasons / Zionists / Mafia / Bloodlines etc trying to rope in a few stoopids to make up numbers.
There is no flag left to rally under, the church has been wrecked, the unions infiltrated, the political parties totally corrupt even down to the Greens, education has become years of brainwashing followed by a giant swindle. Everyone is hostage to the bank in one way &/or another. We’re so used to being stuck in the web we have given up any struggle.
“Now the harassment of The Truckers is moving into mass arrests, which will only further deepen the pit into which the Turdeau administration and its suicidal psychopathic protectors keep digging.”
“Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.”
To the victor belongs the spoils.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Those who can, do.
Property is theft.
Oh we ain’t got a barrel iof money, maybe we’re ragged and funny.
Wiinken, Blinken, and Nod one night, sailed off in a wooden shoe.
We didn’t love freedom enough…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Doug Emhoff, Vice President Kamala Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, was evacuated from a school after a bomb threat, according to a spokesperson.
Reporters who were on the scene said that Secret Service agents approached Emhoff, who was at Dunbar High School for an event in commemoration of Black History Month in Washington, and told him “we have to go.” An Associated Press reporter said Emhoff was taken away from the building and into his motorcade. Photos captured by the AP show him being grabbed by the arm and being moved by an agent.
District of Columbia Public Schools spokesman Enrique Gutierrez told the outlet that there was a bomb threat at the school. It’s not clear if it was connected to Emhoff’s visit.
WOW — WHAT’S THIS ALL ABOUT… (smell of set-up?)
Epoch Times hired a plane towing a banner to go up and down the beach here in Perth, about a year ago. Now if I look at their page they insist I sign in with google. The frontman is very young, a sort of media trained home office type. Probably the Globalists have levels in which they can pluck people out from. Seems to be running on the Amazon model, but no chance to stifle competition, when it’s open slather.
We are primed for selection processes by every 2nd entertainment show on MSM, such as Bachelor wants a Wife, Big Brother on Island, Oversize Kids Games, etc. Epoch Times surely is MSM in drag, who knows what they’re up to, speaking to the “woke” or “alt” crowd. They got the guy from somewhere and started a show, everything reminds me of “The Monkees”.
The World Government have been found out and they will all capitulate because of the numbers building against them.
The genie is out of the bottle.
Time for Evolution not Revolution.
Check out and support–Covid-:d is the pathway to freedom.
They still have the “Samson Option”.
Neil – recommend you read the first post below the movie – that’s what’s real.
I sincerely hope what you say comes true.
“They say” a judge ordered the po to return the fuel they stole. Not sure if true.
How about arresting the thieves.
Tyranny Won’t End Until You Eliminate the Tyrants
Go back through history, find ONE time when tyrannical oppression did not end up in violence. I predict it will be the same thing this time. The Kabal has made its’ move, they have poisoned billions on people, they can’t turn back, it is all or nothing.
I’ve dealt with psychopathic liars. It is what they do, it is who they are.
When the psychopaths are all dead, they will not lie anymore. It is just that easy, but it is difficult for a non-psychopath to grasp.
Ottawa Police Announce Their Plans to Target, Harass & Prosecute Canadian Protesters
They are not human – they need to be eradicated
Yes Julius,
You wouldn’t hesitate were it a cockroach or a mouse in your pantry, how much more so for these vermin.
• Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022
featured here
Some key background – Justin Trudeau is not the Prime Minister of Canada any more than Jacinda Ardern is the Prime Minister of New Zealand. They are agents of the global Sabbatean death cult hiding behind the façade of the ‘World Economic Forum’, with front man Klaus Schwab.
• World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed×682.jpg
Putin gets a mention I’m afraid
How long will he last?
I could not help but notice that Trudeau and Gaddafi have a similar hair style …
I see Klaus Swabs video has already been censored by spewtube, this is like the good old days of some months ago when they were censoring everything in sight. Klaus was proudly naming names, even including Putin, as leaders from his stable. This is probably the single best video ever come up with by the notorious Ju*fish so I live in hope it materialises on Rumble, Brighteon, Bitchute etc. It’s right up there with Bill Gates “we will reduce world population by 15% with va666ines etc.”
Today the MSM filth has been smearing Rumble, saying you will get your data harvested or something like that. In other “new normal” or “CovidNormalisation™” news we see you can now get new types of mechanical hearts installed, should your natural heart malfunction after the experimental injections.
The lying MSM filth producer must have nodded off and someone mentioned that India was only 1% boostered ( promotional language for multiple experimentally injected ). And some tertiary school in India is forcing uniform compliance – no facemask for muslim ladies !!! They are screaming to wear the muslim facemask. Belief is a wonderful thing. You can manipulate people to believe anything and off they go to fight for it. Not saying these muslim ladies are right or wrong, in the desert the facemask would be very useful with all the sand blowing around.
From deleted video:
“I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…” (Klaus Schwab)
As we already worked out, Globalists have infiltrated and corrupted governments everywhere, nowhere is more plain than the Victorian Brett Sutton – Jane Haldon – Dicktator Dan – Grek Hunt nexus.
Secret society or what. I bet they have a nice golf course down there in Flinders and the Murdoch ranch is down that way too (Langwarrin), probably can host larger private gatherings in great seclusion.
Don’t miss:
Here’s Swab preserved on rumble ( always take out the XXXX )
Everyone in Victoria should ensure that Grek Hunt, Dictator Dan and Corporate Health Officer Sutton are charged with negligence leading to mass death, after enforcing the ban on HCQ & IVM, these three in particular must never be allowed to leave the state of Victoria again. They will probably get their just desserts soon enough in an underground carpark somewhere when they have had to duck out for some extra panadols.
• Has The Red Carpet Been Rolled Out For A Mainstream Pivot On Ivermectin?
There is still the matter of outstanding arrest warrants and sentences to be carried out for mass murder and crimes against humanity.
Jab every body then roll out ivermectin $$$$$.
Comedian [sic] collapse after bragging about being vaxxed
Thinking, two birds, one stone.
but they are taking to the streets, better get a numbers guy
Exactly thats science
They drew first, flippant
Horse Paste
Can you see the twist – Ben S Bernanke
We get VAERS and they get real time, but wait there is more
Now thats a gated community
Desperate Boris now cancelling solitary confinement and other NewNormal™ impositions. Scared people say they are going to stay at home. A major intellectual hurdle has been jumped !!!
Meanwhile at National File the money-trail stories are piling up. At last !!! people are getting interested in who got paid for what. Va666ine companies paid for fact checkers, paid off Biden etc.
What are Bidens doing in Ukraina ??? How did Obama get so many beachside houses ??? etc etc. Soon we will have a giant map of the money trail from every door to every other door. The entire kabbal-mafia will be exposed. Where to put them all ? Well as Jesse Ventura told us ten years ago, they have been making massively extensive super-bunkers for themselves, so that’s an option.
In the US the criminal mafia establishment has come up with a counter acronym to MSM, designed too deflect and confuse, they call it MDM (mis- dis- mal- information) which is any actual fact which disagrees with their official lies. You can see their agenda is to take down the First Amendment. Free speech is from the OldNormal. Now, LIES are standard fare. If disputed, more lies. If proven lies, “it was an error”, or “the science has changed”. If criminal lies, “We were following the official advice”. If asked who is we, the department is rearranged and name changed. Someone else said, the only way to stop psychopaths is to kill them.
Do we have any records of how common psychopathy was in the leadup to some major wars of history ? I doubt it, but it all has to come from somewhere. It appears psychopaths are being deliberately bred, selected and installed. Maybe they originate from special childcare centres, where they get special drugs.
Think I saw your, spooky get down man. Ordering up the imported BRI rat packs. Can’t tell you exactly the test, they won’t say.
The Hunter Biden laptop scandal, complete fabrication.The Hunter bit is true….
In the future, your cryptic comments will make as much sense as anything else, the idea seems to be to flood everything with everything and create as much confusion and drug haze as possible, so we will all be fighting with each other, the only remedy on offer will be Geneva based communist control of everything.
Funny picture of Joe O’Biden doing a hair sniff rape sexual molestation