by G5
Nancy Pants [Pelosi] The Holiday Queen, is up a dark alley of her own invention. She is NOT required to INVITE Trump to deliver his SOTU [State of the Union Address]. She is NOT authorized to advise him to reschedule. She has NO AUTHORITY to cancel the address.
As I wrote, if his clerk knocks on the House Door, and it is not IMMEDIATELY opened, he can have it smashed down. If he enters an empty Chamber, he can close Congress until further notice. Trump is annoyingly slow. He needs to begin stamping his mark on US History.
Pelosi is a nauseating mentally deficient attempting to power play Trump, who controls all; EOs, Martial Law, ALL BUDGETS including the Military (from where he can finish the Dem Commenced 650 miles of the 2,200 miles, and is paying non Deep State). He can CONSTITUTIONALLY SHUT DOWN CONGRESS. THE US IS CURRENTLY UNDER MARTIAL LAW. It commenced with GWB three days after the 9/11 False Flag in 2001.
Nothing changed. Traitors GWB, WJC, and Barry Soetoro followed it through, and Trump stamped it through in disguise on 21 December, 2017 — while Nancy Pants and Chucky Bear believe he wouldn’t dare because of the street noise and televised tantrums.
Recall that Trump blocked the second Pelosi Holiday Scam in one month. She is grounded in the US. They never understood from the start that they didn’t ever have a reality TV character. Trump is a major world historic Statesman. The loons who laughed at his nomination and have been choking since 8 November, 2016, and believe they are recovering since 6 November, 2018, could NEVER comprehend that when the ground is settled, he is in the category of Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, and JFK.
Caravans, Drugs and the CIA
Trump cutting aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is postured as due to the caravans now harassing at the southern US border. The story is of drugs being crossed and violent criminals and gang members entering. This countered by MSM deceptions of ‘humanitarianism’ and Border Security firing gas at infants and shooting them. Those infants certainly know how to run fast and fire a weapon.
Or is it that they have been taken from slum mothers to be aided into a new life in the US? Then used as fodder in tragic perpetrated scenarios, at or near the border lines, with screaming orchestrated women in the background, under the ‘well meaning’ eye of prior positioned MSM teams.
The infant and ‘humanitarianism’ lies being ably led by the grand purveyor of deviation, CNN. And of course Sandy Clueless has a bill on the House Table to abolish ICE. In between the bills to impeach Trump, is the totally insane ‘Green New Deal’, and the stalled appropriations bill for some 800,000 federal employees (I have written about this matter). The political stunt is to stop Trump’s Wall — the same wall that has some 650 miles already built by the same Dems currently screeching.
Reality is quite different. As I have previously written, the drugs are already in the US. The crossing herds (mostly paid political pawns, as those crossing from The Middle East to Western Europe, to unwittingly destabilize that region), are fortunate if they survive the ‘killing fields’ of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.
If they reach that far, they hold their instructions to reach the California Sanctuary Cities — where they will be ghetto housed and soup kitchen fed at inordinate government cost, for no gain. They will be used as government funding pawns for the new era of slum lords, and variously manipulated as slave labour. The better option for all, being the prison barges now re-positioned off NSGB.
If they are fortunate to contact relatives (while on the run and used as voting pawns in Dem electoral frauds), they could find ’employment’ — cleaning, gardening, pool maintenance, and cooking and serving food. The options to a postured better life are endless.
“Going Bananas” to Control You
United Fruit and one of its offshoots Chiquita Banana is one of the over 2,000 front enterprises operated by the CIA. (Check the supermarket labels — and ‘organic’ is NOT the safe option.) The CIA likes to control your ‘information’, banking, finances, mortgage, car loans, credit cards, food, water, drugs, pharmaceuticals (doctors are not who they used to be), travel cards, wars, weapons, fracking, fuel, energy, infrastructure, ‘democratic’ elections, YOUR ‘representatives’, and your government, as best it can — in the mix with others of deceptive priorities controlling your life.
Guatemala was destabilized by idiotic and devastating ideologically driven civil war to destroy its foundations and supply bananas to the US, under CIA ownership. El Salvador was destroyed in the same manner for coffee. The Mano Blanco (Movimiento de Acción Nacionalista Organizado) was cultivated, funded, trained, armed, and directed by the CIA (as was ISIS etc.). Honduras was trapped in the same manner, but as part of The Nicaraguan, Iran Contra Drug Affair. About which I have written. Funds appropriated through Congress (why won’t it fund the wall), ostensibly for humanitarian aid (as the Iraqi Oil for Food Genocide) were managed by the corrupt USAid.
Aid is misappropriated (The Clinton cohorts and the Haitian Relief, and separately, aid sent through Puerto Rico, never delivered, blamed on Trump) and is one of the many forms of looting the US Economy.
The invented Mano Blanco, mentally disturbed and inculcated, were formed into the MS13 Gangs, and delivered into the US. The are loosely connected to the US Intel Community, and used for violent crime and the strange murder counts around certain political ‘leaders’.
Trump’s current Aid actions are a part of the Intel Wars, and hardly understood by the herds. A solid structure of Truth, Fact, and Reality cannot be constructed on a deep foundation of the continuous piling of lifelong, now generationally deep horseshit.
The current unrest in Venezuela was predictable. The entire region was destabilized and cannot find equilibrium and peace. Particularly since Venezuela and Brazil hold such massive Oil reserves. Apart from the hidden bases of Santa Clara and Lourdes, Russia recently demonstrated that it can fly directly to Venezuela at Mach 2 plus. And holds a capacity to strike ANYWHERE in The World at Mach 30 plus. None of which is detectable and certainly not able to be countered.
Lucky Russia considers The US a friend — albeit temporarily confused. After all, Russia fought with the US in its (currency induced) War of Independence.
I have no idea where G5 gets his ideas as to what the legitimate power structure of the American government is. The US Constitution’s Article I lays out the powers of Congress. This includes the power to impeach the president. For that reason alone, the Legislature is the boss of the Executive. “Do what I say or out you go.”
Article II specifiest the president’s power. Mainly: to faithfully execute the laws. The much-vaunted “State of the Union Address” is but an informal custom. Trump could just send Congress a memo. Says the Parchment in Art II, sec 3: “He shall from time to time give to the Congress information about the state of the union.” Big dingo.
He has no inherent right to enter either of their chambers, although the vice president of the US is always the president of the senate, and thus the Senate door cannot be barred against the VP. (Art II, sec 3 “he shall have no vote unless they be equally divided.”)
I believe that all the current “fighting” is for show and is a distraction. I oppose the wall. I do not oppose shooting invaders. I hate what the US has been doing to Latin America for decades.
The price of imported bananas and imported coffee should be much higher than it is. The farmers deserve to control the price, don’t they?
“I do not oppose shooting invaders”.?????
Is that really you? (:–I}
If i would try to force my way into another country I would expect to be shot. Isn’t that the same as having a wall? You tell the invaders they can’t come in.
By the way, Henry B Gonzales, the Congressman from Texas who submitted Articles of Impeachment for Poppy Bush circa 1989 ,said US shouldn’t let any more Mexicans come in BECAUSE WE TREAT THEM SO BADLY.
Minefields strategicaly located may be cheaper than a wall and save bullets.
It happened to David Icke and now, evidently, it has happened to G5
Cut too close to the bone in articles and it is only a matter of time before the CIA nabs you and pumps a cocktail of psychotropic drugs into your brain, from which you never recover.
Best ever researcher, David Icke was transformed overnight into a ranting exposer of shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptiles who rule the world in secret; and it looks like they got poor old G5 too. Sad, really sad.
Trump can be summed up by his current skull-duggery… destroying the Venezuela economy by placing sanctions to destroy their oil sales, and sending in ultra right wing thugs and death squads, then blaming the president for it all.
He did the same to Syria,and will soon do it to Cuba and Nicaragua.
The world is being run by buffoons, psychopaths (Pelosi, Clinton, Bolton, Pompeo) and idiots (May, Macron, Merkel), and ruthless megalomaniacs… which is the rest of them except Putin.
In Oz, we have a Christian Bogan Bumpkin, which is at least novel.
Tony, Christianity is a well defined system of belief and practice… it’s not just a label.
Yes what happened to David Icke.
Think he plans to be in Melbourne March 1st—-Sydney Tasmania Adelaide later in March ??!!??
Tony, do not be confused, it is never about agreeing with another’s understanding. All is information your work is to discover the truth not to attack a messenger.
know your song well before you start singing a day off significance 26th January
I didn’t come down in the last shower, Diane.
As a child I went to school with plenty of Nyoongars (the local tribe) and I spent nearly 2 years at Kalumburu. It’ll take much more than a cleverly edited photo-story to rot my brains.
Interesting reaction. To me just beautiful spiritual music with some old footage moving into present. What offended you?
Cleverly-edited, Oldavid? Are you nuts? This video is gorgeous and brilliant.
Happy Aus Day, Folks. It is only Jan 25 where I am. Gumshoe should have run this video as the main article.
Yep! According to fashionable P.C. I am nuts. I do not subscribe to Rousseau’s “Noble Savage” ideology for a minute.
If these “poor peepel” (as my rendition of the Spanish accent has it) are imposed upon by civilisation and their prior circumstance is better, then chuck them out into the bush where they might indulge in the ghastly habits of their antecedents.
Tip: you won’t get many (or any) of the women and children to agree with you.
Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993) said it well in his poem Home Centre:
Home centre
Our great culture was being lost
our people doomed to die
I could not see an ending
solutions? None had I.
Then like an emu drumming
came a voice across the plain:
Get 200 pounds of strychnine
dose their flour ‘n’ sugar again
And it happened at the Alice
where the chips a’ roll with malice
to part the tourist quickly from his cash
the croupier rolls his dices
to champion human vices
and glory in the humans that they smash
If you don’t want repetition
stop writing sad petitions
stake your claim with
pride and courage
on your tribal land again
Go back to the land my people
here in the city you’ll die
Go back to the songs remembered
Go back to the distant past
your children die like stricken flies
no chance in the city to last
Go back – move back to the rivers
Go – flee from this grim evil place
‘assimilation’ and ‘right’ is a lie
and there’s death in its white leering face
Go back to the desert mountain
Go back to the sun scorched plain
Go back as a people possessing
each other, our Dreaming and pain
and know as a song remembered
that joys and sorrows are shared
but here in this death stricken city
is the lonely white soul sick and bared
they have nothing worthwhile to offer
their TVs and cars are a brace
to keep our attention diverted
from the soul loss in their empty face
Go back to the land our mother
grow strong on her warm brown breast
the whiteman’s children will flee one day
to your campfire for their rest
Go back to the land our mother
and time will prove the test.
Says Kevin Gilbert… no doubt written with a burnt stick in some obscure dialect on a cave wall somewhere out bush.
Bitter misanthropes are a dime a dozen in any university since long before the French Revolution.
They build nothing; their answer for everything is to destroy what remains of civilisation…
Well apart from Mary’s quibbles and G5’s impetuousness concerning the slowness of Trump in getting things done – I really have no other complaint as to what G5 has put up and agree with what is written in the latest edition of the State of the Union, from G5.
Tony President did not destroy he Venezuela economy that was happening decades before he ever entered office. The Democrats are a Communist organisation and political front for those who are not aware of it. Time for the truth that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist Subversive.
Two Presidential Candidates with Muslim Brotherhood and Communist Party Ties Are Running for President
The prostitute CIA Mockingbird media and press The corporate-government propaganda apparatus apparently control 90% of the worlds media and press through the 6 corporations.
Pelosi has a criminal background through her father with the mafia.
COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility
What Is Really Behind Pelosi’s Cancelling of the State of the Union Address?ttps://
The Trump presidency, Q and the military intelligence operation are at war make no mistake about it. Never before in the history of the US has any president been undermined by the US bureaucracy and the CIA Mockingbird media and press propaganda in an attempted coup de tat that is not over yet. GHWB was the criminal of the century and never got a bad media or press compared to President Trump who is not part of them. He was ‘tapped’ approximately 10-12 years ago by the military intelligence community to run for President.
The US has been nothing more than a highly organised criminal syndicate or consortium by taxpayers money. It has been infiltrated decades ago by the CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON D.C. OR THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The US is not a sovereign country as that is the big lie or the big deception it is by the British Crown.
President Eisenhower warned the US and the world of the insidious military industrial complex corporations or the war mongers and all of those corporations that created war.
President John F. Kennedy warned of the secret societies and the freedom of the press.
The British Crown is not the abject lackeys that are portrayed as the Monarchy. “‘The Crown” is the cartel of usurers that is the “City of London” that “own” all England and the figurehead Monarchy… along with all of what was “British” colonies and “dependencies”.
Even Washington DC (District of Columbia) is a “Nation within a Nation” owned and controlled by the magna-usurers that claim similar “sovereignty” as the “City of London” and similar places throughout the World.
It may not interest any of the “chest-thumpers” around here to know that all of the “Australian Governments” and their agencies are registered “corporations” in the District of Columbia… that’s pretty much why they have an ABN (Australian Business Number).
Yous still think that moaning and griping to pollies will “fix” anything??
Absolutely Oldavid. Unfortunately Australians still don’t get it! That is one of the reasons that the politicians take advantage of the corrupt system.
And Aussies will not begin to understand the ‘system’ until all Australians are given an education based in the reality of our current situation.
Nemesis That is all part of the corrupt indoctrinated system that we are all under. Who is going to educate them properly? It is our responsibility and our obligation to do so. To pass it on to others in the system is out of the question. It has always been up to We the People to change what we can. It is part and parcel of the dumbing down of nations.
Could not agree more with your reply. I believe our real education has already begun with the election of Trump – we are now in the midst of the ‘Great Awakening’ – and that should send shivers down the spines of those who control us.
Ned President Trump has said on several occasions that immigrants are most welcome but they have to go through the normal legal processes for a country to be safe and to maintain is national sovereignty. The same goes for Australia. They have arrested many criminals from MS 13 and from ISIS as well.
Recommended viewing on YouTube .
The Technological Fascist State .
Have tried sending link twice . No luck .
Looks like we have ccp style net censorship .
Dianne Ok He was specifically selected not tapped. That is an American term. During all of that time the white hats have been investigating all of the crimes of the criminal politicians
Arlyn- informative posts thank you. The use of the word “tapped” resonated;
“He [Trump] was ‘tapped’ approximately 10-12 years ago by the military intelligence community to run for President.” In the 1990’s I was “tapped” for a position in Education in the NT but because I wouldn’t “play the game” and couldn’t be controlled by threats I was unceremoniously “untapped”
An aspect of MKUltra military programming–selecting, grooming, training, tracking, controlling and “tapping” when the time is right. Marionette programming- creating “sleepers”, puppeteers and puppets.
Re Marionette Syndrome:
There is statism, scientism, Satanism, environmentalism, communism, capitalism etc. Is there a pattern here? Have a look at cabalism and the principle of inverting the truth.
Shall we write a list of some of these inversions? Where to begin?
Ignorance is strength
War is peace
Schooling is education
Vaccination is immunisation
Flat earth is a sphere
Poisoning is healing
Slavery is freedom
ddave My father taught me that all of the isms are not good.1 : a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory
2 : an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief
we all have got to come to grips with our isms
— Joycelyn Elders
Yes you are correct for identifying the inversion of truth which is part of the propaganda process to divert attention elsewhere, to spread disinformation to the masses and to control the narrative of any topic.
The Committee of 300 and its hierarchy are well above all governments and people have to recognise this truth or reality.
Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
Asserting Australia’s First Nations Sovereignty into Governance
Media Release 27 January 2019
Reparation: the colonisers’ fear of admitting the truth of invasion
One of the slogan chants of the Invasion/Sovereignty Day March in Sydney was “No accident, it was murder!”, referring to the continuing and spiralling number of deaths in custody. International lawyers are now referring to First Nations Peoples’ Deaths in Custody as being attributed to State-sanctioned death squads. People wanting to know need to do research on this. It is in fact an untold story that is operating world-wide, but perfected in Australia.
Michael Anderson
Convenor of Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
and Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic
Mogila Station, Goodooga NSW 2838, 0499 080 660
The poem by Kevin Gilbert -posted above – ends this Media Release.