Home Fam-Court CASE 001 before The People’s Commission

CASE 001 before The People’s Commission


Australia should no longer tolerate these government and judicial actions in Australia.

Note: I found rare internet in Birdsville, but have completely devoid of Phone and internet service for some days, and a few days more. (DM)



  1. In regard to case 1.
    It is fair dinkum.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    I have been informed of the details for many years as it developed.
    Bloody evil BASTARDS.
    A pox upon those responsible putrid samples of humanity.
    If only the msm had any idea of what efforts made by Dee to find any sign of truth and justice in SOUTH AUSTRALIA she would be up for a civil VICTORIA CROSS.

    • Dee you concluded, paraphrasing; when will a brave Leader demand justice?
      Unlikely to even find one in the South Australian parliament.
      They take their pay fraudulently. The devil will deal with them in due course with their msm and ABC putrid journalists.

          • I’m totally ignorant of what goes on inside family court proceedings, but after reading up on it for about 4 hours today, it seems to be a total mess, I have a million questions about the video above, but the first one is, why didn’t they put the girl with her Grandmother instead of in state care/ foster care ? I’m pretty sure the grandmother was mentioned in the video, aren’t children meant to go to next of kin before state care ?
            And on what possible grounds could the authorities believe that the girl would be better off in state care instead of with her mum ? Even if the mum made up the allegations
            ( which I don’t think she did for 1 minute ) the girl would still be better off with her mum that she obviously loves, and wants to get back home to.
            If the child wishes to live with her mum as she always had, then facilitating that is in the best interest of the child.
            They’re punishing the child by punishing the mother ( for something she isn’t even guilty of it seems ) when would that ever happen in another similar situation where a mother allegedly lied about a neighbour or a work colleague ? They wouldn’t punish her child by taking the child away and putting her in a foster home would they ?
            So even if they thought the mother was 100% lying ( which we know is rubbish ) why punish the child ? Why aren’t they listening to children and what they want ??
            Are details of the case findings available anywhere, obviously with pseudonym attached ?
            Because action is needed.

    • Unfortunately, child abuse is not limited to predation of children by “minor attracted” perverts but it is an epidemic of queers who despise the natural order and seek to overturn it with all the LGBTQWERTYUIOP nonsense prevalent.

      To me it seems pretty much analogous to the ’70’s frenzy of the people demanding the “right” to murder their own children in utero and hysterically “virtue signalling” about the “horrors” of harvesting dolphins and whales or some such.

      Look, I can’t see any difference between the perverts who claim the “right” to deny their progeny life itself and the perverts who like to claim that they can do whatever they like to “underlings” who have no transcendental nature and purpose other than what is decreed by a Caesar for his own convenience.

  2. As with Covid, crimes against humanity have been committed, in which every government, every regulator, all mainstream media and all professions are complicit.

    Poisons have been shot into 5 billion people, children included !

    They laugh in our face, as they stab in the back.

    “You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
    – Bob Marley

  3. NOTE.
    Terrys 1918 gumshoe article on the law in Australia is now linked by Mike Rivero,
    At whatreallyhappened.com. New.
    On 7/9 at 7.21 timeline.
    Well gumshoe ….. patience has it’s own reward.
    Well done Terry and Dee.

        • crisscross767 September 9, 2022 at 11:42 am
          Who is this Mary character you call Blessed?

          It is the beloved Mother of the Son of God whom you seem to despise with all the fervour of the Sanhedrin and Pharisees demanding a “Messiah” according to their prescriptions and under their control.

          It’s not going to be pretty on Judgement Day when you are trying to “explain” to the Judge that His Mother is a nondescript whore of no particular significance other than as some hypothetical “type” of a pagan goddess.

      • I guess you are referring to the Catholic Mary.

        Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology.

        The United States of Amerika/Amarka/Omorca’s ultimate objective is control of the whole world.

        It is time that this knowledge becomes common.

        Jer.51:7 “Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of God, making all the Earth drunk.The nations have drunk of her fermented wine therefore the nations are insane”.

        All of the different pagan gods are just different manifestations of Nimrod and his wife ( The Two Babylons- Hislop )

        From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ see note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]

        and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4

        “……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.

        How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”

        From, “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77

        “……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”

    • The public rides on the bus, the less fortunate walk. The bus driver and bus route and bus timetable are all appointed by the higher-ups. Now we are in AUKUS, did anyone hear about that before it was signed ? Was there any vote or referendum ? Government responsibilities are all pushed to arm’s length, from defence arrangements to reserve banking, it’s too hot to handle. Our collective opinion only exists to be manipulated.
      In democracy we are invited to vote for the red / blue party, the colour of the voting administration (AEC) is purple.

      • In Thailand they have opened fully, and they have legalised ganja to bring in more tourist dollars, they have probably worked out that alcohol is worse.
        Why the military run kingdom has gone predatory after tourists is the trade of course, the Thai people see government workers still fat and driving around in new cars while they are getting skinnier and skinnier with old clothes. If the Thai people rise, nothing can stop them.

  4. At face value the following quote might not appear to be of any relevance to the black mass-style lawlessness that has come to pervade each and every State institution, but it’s well worth closer examination

    “Musical innovation is full of danger to the State, for when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them.”

    ― Plato, The Republic

    In 1970 I thought the proliferation of rock music was therefore beneficial, but by 1980 I realised the reverse was actually true and at the end of that decade this doco was produced:

    • I could not tolerate the diabolical cacophonies in this video above even with a go fast scroll through.

      May I propose a short antidote:

      This is my most favouritist piece of music ever and I liked to bruise it with my violin when I was agile enough to desecrate it with my lack of skill.

    • The point is not that any form of music is, of itself, demonic.
      The point is that, when the likes of Mozart, Bach and Handel were fostered by the authorities of their day such governance was able to to command some sort of credibility and respect via adhering to it’s own prospectus.
      When rulers no longer have the will or the means to do any such thing, when they are no longer anything more than lackeys of the highest bidder, it stands to reason that most music aspires to nothing more than lust, suicidal depression,rage, and unabashed blasphemy

  5. Just to let people know. Locked down in Birdsville. Big storms. All roads south closed. I have no phone, no emails… withdrawal form technology is hard

    • ABC News a year ago re Birdsville.

      The Nunn family, from Clifton Hills Station, is used to isolation but is forbidden from travelling to Birdsville — two hours away since the Queensland government declared South Australia a hotspot on July 22.

      “We’re just sitting out here on our own on this old stony hill,” dad Peter Nunn said.

      “We’re not going down south or been anywhere near a coronavirus hotspot.

      “We just can’t understand why we are classed as a coronavirus hotspot way out here. We’re a long way from nowhere.”

    • Lucky you, keep your eye on high ground. Stay a month or too. the desert is more on the famine side, the feast on those other days has even pelicans moving in, once I’m sure I saw a seagull. Notice the beach’s have few if any seagulls.Only 30 odd years ago they were considered a pest.

  6. “Never try to destroy someone’s life with a lie when yours could be destroyed by the truth.”
    – Gilad Atzmon

    The Pirbright Institute/Wellcome Trust/Foundation biowarfare.
    Army training at Pirbright, including intelligence.
    Lord Pirbright, Rothschild banking dynasty.
    Cobbett Hill Earth Station, digital and wireless “Internet of Things” and “5G” monopoly.

    U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701
    issued Nov. 20. 2018

  7. King Charles III

    God save our gracious king, long may he ever reign, God save the king.

    Send him victorious, happy and glorious, long to-oo reign over us

    Go-od save the king.

    • From ABC news today:

      For instance, he started an initiative in 2007 called “Mosaic,” which offers mentoring programs to young people growing up in deprived communities. He also launched the “Campaign for Wool” in 2010 to promote awareness of the environmental benefits of wool and expand the market for British sheep farmers who are struggling to make ends meet.

      Charles also took part in various sports including horse racing, sailing and scuba diving. He raised money for charity by playing polo up until late 2004, when he decided to retire from the game after playing it for more than 40 years, according to a biography on the prince’s official website.

      In his spare time, Charles likes to paint. Lithographs of his artwork are for sale and all proceeds go to The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation. He also enjoys gardening and hedge-laying, especially in his organic garden at Highgrove House, his residence near Tetbury in Gloucestershire.

      • Well now he is going to have to give Royal Assent to every mad thing that goes through parliament, if he is in on all of it or not who knows

  8. Putin snubbed Gorbachev’s funeral – now that really tells you something.

    In today’s show originally broadcast on September 8 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of How Mikhail Gorbachev Instigated The Great Reset.”

    We discussed: the significance of Gorbachev’s end of the Cold War speech at Fulton, Missouri; how Gorbachev became, co-founder of the World Economic Forum, Maurice Strong’s, number one partner in the 1992 Earth Summit, which was the foundation of a global Soviet style regime; Gorbachev’s Green Cross International organization; Lenin’s 1921 “New Economic Policy” speech which Gorbachev quoted from 70 years later in 1991; why more democracy means more socialism; the most likely reasons that Vladimir Putin declined to attend Mikhail Gorbachev’s funeral; how Gorbachev supplied weapons to Communist terrorists throughout the world; why Gorbachev used poison gas on his own people; Gorbachev’s Nobel Peace Prize and Time Magazine “Man Of The Decade” award; the environmental ten commandments which upon which “The Great Reset” is built today; Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika deception; the numerous tax free foundations that were investigated in 1953 for supporting Communism; how “The Great Reset” is eerily similar to what we are warned about in the book of Revelation Chapter 13; why the plan today is to subvert the West under covert Communism; how the Covid lockdowns succeeded in closing down more churches that Stalin and Mao Tse Tung combined; the dangers of so-called Smart Cities; how environmentalists are like watermelons, green on the outside and red on the inside; how much destruction of the environment is caused by the construction of just one electric car battery; why Communism is so closely allied with a hatred of Jesus Christ; and many other topics.


  9. The Queen is dead, long live us. Changing of the guard, watch Charles as he has already thrown in with the WEF founders boss.

    around 14 minutes
    Posting this hear because I suspect the net may wipe it.
    Beginning of mad disease, stuff we have kicked around, virus, bacteria or gain of function prion NIH style.
    Never seen the video here, but all this leads to much bio-warfare dropped on us.e.g
    a couple, Tasmanian Tiger cancer nose, chlamydia koalas

      • Maybe I did, bra, maybe I did. The Tasmanian Devil of course, the tiger died out when Franco was but a boy.

        I’ve lived with both wombats and koalas. The wombat eats, roots and leaves.(tastes like beef, not gamey). The devil is like a meat eating wombat.The koala is like a tree wombat, the most noticeable difference is in female pouch. Koala faces the pouch upwards so the offspring do not succumb to gravity, whilst the wombat’s faces rearwards so as not to full with dirt when they are excavating.
        Before Knight let me at dem, bra.

        • Ok now we are cryptic-oblique.
          Can you explain wombats’ square poohs which decorate our skifields, and the deeper meaning.
          (clue: none)

          • Knight is Sir and night is dark. Like nocturnal animals these knights operate in the dark but in plain sight.
            at dem, bra is a phonetic for Attenborough.
            Sir Attenborough, who still leads most down the garden path with stories that help continue keeping the dark. Lemmings don’t jump off cliff but people do everyday.
            You asked or let me at them.

  10. X22Report.com today is worth consideration 🤡
    So too, the situationreport.com at beforeitsnews.com people powered news. …… late in the report note the Bin Laden-Obama stuff up. It was not Binladen. Well we all knew that.💁 Obama was then blackmailed by Iran. Cost billions.
    So then, what was the fbi really looking for in Melania’s panty draws🩲🩲🩲🩱🩱😂😂😂🤡🍿🍿🍿💼?
    It’s a mad mad world …… all fun to work out.
    God save the City of London, the Bank of England, the Vatican and the corporate District of Washington, District of Columbia.

    • Indeed, even one day already of passed on Liz is just too much thus far.
      Then King Green of the Royal Climate Change Order is going to be just sickening.

    • Lucifer’s Worldwide Tyranny: THE DEEP STATE IS LUCIFER! They Hate God and Humanity – they are seeking worldwide Tyranny and Globalism. Are they Winning?
      Thomas P. Crenshaw
      3.0 out of 5 stars 1
      1 offer from $17.99

      Khazarian Scams: Our Rulers of Earth are Satanist Gangsters. Masters at Murder, Lies, Deceptions, Illusions and Mind Control. This Shocking Book is Not Available Anywhere Else.
      Thomas P. Crenshaw
      3.0 out of 5 stars 2
      1 offer from $18.99


      • Quotes from the Jewish Bible –

        Says Jesus was a Sorcerer:
        Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus (“Yeshu” and in footnote #6, Yeshu “the Nazarene”) was executed because he practiced sorcery.
        Horrible Blasphemy of Jesus Christ:
        Gittin 57a. Says Jesus ( see footnote #4) is being boiled in “hot excrement.”
        Sanhedrin 43a. Jesus deserved execution: “On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu was hanged…Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer)?”
        Talmud Attacks Christians
        Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians (“minim”) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations (see footnote #11 for the definition of minim).
        Christian Book Burning
        Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament (“uncanonical books,” see footnote #9) will have no portion in the world to come.
        Shabbath 116a (p. 569). Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.
        Dr. Israel Shahak reports that the Zionists burned hundreds of New Testament books in Occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. “Jewish History, Jewish Religion,” Pluto Press, p. 21).
        Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
        Gittin 69a. To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix it with honey and eat it.
        Shabbath 41a. The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given.
        Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.
        Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.
        Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years “and a day” old).
        Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
        Kethuboth 11b. “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”
        Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.
        Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with.
        Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

    Go to
    Whatreallyhappened.com – new for 8th September and scroll to 8.55 timeline.

    Go broke, you lot are redundant.

  12. Some informed goss.
    * The reported day of passing was not quite so.
    * operation London bridge gave time for details to be confirmed
    * Poppa Charles to be Prince Regent till grandson installed as king.
    * provision made for following Regent, if Charlie passes beforehand.
    * arrangement made after Phillip departed to be, per expressed wish ‘re-incarnated as a genocidal virus’ [🤪my joke💁]
    Oh well, who cares? We will get ten days of msm drama queens, no matter what.
    Joe has recorded his condolences in some book from a prepared card. He at least inquired from a assistant as to the date and seems to have noted the correct date on his historic record. (Recorded video by Twitter report)
    The script is not recorded yet.
    But it would seem not to have been anything akin to: ‘Liz, see you soon. xoxo ’. The time spent writing his condolences appears to be much more detailed.

    • It all seems a bit mysterious.
      So, is there a new King (Charles 3) immediately after the passing of previous incumbent?
      Then there is a official coronation to confirm?
      OR do we do a ‘prince King Edward’, with strings?
      Well, who cares?
      Does it matter for Australia?
      As I understand, Australia is owned by the corporation (where we are registered): of the US Washington District of Columbia. AND THAT CORPORATION IS BANKRUPT💁
      Oh well, I suppose I will not get to the funeral…… I have not been injected🥲

      • You have to look at the Corporations shareholders, save you the time, goes full circle. The Corporation is insolvent, not bankrupt.
        The difference is in, the hard asset’s, that are tradable and additionally valuable because they yield.
        Its a short squeeze, that will yield by labour, a greater means of production at lower cost.To who the spoils go, will show at Coronation.

  13. This is on topic –

    The queen presumably had jurisdiction over the Law of the Land. Rothschild and his Banks have jurisdiction over the Law of the Sea.

    Notice that Rothschild’s Channel islands are excluded and that this Act no doubt covers the City of London.

    Short title.
    This Act may be cited as the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890.
    2Colonial Courts of Admiralty.
    (1)Every court of law in a British possession, which is for the time being declared in pursuance of this Act to be a court of Admiralty, or which, if no such declaration is in force in the possession, has therein original unlimited civil jurisdiction, shall be a court of Admiralty, with the jurisdiction in this Act mentioned, and may for the purpose of that jurisdiction exercise all the powers which it possesses for the purpose of its other civil jurisdiction, and such court in reference to the jurisdiction conferred by this Act is in this Act referred to as a Colonial Court of Admiralty. Where in a British possession the Governor is the sole judicial authority, the expression “court of law” for the purposes of this section includes such Governor.


    • “…………Statutes
      – All Acts of Parliament are ‘statutes’ known variously as legislation, regulations or rules. They are not laws. Statutes are often incorrectly referred to as laws by ‘trained’ barristers and solicitors, but the correct interpretation would be ‘black letter law’ (meaning statutes) which are distinguishable from ‘law’ i.e. common law – and for a purpose, the purpose being that statutes and laws are different. If Acts of Parliament were laws they would be called ‘Laws of Parliament.’

      Parliament knows the distinction which it quite rightly maintains. Look at any Act of Parliament and you will notice the absence of the word law – that will give you the first clue that there is a difference. Parliament maintains the distinction between statutes and laws because those ‘in the know’ use this knowledge for their personal benefit.

      – A ‘statute’ is defined as a rule or regulation of a society – they are edicts of legislation used to govern that society. Statutes are subject to the consent of the society – and this is individual consent and not collective consent. We belong to society as a matter of choice.

      – The distinction between a law and a statute is that a law applies equally to us all but statutes can be made to favour one sector of society over others, for example, people with disabilities are given preferential parking privileges (which is fair enough) and politicians have given themselves special dispensations re their expenses which the rest of us do not have (which is outrageous).

      – There is a compulsion to obey laws. Laws defend our freedoms and liberties and through them we live in peace and harmony with our neighbours. Failure to comply with laws would render an individual an outlaw. If you do not respect the law then it can afford you no protection.

      – Obeying statutes is voluntary i.e. with our consent. Any individual can withdraw their consent to being governed (controlled) by the statutes of a society. This might involve their exclusion from that society and the loss of benefits, but when the imposition of the liabilities outweighs the benefits, then that might be a price worth paying. The choice is and should be yours.

      – Consent must be given by the individual and not by a collective on behalf of the individual – this would be dictatorship by the majority. There is no freedom in having to do whatever you are told. Each individual must have the absolute right to give and withhold their consent. This is the basis of our constitution – individual freedoms.

      – Government is elected into ‘office’ not ‘power’ as they frequently like to claim.
      – The ultimate constraint on the abuse of authority (office) is the peoples ability to withdraw their consent to being governed – and at any time, not just at elections. Without consent, authority enforced becomes power and government then becomes tyrannical. We never give ‘power’ to those we elect, we merely give them authority to act on our behalf. Today’s governing bodies are slowly mutating into tyrannies, because they are ignoring the principles of consent and are securing ‘power’ for themselves……………….”


    • We have to get rid of this idea of separation of Church and State and reinstate Christian ethics.

      Protocol No 1


      Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
      Where does right begin? Where does it end?
      In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right – to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.

    • I watched it and was so outraged and enraged it left me speechless.

      The only way out of this is to actually learn the truth about history, especially the last 100+ years.

      • ACH (1904) Reed T. Sainsbury – Exposing The Lies Of History – Deprogramming 101

      “In today’s show originally broadcast on September 9 2022, Andy is joined by Reed T. Sainsbury, for a show entitled, “Exposing The Lies Of History: Deprogramming 101.”

      We discussed: Reed’s Father’s experiences fighting in the Korean War that led him into a life of historical research, which Reed has picked up with his “Exposing The Lies Of History: Deprogramming 101” book; why it is important for people to know who is behind the Communist New World Order agenda; the JFK quote “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” including whether or not those who deny our God Given Right To Free Speech, are making peaceful revolution impossible; a look at the 9/11 attacks two days before the 21st anniversary; and many other topics.”

  14. What needs to be taken into account is that the entire judicial system(not just the family court) is geared towards discouraging people from making complaints.
    Because due to the fact the entire animal has been overloaded to the point of complete collapse for years, there’s no other means of maintaining a facade of functionality

  15. I love a happy story. The largest group to take three or more ‘jabs’ of the Covid 19 bio-weapon are, wait for it, (think of the dumbest group in America) were White, progressive/liberal women! Yes, those airheads/shrieking harpies are going to be a declining demographic in a few years. – (I wonder how stocks in pink and green hair dye will survive).


  16. Lucas & Arthur Jussen – Bach: ‘Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit’, BWV 106: 2a (Transcr. Kurtág)
    Live recording – 25 June 2019, Konzerthaus Dortmund

    “Bach’s exquisite, elegant simplicity goes beyond mere pleasant melodies. His music has a haunting quality which reminds us of life’s higher purpose.”

    https://youtu.be/2rUsZlXFhcc 3 mins

  17. X22’s cover is blown to smithereens which is topical because it explains why Case 001 will never be resolved – the Sabbatean/Marxists are in complete control. The ‘German’ ‘sexologist ‘Magnus Hirschfeld would be thrilled with its legacy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld
    … As would the ‘American’ Alfred Kinsey
    “Kinsey said he also interviewed nine men who had sexual experiences with children and who told him about the children’s responses and reactions. Little attention was paid to this part of Kinsey’s research at the time, but where Kinsey had gained this information began to be questioned nearly 40 years later.[26] It was later revealed that Kinsey used data from a single pedophile and presented it as being from various sources. ”
    Try to stop frothing bogan

  18. I heard that Helen Mirren had died.

    Sure enough – scrimmaged around for the remote, dusted off the cobwebs and turned the TV on – and there was John Kerry paying some tribute (I kept the TV on mute). Looked like he had the knights templar helmet welded onto his face.

  19. Police use of Freemasonary chequering


    Freemasons in Law Enforcement


    Victoria Police Occult Symbolism

    Police use of Freemasonary chequering –


    Freemasons Control the “Justice” System


    The Victorian County Court Facility was opened in 2002. It is privately owned, maintained and operated by The Liberty Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Challenger Limited.

    The Facility was constructed to a premium quality in accordance with a public private partnership agreement. The Liberty Group provides the accommodation, security and information technology services. Court Services Victoria provides the County Court judicial and administrative services.

    The Facility is located in the heart of Melbourne’s Legal precinct, on the corner of William and Lonsdale Streets. It is in close proximity to the Supreme, Magistrates’, Children’s and Commonwealth Law Courts. The historic Waverley Terrace building located at 472-474 Lonsdale Street was restored as part of the development of the County Court Facility.

    Click on the following links for further information on Major Projects / Events:


    • Dee, as far as I know, a new article by J Hagopian will pop up here at noon Saturday Sep 10. If you plant something before then, Hagopian’s will still pop up at noon.

      It’s wierd not to be in touch with you.

        • Darkness at Noon (Arthur Koestler) …

          “History has taught us that often lies serve her better than the truth; for man is sluggish and has to be led …”


          “… History is a priori amoral; it has no conscience.”

          “The principle that the end justifies the means is and remains the only rule of political ethics; anything else is just vague chatter …“

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