Intro by Dee (with encouragement from Ned).
Across the world, we are seeing catastrophes unfolding, and so today a collection of videos.
Take for example the Comrades Marathon in South Africa. I had many friends that ran the race in the 70s and 80s. It is a grueling ultra-marathon with a very long history — the route between Pietermaritzburg and Durban. In the last 40 years, there have been only 8 deaths. This year there have been 2 (abnormal) deaths and at least 74 athletes had to be transferred to different hospitals around Durban after struggling during the marathon.
LINK to article on “Comrades Marathon | Concern over ‘abnormal’ deaths” and the VIDEO.
Poisons in Australia — License To Kill
And Jane Ruby
VIDEO – Canadian Doctors – Stew Peters
The Covid House of Card Crumbling
Please keep to the present crisis. The war on humanity is unfolding now. We can discuss history later.
Hear, hear. Obey Mother!
And don’t just focus on what is happening. Think of ways to discontinue it. God gave you neurons, didn’t He?
We are in extreme emergency but still have ways to deal with it. These ways are on the frickin’ wane. Tomorrow could be “lights out.” Deal NOW.
The BIG secret of Australia’s Family Cult
Read our latest blog here
Includes Aishe’s incredible list of books to deep dive into the mind control agendas of these times. Tools of mass mk ultra were first trialled and tested in horrific experimentation on our children right here in Aus & around the world▶️
CASE 001-SA before The People’s Commission
The truth about how courts, police, ‘child protection and many other systems are conspiring to protect abusers. Who is protecting our children❓
This is a powerful new project created by incredible advocate for our children, Dee McLachlan
Australia has the highest reports for child rape of girls. How many go unreported?
Australia has the highest numbers for child removals.
Thousands of children are deliberately placed with abusers and remain hostage there.
While good parents fighting to save and protect their own are persecuted, receiving the full wrath of the state to silence these stories from ever being publicly heard. Mums & Dads supporting their childrens disclosures of horrific abuse are tortured by the state systems that bury, discard and destroy the evidence. These families are suffering the unbearable pain of having their precious babes taken from them, while knowing that their child is suffering and yet the state keeps them apart. The state leaves these children to be abused.
#itstime to Wake Up the ‘Lucky Country’.
A cult-ure that is unable to prioritise protecting its most vulnerable must be publicly exposed and dismantled entirely
Please SHARE far and wide and together let’s break their state sanctioned child trafficking networks by opening one mind at a time. This ends with us 💖🔥
I have written elsewhere about Voice To Skull (V2K), through which CIA sends sounds and speech into people’s heads. V2K – Voice To Skull This is responsible for the misdiagnosis of many diseases in…
From Gabbi Choong Telegram
Cynthia McKinney is the brave US congresswoman who called out military contractor Dyncorp for human trafficking
This historical article she shares demonstrates how the “Military-Industrial Complex has worked for decades:
Think-tank analysts generate the reasons for military spending, the government bureaucrats implement the necessary war policies, and the military contractors make lots of money before kicking back some to the think tanks — so the bloody but profitable cycle can spin again.”
The very same cycle we are seeing played out today.
These same defence conglomerates are networked with military intelligence to traffic drugs and children for funding their black ops projects. They also take the largest slice of tax payer funds and where does this actually go?
During Tavistock’s ‘War on Terror’, Afghanistan was not just the #1 production line for opioids, it was also the testing, development and sales showroom for the next generation of frequency mind control weapons.
The very weapons that have been used over revolutionary crowds over the last years in the US, Africa, Australia and no doubt countless other populations.
How many children were trafficked out of Afghanistan with drugs by the CIA, military contractors and military personnel ❓
People, who ignore the consequences of clotting, may die.
Immune system is designed to protect the appropriate DNA. It is prepared to kill an individual to save the entire species or phylum etc. It does this by clotting.
Save yourself and deserving people by taking nattokinase or serrapeptase. These are enzymes that help the body reduce proteins to amino acids, with scrap from clots and scars going to the lungs to be coughed up as phlegm.
“Nattokinase is an enzyme extracted and purified from a Japanese food called nattō. Nattō is produced by fermentation by adding the bacterium Bacillus natto, which also produces the enzyme, to boiled soybeans. While other soy foods contain enzymes, it is only the nattō preparation that contains the specific nattokinase enzyme.”
“Serratiopeptidase (Serratia E-15 protease, also known as serralysin, serrapeptase, serratiapeptase, serratia peptidase, serratio peptidase, or serrapeptidase) is a proteolytic enzyme (protease) produced by non-pathogenic enterobacterium Serratia sp. E-15, now known as Serratia marcescens ATCC 21074. This microorganism was originally isolated in the late 1960s from silkworm Bombyx mori L. (intestine). Serratiopeptidase is present in the silkworm intestine and allows the emerging moth to dissolve its cocoon. Serratiopeptase is produced by purification from culture of Serratia E-15 bacteria. It is a member of the Peptitase M10B (Matrixin) family.”
Not sure about any connection but the post-mRNA va666ine “Novovax” had inert spike proteins in it which were extracted or derived from some type of moth
Thanks Dee.
I will have a rant.
All those rsoles commentators and sabotaging your site and ignoring the present can go wheel their wheelbarrows off a Cliff .
Been watching for years whilst rsoles wheelbarrowed distractors/bots try to stuff up your site.
You rsoles losers know who you are.
Keep digging go fill in your graves.
Do not these idiots/bots not know that they are being tracked? Of course they do, but think they will not be exposed. Dream on.
….. the losers know WHO you are….
“We know WHO the losing rsoles are, they are…’
The banker’s.
The prostitutes of the msm. (Ever present Lord Haw Haws who think they will escape a silk knotted neck tie …. For treason)
Our gutless compliant politicians.
Globalist Corporate control freaks.
Idiots near every next door with their heads up their rsoles thinking they are kept safe.
What is happening here is an endless talkfest; a merry-go-round so that Death can Ride in endless circles on his skeletal nag, while we shiver in delicious terror.
We have examined the WEF, the NWO, the UN, the WHO, and NATO, in minute detail and from every perspective. We have named thousands of traitors and mass murderers, and called for justice.
But we have not made one single move to stop it.
All of this talking is an utter waste of time and energy.
We know beyond doubt that democide and global dictatorship and conversion of humanity to transhumanism, is our future. We know full well that we are losing our nation. Because nobody is lifting a finger to stop it, we know babies and infants will soon die in agony from the jab.
A half million people firmly informed the psychopaths responsible for this they are very cross. Unbelievably, the psychopaths just laughed and commenced with the destruction of energy for heating, cooking, and industrial production.
That was half a million brainwashed and delusion Australians who have lost the capacity to think clearly, or even to protect their children.
As I see it, there are two sides in this war. Those who fight and those who do not. And worse than those who refuse to fight are those who obstruct efforts to mobilise a compelling reform.
I now have a list of Resistance entities that serve a disparate agenda: They do the talk but not the walk.
Consortium News
MintPress News
Naomi Wolf,
Chris Hedges
Reiner Fuellmich
Noam Chomsky
Riccardo Bosi
Jonathan Cook
On the evidence, I now add Carines News and Gumshoe News.
I wonder what resistance is left in Australia, other than that which is forming in the North, all of it Aboriginal.
To be crossed off by Wikipedia is a sure sign of quality.
*Like – thanks for bringing these musical items foffa – I listen to them all with appreciation and subscribe to their channels. That was sublime.
Thanks Julius, great music helps prepare my old brain for a good night’s sleep. (I’m searching for more by Helene Grimaud (Fr), she also speaks English very well.)
I had missed this one. Of interest as Nadal seems to be struggling.
Mittval (Iceland) had picked this up, Feb 2022, from the top uni “Karolinska” in Stockholm:
“Karolinska has now established a heart clinic for athletes.” !!
AGREED Tony… I have been unable to keep up with the chatter for years.
My focus has been trying to correct matters by actioning and writing legal documents. But the courts are so corrupt that has been useless except providing me a brilliant education in government malfeasance.
I need a fk…. holiday while Rome burns.
“I need a fk…. holiday while Rome burns.” – I saw a poster recently that said, “The fall of Rome, but with WIFI!
As a former barrister, I concur with you comment “the courts are so corrupt”. I would never go to a court to seek justice in Oz, you have no idea of the agenda/s behind the scene. The only realistic solution I can see is the Tony Ryan solution.
Tony Ryan: You are spot on. What we need in Australia (and elsewhere) is to get the police and army on our side to mount an active resistance. Pull the perpetrators from office, prosecute them, set up local-only, 100% accountable governments and direct democracy for all major decisions – which should be easy to implement via an app. Get rid of the bloated governments and their bureaucrats and unelected sickness officials.
Today’s NYTimes says:
Almost six months ago, when my Morning colleagues and I released our last poll about Covid, the deep anxiety among Americans identifying as “very liberal” was one of the main findings.
Forty-seven percent of very liberal adults said that they believed Covid presented a “great risk” to their own personal health and well-being. That was a significantly larger share than among conservatives, moderates or even liberals who stopped short of calling themselves very liberal. Particularly striking was the level of concern among liberals under age 45, even though the virus’s worst effects have been concentrated among older people.
I understand why attitudes about the virus vary so sharply by ideology. Our country is polarized on most high-profile issues today. In the case of Covid, Donald Trump and some other Republicans exacerbated the divide by making a series of false statements that downplayed the threat or misrepresented the vaccines.
We KNOW all this stuff about vax-deaths; false flags; Hunter’s laptop; pedo governments; wars by bankers. I feel I’m trapped on STUCK RECORD. clicking over and over.
Personally I am now drawn to chatter on dimensions, matrix, galactic races, entity control of humans, hidden technology, what are we (consciousness trapped in alien technology)?, where are we? etc. At least I’m learning something new each day. And it’s not 1940 history… it’s history written in ancient tablets — from all ancient civilisations that provide a stunning option to the origins of man and who we might be.
It provides perspective as these psychopaths lead humanity into Homo sapiens 2.0 (maybe it it 4.0)
Excellent Dee. That’s what makes you (and Gumshoe) special. I like to keep an eye on those topics as well but there are many ‘flat earthers’ amongst them – it is a lucrative business. There are countless unanswered questions when you marvel at ‘pre-history’.
Nevertheless, you might like to add Brian Ruhr to your watch list. His personal journey is via Buddhism (now well and truly infiltrated unfortunately) and he never strikes me as trying to sell click bait.
I’ll let you scroll through at your leisure …
Maybe this one …
• Where Human And Alien Spirituality Meet
… he loses me sometimes with the UFO stuff.
“The earth is a challenge cup. It is a challenge cup which passes into the hands of those peoples who deserve it, who prove themselves strong enough in their struggle for existence, who secure the basis for their own existence. It is a challenge cup which is taken from those peoples who become weak, who are not willing, at the risk of the life of one generation, to secure the life of later generations. The right to this soil is given equally to all these peoples. On this earth, no Englishman has more rights than a Frenchman, no Frenchman has more rights than a Russian, no Russian has more rights than a German, no German has more rights than an Italian, and so on.“
… May 3, 1940 (AH)
Dear Mary,
Do some research on Ts ‘endorsement’ of ‘vaccines’ . He endorsed vaccines… wake up, what is a vaccine💁💁?
Get with the plan, just examine some of the analysis.
Mary, get into some research:
Get with the sting operation. Please. I regret to tell you the basics, you should be able to discern the game….. you are a lawyer (phd) with a mind.. work it out💁💁💁💁
Oops, from memory, about MARCH 2021. Perhaps early 2020?
Come on Mary, look at the record, read between the political lines.
Sorry Mary,
I am really cranky. Why have you not ever, so far as I can discern, bothered to cover since March 2018, that I have examine EVERY REPORT and spend a moment to present a critique?
What is your agenda as a objective PHD?
Sorry, I smell a serial distraction in step with the other wheelbarrow brigade.
May we stick with our present identified globalist agendas on topic for a change?
Sorry, I did not note your comment till after mine below.
Yes, I am up all these bots and wheelbarrow spivs fucking up your site and efforts to distract with bs that may be found elsewhere.
I note that Twitter, per Musk is about 50% fake AI lying manipulating CIA ? BOTS.
Those who discern some of the serial INANE comments know.
So piss off,
Ned, where can I find X22? Is that on Netflix? What season are they up to? Is it as good as Game of Thrones?
Or …
One comment:
“Mad respect to HBO for using real dragons instead of CGI like in Game of Thrones. I hope everyone is safe during filming.”
I do not have time to bother with you if you can not find
that I’m have given the link to for months and gave up… if you have not noted, go back to school and learn to read some of my comments.
Ned, I was quoting the New York Times, above. Of course I meant the whole thing sarcastically. They said:
“I understand why attitudes about the virus vary so sharply by ideology. Our country is polarized on most high-profile issues today. In the case of Covid, Donald Trump and some other Republicans exacerbated the divide by making a series of false statements that downplayed the threat or misrepresented the vaccines.”
When that NYT author says “downplayed the threat,” he means the threat of the spread of Covid.
The NZ answer to “Neighbours” is called “Shortland St”, seems to be set in some type of hospital, I walked past the TV and caught about 5 seconds of it, they seemed to be normalising heart attacks in under 50’s. We are getting anaphylaxis normalised too, along with every type of random virus and sudden onset mystery illnesses, all ages. The solution of course is more safety and more hospital; more tax will be required. The poster boy for va666ine injury survival is Nadal, luckily they could still ban Djokovic from the game so Nadal wouldn’t get beaten. Giving the va666ine to Nadal must have been a stuff-up, and maybe he has had some special treatment to get him more-or-less back in order. They say he is taking too long between serves, there is 25 seconds allowed. Presumably the serve is the maximum strain to the upper body. How to neutralise the mRNA when it is already up and running ?
And some philanthrodopodist mugs donated 250 million to pandemic research in victoria. $250M could remove the mugs from Canberra.
Remember all those dead cows in Texas (?)
This is from Saskatchewan ( Canada ) (2 min)
More from Saskatchewan
“Dial 5 if you want us to kill you” (1 min)
Globalists must have worked out Canadians & their farmers use up the most fossil fuels and need to be culled first
Joe, did you notice the grim reaper in the cloud above the guy’s head at the end of that water test vid??
Also…Just a note on today’s poisoning of the WA wheatbelt. As I was catching up on the news today, i passed out.. Some hours later, woke up with my cat pounding my chest. Air wreaking of chems inside my house…no open doors or windows, air con not on. No wonder even though we’ve had the wettest winter for years, nothing growing in my vege patch… not even my lawn has grown. only the grassy-type weeds.
Well no hope for me in the post-nuk. Can’t grow food and if something happens to the pipeline, we’re all f’ed from Perth to Kalgoorlie
Ned, can you send me the instructions on that noose knot?
Here’s one for the long suffering publisher (2 min)
Crikey !!!
Graphene Oxide tumours in the windpipe (1 min)
That is down right gross! How in the Hell do you treat that?
Terry I was going to ask that. The one comment
“I can’t tell if that’s graphine oxide or Spike Proteins, but either way, it’s deadly.”
I have recently been emf’d — targetted on a trip north- sudden onset of epiglottitis blocking off windpipe – and ulcerated mouth–etc–nasty –10 days later it has settled—but still aware of swelling—“tumour”
I picked up big promo about sending get well wishes to John Farnham who has just had major surgery re mouth cancer
Maybe Grek Hunt has an idea, since his family is reportedly in the graphene business ?
dianedevere, just wondered if you are on blood pressure lowering drug? If so, read on.
Re. throat swellings etc.
My own case: Throat swellings started after 6 years on a low, daily dose of an ACEi. Symptoms were hoarseness, mild epiglottis swelling + upper airway swelling and difficulties swallowing. I stopped the medication and all symptoms disappeared after 4-5 days. Then went onto an ARB and have been on this one for 2.5 years – no trouble yet!
Blood pressure drug ACEi (Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor) showing similar, but significantly higher cancer risk than ARBs, after years of use.
ARBs (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers)
Also very common blood pressure lowering drug.
Cancer risk, see this peer reviewed article.
(Farnham: I have not seen an official diagnosis, but guessing he suffered from a Ameloblastoma (v. rare, 1 in 850.000) going through the jawbone and then starting to eat into the saliva gland next to it – would be called Sialoblastoma? Poor man.)
Graphene; wait there is more…
Graphene oxide (Lots in German – sorry.)
found in the famous mineral Pellegrino water! (German)
Very good interview in German click for English, bottom left!
Graphene oxide in Pellegrino water! (English)
The murdered Dr Andreas Noack speaks about mini razor blades = Graphene oxide. (Turn off the sound German/Spanish!) English subtitles.
Greg Hunt’s family business is Graphene Oxide.
I saw a picture of a lady with the most god-awful lesion on her private parts. I wonder if she was using the panty pads with the graphine liner that the India TV is promoting lately???
The throat lesions are probably from the f***ing masks!
A GS reader has just told me that One Nation party did the needful. It’s very good.
Malcolm Roberts and AMPS have been hard at it for a few months at least
Human rights lawyer at interview #10 will no doubt be of interest to MM, relates to international covenants & treaties
Citizens Party, although didn’t get a look-in at the elections, are doing a good deal of work trying to encourage a “postal bank”, according to their newsletters. Worth a read. I’ve got no money, so I’m useless as an investor..
Lady running Australia Post was sacked for buying 4 gold watches for departing staff. NO !!! Sacked for trying to start a Post Office Bank as they have had in NZ for probably 100 years, maybe split it out by now because I can’t find it on the webpage, only this remnant which says
“Grow the bank
Our plan is both to grow our core business and to diversify the bank into new markets – reducing portfolio risk and accessing new growth markets.
This page has been migrated”
All controlled from Zurich I would expect
The parliamentary inquiry committee went for about 11 hours…
Too long for me.
Sell sell sell the ABC and SBS. . BETRAYERS⛓⛓⛓⚖️
To who? Murdoch? That’s OUR tax money. Do you think we will get a share back? How about we just kick out all the lispers and only offer minimum wage, from top to bottom. None of those greedy sell-out bastards would bother even applying for the jobs.
Also from Malcolm Roberts.
The other part of the elephant herd in the room.
• Australian Govts Openly Schemed To Poison Citizens – Children
Next, Mr Morrison identified a regret from the rollout of the vaccines.
“If I had my time over, I would have put it under a military operation from the outset, and not later in the year,” he explained.
Well, after I looked up info about these vaqus, same thing. Unauthorised. So much for INFORMED consent. Then I found that the Western Power installing a very suspicious looking streetlight with a strange cylinder on top, right outside my house. Could light up a footy field!!! Only one in my town.
I have to sleep in my loungeroom now, as it shines through 3 layers of curtains!
Go to 12:00+ of this video where it says “Never forget the criminals who committed crimes against humanity”
The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
6 coronavirus vaccine developments from Israel to watch
Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’
“Israeli scientists are on the cusp of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus, according to Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis.”
Latest information about the coronavirus
Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
Catastrophes –
The Future Tsunami That Could Destroy the US East Coast
Jer.51 42 “The sea has come up over Babylon; she is covered with the multitude of its waves.” [In the Wizard of Oz the wicked witch of the west is “liquidated” by Dorothy throwing a bucket of water over her.]
Pillars on St. John the Divine Cathedral [ Jeremiah 51:42-44 ]
Jer.51:64 “Then you shall say, “Thus Babylon shall sink and not rise from the catastrophe that I will bring upon her. And they shall be weary.” Thus are the words of Jeremiah.
Fake news today is mystified, why the teacher shortage and why the nurse shortage, they stare into the camera in wonderment, privately they are well aware, the teachers and nurses have been kicked out under va666ine mandates. Replacements will no doubt be sought from the international (global) market. Anti-va666 teachers will be unsuitable for maintaining government credibility into the future. They will have to start their own schools somewhere.
Government school for the underclasses is primarily for indoctrination, not to teach critical thinking.
Elbow’s “Jobs’n’Skills Summit” is starting up now.
Like, the people who broke the economy and can’t quite understand why are the people who are going to fix it.
Why does this remind me of the AMA & Health Dept.
At 30 min — Australia’s digital ID
get out of the Gold Coast now and do not move to Bathurst.
Biden a pedophile 43 min
Family trait?
Do not ask the ‘laptopped’ criminal FBI.
It’s become hell where a relative few possess the wealth, resources and technology that are the levers of control. We must oppose everything this world disorder stands for, by speaking truth, now we know this chaos is crafted by criminals organised globally.
We must do whatever we can to motivate our youth and ignore the enemy’s lies, even though many around us cannot fathom the monstrosity of the treachery involved.
The narrative was the excuse, to justify the implementation of stealing everyone’s assets. This plandemic designed to benefit the corporations only, is mass murder, with traditional war machinery now enhanced by needles and lethal injections.
We see that ‘vaccines’ are causing death, not preventing it. All involved in the narrative are complicit in what is the worst mass murder in history.
There is no need for a vaccine.
📺 is a brainwashing device, tragically people believe what they see on the box to be more real than reality and truth.
The spike protein will force people to be connected to the beast system, a cashless ID social credit score surveillance hell.
The agenda is connection to the metaverse and mass murder for undesirables committed, as perpetraitors remain hidden, protected by layer upon layers of deception.
The ingredients;
aluminium, aborted babies cells, animal cells, formaldehyde and other chemicals with names miles long, are poisons causing reactions now blatantly obvious, slaughtering innocents, blaming deaths on new variants.
Mary posted this yesterday in a comment to me— it along with the comments bears testimony to our story— thank you–validation that you “exist” has meaning
There is much validation in the Gumshoe archives
CDC: Vaxxed and Unvaxxed on Equal Footing – Karl Haemers
(more doublespeak from the CDC Bureau of Death and the Poison manufacturers)
The Icelanders are on the ball. Link from their Online news service “Mittval”
Tokelau island people in focus.
Mittval also found out about a new HEART CLINIC FOR ATHLETES!! at the Uni of Karolinska in Sweden.
Amazing Tokelau lockdown, locked in the house by corrupt leadership for a year when the island has no cases of virus infection, and if your 5-year-old doesn’t take the injections they get locked down for that too. All the houses are in a clump at about 8 o’clock on the map.
Tokelau Island pop 1400,-171.839136,19940m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x705226aab3781df7:0x8f7062466ddb9b37!8m2!3d-9.2002!4d-171.8484?hl=en
Tokelau news story
Funny they don’t seem concerned about their island sinking too. But guess who is running the injections campaign – Jacinta’s father !!!
Two marathon runners die, 74 hospitalized
A horrific tragedy unfolded during a very popular marathon in South Africa. It was The Comrades Marathon, an ultramarathon of approximately 89 kilometers that’s run annually in the KwaZul …
Aren’t schedule 4 poisons simply prescription medications? Like Antibiotics etc!
when i first heard of that re WA authorizing poisons Murray, i remember someone saying the same as you are now, that it is a term used to cover things like you suggest, so maybe that is correct. the term “poison” though.. well if i saw a bottle on the shelf amongst all things i could possibly mix a drink from, id naturally give that one a big miss.
i think in the case of the legislation, it is used as a broad term, though demostrably, right on the money.
omg.. i meant “authorising” – ive been assimilated.. shoot me now.
They set up a huge regulation structure for their “medicinal poisons” and try to eradicate non-poisonous stuff like alt-medicines
could we win without guns?
could we just walk out?
Exactly right, if you’re over 60 you can take your super out, and anyone can go to the farmer’s market and stop eating packaged food from woolworths.