
by Dee McLachlan
Well here we go — all over again. The pattern repeats.
The government rushes — probably under instruction — to a vaccine manufacturer and announces that all will be well… soon. You’ll be allowed out of your homes after you’ve been jabbed. This was reported about Scomo in news.com.au yesterday:
“The Morrison Government today confirmed the landmark agreement with drug giant AstraZeneca to manufacture more than 25 million doses of the promising Oxford University vaccine if it proves safe to use. Mr Morrison subsequently told 3AW that the vaccine, if distributed in Australia, would ‘be as mandatory as you can possibly make it‘.”
The Prime Minister and Health Minister Greg Hunt seem to be hanging our hopes on 10 people? To quote Bloomberg:
“The Phase 1 human trial, which took place between April 23 and May 21, involved 1,077 healthy adults aged 18 to 55 with no history of Covid-19. A control group were given a meningitis vaccine as a placebo and 10 participants received two doses of the shot one month apart. The vaccine caused minor side effects, which could be reduced by taking paracetamol. There were no serious adverse events from the jab.
“10 participants” and “There were no serious adverse events.” (And it is alleged the 10 had accentuated immune levels before the trial.) Do we start laughing now or later?
Also, please describe the not so serious adverse events. And why in the world would paracetamol be required?
You are playing with our live sirs.
Thankfully, the PM’s comments brought out social opposition, as described at the end of this article.
But that aside — this choice seems to be another bungled decision. We find out now that all has not been kosha with this company. As I said, here we go again. The government has identified and chosen a prospective vaccine manufacturer — AstraZeneca — a company that has been previously convicted of improperly influencing and rewarding health care providers to use their products.
In what way might they have “influenced” the Morrison government?
You see, the chosen company has been fined in the past for improper payments of gifts, conference support, travel, cash and other benefits to reward or influence the purchases of AZN pharmaceuticals. They were forced to pay a $4,3 million fine in the US for this improper conduct.
But we know this is just the “cost of doing business” when billions and billions of dollars are to be made.
AstraZeneca Misconduct — 2016
I have just been forwarded this document below by a smart investigative reader and her legal sources. To quote fro the case:
Before the
In the Matter of ASTRAZENECA PLC
…In anticipation of the institution of these proceedings, Respondent has submitted an Offer of Settlement (the “Offer”) which the Commission has determined to accept.
The proceedings arose out of violations of the internal controls and record keeping provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (the “FCPA”) by AstraZeneca and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in China and Russia. It appears aales and marketing staff, along with management designed and authorized several schemes to make improper payments of gifts, conference support, travel, cash and other benefits to health care providers — this to reward or influence their purchases of AZN pharmaceuticals, and falsely recorded these as bona fide business expenses.
These are some of the “FACTS” outlined in the case:
5. From 2007 until 2010, AZ China sales staff made numerous improper payments in cash, gifts and other items to HCPs [health care providers] as incentives to purchase or prescribe AZN pharmaceuticals…
7. In numerous instances, AZ China sales staff submitted, and managerial employees knowingly approved, fake fa piao (tax receipts) for fraudulent reimbursements to generate cash that was used to make improper payments to HCPs.
8. Other methods were also used, such as establishing bank accounts in doctors’
names as part of an improper payment scheme, or engaging a collusive travel vendor who submitted fake or inflated invoices to generate cash that could be used to funnel money to HCPs.
11. In addition, in connection with inquiries by local Chinese government officials in
2008, AZ China employees made payments in cash to the local officials to get reductions or dismissals of proposed financial sanctions against the subsidiary.
12. From at least 2005 until 2010, AZ Russia employees provided improper incentives to government-employed HCPs in connection with sales of AZN pharmaceutical products.
14. Employees at several levels of AZ Russia management directed or condoned their subordinates’ practices of providing improper benefits to government-employed HCPs, which occurred in multiple regions where AZ Russia operates.
Accordingly, it was ordered (pursuant to Section 21C of the Exchange Act) AstraZeneca PLC was to cease and desist from committing these violations, and was ordered to pay $4,325,000 (profits gained as a result of the conduct), interest of $822,000, and a civil money penalty of $375,000 to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The government should have informed us of this. However, it seems the government agenda is understood by many Australians.
Australians Cast Their Vote
Over 83,000 on the news.com.au survey cast their vote.
This is what some people had to say (news.com.au):
“We need a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.5 per cent cure rate, without the vaccine. Let that sink in,” “Don’t order too many … Most people don’t need a vaccine for something that has a 99.96 (per cent) recovery rate and hydroxychloroquine is a much safer alternative,” [And now there’s Ivermectin.]
“No company gives a multi-billion dollar vaccine away for ‘free’,” (Some questioned why the vaccine was “free”. It’s not – the Australian taxpayer will be paying for it.)
“Also the pharma company also apparently states that they are not legally responsible for anything that goes wrong. It’s like playing Russian roulette. No thanks.”
Dee, we hear ScoMo made an “agreement”. Is that a contract?
How many millions are we up for? How can he buy vaccines before Parliament has said there will be a law for mandatory vaccines?
I point again to this week’s ruling in the High Court of New Zealand that action taken re a crime (the stay at home orders) is now retroactively invalid for the one-week period in March 2020 before Parlaiment passed a stay-at-home law.
I want the detals of the “agreement.”
By the way, Shane Dowling at Kangaroo Court of Australia . com has been unrelenting in his coverage of “brown paper bags” handed around under Morrison’s various past portfolios.
The punchline is “as mandatory as you can possibly make it”
Kinda like a pork sausage producer telling the consumer that his fare is “as kosher as you can possibly make it”
Or, perhaps more to the point, a bogus government saying that it’s “as legitimate as you can possibly make it.”
In my view the prize still goes to this production re clarification
A friendly reminder that the situation needs to be addressed dispassionately; that waiting until the wolf’s at the door is a big mistake
Excellent! Thankyou for sharing, berry. This ‘war’ can be won – truth.now is a goldmine!
An extremely interesting conundrum, which calls to mind the over 2,000 murders by the Depatyment of Inhuman Sadism’s Robo-Debt scam. Porter, Tudge, Robert and Ruston are all implicated in capital crimes against our most vulnerable. A Nuremberg Commission is required — and a break away from our royal Privy-Council tyranny – with EXTREME PREJUDICE.
What’s to prevent you starting a Nuremberg-type commission?
Obviously no one’s going to suffer any grievous detriment for want of a luxury car, but mark my word, that’s how the Man of Perdition gets a foot in the door and that’s the most auspicious place to STOP him
Any West Aussies interested, rally tomorrow (Saturday) against compulsory vaccination, 11.00 am
on Common opposite Parliament House.
Hope to see many there.
Cannot wait to hear Fordham, Hardly and Knight at 2gb take on this. Then again, I do not care, nine network has gone inane wiith globalist scare fake phoney crap.
Not just 9, SBS is out of control and now ABC too. Well globalists pay for so many of the ads I guess we have to amuse ourselves by knowing black is actually white, wrong is right, down is up etc. Obama is back reading off his teleprompter, likewise Mrs O., if Biden can keep it together for a couple of months they will be drumming it into us who to vote for until November. I don’t get it, Australians can’t vote in the US. Should someone tell them?
Yes I was thinking the same about Obama stuff. They are in freak out mode right now because they know Trump is going to win and in turn they are all going down for their crimes. They are showing us Aussies this because they hope we might have some influence on American friends and family and also Americans that might live here that can actually vote. I’m fully aware of what their tactics are now. It’s the wise ones that are waking up. It’s the brainwashed that are still asleep
Anonymous, how can you possibly say Trump will arrest Whomever if he wins the presidency.. He has already got the presidency.
Yes ‘anonymous’ , some of the brainwashed are still asleep.
Some think Trump is a certainty to win in November.
I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you.
In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.
By that time we shall be in a position to disregard forms in carrying through matters for which our impersonal puppet will be responsible. What do we care if the ranks of those striving for power should be thinned, if there should arise a deadlock from the impossibility of finding presidents, a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? …
In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the authority of the presidents will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that some blind slave of ours – the majority of the mob. Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.
It is easy to understand them in these conditions the key of the shrine will lie in our hands, and no one outside ourselves will any longer direct the force of legislation.
God defend our free land.
Oh and Scomo says it be free.
Poor fellow has attended to many ‘free lunches’ and believes it is free. Perhaps it is free. Right Scomo, just add it to our tax account. Idiot!
Everyone should rally to have this smug prick jailed for treason?
That would wipe the smirk off his face.
Yes Chris David Walsh – how sweet that would be see ScoMo in solitary at the SuperMax gaol in Goulburn – cell mates with Daniel Andrews.
Well ….. adjacent cell mates (seeing as they’re each in solitary).
Since you published this the NO vote for poll question 2 has gone up by 1%
I haven’t had a chance to vote a resounding NO.
Where do these idiots on taxpayer funds, get off?
They don’t seem to care when they are caught in criminal activity. They just pass a retrospect Bill.
Nothing to see here! Some poor individual gets fined thousands for not wearing a face mask and these idiots continually get off all criminal actions. Prosecutors and Judiciary wake up and earn your massive salaries.
Aussiemal, L.O.L. Who makes these laws/rules in the first place ???? If Australian society has not yet learned, such rules/laws only apply to them, NOT to the folks who made them. They are free to do as they wish, provided it falls within their masters area of influence. They know very well, the moment they exceed those parameters, they are finished. It’s not neccessary for them to answer to the rabble.
It has been reported somewhere.
‘ thou shall know them by the friends they keep’.
Sorry, I have no friends, or even acquaitences with the msm.
Oh, what a relief.😆😆😆😆😆
Fascinating – DDT causing polio to me seems a viable hypothesis.
Create a problem then fix the problem, get paid twice.
And goes on to show what a sham the law is in terms of government and “establishment” power.
This morning on channel 7 Pauline Hanson, Jeff Kennett and Mark Latham all came out as against compulsory vaccination. Latham hasn’t had a shot for 45 years.
Murdoch takes the lead and now channel 7 follows ?
Looks like it’s all over for channel 9, since they sacked Pauline (one of these “slips” like the one they used in the US against Roseanne for talking up Cathy O’Brien)
Channel 9 following the takeover are just doing the promotions for MSM Inc, interspersed with lots of chortling.
Karl can chortle for hours on end. He has a big mortgage and so many bills.
It’s also widely acknowledged that unwarranted tonsillectomies contributed to the polio epidemic
The Polio epidemic, caused by a bacterium which lives only in human poo, was the outcome of poor personal hygienne following WWII and was ended with a massive campaign for hand-washing and the installation of flush toilets and adjacent wash basins. As a kid in school then, I well recall the panic, and the requirement that we kids have long rests in bed, and so on.
The horrific nerve/muscular atrophy was caused by doctors wrapping limbs in plaster. A nursing sister proved that massage therapy restored limbs… which also made doctors realise they were then liable for many withered limbs. Sister Elizabeth Kenny was then imprisoned for five years to protect doctor’s incomes..
And medicos wonder why I have contempt for most doctors.
A good outline of the mendacity of so-called “public safety”: the fact is that we’d all be a lot better off if healthcare was entirely privatised.
berry, you mean like in the U.S. ? Seems to be working a real treat over there, re-mortgaging your home to cover hospital expenses.
The U. S. is, in fact, the very seat of so-called “public health” as borne out by the Gates/Fauci manifesto, not to mention the travesty known as Obamacare.
And the idea that the average Aussie would rather be taxed to the hilt than to put the respective dosh toward his/her personal health priorities ????
I’m Speechless! Unbelievable Mainstream News from Spain – UNREAL!
I clicked on this link (here n the US). “Video Unavailable”
Oops, Cherri, I think it may be that you are quoting the embedded url that spells Youtube as Youtu.be. See f you can watch the video and pull off the url from the browswer. I want to know what Spain did!
Unbelievable, its been pulled down, their getting worried now! GOOD!!!!
OMG I’m Speechless! Unbelievable Mainstream News from Spain – UNREAL!
Germany The COVID 19 Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee Start Conference 03rd July 2020
In dealing with the local doctor, chemist, chiro etc I get the clear feeling they are “over it”
Thanks Cherri, very useful info; I now print your entire quote:
Which Deaths are Reported to the Coroner for investigation? Some examples:
the person died unexpectedly,
the person died from an accident or injury,
the person died in a violent or unnatural way;
the person died during or as a result of an anaesthetic
the person was 'held in care' immediately before death,
a doctor has been unable to sign a death certificate giving the cause of death, or
the identity of the person who has died is not known.
Unexpected death.
Any death can be unexpected. A doctor who has been regularly treating a patient may have an opinion about the cause of death, but if the person’s death was not expected at that time by the treating doctor, it needs to be thoroughly investigated.
Accident or injury.
Even when the cause of death seems clear, the Coroner still needs to find out what happened. For example, a car accident may have been caused by the driver having a heart attack or by a fault in the car. Identifying what contributed to the accident provides important information to families and allows preventative measures to be recommended.
Held in care.
The definition of ‘held in care’ is broad. It includes people in police custody, people in gaol, involuntary patients in psychiatric institutions, and children in juvenile justice centers.
Dee, that’s a cute picture at top of your article of a minster wearing a red bathing cap, but what does it mean?
BRAIN-DRAIN-TRANSFERENCE CAP receiving instructions, that can be transmitted to the brain of the wearer
Does Greg Hunt still have a brain ?
Your comment reminds me of the old pommy picture “The Young Frankenstein”.
None of them have, Im starting to like Clive Palmer
Thats how Trump got elected…
when all other options are well… choosing to be hit over the head with a brick, or a lump of wood..
you say to yourself… well mickey mouse would do a better job than these idiots…
But voting for Palmer.. would just be “Goofy”
The solution to our problems is not by voting in the biggest idiot around. 🙂
lets not be the USA – Trump or Biden… goodness gracious me.
Scummo V Palmer?
actually…. the USA option is probably not so stupid as we are.
Id vote James O’Neill
even if he wasnt running.
Greg Hunt’s bio from Wikipedia. He’s criminal Deep State, through and through. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Hunt
In particular, “Beginning in 1994, Hunt served as a senior adviser to Alexander Downer, during both his periods as Leader of the Opposition (1994 to 1995) and Minister for Foreign Affairs (1995 to 1998). He then worked for McKinsey & Company from 1999 to 2001, and was also Director of Strategy at the World Economic Forum in Geneva from 2000 to 2001.”
Links to Downer, WEF (Event 201) Say no more. Now vaccine kickbacks.
And this, “In February 2016, Hunt was named “Best Minister in the World” by a panel established by Thomson Reuters for the 2016 World Government Summit of Dubai.” Get me a bucket. Quick.
‘Straylya, you’ve been played. We are under the kontrolle of a criminal cartel. Accept this fact.
Hot find, Philsie.
Anybody remember when Paul Keating was voted “Best Treasurer in the World?
Or was it Peter Costello?
Swannie (Wayne Swan) got the nod one year.
Just goes to show how low the bar is.
Dinkum, (Re: your 6.49pm comment from yesterday), why am I not surprised about your vote for James O’Neill ?
Actually, your suggestion that we vote for him irrespective of whether or not he’s on the ballot, has a lot of merit to it.
Dinkum, you and I – birds of a feather.
Is this a way forward?
Send the responsible government persons, notice of conditional acceptance and an affidavit of claimant for them to complete wherein they accept personal liability for any consequences?
Gates’ Vaccine will Create GMO Humans
Pharma has 80 COVID vaccines in development, but Gates & Fauci
pushed Moderna’s “Frankenstein jab” to the front of the line. Scientists
& ethicists are sounding alarms.
A very short video from China via “the guardian” appears to show Wuhan lockdown residents yelling “everything is fake” to a CCP delegate
Chinese were onto it first
The cause of mankind’s enslavement is that nations have allowed Cabalist bankers to create the medium of exchange (currency, credit) in the form of a debt to themselves when free governments could easily create this necessary commodity, debt-free. Success in society now depends on criminality and treason: complicity with this massive fraud and the pernicious agenda it represents.
In 1976, insider Harold Rosenthal revealed that this subversive agenda already extended to every aspect of Western life……………………..”
“……..That is what I mean when I refer to corrupt governments. Any one who sacrifices the interests of the people for the benefit of profit-makers is a traitor. He is the fifth columnist of to-day-the enemy inside our gates.” – Senator Richard Darcey Hansard 12 November 1941
http://www.alor.org/Political Democracy/The> Nation’s Credit Senator Richard Darcey.htm
People should contact their local fake news and their local state and federal politician’s office and tell them they are fake and this is a hoax, I have been doing so lately, it’s easy. Just walk into the local politician’s office and tell the staff your message. LNP seems to be more interested than ALP at the moment.
Fake news contact details
comments@sbs.com.au 1800 500 727
sunrise@seven.com.au (02) 8777 7777
channel 9 (02) 9906 9999
channel 10 (02) 9650 1010
Here we go folks.
The list of traitors to Australia is getting longer & longer. Another one has revealed his traitorous intentions, namely Dr Nick Coatsworth. He has decided that if Australians refuse to be a pin cushion for doctors wanting to wield the Covid vaccine those Australians should lose their normal rights to live in a DEMOCRATIC society. What gives him the right to say how other people should chose to live, providing they are not being a danger to others.
Another, who considers that he has power over others. He is a nobody as far as I am concerned. He has no more right than I to demand the way that others behave. After all I cannot demand that others should give up eating fast food so they don’t become obese, which happens to be far more dangerous to health than any Coronavirus.
You Can Be Jailed If You Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine Says US Attorney
“………………..Meanwhile, a senior managerial executive of the pharmaceutical giant, AstraZeneca has revealed in shocking details that the company could not be on the receiving end of any constitutional motion or face legal action for any possible side effects or unwanted reactions induced by its Covid-19 vaccine. The company has agreements with governments as per which AstraZeneca cannot be held responsible and those affected will have no legal recourse”.
Any West Aussies interested, rally tomorrow (Saturday) against compulsory vaccination, 11.00 am
on Common opposite Parliament House.
Hope to see many there.
Greet Mal. He will be sporting a pink carnation
Primary school becomes first in England to make children’s face masks mandatory
ScoMo and Australia featured in the Ron Paul Liberty Report for all the wrong reasons (watch from 27:15 – 28:50) :
Ron Paul’s co-host Daniel McAdams call ScoMo the ‘Villian of the week’ – and rightly so.
Overseas commentators are mocking the tyranny of lockdowns in various countries that have far higher alleged Covid death rates but are incredulous that Australia should be amongst the most draconian in light of just 400 (alleged) deaths.
I say ‘alleged’ because more than likely, our wise government overlords have adopted international standards of counting many amongst the 400 as people who died WITH Covid, as opposed to having died FROM Covid.
They say history repeats itself, here is an example.
re: certain predictions above about Trump winning or not …
I think the media coverage of child abductions/abuse is ramping up and photos of Bill Clinton getting a massage at Epstein’s place have been aired.
Well, remember last US debates Trump organised women who allege Bill raped them, four were sitting in the front row. He gave the media about one day’s notice this would happen.
So what should we expect in the upcoming debates. Well, I suppose, about one day’s notice.
Jon Rappoport’s latest article titled ‘COVID: The Invention of False Reality, the Hypnotic Persuader’ covers how a range of afflictions are being claimed to be caused by Covid-19 :
He says in the article : “There are many people suffering from traditional conditions like pneumonia, flu-like illness, TB, lung infections—and they are being re-packaged as COVID cases.
Where there are seemingly new and different pockets of disease, you have to look closer at each pocket. In one place, some people might be affected by a recent toxic vaccine campaign. In another place, people might be affected by a new polluting chemical. Some people might be suffering from the effects of 5G rollout.”
The Covid conspirators are trying to push the narrative of : ” ONE PANDEMIC. ONE CAUSE. ONE VIRUS. ONE THREAT. ONE SOLUTION, THE VACCINE.
And it’s wrong, all wrong.”
Engineered Pandemics –Tyranny by Technocracy VIDEO
This is a comprehensive overview of the hidden agendas behind the alleged COVID-19 pandemic.
“Australian Vaccination Network Newsletter: August 21st 2020 | The Morrison Coercion
…………………..“I would expect it to be as mandatory as you can possibly make. There are always exemptions for any vaccine on medical grounds, but that should be the only basis.”
We have been inundated with messages from people who are rightly very concerned about this announcement from the Prime Minister. This is our current suggested action list:
Write to the Prime Minister and express your concerns. https://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm
Write/phone your federal member of parliament and express your concerns. https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ For inspiration here is a letter that has been forwarded to us (the Morrison backflip)
Write in to newspapers, call in to radio stations and have your say.
Talk about your concerns with your family and friends. Make your views known.
If you are online, post comments on posts about the issue, join in with online protests.
If there are rallies or events organised in your area, make sure you attend!
Join your local like-minded group. Contact the AVN and we can put you in touch with your local group leader. If there isn’t a group where you live, start one.
I am having a problem posting and sent out screen shots.
I noticed myberror, the Faine, Frydenberg reference should be 2010, not 1910.
We await word press to strangely explain why previous comment has not appeared but these two have subsequently appeared in a instant.
So I will give it another go.
My point was that it is strange that no shock jokes have deemed to make a comment here at gs notwithstanding the high intellect demonstrated by many objective commentators.
The shock jokes welcome all callers supporting the nine network agenda, but villify and demean alternative views. Hadly at nine network news is a classic with the rest.
As I mentioned the msm seems to have understudied the ABC with Faine, as exemplified by his nutty 911 unscientific official stance by his acceptance of his 911 official tin foil hat 911 conspiracy theory when bullying Kevin Bracken in August 2010.
That was followed by Frydenberg in Parliament the next day.
Just search: ‘ 911 Gillard stupid and wrong’.
For the faine Bracken bullying just seach Anthony Lawsons report under 911 Faine and Bracken.
In short, it would appear that the msm shock joke frauds are gutless. They cannot handle the truth!
Thus, just do not buy in to whatever they advertise ……. we are 99%, they are horse……… .with pine apple brains. ( sorry Ray, you and Deb would know) put up your mits!
As a PS.
If one is cognisant with and able to discern the enemy’s tactics and limited intelligence the battle is much easier.
Believe it or not the most shocking of all, Bolt, Alan Jones, and that misfit Terry Mcrann have all broken ranks and are promoting HCQ, only Piers Ackerman is keeping his head down.
Kennett, Latham and Pauline Hanson are all on the record against compulsory vaccine.
Where are the lefties!!!??? It’s bizarre.
Reading between the noise that Hadly comes out with he is shit scared of Alan Jones and the Sky commentators.
Rightly so, poor Ray, and his nine network controllers, if he had dynamite between his ears it would not blow his ears off.
(Apols Ray Hadly)
wendy’s link above offers this link to sign a VITAL petition – sign and share widely if you value freedom! our polies are ruthless! https://lifepetitions.com/petition/no-to-government-and-corporate-penalties-for-refusing-covid-19-vaccine
As the virus mutates, just like the seasonal ‘flu, this is just the first covid vax. Stop this NOW!
As the virus mutates (evolves), the killer virus will die with its victims and the benign virus will survive. Vaccine dependency is obviously not connected with saving lives or else they would surely be saying use HCQ+zinc in the interim. No, any death is part of a well orchestrated scare campaign.
WATCH: Spanish Doctor Shoots Down Covid19 Myths Front-line doctor attacks media, questions need for vaccine, before interview cut short
Voiceless Victims of the COVID-19 Lockdowns
August 21, 2020 renegade 0 Comments
This woman speaks with righteous anger about the inhumane way we are all being treated by the psychopaths in power, all supposedly for our own safety.
Kevin Rudd had a few problems with building foil contractors electrocuting their apprentices, the LNP was howling about this, they were relentless.
Now Scotty has failed on bushfires and HCQ, where is the outrage? LNP, opposition, mainstream media, all quiet.
Apologies to Andrew Bolt who took a direct shot at Scotty.
Mike Stone- Are You a Useful Idiot?
“In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before
the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve
the working classes…” (Protocols of Zion, 6)
There is no doubt lefties are deluded, but by exactly whom? And if righties are also deluded, that is an even better outcome for the ruling class. So, the “Protocols of ZIon” is quite contentious, described as a hoax, probably written up as minutes of a meeting, written and added to later, with no particular concern for accuracy or balance, and no authority beyond the writer’s own.
People enter into arrangements with banks of their own free will, it’s a gamble, and the bank always makes sure to get its cut, devious as they may be, they appeal to “greed” (or survival). As for the current HCQ suppression orders, I think they come from the general direction of Donald Rumsfeld as the first SARS epidemic also seems to have and of course 9-11/Iraq/Afganistan/7 wars in 5 years/etc came from that crowd.
I think stupid terrorists would be too dumb and most of all unreliable to make two direct hits at the correct altitude on those WTC towers yet we heard many times they went to flight school to learn “only turns”. This official version was hammered into us. Later we heard from multiple sources the Jews had exited the WTC in advance. How can we know if any of this is true. What we do know is that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were running the show. Buildings don’t fall spontaneously into their own footprint without very precise engineering. That much we know for sure.
So Bush 41 & 43 (I would call them part of Nazi 2.0) did it all because they sold out to Zionists? By what mechanism were they so controlled? And as with Tony Blair, who we hear picked up about $50m from somewhere, was it all worth it?
The Protocols
But, what are the facts?
“We rejoice to learn that on May 14, 1935, the Cantonal Court of Berne, Switzerland, openly denounced the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ as forgeries, obvious plagiarism, immoral, and manifestly prepared for the purpose of inciting popular passion against the Jews”. Thus said the “New York Evening Post”, May 14, 1935.
This has been repeated endlessly ever since.
BUT when the Swiss Court of Appeals on Nov. 1, 1937 not only acquitted the principal defendant, Sylvio Schnell, and assessed the entire cost of the trial, 30,000 francs, against the state and reversed the verdict, Jewry kept SILENCE! The decision cited the fact that the Marxist-Judge Meyer had heard not one witness for the defense; had kept no Court record of the proceedings; and detailed other irregularities of the trial.
The defendants had been arrested on complaint of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland on the charge that they had violated Article 14 of the Swiss law against distributing obscene literature, at a public meeting – the Protocols. The Appeals Court ruled that the “experts” for the Jews, C. A. Loosi and Prof. A. Baumgarten, appointed by Judge Meyer, not only were biased on the Jewish question, but, moreover, the authenticity of the Protocols had no bearing on the case since they are of a political nature and do not belong in the category of obscene literature.
The Appeals Court also denounced “the prejudice and gross irregularities” which had been committed in the trial. Not a single one of the 40 witnesses for the defense had been permitted to testify, while all sixteen of the witnesses for the Jewish Community which brought the suit had been heard. . .”
“The proceedings were accordingly carried on solely upon the testimony of the Jewish plaintiffs. And further, although Swiss law demands that in the case of every law suit, shorthand minutes of the proceedings be taken by an official of the court, the Judge did not adhere to this condition, but permitted the Jewish plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep the register of the official proceedings during the hearing of their own witnesses. As, therefore, no legal record of the proceedings was kept, it follows that the whole procedure, and the verdict itself, are both null and void”.
One is tempted to say the same for the pompous “Report of the Senate Committee (Benny Mandel’s) concerning the Protocols”. [END]
Validity of “The Protocols”
A Huge Compendium of Arguments
by Willie Martin
This is How (((Cancer))) Has Spread All Over the World
August 21, 2020 renegade 1 Comment
Jews spread out around the world in the diaspora, but always kept their people unified through their extensive networks and their long-term plan of world conquest.
I am pretty sure they want to elevate Greater Zion to the same status as any “5 eyes” country (relics of the British Empire), I would say the boundaries of the Nile on the west and South Lebanon in the north are minimum, but the entire world is a different thing. The whole banking exercise is in the throes of collapse right now and we could be going Weimar as soon as next year. This could mean the party is over for Rotschild etc and they will have to start over with some of their revenue streams.
If the Zionists had so much power they wouldn’t have stopped with national hero Moshe Dayan in the Sinai a few decades ago.
Doesn’t make sense.
As for the furore over the “Protocols”, just a big mess with the truth somewhere vaguely between the opposing views I would guess.
‘dsw’ still carrying on with the ‘ truth somewhere vaguely between the opposing views I would guess’ nonsense.
Terry, it seems he’s absorbed nothing from your priceless ‘Liars Bargain’ analogy.
Ned, you know how we all though Nemesis was gone ? Well, he might well be back
Either that, or after Nemesis’ abysmal efforts at trying to manipulate the intelligent Gumshoe readers with his disinformation, the Shin Bet have recalled him back to Herzliya in Tel Aviv and sent in his place the new man ‘dsw’.
Save it ‘dsw’. Your Apologist-for-Israel nonsense won’t wash here.
We can see right through you.
‘dsw’ , in relation to your 11.11am ( how 33rd degree mason of you to choose that timing) remark : “Later we heard from multiple sources the Jews had exited the WTC in advance”, let me elaborate on that.
Many Jewish U.S citizens died in the towers that day from what I’ve been led to believe.
However, it was estimated that there were around 4000 Jewish Israeli nationals that either worked in the Twin Towers, the other five buildings that represented the World Trade Centre complex. or in adjacent buildings.
Of these 4000, ONLY ONE died.
Hey, how’s that for luck – just like Larry Silverstein.
You’ll hear other reports saying that three (3) Jewish Israely nationals died that day.
That’s because it is alleged that two others died in the hijacked aircraft that day.
Like for example ex-IDF soldier Daniel Lewin :
Now, here’s a scoop for Gumshoe readers that you won’t hear from the MSM.
I can tell you that, even though Daniel Lewin is alleged in the Wikipedia article to have been a passenger on AA11 which (allegedly) hit the North Tower, he DID NOT DIE WHEN THE PLANE IMPACTED WITH THE NORTH TOWER.
I can tell you that with 100 % certainty.
For all I know, Daniel Lewin may well be alive and well at this very moment living in adjacent condominiums to Jeffrey Epstein in Occupied Palestine as we speak.
I can tell you Lewin did not die when the plane impacted because NO ONE DIED IN EITHER AIRCRAFT THAT IMPACTED THE TWIN TOWERS THAT DAY.
That’s because no one was on either plane.
They were both drones that were remotely guided.
Specifically, the planes were :
Getting back to the main game, I will shortly provide the reason for the statistically unexplainable low fatality rate for Israeli nationals that day ( by comparison, there were approximately 20,000 people in both twin towers that day and around 3000 died , yielding a 15 % fatality rate – back of the envelope approximations people).
Meanwhile, ONE (1) Israeli national died out of 4000 giving a 0.025 % fatality rate.
ie: 25 One-Thousandths of One percent.
OK, a fraction lower (HEY, I’m not saying anything so don’t call me a conspiracy theorist. I agree that there is a chance this could be a coincidence).
So, to quote Julius Sumner Miller : ‘ Why is this so ? ‘.
Look at this article :
The article says that some workers got advance warning from the Hebrew language messenger service Odigo to stay at home that day.
(I forgot to mention, of the 3999 Israeli nationals that survived, the bulk of them were sick that day or were double-booked with the same Dermatologist as Larry Silverstein OR …. had some such plausible reason for not choosing to perish with the dumb goyim that day).
NOW, I’m going to get the usual ‘Zio’s under every rock’ claim thrown at me by the usual people (dsw / bg – assuming they’re actually two distinct entities), but before you do that, bear in mind that I’m not impugning anyone.
Don’t accuse me of sourcing my info from anti-Semite white supremacists or some such.
(That article above is written by a Jewish fellow writing for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz).
So there it is. You readers decide for yourself.
As for me, I’m not saying anything.
I’ll just sit on the fence on this issue and not be judgemental – seeing as it’s inconclusive.
Anyone with half a brain has worked out they were drones
NewsBreak 81: CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training & Simulation Exercise” under WHO
Major documentary confirmation of something many of us have come to know for certain in recent times: the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations, as documented in their Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s annual 2019 report and their International Health Regulations treaty of 2005—which 194/or 196 countries signed off on—which pretty much establishes a Global Government (of the WHO & United Nations, & the high-level international GMPB) along with their sponsors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, & other unnamed donors.
Please share this video widely. People in office have failed their oaths to protect the people, and We the People need to wake up and do something definitive about it. Every government has been complicit in the destruction of their own country’s economy, the vast suffering of their people brought on by these massive shutdowns and house-arrest assaults-on-the-psyche as people lost jobs, livelihood, purpose in life, social life, and were held back from any normalcy in going outdoors, even to sanctuaries in Nature but forced to wear masks in public instead and submit to police tyranny. Meanwhile, small and large businesses have crashed, families have been prevented from seeing their elderly relatives in hospice, many have died alone. Hospitals are cooking up numbers for COVID deaths, MSM plays out strings of new cases and new deaths.
GPMB Statement on the Global Vaccine Summit4 June 2020
The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board calls for a Scaled-Up Global Response to COVID-19: Estimated Costs and Funding Sources
…………An investment of $8bn now is small compared to the costs of inaction.
Acknowledgements: The GPMB would like to thank Professor Gavin Yameyat Duke Universityfor his support and expertise on this piece of work.
[…] Please refer to my article: “Caught Red-handed — Scomo’s Vax Company AstraZeneca Fined $4.3M for Improper Payments to Reward and Influence” […]