Home Corona Celente Has Had Enough and Wants His Freedom Back

Celente Has Had Enough and Wants His Freedom Back


Trend’s Journal Gerald Celente has predicted the future for many years, and he says, “I see the future, and the future is hell on earth. If we don’t unite for freedom, peace and justice, it’s going to be hell on earth.” (20:00)



  1. His intelligence insight and courage is not present in a single Australian politician, fake opinion writer or shock joke thick mindless BS artist.
    I note in the latest x22 report that Pepsi shelves are emptying in some stores in the us due the objection to voter ID in Georgia by poke a cola. It can stay on the shelves.
    Well we are 99% and the public have a greater roar than the corporate globalists.
    So get up and roar like Celente.
    We will not take it anymore. Note how Turnbull was dumped…….. AGAIN!

    • It shows how the corporations interfere with open and fair voting. What right has any corporation to tell politicians what to legislate in regard to elections? Supposedly, corporations have no vote or voting power. The members of those corporations have their chance to voice their political opinion via the ballot box the same as every other rightful person. The corporation is not entitled to a vote. Stay out of it! Keep your lobbyist out of it.

      • Aussiemal

        Until this is changed as the political parliamentarians are all in sedition, treason, misprision and treachery in addition to the many treaties and agreements without any Peoples referendum or a Recall system.. They have been breaking the Commonwealth laws law for decades…The evil freemasons are traitors as they give an Blood oath to foreign powers/s


        Albert Langer fights democracy http://magnacarta.moadoph.gov.au/story/albert-langer/

        The title should be AL fights for democracy! The electorate should be able to stop where we choose not where the AEC or political parties say! That is not only un-democratic it is anti-democratic!

    • Craig Kelly Ned. Don’t forget Craig Kelly.

      Craig Kelly MP
      · 19h

      I’ll be moving a Private Members Motion & Private Members Bill that mirrors Executive Order No.21-81 signed by the Governor of Florida to prohibit ‘Vaccine Passports’ here like they do in Florida https://

      • Indeed not, if you have his address, send this article to him.
        Others on the road are Jones, Bolt, Credablelin.
        My test of integrity is whether they will expose 911 and other false flags……. a murder or two too far for all of them.

    • https://secure.anedot.com/thomasmoresociety/

      Will you stand with pro-life citizen journalist David Daleiden?

      David is fighting tooth and nail against Kamala Harris, Xavier Becerra, and Planned Parenthood to protect the rights of pro-life advocates and save unborn babies.

      David could stand trial before a San Francisco jury on up to nine felony charges for exposing Planned Parenthood for harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts.

      That’s just one legal battle we’re defending David in! This young man has been sued or prosecuted six times for his life-saving work — and his legal defense will cost us $6 MILLION.

      Please make an emergency tax-deductible donation to help defend David and other pro-lifers.

      Thank you in advance for your support!


      Email Tom Brejcha

      You may remember David as the undercover journalist who spent 30 months investigating and capturing video evidence of Planned Parenthood ‘s top leadership — medical directors, national program directors, even its Senior Director of Medical Services –­ callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts.

      And now, he’s been charged with nine bogus felonies.

      Which is why I’m asking you to make an emergency donation to the DAVID DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND right away.

      You see, after David released the shocking videos of the illegal and disgusting actions of abortion executives, Kamala Harris, then California’s Attorney General, colluded with Planned Parenthood to file felony charges against David…

      … Kamala Harris even ordered the California Department of Justice to raid David’s home and confiscate his unpublished videos.
      You may remember David as the undercover journalist who spent 30 months investigating and capturing video evidence of Planned Parenthood ‘s top leadership — medical directors, national program directors, even its Senior Director of Medical Services –­ callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts.

      And now, he’s been charged with nine bogus felonies.

      Which is why I’m asking you to make an emergency donation to the DAVID DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND right away.

      • Last report I noted from ABC is up to 80,000 abortions in Australia, early 2000 report.
        Some at least would be for ‘convenience’.
        Oh well, they do not have the opportunity to be ‘saved’ from covid with a injection like the rest of us.

        • A note of comfort and reassurance… by the third abortion, your chance of doing a successful pregnancy is about 10%. Considering your husband/bloke/ local fuck has average fertility ie 10%, your chances are almost zero.

          The price of screwing with nature.

          Ergo, feminists will die out LOL

          • Homosexual men have an even lower rate but they just seem to be proliferating – something which has always mystified me,,, but it may be connected to feminism or at least domestic violence in childhood. I have known 2 gay Irish and they both had about 5 sisters, I knew one gay German and his big sister was s shocker

  2. In the news today — AUSTRALIA

    Astrazeneca and blood clots “AT THIS POINT EXPERTS BELIEVE THE LINK IS REAL”

      • About 28:00 on cytokine storm “70% of us are allergic to polyethylene glycol (anti-freeze) and they are putting that in to stop freezing” rough quote

        Also says Fauci takes lots of vitamin D as they do in Scandinavia (govt mandate) but Fauci doesn’t promote it

    • The other day I picked up a brochure which appeared on the door of the local masonic hall, I hadn’t noticed them distributing brochures before, one line says “Masonic secrets became a way of talking about inner spiritual development”. Interesting how all these opposing perspectives arise. (Don’t ask me what’s going on, I have a suspicious mind)

  3. The question is Are we wiling to risk our freedom to fight for them? So far it looks like the answer is NO! There are only a few speaking out and on the front lines for the rest of this country…Sad

  4. In July of 2020, a nonprofit watchdog group called the U.S. Right to Know Foundation — which describes its mission as exposing “corporate wrongdoing and government failures that threaten the integrity of our food system, our environment, and our health” —
    Later in the year, the Foundation began publishing the results of those document requests. These included reports of unsafe conditions at biolabs in Fort Collins, Colorado, as well as emails connected with the EcoHealth Alliance,

    As a nonprofit, USRTK isn’t terribly click-conscious, and director Gary Ruskin wasn’t aware initially that its traffic went off a cliff in December, 2020, dropping nearly 60% overnight:


  5. You have to love Celente’s passion – if you aren’t stirred to action, you are lost.
    It is sad that many family and friends are intentionally oblivious, or even deny any relevance, to us here in Australia about what is going on in the US, as gutsy Americans like Celente scream from the rooftops.
    A brief look at history will show how often Australia has followed in America’s footsteps, yet Aussies are blind & deaf when it comes to giving up our freedoms. The level of stupidity astounds me. This must be one of the first occasions where we are ahead of America, leading the charge to slavery and suppression.
    Thank God for people like Gerald Celente!
    Towards the end, Celente mentions that we don’t need new laws –
    ABC today: “the federal government will amend the Sex Discrimination Act to include politicians and judges, who have previously been exempt from the laws.”
    Who’d have known? Why would these particular groups have ever been exempt? It seems they have quite literally been ‘above the law’. WOW!

  6. I like Celente. He says this is war. Now, who said this earler? Oh yeah,. me.

    This is a fight to the death, kids. Grasp this and think up a good survival strategy.

    You need an excape route.
    You need a secret food supply.
    You need a gun.
    You need at least three addresses, two of these official.
    You need a good disguise.
    You need a place in the wilderness where you can hide for a couple of years. And in this hideaway you need drinking water, access to fish. Unless you are a whiz, better have a good drag net.

    That’s for a start.

    • Yes Tony, – For a start –
      Folks start thinking about supplying basic needs to you and yours – health, food, warmth, night light, cooking, rain and wind protection, injury, sting, bite, sunstroke emergency etc in a ‘camping’ situation.
      START NOW and learn how to use and supply that gun tony recommends. It may save your arse bigtime.

    • Well it is certainly what the politicians and fake mass media want, so it must be good and will make us safe,……. otherwise they would not be injecting us and fixing our broken DNA…….WOULD THEY?

      • You have a bullseye on marketing there, if our DNA was fixed we wouldn’t need all those implants and cosmetic surgery, all our hair would grow in the right places, our skin would be perfect, we would have better legs or booty, bigger muscles, enter Dr Frankenstein

        • ps. x22 says ALL swing states have now changed their election laws, if you tune in around 50:00 (episode 2447) and they are trying to audit elections … 500 offences against 43 defendants mostly involving mail-in voting.
          Big $#!%fight in Arizona with Soros etc fighting against audits

          • Heaps more at report 2448 on the voter fraud etc.
            Love the short clip when the full restaurant patrons in unison, yells get out, get out very loudly and repeatedly. Yep the 4 coppers idled out with their truncheons up their…..
            Mary would say, “now that’s Action”.

  7. In a sane world, a vermin like Gates would be recognised by children for what he is. Unfortunately, in this reality, adults see him as special and clever. Such are our times, where everything is inverted and perverted in worshiping Luciferase ID 060606. To think, not one person on the screens in Oz has the balls to say the emperor is naked. The only thing computers have done is make us infinitely more stupid. Slavemasonry is occult entrenched here.
    Resist, if not now, tomorrow will be far too late.

  8. I have skills that took a lifetime to hone. Instead of passing crafted knowledge to youth, as was my experience, am discarded and viewed as a loser. The bloodsuckers, have become the main players without even playing or paying, are celebrated as winners and with total ignorance and damnation are leading innocents hellbent. Teach a man to fish, feed a family. Teach perversions and profanities, the world lost in a few generations, in the blink of an eye. Assembling kits made by robots is not how He intended it.

    • We’re not allowed to go to Asia anymore so we can’t see free enterprise at work, we are only allowed to see centrally controlled communist over-governance. We can’t have vibrant communities that function, because we have central control dictating even if we want to do something so simple as sit out the front of the house and try to sell something. If you want to start a kitchen there is every kind of tax and regulation but if you are a big junk-food chain it’s all ok, go right ahead. In Thailand if a farmer has too much produce they just put it in a truck and go around the streets selling it, here that wouldn’t be allowed. Here we have to stay in our cubicle and eat from packets heated up in the microwave. It’s the safety we have demanded being delivered by central control. They have created a new mentality, you are regimented, you are not allowed to do anything. The mentality has become entrenched. Now the people have become the enforcers, like small dogs, they bark if anything ever happens. So you take refuge in microwave oven and TV. Your apple/android assistant appliance talks to you, and tells you what you should know, and directs you away from bad thoughts.

  9. At the risk of sounding trite…………..

    “Adversity Is the Fuel of Greatness
    Here are 7 key ways to reframe adversity as a close friend rather than a fierce enemy.
    1. Build Character—Overcoming adversity is character building. It shapes us into who we are and who we will become. It creates the confidence to overcome and the learning mechanisms to deal with the things that don’t go our way.
    2. Create Resilience—Learning to deal with and address adversity is what creates resilience. Every challenge we face and navigate strengthens our will, confidence, and our ability to conquer future obstacles.
    3. Learn from Discomfort—Regardless how sharp, clever or talented we are, we will encounter struggles, challenges, difficulties, and at times, heart-wrenching moments. Is this to be avoided? adversity resounding, NO!. In times of adversity, we learn the most from the discomfort and rethink what’s required to be successful.
    4. Draw Out Our True Strengths—Adversity has the effect of drawing out our strengths and qualities that would have laid dormant without it.
    5. Accept It—Accept that adversity is inevitable …it is a part of life. To avoid it or resist it will only make it come back in bigger ways. Better yet see it and embrace it as a true gift on the road to getting better.
    6. Build External Resources….Adversity helps us find a buddy. You will be surprised how often someone will have had a similar experience and can help guide you through a difficult time.
    7. We Succeed Because of It—Make no mistake. We don’t succeed in spite of our challenges, we succeed because of them!

    There is something powerful about adversity that has the ability to imprint in our memory, shaping our character, and molding our behavior for the future.”

    • William Shakespeare, 3 Henry VI (1590-91):

      Why, love forswore me in my mother’s womb;
      And for I should not deal in her soft laws,
      She did corrupt frail nature with some bribe,
      To shrink mine arm up like a wither’d shrub,
      To make an envious mountain on my back,
      Where sits deformity to mock my body;
      To shape my legs of an unequal size,
      To disproportion me in every part,
      Like to a chaos, or an unlick’d bear-whelp
      That carries no impression like the dam.
      And am I then a man to be belov’d?
      O monstrous fault, to harbor such a thought!

      Then since this earth affords no joy to me
      But to command, to check, to o’erbear such
      As are of better person than myself,
      I’ll make my heaven to dream upon the crown,
      And whiles I live, t’ account this world but hell,
      Until my misshap’d trunk that bears this head
      Be round impaled with a glorious crown. (3.2.153-71)

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